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Python TileStache.getTile方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中TileStache.getTile方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python TileStache.getTile方法的具体用法?Python TileStache.getTile怎么用?Python TileStache.getTile使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TileStache的用法示例。


示例1: wms

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
def wms(layer,x,y,z):
    if not tileconfig.layers.has_key(layer):
        return abort(404)
    coord = ModestMaps.Core.Coordinate(y,x,z)
    type, bytes = TileStache.getTile(tileconfig.layers[layer], coord, 'png')
    buf = BytesIO(bytes)
    return send_file(buf, mimetype=type)

示例2: tiles

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
def tiles(request, service_slug, z, x, y, extension):
    Proxy to tilestache
    {X} - coordinate column.
    {Y} - coordinate row.
    {B} - bounding box.
    {Z} - zoom level.
    {S} - host.
    service = TileService.objects.get(slug=service_slug)
    config = {
        "cache": {"name": "Test"},
        "layers": {}
        "provider": {
            'name': 'mapnik',
            "mapfile": service.mapfile
    config = TileStache.Config.buildConfiguration(config)
    path_info = "%s/%s/%s/%s.%s" % (service_slug, z, x, y, extension)
    coord, extension = TileStache.splitPathInfo(path_info)[1:]
    mimetype, content = TileStache.getTile(config.layers[service_slug], coord, extension)
    return HttpResponse(content, mimetype=mimetype)

示例3: getTile

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
def getTile(layer,extension,x,y,z,config):
    cfg = TileStache.Config.buildConfiguration(config)
    contenttype, content = TileStache.getTile(cfg.layers[layer], ModestMaps.Core.Coordinate(int(x), int(y), int(z)),extension,ignore_cached=True)
    handle, filename = mkstemp(prefix='tile-', suffix='.'+extension)
    os.write(handle, content)
    return filename

示例4: seed_resource_cache

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
def seed_resource_cache():
    datatype_factory = DataTypeFactory()
    zooms = range(settings.CACHE_SEED_MAX_ZOOM + 1)
    extension = 'pbf'

    lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = GeoUtils().get_bounds_from_geojson(settings.CACHE_SEED_BOUNDS)
    south, west = min(lat1, lat2), min(lon1, lon2)
    north, east = max(lat1, lat2), max(lon1, lon2)

    northwest = Location(north, west)
    southeast = Location(south, east)

    padding = 0

    datatypes = [
        d.pk for d in models.DDataType.objects.filter(isgeometric=True)]
    nodes = models.Node.objects.filter(
        graph__isresource=True, datatype__in=datatypes)
    for node in nodes:
        datatype = datatype_factory.get_instance(node.datatype)
        count = models.TileModel.objects.filter(
        if datatype.should_cache(node) and count > 0:
            config = TileStache.parseConfig(get_tileserver_config(node.nodeid))
            layer = config.layers[str(node.nodeid)]
            ul = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(northwest)
            lr = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(southeast)
            coordinates = generateCoordinates(ul, lr, zooms, padding)
            for (offset, count, coord) in coordinates:
                path = '%s/%d/%d/%d.%s' % (layer.name(), coord.zoom,
                                           coord.column, coord.row, extension)

                progress = {"tile": path,
                            "offset": offset + 1,
                            "total": count}

                attempts = 3
                rendered = False

                while not rendered:
                    print '%(offset)d of %(total)d...' % progress,

                        mimetype, content = TileStache.getTile(
                            layer, coord, extension, True)

                        attempts -= 1
                        print 'Failed %s, will try %s more.' % (progress['tile'], ['no', 'once', 'twice'][attempts])

                        if attempts == 0:
                            print 'Failed %(zoom)d/%(column)d/%(row)d, trying next tile.\n' % coord.__dict__

                        rendered = True
                        progress['size'] = '%dKB' % (len(content) / 1024)

                        print '%(tile)s (%(size)s)' % progress

示例5: addLayer

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
	def addLayer( self, layerDef, coord ):
		_, _, layer = TileStache.getTile(self.layer.config.layers[layerDef['src']], coord, 'JSON')[1]
#		raise KnownUnknown(layer)
		if layerDef['wrapper'] == None:
			layer = json.loads(layer)
			layer = json.loads(layer[(len(layerDef['wrapper'])+1):-1]) #Strip "Wrapper(...)"
		gridSize = len(layer['grid'])

