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Python HTMLExporter.from_notebook_node方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter.from_notebook_node方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python HTMLExporter.from_notebook_node方法的具体用法?Python HTMLExporter.from_notebook_node怎么用?Python HTMLExporter.from_notebook_node使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter的用法示例。


示例1: nb2html

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
def nb2html(nb):
    Cribbed from nbviewer
    config = Config()
    config.HTMLExporter.template_file = 'basic'
    config.NbconvertApp.fileext = "html"
    config.CSSHtmlHeaderTransformer.enabled = False

    C = HTMLExporter(config=config)
    return C.from_notebook_node(nb)[0]

示例2: compile_html_string

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
 def compile_html_string(self, source, is_two_file=True):
     """Export notebooks as HTML strings."""
     if flag is None:
         req_missing(['ipython[notebook]>=2.0.0'], 'build this site (compile ipynb)')
     HTMLExporter.default_template = 'basic'
     c = Config(self.site.config['IPYNB_CONFIG'])
     exportHtml = HTMLExporter(config=c)
     with io.open(source, "r", encoding="utf8") as in_file:
         nb_json = nbformat.read(in_file, current_nbformat)
     (body, resources) = exportHtml.from_notebook_node(nb_json)
     return body

示例3: compile_html

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
 def compile_html(self, source, dest, is_two_file=True):
     if flag is None:
         req_missing(['ipython[notebook]>=2.0.0'], 'build this site (compile ipynb)')
     HTMLExporter.default_template = 'basic'
     c = Config(self.site.config['IPYNB_CONFIG'])
     exportHtml = HTMLExporter(config=c)
     with io.open(dest, "w+", encoding="utf8") as out_file:
         with io.open(source, "r", encoding="utf8") as in_file:
             nb_json = nbformat.read(in_file, current_nbformat)
         (body, resources) = exportHtml.from_notebook_node(nb_json)

示例4: compile_html

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
 def compile_html(self, source, dest, is_two_file=True):
     if flag is None:
         raise Exception('To build this site, you need '
                         'to install IPython 1.0.')
     HTMLExporter.default_template = 'basic'
     exportHtml = HTMLExporter()
     with codecs.open(dest, "w+", "utf8") as out_file:
         with codecs.open(source, "r", "utf8") as in_file:
             nb = in_file.read()
             nb_json = nbformat.reads_json(nb)
         (body, resources) = exportHtml.from_notebook_node(nb_json)

示例5: main

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
def main(ipynb):
    print("running %s" % ipynb)
    with io.open(ipynb, encoding='utf8') as f:
        nb = read(f, NO_CONVERT)
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(ipynb)

    exportHtml = HTMLExporter()
    (body, resources) = exportHtml.from_notebook_node(nb)

    outfile = ipynb + ".html"
    open(outfile, 'w').write(encode_utf8(body))
    print("wrote %s" % outfile)

示例6: main

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
def main(app):
    static_dir = os.path.join(app.builder.srcdir, '_static')
    target_dir = os.path.join(app.builder.srcdir, 'notebooks')
    source_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.builder.srcdir,
                                              '..', 'notebooks'))

    rendered_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, 'rendered')

    if not os.path.exists(static_dir):

    if not os.path.exists(target_dir):

    if not os.path.exists(rendered_dir):

    nbroots = []
    nbtitles = []
    exporter = HTMLExporter(template_file='full')

    for nb_src in glob.glob(os.path.join(source_dir, '*.ipynb')):
        print("converting notebook {0}".format(nb_src))
        basedir, nbname = os.path.split(nb_src)
        nb_dest = os.path.join(target_dir, nbname)
        shutil.copyfile(nb_src, nb_dest)

        with open(nb_dest, 'r') as f:
            nb_json = nbformat.reads_json(f.read())

        (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb_json)

        root, ext = os.path.splitext(nbname)
        nb_html_dest = os.path.join(rendered_dir, root + '.html')
        with open(nb_html_dest, 'w') as f:

        nbtitles.append(get_notebook_title(nb_json, root))

    for nbroot, nbtitle in zip(nbroots, nbtitles):
        with open(os.path.join(target_dir, nbroot + '.rst'), 'w') as f:
            f.write(RST_TEMPLATE.render(title=nbtitle, nbroot=nbroot))

    with open(os.path.join(target_dir, 'index.rst'), 'w') as f:

