本文整理汇总了Python中UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile方法的具体用法?Python UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile怎么用?Python UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类UtilFunc
示例1: getDataClass
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def getDataClass(fileInputs):
dataClass = {}
for key, fileName in fileInputs.iteritems():
dataClass[key] = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(fileName)
# print dataClass['Participation']
return dataClass
示例2: getNumberFromNameInFile
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def getNumberFromNameInFile(name, yearbookReferenceFilePath):
nameSep = re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*',name)
# print '### name:{0} nameSep: {1}'.format(name, nameSep)
nameDict = {'WrittenLast':''.join(nameSep[0:-1]),'WrittenFirst':nameSep[-1]}
yearbookNames = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(yearbookReferenceFilePath)
jaroMatchIndex = UtilFunc.matchName(nameDict, yearbookNames)['AlphaIndex']
return jaroMatchIndex
示例3: pairDistance
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def pairDistance(fileInput, yearbookNamesFile):
# pathInput: path of DIRECTORY with indexed list .csv files
# yearbookNamesFile: path to name reference FILE
# pathOutput: name of .csv output file
# Returns a 2D list of name pairs
# 1) open indexedList
# 2) n^2 iterate over the list of indexed values, updating the 2D list of nameValues
# be careful not to inlude duplicate name-values and same name values
classSizeConst = 184; #need to make more general
classSize = UtilFunc.fileLength(yearbookNamesFile) - 1 # -1 for headers
if classSizeConst != classSize:
print '\n\n\n'
print 'WARNING WARNING: Class Size is {} which is not {}!!!! *****\n'.format(classSize,classSizeConst) * 3
print '\n\n'
# pairValues = [[0]*classSize]*classSize #initialize classSize x classSize list #makes an error, probably list copying :(
pairValues = [[0 for i in range(classSize)] for j in range(classSize)]
nameList = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(fileInput)
# with open(fileInput, 'r') as fIn:
# for index, line in enumerate(fIn):
# #Skip the heading
# if index > 0:
# (l0,l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7) = line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').split(',')
# nameList.append({'AlphaIndex':l0,'WrittenIndex':l1,'YearbookLast':l4,'YearbookFirst':l5})
for index1, entry1 in enumerate(nameList):
for index2, entry2 in enumerate(nameList):
if index1 != index2:
dim1 = entry1['AlphaIndex']
if dim1 == 'VERIFY':
dim1 = int(dim1)
dim2 = entry2['AlphaIndex']
if dim2 == 'VERIFY':
dim2 = int(dim2)
pos1 = entry1['WrittenIndex']
pos2 = entry2['WrittenIndex']
if pos1 == '-' or pos2 == '-':
# if pos2 == '-':
# pos2 = classSize
pos1 = int(pos1)
pos2 = int(pos2)
pairValues[dim1][dim2] = 1/float(abs(pos1 - pos2))
# pairValues[dim2][dim1] = pairValues[dim1][dim2] #redundancy for ease of use
# print 'dim1: {}\tdim2: {}\tpairValues:{}'.format(dim1,dim2,pairValues[dim1][dim2])
return {'pairValues':pairValues}
示例4: countListedNames
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def countListedNames(pathInput):
fileListing = os.listdir(pathInput)
participantCounts = {'TotalListed':{'count':[],'classSize':[]},
classSizeTotal = 0
classSizeGrad09 = 0
classSizeSet = False
classmateIndexes = []
for fileInput in fileListing:
#sometimes there are hidden files that break the script
if(fileInput[0] == '.'):
fileData = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(os.path.join(pathInput,fileInput))
counterTotal = 0
counterGrad09 = 0
for line in fileData:
if line['WrittenIndex'] != '-':
counterTotal += 1
if line['GraduatedLLA09'] == 'Yes':
counterGrad09 += 1
if classSizeSet == False and line['AlphaIndex'] not in classmateIndexes:
if line['GraduatedLLA09'] == 'Yes':
classSizeGrad09 += 1
classSizeTotal += 1
classSizeSet = True
