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Python DownloadUtils.get方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中DownloadUtils.DownloadUtils.get方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python DownloadUtils.get方法的具体用法?Python DownloadUtils.get怎么用?Python DownloadUtils.get使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在DownloadUtils.DownloadUtils的用法示例。


示例1: onNotification

# 需要导入模块: from DownloadUtils import DownloadUtils [as 别名]
# 或者: from DownloadUtils.DownloadUtils import get [as 别名]
    def onNotification  (self,sender,method,data):

        WINDOW = self.WINDOW
        downloadUtils = DownloadUtils()
        #player started playing an item - 
        if ("Playlist.OnAdd" in method or "Player.OnPlay" in method) and utils.settings('useDirectPaths')=='true':

            jsondata = json.loads(data)
            if jsondata != None:
                if jsondata.has_key("item"):
                    if jsondata.get("item").has_key("id") and jsondata.get("item").has_key("type"):
                        id = jsondata.get("item").get("id")
                        type = jsondata.get("item").get("type")
                        embyid = ReadKodiDB().getEmbyIdByKodiId(id,type)

                        if embyid != None:
                            WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
                            username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
                            userid = WINDOW.getProperty('userId%s' % username)
                            server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)
                            url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items/" + embyid + "?format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1"
                            result = downloadUtils.downloadUrl(url)     
                            print "Here: %s" % result
                            userData = result['UserData']
                            playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, embyid, result)
                            watchedurl = 'http://' + server + '/mediabrowser/Users/'+ userid + '/PlayedItems/' + embyid
                            positionurl = 'http://' + server + '/mediabrowser/Users/'+ userid + '/PlayingItems/' + embyid
                            deleteurl = 'http://' + server + '/mediabrowser/Items/' + embyid

                            # set the current playing info
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"watchedurl", watchedurl)
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"positionurl", positionurl)
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"deleteurl", "")
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"deleteurl", deleteurl)
                            if result.get("Type")=="Episode":
                                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"refresh_id", result.get("SeriesId"))
                                WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"refresh_id", embyid)
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"runtimeticks", str(result.get("RunTimeTicks")))
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"type", result.get("Type"))
                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"item_id", embyid)

                            if PlayUtils().isDirectPlay(result) == True:
                                playMethod = "DirectPlay"
                                playMethod = "Transcode"

                            WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"playmethod", playMethod)
                            mediaSources = result.get("MediaSources")
                            if(mediaSources != None):
                                mediaStream = mediaSources[0].get('MediaStreams')
                                defaultsubs = ""
                                for stream in mediaStream:
                                    if u'Subtitle' in stream[u'Type'] and stream[u'IsDefault']:
                                        if u'Language' in stream:
                                            defaultsubs = stream[u'Language']
                                            defaultsubs = stream[u'Codec']
                                WINDOW.setProperty("%ssubs" % playurl, defaultsubs.encode('utf-8'))
                                if mediaSources[0].get('DefaultAudioStreamIndex') != None:
                                    WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"AudioStreamIndex", str(mediaSources[0].get('DefaultAudioStreamIndex')))  
                                if mediaSources[0].get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex') != None:
                                    WINDOW.setProperty(playurl+"SubtitleStreamIndex", str(mediaSources[0].get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex')))
        if method == "VideoLibrary.OnUpdate":
            jsondata = json.loads(data)
            if jsondata != None:
                playcount = None
                playcount = jsondata.get("playcount")
                item = jsondata.get("item").get("id")
                type = jsondata.get("item").get("type")
                prop = WINDOW.getProperty('Played%s%s' % (type,item))
                processWatched = WINDOW.getProperty('played_skipWatched')
                if (playcount != None) and (prop != "true") and (processWatched != "true"):
                    WINDOW.setProperty("Played%s%s" % (type,item), "true")
                    utils.logMsg("MB# Sync","Kodi_Monitor--> VideoLibrary.OnUpdate : " + str(data),2)
                    WriteKodiVideoDB().updatePlayCountFromKodi(item, type, playcount)
        if method == "System.OnWake":
            xbmc.sleep(10000) #Allow network to wake up
            WINDOW.setProperty("OnWakeSync", "true")

        if method == "VideoLibrary.OnRemove":
            xbmc.log('Intercepted remove from sender: ' + sender + ' method: ' + method + ' data: ' + data)
            jsondata = json.loads(data)
            id = ReadKodiDB().getEmbyIdByKodiId(jsondata.get("id"), jsondata.get("type"))
            if id == None:
            xbmc.log("Deleting Emby ID: " + id + " from database")
            connection = utils.KodiSQL()
            cursor = connection.cursor()

示例2: onNotification

# 需要导入模块: from DownloadUtils import DownloadUtils [as 别名]
# 或者: from DownloadUtils.DownloadUtils import get [as 别名]
    def onNotification  (self, sender, method, data):

        WINDOW = self.WINDOW
        downloadUtils = DownloadUtils()
        #player started playing an item - 
        if ("Playlist.OnAdd" in method or "Player.OnPlay" in method):

            jsondata = json.loads(data)
            if jsondata:
                if jsondata.has_key("item"):
                    if jsondata.get("item").has_key("id") and jsondata.get("item").has_key("type"):
                        id = jsondata.get("item").get("id")
                        type = jsondata.get("item").get("type")
                        if (utils.settings('useDirectPaths')=='true' and not type == "song") or (type == "song" and utils.settings('enableMusicSync') == "true"):
                            if type == "song":
                                connection = utils.KodiSQL('music')
                                cursor = connection.cursor()
                                embyid = ReadKodiDB().getEmbyIdByKodiId(id, type, connection, cursor)
                                embyid = ReadKodiDB().getEmbyIdByKodiId(id,type)