示例7: render

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
    def render(self):
            with open(self.file_path, 'r') as file_pointer:
                notebook = nbformat.reads(file_pointer.read(), as_version=4)
        except ValueError:
            raise exceptions.InvalidFormat('Could not read ipython notebook file.')

        exporter = HTMLExporter(config=Config({
            'HTMLExporter': {
                'template_file': 'basic',
            'CSSHtmlHeaderTransformer': {
                'enabled': False,
        (body, _) = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        return self.TEMPLATE.render(base=self.assets_url, body=body)

示例8: nb_to_html

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
def nb_to_html(nb, template_file = 'basic'):
    """ Convert notebook `nb` to html, using template `template_file`

    nb : notebook object
    template_file : str, optional
        template to use for notebook conversion

    html : str
        html output
    resources : ResourcesDict
    config = Config()
    config.HTMLExporter.template_file = template_file
    config.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer.enabled = False
    exporter = HTMLExporter(config=config)
    return exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

示例9: main

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
def main():
    Render STDIN as a notebook.

    exporter = HTMLExporter()
    json_as_string = sys.stdin.read().decode("utf-8")

        notebook_node = reads_json(json_as_string)
    except Exception:
        logging.exception("Unable to parse JSON.")
    html, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook_node)
    sys.stderr.write("JSON was {:,} byte(s); html is {:,} byte(s).\n".format(
        len(json_as_string), len(html)

示例10: get

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
    def get(self, user, filename):
        ## filename can have a path on it
        next = "/hub/%s/public/%s" % (user, filename)
        filesystem_path = "/home/%s/Public/%s" % (user, filename)
        if os.path.isfile(filesystem_path): # download, raw, or view notebook
            command = "view"
            if len(self.get_arguments("view")) > 0:
                command = "view"
            elif len(self.get_arguments("download")) > 0:
                command = "download" 
            elif len(self.get_arguments("copy")) > 0:
                command = "copy" 
            elif len(self.get_arguments("pdf")) > 0:
                command = "pdf" 
            elif len(self.get_arguments("raw")) > 0:
                command = "raw" 
            # else:  view
            if filename.endswith(".ipynb"):
                if command in ["view", "pdf"]:
                    # first, make a notebook html:
                    #with open("/home/%s/Public/%s" % (user, filename)) as fp:
                    #    notebook_content = fp.read()
                    if command == "view":
                        exporter = HTMLExporter(template_file='full')
                        exporter = PDFExporter(latex_count=1)
                    nb_json = nbformat.read("/home/%s/Public/%s" % (user, filename), as_version=4)
                    #if command == "pdf":
                    #    # If pdf, remove heading numbering:
                    #    for cell in nb_json["worksheets"][0]["cells"]:
                    #        if cell["cell_type"] == "heading":
                    #            cell["source"] = re.sub("^([0-9]+\.?)+\s", "", cell["source"])
                    # where to get css, images?
                    if command == "pdf":
                        self.set_header('Content-Type', "application/pdf")
                        base_filename = os.path.basename(filename)
                        self.set_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % base_filename)
                    else: # render as HTML
                        # add header/footer:
                        path = "/hub/%s/public" % user
                        parts = [(path, path)]
                        for part in filename.split("/")[:-1]:
                            path += "/" + part
                            parts.append((path, part))
                        breadcrumbs = " / ".join(map(lambda pair: '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>' % pair, parts))
                        env = {
                            "breadcrumbs": breadcrumbs,
                            "url": path + "/" + filename + "?download"
                        cell = new_markdown_cell(source="""
<table width="100%" style="border: none;">
<tr style="border: none;">
  <td style="border: none;" width="100px">
    <img src="https://serendip.brynmawr.edu/oneworld/files/styles/thumbnail/public/pictures/SerendipStudioAvatar.png?itok=48Z_omRv"/> 
  <td style="border: none;" width="50%">
    <h2><a href="https://serendip.brynmawr.edu/oneworld/tides/explore">TIDES: Teaching to Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM</a></h2>
  <td style="border: none;">
        <a href="http://jupyter.physics.brynmawr.edu/hub/dblank/public/Jupyter%20Help.ipynb" title="Help">
            <span class='fa fa-info-circle fa-2x menu-icon'></span>
            <span class='menu-text'>Help</span>
  <td style="border: none;">
        <a href="{url}" title="Download Notebook" download>
            <span class='fa fa-download fa-2x menu-icon'></span>
            <span class='menu-text'>Download Notebook</span>
<tr style="border: none;">
  <td colspan="4" style="border: none;">
      <b>Public notebooks:</b> {breadcrumbs}
<hr style="background-color: #534f9a; height: 5px; border: 0; ">
                        nb_json["cells"].insert(0, cell)
                    (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb_json)
                elif command == "download": # download notebook json
                    self.download(user, filename, "text/plain")
                elif command == "copy": # copy notebook json, if logged in
                    if self.get_current_user_name():
                        self.copy_file(user, filename, self.get_current_user_name())
                        self.write("Please <a href=\"/hub/login?next=%s\">login</a> to allow copy." % next)
                else: # raw, just get file contents
                    with open("/home/%s/Public/%s" % (user, filename), "rb") as fp:
            else: # some other kind of file
                # FIXME: how to get all of custom stuff?
                if command == "copy":
                    if self.get_current_user_name():
                        self.copy_file(user, filename, self.get_current_user_name())
                        self.write("Please <a href=\"/hub/login?next=%s\">login</a> to allow copy." % next)