# with open(os.path.join(pathInput, fileInput), 'r') as fIn:
# counterTotal = 0
# counterGrad09 = 0
# for index2, line in enumerate(fIn):
# #Skip the heading
# if index2 > 0:
# (l0,l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7) = line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').split(',')
# if l1 != '-':
# counterTotal += 1
# if l7 == 'Yes':
# counterGrad09 += 1
# if classSizeSet == False and int(l0) not in classmateIndexes:
# if l7 == 'Yes':
# classSizeGrad09 += 1
# classSizeTotal += 1
# classmateIndexes.append(int(l0))
# classSizeSet = True
# print 'index: ' + str(index1) + '\tcounter: ' + str(counter) + '\t' + fileInput
# print counterGrad09
participantCounts['TotalListed']['classSize'] = classSizeTotal
participantCounts['Grad09Listed']['classSize'] = classSizeGrad09
return participantCounts
示例5: sumPairDistance
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def sumPairDistance(pathInput, yearbookNamesFile):
# pathInput: path of DIRECTORY with indexed list .csv files
# yearbookNamesFile: path to name reference FILE
# pathOutput: name of .csv output file
# Returns a 2D list of name pairs
# 1) open indexedList
# 2) n^2 iterate over the list of indexed values, updating the 2D list of nameValues
# be careful not to inlude duplicate name-values and same name values
classSizeConst = 184; #need to make more general
classSize = UtilFunc.fileLength(yearbookNamesFile) - 1 # -1 for headers
if classSizeConst != classSize:
print '\n\n\n'
print 'WARNING WARNING: Class Size is ' + str(classSize) + ' which is not 184!!!! *****'
print 'WARNING WARNING: Class Size is ' + str(classSize) + ' which is not 184!!!! *****'
print 'WARNING WARNING: Class Size is ' + str(classSize) + ' which is not 184!!!! *****'
print '\n\n\n'
memValueSum = [{'score':0.0,'hits':0.0} for j in range(classSize)] #initialize values to zero
indexListing = os.listdir(pathInput)
participantCount = 0.0
for fileInput in indexListing:
if fileInput[0] == '.':
participantCount += 1
nameList = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(os.path.join(pathInput, fileInput))
for index1, entry1 in enumerate(nameList):
dim1 = entry1['AlphaIndex']
if dim1 == 'VERIFY':
dim1 = int(dim1)
pos1 = entry1['WrittenIndex']
if pos1 == '-':
pos1 = int(pos1) + 1
memValueSum[dim1]['score'] += 1/float(pos1)
memValueSum[dim1]['hits'] += 1
for index in range(len(memValueSum)):
memValueSum[index]['score'] /= float(memValueSum[index]['hits'])
except ZeroDivisionError:
pass #if it's division by 0, then the score will be zero, but this is an assumption
return {'memValueSum':memValueSum}
示例6: writeToFile
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def writeToFile(memValueSum, yearbookNamesFile, fileOutput):
#list of dictionaries
yearbookNames = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(yearbookNamesFile)
with open(fileOutput,'w') as fOut:
for index1, entry1 in enumerate(yearbookNames):
dim1 = int(entry1['AlphaIndex'])
#TODO rename
fOut.write('{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format( dim1,
示例7: attachNames
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def attachNames(groupData,yearbookNamesFile):
yearbookNames = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(yearbookNamesFile)
groupDataWithNames = []
for groupMember in groupData:
gn = int(groupMember['GroupNumber'])
gs = float(groupMember['GroupScore'])
ai = int(groupMember['AlphaIndex'])
ln = yearbookNames[ai]['YearbookLast']
fn = yearbookNames[ai]['YearbookFirst']
entry = { 'GroupNumber':gn,
return groupDataWithNames
示例8: writeToFile
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def writeToFile(pairValueSum, yearbookNamesFile, fileOutput):
#list of dictionaries
yearbookNames = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(yearbookNamesFile)
with open(fileOutput,'w') as fOut:
for index1, entry1 in enumerate(yearbookNames):
for index2, entry2 in enumerate(yearbookNames):
if index1 != index2:
dim1 = int(entry1['AlphaIndex'])
dim2 = int(entry2['AlphaIndex'])
#TODO rename
fOut.write('{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format( dim1,
示例9: sumPairDistance
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def sumPairDistance(pathInput, yearbookNamesFile):