                            if embyid:

                                url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items/%s?format=json" % embyid
                                result = downloadUtils.downloadUrl(url)
                                self.logMsg("Result: %s" % result, 2)
                                playurl = None
                                count = 0
                                while not playurl and count < 2:
                                        playurl = xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile()
                                    except RuntimeError:
                                        listItem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
                                        PlaybackUtils().setProperties(playurl, result, listItem)

                                        if type == "song" and utils.settings('directstreammusic') == "true":
                                            utils.window('%splaymethod' % playurl, value="DirectStream")
                                            utils.window('%splaymethod' % playurl, value="DirectPlay")

                                    count += 1
        if method == "VideoLibrary.OnUpdate":
            # Triggers 4 times, the following is only for manually marking as watched/unwatched
            jsondata = json.loads(data)
                playcount = jsondata.get('playcount')
                item = jsondata['item']['id']
                type = jsondata['item']['type']
                prop = utils.window('Played%s%s' % (type, item))
                self.logMsg("Could not process VideoLibrary.OnUpdate data.", 1)
                self.logMsg("VideoLibrary.OnUpdate: %s" % data, 2)
                if prop != "true":
                    # Set property to prevent the multi triggering
                    utils.window('Played%s%s' % (type, item), "true")
                    WriteKodiVideoDB().updatePlayCountFromKodi(item, type, playcount)

                self.clearProperty(type, item)
        if method == "System.OnWake":
            xbmc.sleep(10000) #Allow network to wake up
            WINDOW.setProperty("OnWakeSync", "true")

        if method == "VideoLibrary.OnRemove":
            xbmc.log('Intercepted remove from sender: ' + sender + ' method: ' + method + ' data: ' + data)
            jsondata = json.loads(data)
            id = ReadKodiDB().getEmbyIdByKodiId(jsondata.get("id"), jsondata.get("type"))
            if id == None:
            xbmc.log("Deleting Emby ID: " + id + " from database")
            connection = utils.KodiSQL()
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            cursor.execute("DELETE FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?", (id,))
            if jsondata:
                if jsondata.get("type") == "episode" or "movie":
                    url='{server}/mediabrowser/Items?Ids=' + id + '&format=json'
                    #This is a check to see if the item exists on the server, if it doesn't it may have already been deleted by another client
                    result = DownloadUtils().downloadUrl(url)
                    item = result.get("Items")[0]
                    if data:
                        return_value = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno("Confirm Delete", "Delete file on Emby Server?")
                        if return_value:
                            url='{server}/mediabrowser/Items/' + id
                            xbmc.log('Deleting via URL: ' + url)
                            DownloadUtils().downloadUrl(url, type="DELETE")

        elif method == "Playlist.OnClear":
            self.logMsg("Clear playback properties.", 2)

示例3: BrowseChannels

# 需要导入模块: from DownloadUtils import DownloadUtils [as 别名]
# 或者: from DownloadUtils.DownloadUtils import get [as 别名]
def BrowseChannels(id, folderid=None):
    _addon_id   =   int(sys.argv[1])
    _addon_url  =   sys.argv[0]
    xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'files')
    if folderid:
        url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Channels/" + id + "/Items?userid={UserId}&folderid=" + folderid + "&format=json"
        if id == "0": # id 0 is the root channels folder
            url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Channels?{UserId}&format=json"
            url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Channels/" + id + "/Items?userid={UserId}&format=json"

    results = DownloadUtils().downloadUrl(url)
    if results:
        result = results.get("Items")
        if(result == None):
            result = []

        item_count = len(result)
        current_item = 1;
        for item in result:
            if(item.get("Name") != None):
                tempTitle = item.get("Name")
                tempTitle = "Missing Title"
            if type=="ChannelFolderItem":
                isFolder = True
                isFolder = False
            item_type = str(type).encode('utf-8')
            if(item.get("ChannelId") != None):
               channelId = str(item.get("ChannelId")).encode('utf-8')
            channelName = ''   
            if(item.get("ChannelName") != None):
               channelName = item.get("ChannelName").encode('utf-8')   
            if(item.get("PremiereDate") != None):
                premieredatelist = (item.get("PremiereDate")).split("T")
                premieredate = premieredatelist[0]
                premieredate = ""
            #mediaStreams=API().getMediaStreams(item, True)
            #people = API().getPeople(item)
            # Process Genres
            genre = API().getGenre(item)
            # Process UserData
            userData = item.get("UserData")
            PlaybackPositionTicks = '100'
            overlay = "0"
            favorite = "False"
            seekTime = 0
            if(userData != None):
                if userData.get("Played") != True:
                    overlay = "7"
                    watched = "true"
                    overlay = "6"
                    watched = "false"
                if userData.get("IsFavorite") == True:
                    overlay = "5"
                    favorite = "True"
                    favorite = "False"
                if userData.get("PlaybackPositionTicks") != None:
                    PlaybackPositionTicks = str(userData.get("PlaybackPositionTicks"))
                    reasonableTicks = int(userData.get("PlaybackPositionTicks")) / 1000
                    seekTime = reasonableTicks / 10000
            playCount = 0
            if(userData != None and userData.get("Played") == True):
                playCount = 1
            # Populate the details list
            details={'title'        : tempTitle,
                     'channelname'  : channelName,
                     'plot'         : item.get("Overview"),
                     'Overlay'      : overlay,
                     'playcount'    : str(playCount)}
            if item.get("Type") == "ChannelVideoItem":
                xbmcplugin.setContent(_addon_id, 'movies')
            elif item.get("Type") == "ChannelAudioItem":
                xbmcplugin.setContent(_addon_id, 'songs')

            # Populate the extraData list
            extraData={'thumb'        : API().getArtwork(item, "Primary")  ,