示例11: notebook

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
def notebook(preprocessor, tag, markup):
    match = FORMAT.search(markup)
    if match:
        argdict = match.groupdict()
        src = argdict['src']
        start = argdict['start']
        end = argdict['end']
        raise ValueError("Error processing input, "
                         "expected syntax: {0}".format(SYNTAX))

    if start:
        start = int(start)
        start = 0

    if end:
        end = int(end)
        end = None

    settings = preprocessor.configs.config['settings']
    nb_dir =  settings.get('NOTEBOOK_DIR', 'notebooks')
    nb_path = os.path.join('content', nb_dir, src)

    if not os.path.exists(nb_path):
        raise ValueError("File {0} could not be found".format(nb_path))

    # Create the custom notebook converter
    c = Config({'CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer':
                    {'enabled':True, 'highlight_class':'.highlight-ipynb'},
                    {'enabled':True, 'start':start, 'end':end}})

    exporter = HTMLExporter(config=c,
                            filters={'highlight2html': custom_highlighter},

    # read and parse the notebook
    with open(nb_path) as f:
        nb_text = f.read()
    nb_json = nbformat.reads_json(nb_text)
    (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb_json)

    # if we haven't already saved the header, save it here.
    if not notebook.header_saved:
        print ("\n ** Writing styles to _nb_header.html: "
               "this should be included in the theme. **\n")

        header = '\n'.join(CSS_WRAPPER.format(css_line)
                           for css_line in resources['inlining']['css'])
        header += JS_INCLUDE

        with open('_nb_header.html', 'w') as f:
        notebook.header_saved = True

    # this will stash special characters so that they won't be transformed
    # by subsequent processes.
    body = preprocessor.configs.htmlStash.store(body, safe=True)
    return body

示例12: notebook

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
def notebook(preprocessor, tag, markup):
    match = FORMAT.search(markup)
    if match:
        argdict = match.groupdict()
        src = argdict['src']
        start = argdict['start']
        end = argdict['end']
        language = argdict['language']
        raise ValueError("Error processing input, "
                         "expected syntax: {0}".format(SYNTAX))

    if start:
        start = int(start)
        start = 0

    if end:
        end = int(end)
        end = None

    language_applied_highlighter = partial(custom_highlighter, language=language)

    nb_dir =  preprocessor.configs.getConfig('NOTEBOOK_DIR')
    nb_path = os.path.join('content', nb_dir, src)

    if not os.path.exists(nb_path):
        raise ValueError("File {0} could not be found".format(nb_path))

