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Python EventDispatcher.reset_time方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中EventDispatcher.EventDispatcher.reset_time方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python EventDispatcher.reset_time方法的具体用法?Python EventDispatcher.reset_time怎么用?Python EventDispatcher.reset_time使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在EventDispatcher.EventDispatcher的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from EventDispatcher import EventDispatcher [as 别名]
# 或者: from EventDispatcher.EventDispatcher import reset_time [as 别名]
class MidiFileParser:

    The MidiFileParser is the lowest level parser that see the data as 
    midi data. It generates events that gets triggered on the outstream.

    def __init__(self, raw_in, outstream):

        raw_data is the raw content of a midi file as a string.

        # internal values, don't mess with 'em directly
        self.raw_in = raw_in
        self.dispatch = EventDispatcher(outstream)

        # Used to keep track of stuff
        self._running_status = None

    def parseMThdChunk(self):
        "Parses the header chunk"
        raw_in = self.raw_in

        header_chunk_type = raw_in.nextSlice(4)
        header_chunk_zise = raw_in.readBew(4)

        # check if it is a proper midi file
        if header_chunk_type != 'MThd':
            raise TypeError, "It is not a valid midi file!"

        # Header values are at fixed locations, so no reason to be clever
        self.format = raw_in.readBew(2)
        self.nTracks = raw_in.readBew(2)
        self.division = raw_in.readBew(2)
        # Theoretically a header larger than 6 bytes can exist
        # but no one has seen one in the wild
        # But correctly ignore unknown data if it is though
        if header_chunk_zise > 6:

        # call the header event handler on the stream
        self.dispatch.header(self.format, self.nTracks, self.division)

    def parseMTrkChunk(self):
        "Parses a track chunk. This is the most important part of the parser."
        # set time to 0 at start of a track
        dispatch = self.dispatch
        raw_in = self.raw_in
        # Trigger event at the start of a track
        # position cursor after track header
        # unsigned long is 4 bytes
        tracklength = raw_in.readBew(4)
        track_endposition = raw_in.getCursor() + tracklength # absolute position!

        while raw_in.getCursor() < track_endposition:
            # find relative time of the event
            time = raw_in.readVarLen()
            # be aware of running status!!!!
            peak_ahead = raw_in.readBew(move_cursor=0)
            if (peak_ahead & 0x80): 
                # the status byte has the high bit set, so it
                # was not running data but proper status byte
                status = self._running_status = raw_in.readBew()
                # use that darn running status
                status = self._running_status
                # could it be illegal data ?? Do we need to test for that?
                # I need more example midi files to be shure.
                # Also, while I am almost certain that no realtime 
                # messages will pop up in a midi file, I might need to 
                # change my mind later.

            # we need to look at nibbles here
            hi_nible, lo_nible = status & 0xF0, status & 0x0F
            # match up with events

            # Is it a meta_event ??
