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Python logging_pyh.getLogger函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Modules.Computer.logging_pyh.getLogger函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python getLogger函数的具体用法?Python getLogger怎么用?Python getLogger使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Xml

@summary:   Handle the location information for a house.

There is location information for the house.  This is for calculating the
time of sunrise and sunset.  Additional calculations may be added such
moon rise, tides, etc.

#  Import system type stuff
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

#  Import PyMh files
from Modules.Core.data_objects import LocationData, RiseSetData
from Modules.Core.Utilities.xml_tools import PutGetXML
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Location       ')

class Xml(object):
    """Use the internal data to read / write an updated XML config file.

    def read_location_xml(p_pyhouse_obj):
        @param p_house_xml: is the config file xml for a house.
        l_obj = LocationData()
        l_obj.RiseSet = RiseSetData()
        p_pyhouse_obj.House.Location = l_obj

示例2: Utility


__updated__ = '2017-03-26'

#  Import system type stuff
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

#  Import PyHouse files
from Modules.Core.data_objects import ButtonData
from Modules.Families.family_utils import FamUtil
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logging
from Modules.Core.Utilities.device_tools import XML as deviceXML
# from Modules.Core.Utilities.xml_tools import PutGetXML, XmlConfigTools

LOG = Logging.getLogger('PyHouse.LightingButton ')

""" Data


class Utility(object):

    def _read_base_device(p_pyhouse_obj, p_xml):
        @param p_xml: is the XML Element for the entire device

示例3: LoadXml

__updated__ = '2018-10-17'
__version_info__ = (18, 10, 1)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))

# Import system type stuff
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Housing.Entertainment.entertainment_data import \
        EntertainmentData, \
        EntertainmentPluginData, \
from Modules.Core.Utilities.xml_tools import XmlConfigTools  # , PutGetXML
# from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.EntertainXML   ')

class XML:

    def LoadXml(self, p_pyhouse_obj):
        """ Read the entertainment section.
        Everything present in the XML must be read into the pyhouse_obj structure.

        SubSections not active will not be loaded or instantiated.

        If a subsection is available, load its module and let it read the xml for itself.

        @return: the Entertainment object of PyHouse_obj

示例4: NodeMessage

@date:       Created on Apr 27, 2016
@licencse:   MIT License
@summary:    Sync the nodes between all nodes.


__updated__ = '2018-07-14'

#  Import system type stuff
import datetime

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Core.data_objects import NodeData
from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.NodeSync       ')

TOPIC = 'computer/node/'

class NodeMessage():

class Util(object):

示例5: gen_ts

from Modules.Core.Utilities.convert import long_to_str

__updated__ = '2018-02-10'

# Import system type stuff
import jsonpickle
from queue import Queue
import time
from twisted.web.client import Agent
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol

# Import PyMh files
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Hue_Hub        ')

mac = [ '00', '17', '88', '10', '22', '01' ]
uid = '2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-%s' % ''.join(mac)
icon = 'hue.png'
description_xml = 'description.xml'
lights = []
username = "83b7780291a6ceffbe0bd049104df"
devicetype = "something"
portalservices = False

def gen_ts():
    return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')

示例6: Utility

@contact:   [email protected]
@copyright: (c) 2017-2018 by D. Brian Kimmel
@note:      Created on Jan 9, 2017
@license:   MIT License


__updated__ = '2018-03-26'

# Import system type stuff
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Communication  ')

class Utility(object):

    def read_xml(self, p_pyhouse_obj):
        """Read all the information.
        self.m_count = 0
        l_dict = {}
            _l_xml = p_pyhouse_obj.Xml.XmlRoot.find('ComputerDivision').find('CommunicationSection')
        except AttributeError as e_err:
            LOG.error('ERROR in read_xml() - {}'.format(e_err))
        return l_dict

示例7: Xml

Reading the interface stuffs the interface XML data into the controller object.

# Import system type stuff

# Import PyMh files
from Modules.Drivers.Ethernet.Ethernet_xml import XML as ethernetXML
from Modules.Drivers.Null.Null_xml import XML as nullXML
from Modules.Drivers.Serial.Serial_xml import XML as serialXML
from Modules.Drivers.USB.USB_xml import XML as usbXML
from Modules.Core.Utilities.xml_tools import stuff_new_attrs
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logging
# from Modules.Drivers import VALID_INTERFACES
# from Modules.Drivers import VALID_PROTOCOLS

LOG = Logging.getLogger('PyHouse.Interface      ')

class Xml(object):
    """Read and write the interface information based in the interface type.

    def read_interface_xml(p_controller_obj, p_controller_xml):
        """Update the controller object by extracting the passed in XML.