    # Create the custom notebook converter
    c = Config({'CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer':
                    {'enabled':True, 'highlight_class':'.highlight-ipynb'},
                    {'enabled':True, 'start':start, 'end':end}})

    template_file = 'basic'
    if IPYTHON_VERSION >= 3:
        if os.path.exists('pelicanhtml_3.tpl'):
            template_file = 'pelicanhtml_3'
    elif IPYTHON_VERSION == 2:
        if os.path.exists('pelicanhtml_2.tpl'):
            template_file = 'pelicanhtml_2'
        if os.path.exists('pelicanhtml_1.tpl'):
            template_file = 'pelicanhtml_1'

    if IPYTHON_VERSION >= 2:
        subcell_kwarg = dict(preprocessors=[SubCell])
        subcell_kwarg = dict(transformers=[SubCell])

    exporter = HTMLExporter(config=c,
                            filters={'highlight2html': language_applied_highlighter},

    # read and parse the notebook
    with open(nb_path) as f:
        nb_text = f.read()
        if IPYTHON_VERSION < 3:
            nb_json = IPython.nbformat.current.reads_json(nb_text)
            nb_json = IPython.nbformat.reads(nb_text, as_version=4)

    (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb_json)

    # if we haven't already saved the header, save it here.
    if not notebook.header_saved:
        print ("\n ** Writing styles to _nb_header.html: "
               "this should be included in the theme. **\n")

        header = '\n'.join(CSS_WRAPPER.format(css_line)
                           for css_line in resources['inlining']['css'])
        header += JS_INCLUDE

        with open('_nb_header.html', 'w') as f:
        notebook.header_saved = True

    # this will stash special characters so that they won't be transformed
    # by subsequent processes.
    body = preprocessor.configs.htmlStash.store(body, safe=True)
    return body

示例13: read

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
    def read(self, filepath):
        metadata = {}

        # Files
        filedir = os.path.dirname(filepath)
        filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
        metadata_filename = filename.split('.')[0] + '.ipynb-meta'
        metadata_filepath = os.path.join(filedir, metadata_filename)

        # If filename starts with draft, set the status accordingly
        if filename.lower().startswith('draft'):
            metadata['status'] = 'draft'

        with open(filepath) as f:
            nb = nbformat.read(f, 'ipynb') # readin ipynb content

        first_cell = nb.worksheets[0].cells[0]

        # Read in metadata
        metadata = join_metadata(metadata, nb.metadata)

        if 'pelican' in first_cell.metadata:
            m = first_cell.metadata['pelican']
            metadata = join_metadata(metadata, m)

        if os.path.exists(metadata_filepath):
            # Metadata is on a external file, process using Pelican MD Reader
            md_reader = MarkdownReader(self.settings)
            _content, m = md_reader.read(metadata_filepath)
            metadata = join_metadata(metadata, m)

        # Reformat metadata into pelican acceptable format
        for k, v in metadata.items():
            del metadata[k]
            k = k.lower()
            metadata[k] = self.process_metadata(k, v)

        metadata['ipython'] = True

        # use first cell as the title if flag is set
        if self.settings.get(field, False) and first_cell.cell_type == 'heading':
            metadata['title'] = first_cell.source
            # Truncate the first cell from notebook
            nb.worksheets[0].cells = nb.worksheets[0].cells[1:]

        # Convert ipython notebook to html
        config = Config({'CSSHTMLHeaderPreprocessor': {'enabled': True,
                         'highlight_class': '.highlight-ipynb'}})
        exporter = HTMLExporter(config=config, template_file='basic',
                                filters={'highlight2html': custom_highlighter})

        content, info = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

        if BeautifulSoup:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
            for i in soup.findAll("div", {"class" : "input"}):
                if i.findChildren()[1].find(text='#ignore') is not None:
            soup = content

        content = '<body>{0}</body>'.format(soup)  # So Pelican HTMLReader works
        parser = MyHTMLParser(self.settings, filename)
        body = parser.body
        summary = parser.summary

        first_cell = nb.worksheets[0].cells[0]
        if self.settings.get(field, False) and first_cell.cell_type == 'markdown':
            raw = nb.worksheets[0].cells[0].source
            md = markdown.Markdown()
            metadata['summary'] = md.convert(raw)
            metadata['summary'] = summary