# pathInput: path of DIRECTORY with indexed list .csv files
# yearbookNamesFile: path to name reference FILE
# pathOutput: name of .csv output file
# Returns a 2D list of name pairs
# 1) open indexedList
# 2) n^2 iterate over the list of indexed values, updating the 2D list of nameValues
# be careful not to inlude duplicate name-values and same name values
classSizeConst = 184; #need to make more general
classSize = fileLength(yearbookNamesFile) - 1 # -1 for headers
if classSizeConst != classSize:
print '\n\n\n'
print 'WARNING WARNING: Class Size is ' + str(classSize) + ' which is not 184!!!! *****'
print 'WARNING WARNING: Class Size is ' + str(classSize) + ' which is not 184!!!! *****'
print 'WARNING WARNING: Class Size is ' + str(classSize) + ' which is not 184!!!! *****'
print '\n\n\n'
# pairValueSum = [[0]*classSize]*classSize #initialize classSize x classSize list #bug in this
pairValueSum = [[0 for i in range(classSize)] for j in range(classSize)]
indexListing = os.listdir(pathInput)
participantCount = 0.0
for fileInput in indexListing:
if fileInput[0] == '.':
participantCount += 1
print '#{}\t{}'.format(participantCount,fileInput)
fileData = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(os.path.join(pathInput,fileInput))
for p in fileData:
pairValueSum[p['AlphaIndex_1']][p['AlphaIndex_2']] += float(p['PairScore'])
# with open(os.path.join(pathInput, fileInput), 'r') as fIn:
# for index, line in enumerate(fIn):
# #Skip the heading
# if index > 0:
# (alphaIndex_1,alphaIndex_2,pairScore,last_1,first_1,last_2,first_2) = line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').split(',')
# pairValueSum[int(alphaIndex_1)][int(alphaIndex_2)] += float(pairScore)
# print pairValueSum
# print 'WHAT: {}'.format(float(participantCount))
# print 'CHECKIT: {}'.format(pairValueSum[0][0]/float(participantCount))
tempDict = {}
for index1 in range(classSize):
# if index1 == 0:
# print 'only once'
for index2 in range(classSize):
# if (index1,index2) not in tempDict:
# tempDict[(index1,index2)] = 0
# else:
# print 'REPeAT!!!'
#normalize the pair value number by dividing it by the number of participants
#TODO: add division by zero error handling
pairValueSum[index1][index2] /= float(participantCount)
# print pairValueSum[index1][index2]
print pairValueSum[0][0]
return {'pairValueSum':pairValueSum}
示例10: setUp
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def setUp(self):
self.refData = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile('/Users/cdslug/Dropbox/Projects/Tech/Programming/Remembered Classmates/ReportingWork refactored/0_ReferenceFiles/IndexedYearbook.csv')
示例11: test_parseDataFromFile_01
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def test_parseDataFromFile_01(self):
expectedResult = [{'one':1,'two':2,'three':3},{'one':4.0,'two':5.0,'three':6.0}]
inputFile = os.path.join(sys.path[0],'TestFiles/UtilFunc/parseDataFromFile1.txt')
self.assertEqual( UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(inputFile) , expectedResult )
示例12: indexList
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def indexList(inputFilePath, inputCompleteFilePath, errorFilePath, yearbookReferenceFilePath, outputFilePath):
names = []
#list of dictionaries
yearbookNames = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(yearbookReferenceFilePath)
#list of dicitonaries
namesOutput = []
with open(inputFilePath, 'r') as fWN:
for writtenIndex, line in enumerate(fWN):
#could have been simpler, but sometimes last names are not included
#may have to worry about only last name. Spell checker will reject that
# lineSplit = line.replace('\n','').split(None,1)[::-1]
lineSplit = line.replace('\n','').split(None,1)
l0 = lineSplit[0]
l1 = ''
if len(lineSplit) > 1:
l1 = lineSplit[1]
l1 = '_'
names.append({ 'WrittenIndex':str(writtenIndex),
# with open(yearbookNamesFile, 'r') as fYBN:
# for index, line in enumerate(fYBN):
# #Skip the heading
# if index > 0:
# (l0,l1,l2,l3) = line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').split(',')
# yearbookNames.append({ 'AlphaIndex':l0,
# 'YearbookLast':l1,
# 'YearbookFirst':l2,
# 'GraduatedLLA09':l3})
namesOutput = []
