本文整理汇总了Python中Foundation.NSURL类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python NSURL类的具体用法?Python NSURL怎么用?Python NSURL使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _pyobjc_notify
def _pyobjc_notify(message, title=None, subtitle=None, appIcon=None, contentImage=None, open_URL=None, delay=0, sound=False):
notification = NSUserNotification.alloc().init()
if title:
if subtitle:
if appIcon:
url = NSURL.alloc().initWithString_(appIcon)
image = NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfURL_(url)
if contentImage:
url = NSURL.alloc().initWithString_(contentImage)
image = NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfURL_(url)
if sound:
NSDate.dateWithTimeInterval_sinceDate_(delay, NSDate.date()))
示例2: next_image
def next_image(self, _):
if not os.path.exists(self.media_dir):
url = 'https://unsplash.it/'
if self.gray_mood: url += 'g/'
url += '{w}/{h}/?random'
if self.blur: url += '&blur'
url = url.format(w=self.screen_width, h=self.screen_height)
file_name = self.media_dir + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f") + '.jpg'
self.icon = 'img/wait.png'
urllib.urlretrieve(url, file_name)
file_url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(file_name)
# Get shared workspace
ws = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
# Iterate over all screens
for screen in NSScreen.screens():
# Tell the workspace to set the desktop picture
(result, error) = ws.setDesktopImageURL_forScreen_options_error_(
file_url, screen, {}, None)
self.icon = 'img/icon.png'
except IOError:
print('Service unavailable, check your internet connection.')
rumps.alert(title='Connection Error', message='Service unavailable\n'
'Please, check your internet connection')
示例3: exportAllInstances
def exportAllInstances():
This will export all instances of the font at 'path' as TrueType fonts.
path = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/test/file.glyphs")
doc = Glyphs.openDocumentWithContentsOfFile_display_(path, False)
print "Exporting:", doc.displayName()
font = doc.font()
for instance in font.instances():
print "Instance:", instance
'ExportFormat': "TTF",
'ExportContainer': "woff",
'Destination': NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/test/"))
possible keys:
ExportContainer: "woff", "woff2", "eot"
Destination: NSURL
autoHint: bool (default = true)
removeOverlap: bool (default = true)
useSubroutines: bool (default = true)
useProductionNames: bool (default = true)
print "Ready!"
示例4: change_desktop_background
def change_desktop_background(file, desk_id):
"""Function that applies the named file as wallaper for the specified
monitor (desk_id)"""
file_url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(file)
screen = NSScreen.screens()[desk_id]
ws = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
ws.setDesktopImageURL_forScreen_options_error_(file_url, screen, {}, None)
示例5: set_desktop_background
def set_desktop_background(desktop_picture_path):
file_url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(desktop_picture_path)
ws = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
screens = NSScreen.screens()
for screen in screens:
ws.setDesktopImageURL_forScreen_options_error_(file_url, screen, {}, None)
示例6: LoadImageFromPath
def LoadImageFromPath( path ):
url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(path)
NSLog( "LoadImageFromPath( %@ )", url );
# Create image source from URL
# An image source abstracts the data-access task and eliminates the need for you to manage data through a raw memory buffer.
# An image source can contain more than one image, thumbnail images, and properties for each image and the image file.
# When you are working with image data and your application runs in Mac OS X v10.4 or later, image
# sources are the preferred way to move image data into your application.
# CGImageSource objects, available in Mac OS X v10.4 or later, abstract the data-reading task. An image source can
# read image data from a URL, a CFData object, or a data consumer. After creating a CGImageSource object for the
# appropriate source, you can obtain images, thumbnails, image properties, and other image information using CGImageSource functions.
# CGImageSourceCreateWithURL ==> Creates an image source that reads from a location specified by a URL.
# CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex ==> Creates a CGImage object for the image data associated with the specified index in an image source.
# Create an image from the first item in the image source.
imagesrc = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(url, None)
# NSLog( "LoadImageFromPath: imagesrc is %r" % (imagesrc,) )
theImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imagesrc, 0, None);
# NSLog( "LoadImageFromPath: theImage is %r" % (theImage,) )
return theImage
示例7: set_background
def set_background(image_file):
from AppKit import NSWorkspace, NSScreen
from Foundation import NSURL
file_url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(image_file)
ws = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
for screen in NSScreen.screens():
ws.setDesktopImageURL_forScreen_options_error_(file_url, screen, {}, None)
示例8: export
def export(self, canvasname, file, format='pdf', force=False, is_checksum=False):
Exports one canvas named {@code canvasname}
format = format.lower()
chksum = None
if os.path.isfile(file) and not force:
existing_chksum = checksum(file) if format != 'pdf' \
else checksum_pdf(file)
new_chksum = self.compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname)
if existing_chksum == new_chksum and existing_chksum != None:
logging.debug('No exporting - canvas %s not changed' %
return False
chksum = new_chksum
elif format == 'pdf':
chksum = self.compute_canvas_checksum(canvasname)
win = self.og.windows.first()
canvas = [c for c in self.doc.canvases() if c.name() == canvasname]
if len(canvas) == 1:
canvas = canvas[0]
logging.warn('Canvas %s does not exist in %s' %
(canvasname, self.schemafile))
return False
self.og.set(win.canvas, to=canvas)
export_format = OmniGraffleSchema.EXPORT_FORMATS[format]
if (export_format == None):
self.doc.save(as_=export_format, in_=file)
if not is_checksum and self.options.verbose:
print "%s" % file
logging.debug("Exported `%s' into `%s' as %s" % (canvasname, file, format))
if format == 'pdf':
# save the checksum
url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(file)
pdfdoc = PDFKit.PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(url)
attrs = NSMutableDictionary.alloc().initWithDictionary_(pdfdoc.documentAttributes())
attrs[PDFKit.PDFDocumentSubjectAttribute] = \
'%s%s' % (OmniGraffleSchema.PDF_CHECKSUM_ATTRIBUTE, chksum)
return True
示例9: update_appcast
def update_appcast(oldVersion, newVersion, appcastSignature, tarballName, fileSize, minimumSystemVersion, download_url):
appcastDate = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime())
