本文整理汇总了Python中Db.Db类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Db类的具体用法?Python Db怎么用?Python Db使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: __init__
def __init__(self, path):
Db.__init__(self, {"db_name": "ContentDb", "tables": {}}, path)
self.foreign_keys = True
self.schema = self.getSchema()
self.site_ids = {}
self.sites = {}
示例2: LldpCtl
class LldpCtl(lldpy.Watcher):
""" A custom class to hook into llpdctl utility. """
def __init__(self, interface):
super(LldpCtl, self).__init__()
self.location = socket.gethostname().upper()
self.interface = interface
self.db = Db()
self.is_alive = True
def on_add(self, local, remote):
if local.interface_name == self.interface:
self.location = self.db.get_topology(remote.chassis_name)[-1][3]
self.location = self.location.upper()
def on_delete(self, local, remote):
if local.interface_name == self.interface:
self.location = socket.gethostname()
self.location = self.location.upper()
def on_update(self, local, remote):
if local.interface_name == self.interface:
self.location = self.db.get_topology(remote.chassis_name)[-1][3]
self.location = self.location.upper()
def get_location(self):
return self.location
示例3: testDb
def testDb(self):
from Db import Db
for db_path in [os.path.abspath("%s/test/zeronet.db" % config.data_dir), "%s/test/zeronet.db" % config.data_dir]:
print "Creating db using %s..." % db_path,
schema = {
"db_name": "TestDb",
"db_file": "%s/test/zeronet.db" % config.data_dir,
"map": {
"data.json": {
"to_table": {
"test": "test"
"tables": {
"test": {
"cols": [
["test_id", "INTEGER"],
["title", "TEXT"],
"indexes": ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_id ON test(test_id)"],
"schema_changed": 1426195822
if os.path.isfile("%s/test/zeronet.db" % config.data_dir):
os.unlink("%s/test/zeronet.db" % config.data_dir)
db = Db(schema, "%s/test/zeronet.db" % config.data_dir)
# Cleanup
os.unlink("%s/test/zeronet.db" % config.data_dir)
os.rmdir("%s/test/" % config.data_dir)
示例4: test
def test():
p = Prudence('ad','bb','localhost')
user = p.get_raw_user()
User = p.get_user()
c = p.get_companies()
d = Db('localhost')
c1 =d.getCompanies()
print type(c)
print type(c[0])
self.assertEqual(type(c),type(c1),'i tipi esterni no')
self.assertEqual(type(c[0]),type(c1[0]),'i tipi interni no')
示例5: __init__
def __init__(self, path):
Db.__init__(self, {"db_name": "ContentDb", "tables": {}}, path)
self.foreign_keys = True
self.schema = self.getSchema()
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Error loading content.db: %s, rebuilding..." % Debug.formatException(err))
os.unlink(path) # Remove and try again
self.schema = self.getSchema()
示例6: testCheckTables
def testCheckTables(self):
db_path = "%s/zeronet.db" % config.data_dir
schema = {
"db_name": "TestDb",
"db_file": "%s/zeronet.db" % config.data_dir,
"map": {
"data.json": {
"to_table": {
"test": "test"
"tables": {
"test": {
"cols": [
["test_id", "INTEGER"],
["title", "TEXT"],
"indexes": ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_id ON test(test_id)"],
"schema_changed": 1426195822
if os.path.isfile(db_path):
db = Db(schema, db_path)
# Verify tables
assert os.path.isfile(db_path)
db = Db(schema, db_path)
tables = [row["name"] for row in db.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")]
assert "keyvalue" in tables # To store simple key -> value
assert "json" in tables # Json file path registry
assert "test" in tables # The table defined in dbschema.json
# Verify test table
cols = [col["name"] for col in db.execute("PRAGMA table_info(test)")]
assert "test_id" in cols
assert "title" in cols
# Cleanup
示例7: db
def db(request):
db_path = "%s/zeronet.db" % config.data_dir
schema = {
"db_name": "TestDb",
"db_file": "%s/zeronet.db" % config.data_dir,
"maps": {
"data.json": {
"to_table": [
{"node": "test", "table": "test_importfilter", "import_cols": ["test_id", "title"]}
"tables": {
"test": {
"cols": [
["test_id", "INTEGER"],
["title", "TEXT"],
["json_id", "INTEGER REFERENCES json (json_id)"]
"indexes": ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_id ON test(test_id)"],
"schema_changed": 1426195822
"test_importfilter": {
"cols": [
["test_id", "INTEGER"],
["title", "TEXT"],
["json_id", "INTEGER REFERENCES json (json_id)"]
"indexes": ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_importfilter_id ON test_importfilter(test_id)"],
"schema_changed": 1426195822
if os.path.isfile(db_path):
db = Db(schema, db_path)
def stop():
return db
示例8: openDb
def openDb(self, check=True):
schema = self.loadJson("dbschema.json")
db_path = self.getPath(schema["db_file"])
if check:
if not os.path.isfile(db_path) or os.path.getsize(db_path) == 0: # Not exits or null
self.db = Db(schema, db_path)
if check and not self.db_checked:
changed_tables = self.db.checkTables()
if changed_tables: self.rebuildDb(delete_db=False) # Todo only update the changed table datas
示例9: test
def test(self, spec_filename):
function_map = {
"TEXT": str,
"INTEGER": int,
"BOOLEAN": int,
"DATE": str
properties = Properties.getProperties()
db = Db(properties)
data_files = os.listdir("data")
file_map = {}
for data_file in data_files:
file_info = data_file.split("_")
if not file_info[0] in file_map:
file_map[file_info[0]] = []
with open("specs/" + spec_filename, "rt") as spec_file:
filename_info = spec_filename.split(".")