for name in names:
jaroMatch = UtilFunc.matchName(name, yearbookNames)
# for n in namesOutput: #debugging
# print(str(n) + '\n')
#append missing names
for ybn in yearbookNames:
if ybn['AlphaIndex'] not in [no['AlphaIndex'] for no in namesOutput]:
temp = ybn.copy()
temp.update({ 'WrittenIndex':'-',
with open(outputFilePath,'w') as fOut:
for no in namesOutput:
fOut.write('{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format( no['AlphaIndex'],
示例13: generateReport
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def generateReport(inputFilePath, inputCompleteFilePath, errorFilePath, yearbookReferenceFilePath, outputFilePath):
# if(inputFilePath[0] == '.'):
# return -1
name = inputFilePath.replace('.','_').split('_')[1]
doc = BaseDocTemplate(outputFilePath,showBoundary=0)
Elements = []
#normal frame as for SimpleFlowDocument
frameT = Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width, doc.height+25, id='normal')
#Two Columns
frame1 = Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width/2-inch+20, doc.height, id='col1')
frame2 = Frame(doc.leftMargin+doc.width/2-inch+12+20, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width/3,
doc.height, id='col2')
frame3 = Frame(doc.leftMargin + doc.width/2+inch+20 +20, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width/3,
doc.height, id='col3')
frameB = Frame(doc.leftMargin+doc.width-100, doc.bottomMargin, 130, 70, id='normal')
Elements += writeIntro()
indexedNamesDict = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(inputFilePath)
# with open(inputFilePath, 'r') as pfi:
# indexedNames = pfi.readlines()
# indexedNamesDict = []
# for line in indexedNames:
# (l0,l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7) = line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').split(',')
# #AlphaIndex,WrittenIndex,WrittenLast,WrittenFirst,YearbookLast,YearbookFirst,Spelling,GraduatedLLA09
# indexedNamesDict.append({'AlphaIndex':l0,
# 'WrittenIndex':l1,
# 'WrittenLast':l2,
# 'WrittenFirst':l3,
# 'YearbookLast':l4,
# 'YearbookFirst':l5,
# 'Spelling':l6,
# 'GraduatedLLA09':l7})
rememberedGrad = []
forgottenGrad = []
rememberedNonGrad = []
forgottenNonGrad = []
for entry in indexedNamesDict:
if entry['GraduatedLLA09'].lower() == 'yes':
if entry['WrittenIndex'] == '-':
elif entry['GraduatedLLA09'].lower() == 'no':
if entry['WrittenIndex'] == '-':
rgCount = len(set([n['AlphaIndex'] for n in rememberedGrad]))
fgCount = len(forgottenGrad)
rngCount = len(set([n['AlphaIndex'] for n in rememberedNonGrad]))
fngCount = len(forgottenNonGrad)
Elements += constructSingleColumnParagraphs(['<br/><b>{}</b> students graduated in \'09 and <br/>'.format(rgCount + fgCount) +
'<b>{}</b> additional students attended in either \'06, \'07, or \'08.'.format(rngCount + fngCount)])
drawing = MyDrawing()
newData = [(fgCount,'{} classmates were not remembered (\'09)'.format(fgCount)),
(rgCount,'{} classmates were remembered (\'09)'.format(rgCount)),
(fngCount,'{} classmates were not remembered (other)'.format(fngCount)),
(rngCount,'{} classmates were remembered (other)'.format(rngCount))]
Elements += writeColumnExplanation()
rememberedGradString = [(n['WrittenFirst'] + ' ' + n['WrittenLast'])
for n in rememberedGrad]
rememberedGradStringSp = [(n['YearbookFirst'] + ' ' + n['YearbookLast'])
if n['Spelling'] != 1
else ''
for n in rememberedGrad]
forgottenGradString = [n['YearbookFirst'] + ' ' + n['YearbookLast'] for n in forgottenGrad]
rememberedNonGradString = [(n['WrittenFirst'] + ' ' + n['WrittenLast'])
for n in rememberedNonGrad]
rememberedNonGradStringSp = [(n['YearbookFirst'] + ' ' + n['YearbookLast'])
if n['Spelling'] != 1
else ''
for n in rememberedNonGrad]
forgottenNonGradString = [n['YearbookFirst'] + ' ' + n['YearbookLast'] for n in forgottenNonGrad]
listTitles09 = ['Not Remembered in 09','Remembered in 09', 'Yearbook Spelling']