		#init resultGrid based on given layers (if required)
		if len(self.resultGrid) == 0:
			for i in xrange(gridSize):
				for j in xrange(gridSize):
		keys = layer['keys']
		keyRemap = {}
		for k in keys:
			if k in self.gridKeys:
				for ext in xrange(ord('a'), ord('z')+1):
					if not k+chr(ext) in self.gridKeys:
						keyRemap[k] = (k+chr(ext))
				if not k in keyRemap:
					raise Error("Couldn't remap")
		addedKeys = [] #FIXME: HashSet<string>?
		for y in xrange(gridSize):
			line = layer['grid'][y]
			for x in xrange(gridSize):
				idNo = self.decodeId(line[x])
				if keys[idNo] == "":
				key = keys[idNo]
				if keys[idNo] in keyRemap:
					key = keyRemap[keys[idNo]]
				if not key in addedKeys:
					if layerDef['layer_id'] != None and self.layer_id != None: #Add layer name attribute
						layer['data'][keys[idNo]][self.layer_id] = layerDef['layer_id']
					self.gridData[key] = layer['data'][keys[idNo]]
				newId = self.gridKeys.index(key)
				self.resultGrid[x][y] = newId

示例6: addLayer

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
  def addLayer( self, layerDef, coord ):
    layer = TileStache.getTile(self.layer.config.layers[layerDef['src']], coord, 'JSON')[1]

    if layerDef['wrapper'] == None:
      layer = json.loads(layer)
      # Strip "Wrapper(...)"
      layer = json.loads(layer[(len(layerDef['wrapper'])+1):-1])

    grid_size = len(layer['grid'])

    # Init resultGrid based on given layers (if required)
    if len(self.resultGrid) == 0:
      for i in xrange(grid_size):
        for j in xrange(grid_size):

    layer_keys = layer['keys']

    for y in xrange(grid_size):
      line = layer['grid'][y]
      for x in xrange(grid_size):
        src_id = self.decodeId(line[x])
        if layer_keys[src_id] == "":

        src_key = layer_keys[src_id]

        # Add layer name attribute
        if layerDef['layer_id'] != None and self.layer_id != None:
          layer['data'][src_key][self.layer_id] = layerDef['layer_id']

        if self.resultGrid[x][y] == -1:
          cur_id = self.curId
          self.curId += 1
          cur_key = json.dumps(cur_id)

          # Set key for current point.
          self.resultGrid[x][y] = self.encodeId(cur_id)
          self.gridKeys.insert(cur_id + 1, cur_key)

          # Initialize data bucket.
          self.gridData[cur_key] = []

          cur_id = self.decodeId(self.resultGrid[x][y])
          cur_key = json.dumps(cur_id)


示例7: tilestache

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
def tilestache(request, layer_name, z, x, y, extension):
    Proxy to tilestache
    {X} - coordinate column.
    {Y} - coordinate row.
    {B} - bounding box.
    {Z} - zoom level.
    {S} - host.
    config = get_config()
    path_info = "%s/%s/%s/%s.%s" % (layer_name, z, x, y, extension)
    coord, extension = TileStache.splitPathInfo(path_info)[1:]
    mimetype, content = TileStache.getTile(config.layers[layer_name], coord, extension)
    return HttpResponse(content, mimetype=mimetype)

示例8: test_tilestache_lib

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
 def test_tilestache_lib(self):
     config = eval(open(get_tilestache_file('tilestache.cfg')).read())
     config["layers"]["example"]["provider"]["mapfile"] = "style_sheet.xml"
     # like http://tile.openstreetmap.org/1/0/0.png
     coord = ModestMaps.Core.Coordinate(0, 0, 0)
     config = TileStache.Config.buildConfiguration(config)
     mime_type, image_bytes = TileStache.getTile(config.layers['example'],
     self.assertEquals(mime_type, 'image/png')
     open(actual_image, 'w').write(image_bytes)
     with open(actual_image) as actual, open(expected_image) as expected:
         actual_read = actual.read()
         self.assertEquals(actual_read, expected.read())
         img = Image.open(StringIO(actual_read))
         self.assertEquals(img.size, (256, 256))

示例9: getTile

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
def getTile(layer,extension,x,y,z):
    coord=ModestMaps.Core.Coordinate(int(x), int(y), int(z))
    cfg = TileStache.Config.buildConfiguration(config)
    contenttype, content = TileStache.getTile(cfg.layers[layer], coord,extension)
    if not os.path.exists('static/map/'+layer):
    if not os.path.exists('static/map/'+layer+'/'+z):
    if not os.path.exists('static/map/'+layer+'/'+z+'/'+y):
    #if not os.path.exists('static/map/'+layer+'/'+z+'/'+y+'/'+x):
      #      os.mkdir(r'static/map/'+layer+'/'+z+'/'+y+'/'+x)
    open(tilepath, 'w').write(content)
    return contenttype, content