file = csv.reader(spec_file, delimiter=",")
next(file) # Skip first row
columns = []
for column in file:
columns.append({"name": column[0], "width": int(column[1]), "data_type": column[2]})
if filename_info[0] in file_map:
for data_filename in file_map[filename_info[0]]:
with open("data/" + data_filename, "rt") as data_file:
for line in data_file:
sql = "SELECT count(*) as total FROM {} WHERE ".format(filename_info[0])
index = 0
fields = []
for column in columns:
fields.append(column["name"] + " = '" + str(function_map[column["data_type"]](line[index:(index + column["width"])])) + "'")
index += column["width"]
sql += " AND ".join(fields)
row = db.select(sql)[0]
if row["total"] != 1:
raise Exception("Line: {} was not inserted".format(line.strip()))
示例10: __init__
class App:
user = None
cfg = None
db = None
def __init__(self, cfg):
self.cfg = cfg
self.db = Db()
if self.db:
def routing(self):
return {
'/echo(/.*)?': self.echo
def echo(self, vars, params):
params[u'path_vars'] = vars
return self.to_json_response(params)
def to_json_response(self, data):
s = json.dumps(data, indent=2)
return ('text/json', s)
示例11: __init__
def __init__(self, interface):
super(LldpCtl, self).__init__()
self.location = socket.gethostname().upper()
self.interface = interface
self.db = Db()
self.is_alive = True
示例12: Db
import sqlite3
from Db import Db
if __name__ == '__main__':
db = Db('classes.db')
print("Find all students who took a class in California "
"from an instructor not in the student's major department and "
"got a score over 80. Return the student name, university, and score.")
comm1 = "SELECT DISTINCT Student.name, Class.univ, Took.score " \
"FROM Student, Class, Took, Instructor " \
"WHERE Student.studID = Took.studID " \
"AND Instructor.instID = Took.instID " \
"AND Class.classID = Took.classID " \
"AND Student.major != Instructor.dept " \
"AND Took.score >= 80 " \
"AND Class.region = 'CA'"
a = db.query(comm1)
comm1 = "SELECT DISTINCT Student.name, Class.univ, Took.score FROM Student "\
"JOIN Took ON Student.studID = Took.studID "\
"JOIN Instructor ON Instructor.instID = Took.instID "\
"JOIN Class ON Class.classID = Took.classID "\
"WHERE Student.major != Instructor.dept "\
"AND Took.score >= 80 "\
"AND Class.region = 'CA'"
a = db.query(comm1)
示例13: Db
import sqlite3
from Db import Db
if __name__ == '__main__':
db = Db('social.db')
print("1 Find the names of all students who are friends with someone named Gabriel.")
comm1 = "SELECT Highschooler.name FROM Highschooler " \
"WHERE Highschooler.ID IN " \
"(SELECT Friend.ID2 FROM Highschooler, Friend " \
"WHERE Highschooler.ID = Friend.ID1 " \
"AND Highschooler.name = 'Gabriel')"
a = db.query(comm1)
print("2. For every student who likes someone 2 or more "
"grades younger than themselves, \n"
"return that student's name and grade, \n"
"and the name and grade of the student they like.")
comm1 = "SELECT (SELECT name FROM HighSchooler, Likes "\
"WHERE HighSchooler.ID = L.ID1), "\
"(SELECT grade from HighSchooler, Likes "\
"WHERE HighSchooler.ID = L.ID1), "\
"name, grade "\
"FROM HighSchooler H, Likes L "\
"WHERE H.ID = L.ID2 and H.grade + 2 <= "\
"(SELECT grade from HighSchooler "\
"WHERE HighSchooler.ID=L.ID1)"
a = db.query(comm1)
示例14: __init__
def __init__(self):
self._r = redis.Redis(host='',port=6379)
self._db = Db.getinstance()
示例15: Db
import sqlite3
from Db import Db
if __name__ == '__main__':
db = Db('rating.db')
comm1 = "SELECT Movie.title FROM Movie WHERE director = 'Steven Spielberg'"
a = db.query(comm1)
print("2. Find all years that have a movie that received a rating of 4 or 5 "
"and sort them in increasing order.")
comm1 = "SELECT DISTINCT Movie.year FROM Movie, Rating " \
"WHERE Movie.mID = Rating.mID " \
"AND Rating.stars >= 4 " \
"ORDER BY Movie.year ASC"
a = db.query(comm1)
print("3. Find the titles of all movies that have no ratings.")
comm1 = "SELECT Movie.title FROM Movie " \
"(SELECT * FROM Rating "\
"WHERE Movie.mID = Rating.mID)"
a = db.query(comm1)
print("4. Some reviewers didn't provide a date with their rating. "
"Find the names of all reviewers who have "
"ratings with a NULL value for the date.")