# creating this from a string is easier than manipulating NSXMLNodes...
newItemString = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:sparkle="http://www.andymatuschak.org/xml-namespaces/sparkle" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
<title>Version """ + newVersion + """</title>
<h3>Changes Since """ + str(oldVersion) + """</h3>
<pubDate>""" + appcastDate + """</pubDate>
<sparkle:minimumSystemVersion>""" + minimumSystemVersion + """</sparkle:minimumSystemVersion>
<enclosure url=\"""" + download_url + """\" sparkle:version=\"""" + newVersion + """\" length=\"""" + fileSize + """\" type="application/octet-stream" sparkle:dsaSignature=\"""" + appcastSignature + """\" />
# read from the source directory
appcastURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(APPCAST_PATH)
# xml doc from the current appcast
(oldDoc, error) = NSXMLDocument.alloc().initWithContentsOfURL_options_error_(appcastURL, 0, None)
assert oldDoc is not None, error
# xml doc from the new appcast string
(newDoc, error) = NSXMLDocument.alloc().initWithXMLString_options_error_(newItemString, 0, None)
assert newDoc is not None, error
# get an arry of the current item titles
(oldTitles, error) = oldDoc.nodesForXPath_error_("//item/title", None)
assert oldTitles.count > 0, "oldTitles had no elements"
# now get the title we just created
(newTitles, error) = newDoc.nodesForXPath_error_("//item/title", None)
assert newTitles.count() is 1, "newTitles must have a single element"
# easy test to avoid duplicating items
if oldTitles.containsObject_(newTitles.lastObject()) is False:
# get the parent node we'll be inserting to
(parentChannel, error) = oldDoc.nodesForXPath_error_("//channel", None)
assert parentChannel.count() is 1, "channel count must be one"
parentChannel = parentChannel.lastObject()
# now get the new node
(newNodes, error) = newDoc.nodesForXPath_error_("//item", None)
assert newNodes is not None, error
# insert a copy of the new node
# write to NSData, since pretty printing didn't work with NSXMLDocument writing
oldDoc.XMLDataWithOptions_(NSXMLNodePrettyPrint).writeToURL_atomically_(appcastURL, True)
示例10: renderTemplate
def renderTemplate(webView: WebView, name: str, **values):
html = render_template(name, **values)
frame = webView.mainFrame()
resource_path = os.environ.get('RESOURCEPATH', os.path.dirname(__file__))
logger.debug('resource_path = %r', resource_path)
baseUrl = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(
os.path.join(resource_path, 'static', '')
frame.loadHTMLString_baseURL_(html, baseUrl)
示例11: removePage
def removePage(filename):
filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
pdfURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(filename)
pdfDoc = PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(pdfURL)
if pdfDoc:
pageNum = pdfDoc.pageCount()
if pageNum > 1:
示例12: setBackgroundOSX
def setBackgroundOSX(fullPath):
# generate a fileURL for the desktop picture
file_path = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(fullPath)
# get shared workspace
ws = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
# iterate over all screens
for screen in NSScreen.screens():
# tell the workspace to set the desktop picture
(result, error) = ws.setDesktopImageURL_forScreen_options_error_(
file_path, screen, {}, None)
示例13: set_wallpaper_image
def set_wallpaper_image(imgs, mode='stretched'):
"""Set the given file as wallpaper."""
if not len(imgs):
default_image = imgs[0]
file_url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(default_image)
options = {}
ws = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
for screen in NSScreen.screens():
(result, error) = ws.setDesktopImageURL_forScreen_options_error_(file_url, screen, options, None)
示例14: checksum_pdf
def checksum_pdf(filepath):
assert os.path.isfile(filepath), '%s is not a file' % filepath
url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(filepath)
pdfdoc = PDFKit.PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(url)
assert pdfdoc != None
chksum = pdfdoc.documentAttributes()[PDFKit.PDFDocumentSubjectAttribute]
if not chksum.startswith(OmniGraffleSchema.PDF_CHECKSUM_ATTRIBUTE):
return None
return chksum[len(OmniGraffleSchema.PDF_CHECKSUM_ATTRIBUTE):]
示例15: save_dialog
def save_dialog(directory, filename):
panel = NSSavePanel.savePanel()
panel.setTitle_("Save PDF booklet")
myUrl = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_isDirectory_(directory, True)
ret_value = panel.runModal()
if ret_value:
return panel.filename()
return ''