listTitlesOther = ['Not Remembered in 06, 07, or 08', 'Remembered in 06, 07, or 08', 'Yearbook Spelling']
Elements += constructTrippleColumns(forgottenGradString,rememberedGradString, rememberedGradStringSp, listTitles09)
Elements += constructTrippleColumns(forgottenNonGradString,rememberedNonGradString, rememberedNonGradStringSp, listTitlesOther)
Elements += writeEndingCredit()
示例14: buildGroups
# 需要导入模块: import UtilFunc [as 别名]
# 或者: from UtilFunc import parseDataFromFile [as 别名]
def buildGroups(fileInput):
pairList = UtilFunc.parseDataFromFile(fileInput)
# with open(fileInput, 'r') as fIn:
# for index, line in enumerate(fIn):
# #Skip the heading
# if index > 0:
# (l0,l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6) = line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').split(',')
# pairList.append({ 'AlphaIndex_1':int(l0),
# 'AlphaIndex_2':int(l1),
# 'PairScore':float(l2),
# 'Last_1':l3,
# 'First_1':l4,
# 'Last_2':l5,
# 'First_2':l6})
classSize = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(pairList)))) #fancy because of ignorning when index = index
pairMatrix = [[0 for i in range(classSize)] for j in range(classSize)]
for pair in pairList:
index1 = pair['AlphaIndex_1']
index2 = pair['AlphaIndex_2']
pairMatrix[index1][index2] = pair['PairScore']
pairMatrix[index2][index1] = pair['PairScore']
sortedPairList = sorted(pairList, key=lambda pairs: pairs['PairScore'])[::-1]
groupNumber = 0
groupScoreOld = 0;
groupScoreNew = 0;
groupData = []
scoreHistory = [{'Score':0,'AlphaIndex':-1}] #contains dict of score and one member alphIndex
#0A) Divide classmates into groups of 2
#1) Iterate over people until there are very few members changing
# It might help to randomly choose members for each iteration, or go back and forth
# Maybe I should keep track of the classmates that keep jumping back and forth
#2) keep a global list of groups that can change
# need to figure out how to access/store/change group numbers and members
#3) For a classmate, check to see which group he/she has the strongest average pair score with
#Info 1) keep of a list of groups to members and members to groups
groupNumber = 0
initialGroupSize = 1
groups2Members = [[] for l in range((classSize//initialGroupSize) + 1)] #initialize empty lists
members2Groups = [[] for l in range(classSize)]
order = [x for x in range(classSize)]
for pos,randomMember in enumerate(order):
members2Groups[randomMember] = pos//initialGroupSize
#print 'order: ' + str(order)
#print 'groups2Members' + str(groups2Members)
numberGroupChanges = classSize
n = 0
print 'ClassSize: {}'.format(classSize)
# while numberGroupChanges > classSize * 0.01:
for r in range(len(order)//3): #range was found by observation of data
numberGroupChanges = 0
groups2MembersTemp = groups2Members
for randomMember in order:
bg = bestGroup(randomMember, groups2Members, members2Groups, pairMatrix)
if bg != members2Groups[randomMember] and bg != -1:
#print 'OLD'
groupScoreOld = getGroupScore(groups2Members[bg], pairMatrix)
#print 'NEW'
#print groups2Members[bg] + [randomMember]
groupScoreNew = getGroupScore(groups2Members[bg] + [randomMember], pairMatrix)
#print 'groupScoreNew' + str(groupScoreNew)
#print 'old score: ' + str(groupScoreOld) + ', new score: ' + str(groupScoreNew)
#if ratioNew > ratioOld: # try with exponents now that the score is updated correctly
powerFilter = 1.5
if True or groupScoreNew / (float(len(groups2Members[bg]) + 1)**powerFilter) > groupScoreOld / (float(len(groups2Members[bg]))**powerFilter) and \
len(groups2Members[bg]) < 50:
#if len(groups2Members[members2Groups[randomMember]]) == 0:
#print '000 Group Shrunk to Zero! 000'
#print 'Classmate Changed Groups ' + str(randomMember)
members2Groups[randomMember] = bg
numberGroupChanges += 1
n = n+1
print 'iteration #{}, numberGroupChanges: {}'.format(n,numberGroupChanges)
#print 'groups2Members' + str(groups2Members)
for memberNumber,groupNumber in enumerate(members2Groups):
groupScore = groups2Members[groupNumber]
groupData.append({ 'GroupNumber':groupNumber,
return sorted(groupData, key=lambda gd: gd['GroupNumber'])