        # Remove some CSS styles, so it doesn't break the theme.
        def filter_tags(style_text):
            style_list = style_text.split('\n')
            exclude = ['p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'a', 'ul', 'ol', 'li',
                       '.rendered_html', '@media', '.navbar', 'nav.navbar', '.navbar-text',
                       'code', 'pre', 'div.text_cell_render']
            style_list = [i for i in style_list if len(list(filter(i.startswith, exclude))) == 0]
            ans = '\n'.join(style_list)
            return '<style type=\"text/css\">{0}</style>'.format(ans)

        css = '\n'.join(filter_tags(css) for css in info['inlining']['css'])
        css = css + CUSTOM_CSS
        body = css + body

        return body, metadata

示例14: notebook

# 需要导入模块: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter [as 别名]
# 或者: from IPython.nbconvert.exporters.HTMLExporter import from_notebook_node [as 别名]
def notebook(preprocessor, tag, markup):
    match = FORMAT.search(markup)
    if match:
        argdict = match.groupdict()
        src = argdict['src']
        start = argdict['start']
        end = argdict['end']
        raise ValueError("Error processing input, "
                         "expected syntax: {0}".format(SYNTAX))

    if start:
        start = int(start)
        start = 0

    if end:
        end = int(end)
        end = None

    settings = preprocessor.configs.config['settings']
    nb_dir =  settings.get('NOTEBOOK_DIR', 'notebooks')
    nb_path = os.path.join('content', nb_dir, src)

    if not os.path.exists(nb_path):
        raise ValueError("File {0} could not be found".format(nb_path))

    # Create the custom notebook converter
    c = Config({'CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer':
                    {'enabled':True, 'highlight_class':'.highlight-ipynb'},
                    {'enabled':True, 'start':start, 'end':end}})

    template_file = 'basic'
    if LooseVersion(IPython.__version__) >= '2.0':
        if os.path.exists('pelicanhtml_2.tpl'):
            template_file = 'pelicanhtml_2'
        if os.path.exists('pelicanhtml_1.tpl'):
            template_file = 'pelicanhtml_1'

    if LooseVersion(IPython.__version__) >= '2.0':
        subcell_kwarg = dict(preprocessors=[SubCell])
        subcell_kwarg = dict(transformers=[SubCell])
    exporter = HTMLExporter(config=c,
                            filters={'highlight2html': custom_highlighter},

    # read and parse the notebook
    with open(nb_path) as f:
        nb_text = f.read()
    nb_json = nbformat.reads_json(nb_text)
    (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb_json)

    for h in '123456':
        body = body.replace('<h%s' % h, '<h%s class="ipynb"' % h)

    body = '<div class="ipynb">\n\n' + body + "\n\n</div>"

    # if we haven't already saved the header, save it here.
    if not notebook.header_saved:
        print ("\n ** Writing styles to _nb_header.html: "
               "this should be included in the theme. **\n")

        header = '\n'.join(CSS_WRAPPER.format(css_line)
                           for css_line in resources['inlining']['css'])
        header += JS_INCLUDE

        # # replace the highlight tags
        header = header.replace('highlight', 'highlight-ipynb')
        header = header.replace('html, body', '\n'.join(('pre.ipynb {',
                                                         '  color: black;',
                                                         '  background: #f7f7f7;',
                                                         '  border: 0;',
                                                         '  box-shadow: none;',
                                                         '  margin-bottom: 0;',
                                                         '  padding: 0;'
                                                         'html, body')))
        # # create a special div for notebook
        header = header.replace('body {', 'div.ipynb {')

        header = header.replace('body{margin:0;font-family:"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px;line-height:20px;color:#000;background-color:#fff}', '')
        # # specialize headers
        header = header.replace('html, body,',
                                '\n'.join((('h1.ipynb h2.ipynb h3.ipynb '
                                            'h4.ipynb h5.ipynb h6.ipynb {'),
                                           'h1.ipynb h2.ipynb ... {',
                                           '  margin: 0;',
                                           '  padding: 0;',
                                           '  border: 0;',
                                           '  font-size: 100%;',
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