        This is basically a dispatcher.

        @param p_controller_obj: This is the object we are going to stuff the interface info into.
        if p_controller_obj.InterfaceType == 'Ethernet':

示例8: MqttActions

__updated__ = '2018-07-16'

# Import system type stuff
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# Import PyMh files
from Modules.Core.data_objects import UuidData, GarageDoorData, MotionSensorData, SecurityData
from Modules.Families.family_utils import FamUtil
from Modules.Housing.Security.pi_camera import API as cameraApi
from Modules.Core.Utilities.device_tools import XML as deviceXML
from Modules.Core.Utilities.uuid_tools import Uuid as UtilUuid
from Modules.Core.Utilities.xml_tools import PutGetXML
from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Security       ')

# LOCATION = House.Security

class MqttActions(object):

    def __init__(self, p_pyhouse_obj):
        self.m_pyhouse_obj = p_pyhouse_obj

    def _get_field(self, p_message, p_field):
            l_ret = p_message[p_field]
        except KeyError:

示例9: ConfigMenuElement



__updated__ = '2017-01-20'

# Import system type stuff
import os
from nevow import loaders
from nevow import athena

# Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.webCfgMenu  ')

# Handy helper for finding external resources nearby.
webpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
templatepath = os.path.join(webpath, 'template')

class ConfigMenuElement(athena.LiveElement):
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(os.path.join(templatepath, 'configMenuElement.html'))
    jsClass = u'configMenu.ConfigMenuWidget'

    def __init__(self, p_workspace_obj, p_params):
        self.m_workspace_obj = p_workspace_obj
        self.m_pyhouse_obj = p_workspace_obj.m_pyhouse_obj

示例10: State

@contact:   [email protected]
@copyright: (c) 2018-2018 by D. Brian Kimmel
@license:   MIT License
@note:      Created Jul 23, 2018


__updated__ = '2018-07-23'

#  Import system type stuff

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.State          ')

class State(object):
    UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
    OCCUPIED = 'occupied'
    VACANT = 'vacant'
    ON = 'on'
    OFF = 'off'
    MOTION = 'motion'
    STILL = 'still'
    OPEN = 'open'
    CLOSED = 'closed'

# ## END DBK


# Import system type stuff
    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO

import subprocess
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime
# from PIL import Image

# Import PyMh files
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logger
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.SecurityCamera ')

FRAME_INTERVAL = 1000  # mili-seconds

forceCapture = True
forceCaptureTime = 60 * 60  # Once an hour

# File settings
saveWidth = 1280
saveHeight = 960
diskSpaceToReserve = 400 * 1024 * 1024  # Keep 400 mb free on disk

示例12: Xml

@note:      Created on Jun 29, 2015


__updated__ = '2018-02-13'

# Import system type stuff
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# Import PyMh files
from Modules.Housing.Pool.pool_data import PoolData
from Modules.Core.Utilities.xml_tools import PutGetXML, XmlConfigTools
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logger

LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.Pool           ')

class Xml(object):

    def _read_base(p_pool_element):
        l_pool_obj = PoolData()
        XmlConfigTools.read_base_UUID_object_xml(l_pool_obj, p_pool_element)
        return l_pool_obj

    def _write_base(p_obj):
        l_entry = XmlConfigTools.write_base_UUID_object_xml('Pool', p_obj)
        return l_entry

示例13: Xml


__updated__ = '2018-01-27'

#  Import system type stuff
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

#  Import PyMh files and modules.
from Modules.Computer import logging_pyh as Logger
from Modules.Core.data_objects import LoginData, WebData
from Modules.Core.Utilities.uuid_tools import Uuid
from Modules.Core.Utilities.xml_tools import PutGetXML, XmlConfigTools
LOG = Logger.getLogger('PyHouse.WebXml         ')

class Xml(object):

    def _read_ports(p_xml):
        @param p_xml: is the web section
        @return: the Port Number
        l_port = PutGetXML.get_int_from_xml(p_xml, 'WebPort', 8580)
        l_secure = PutGetXML.get_int_from_xml(p_xml, 'SecurePort', 8580)
        l_socket = PutGetXML.get_int_from_xml(p_xml, 'SocketPort', 8580)