示例10: renderTile

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
    def renderTile(self, width, height, srs, coord):

        logging.info("[dithering] render tile %s..." % coord)

        source = self.layer.config.layers[ self.source_layer ]

        mime, body = TileStache.getTile(source, coord, 'png')

        if self.skip_on_checksum:
            hash = md5.new(body)
            if hash.hexdigest() == self.checksum:
                logging.info('[dithering] skip check sum matches %s : %s' % (coord, self.checksum))
		return Image.new('RGBA', (256, 256))
        img = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(body))

        if self.plotter == 'atk':
            return self.dither_atk(img)

        return self.dither_python(img)

示例11: getTileUrls

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
 def getTileUrls(self, coord):
     """ Return tile URLs that start with file://, by first retrieving them.
     if self.threadsafe or self.lock.acquire():
         mime_type, tile_data = TileStache.getTile(self.layer, coord, 'png', self.ignore_cached)
         handle, filename = mkstemp(prefix='tilestache-compose-', suffix='.png')
         write(handle, tile_data)
         if not self.threadsafe:
             # must be locked, right?
         if self.verbose:
             size = len(tile_data) / 1024.
             printlocked(self.lock, self.layer.name() + '/%(zoom)d/%(column)d/%(row)d.png' % coord.__dict__, '(%dKB)' % size)
         return ('file://' + abspath(filename), )

示例12: tilestache_tiles

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
def tilestache_tiles(request, layer_name, z, x, y, extension):
    :param request:
    :param layer_name:
    :param z:
    :param x:
    :param y:
    :param extension:

    Proxy to tilestache
    {X} - coordinate column.
    {Y} - coordinate row.
    {B} - bounding box.
    {Z} - zoom level.
    {S} - host.

    config = TileStacheConfig.objects.filter(name='default')[0].config
    path_info = "%s/%s/%s/%s.%s" % (layer_name, z, x, y, extension)
    coord, extension = TileStache.splitPathInfo(path_info)[1:]
    mimetype, content = TileStache.getTile(config.layers[layer_name], coord, extension)
    return HttpResponse(content, mimetype=mimetype)

示例13: render

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
    def render(self, config, input_rgba, coord):
        """ Render this image layer.

            Given a configuration object, starting image, and coordinate,
            return an output image with the contents of this image layer.
        has_layer, has_color, has_mask = False, False, False
        output_rgba = [chan.copy() for chan in input_rgba]
        if self.layername:
            layer = config.layers[self.layername]
            _, _, body = TileStache.getTile(layer, coord, 'png')
            layer_img = Image.open(StringIO(body)).convert('RGBA')
            layer_rgba = _img2rgba(layer_img)

            has_layer = True
        if self.maskname:
            layer = config.layers[self.maskname]
            _, _, body = TileStache.getTile(layer, coord, 'png')
            mask_img = Image.open(StringIO(body)).convert('L')
            mask_chan = _img2arr(mask_img).astype(numpy.float32) / 255.

            has_mask = True

        if self.colorname:
            color = make_color(self.colorname)
            color_rgba = [numpy.zeros(output_rgba[0].shape, numpy.float32) + band/255.0 for band in color]

            has_color = True

        if has_layer:
            layer_rgba = apply_adjustments(layer_rgba, self.adjustments)
        if has_layer and has_color and has_mask:
            raise KnownUnknown("You can't specify src, color and mask together in a Composite Layer: %s, %s, %s" % (repr(self.layername), repr(self.colorname), repr(self.maskname)))
        elif has_layer and has_color:
            # color first, then layer
            output_rgba = blend_images(output_rgba, color_rgba[:3], color_rgba[3], self.opacity, self.blendmode)
            output_rgba = blend_images(output_rgba, layer_rgba[:3], layer_rgba[3], self.opacity, self.blendmode)

        elif has_layer and has_mask:
            # need to combine the masks here
            layermask_chan = layer_rgba[3] * mask_chan
            output_rgba = blend_images(output_rgba, layer_rgba[:3], layermask_chan, self.opacity, self.blendmode)

        elif has_color and has_mask:
            output_rgba = blend_images(output_rgba, color_rgba[:3], mask_chan, self.opacity, self.blendmode)
        elif has_layer:
            output_rgba = blend_images(output_rgba, layer_rgba[:3], layer_rgba[3], self.opacity, self.blendmode)
        elif has_color:
            output_rgba = blend_images(output_rgba, color_rgba[:3], color_rgba[3], self.opacity, self.blendmode)

        elif has_mask:
            raise KnownUnknown("You have to provide more than just a mask to Composite Layer: %s" % repr(self.maskname))

            raise KnownUnknown("You have to provide at least some combination of src, color and mask to Composite Layer")

        return output_rgba


# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
        "name": "proxy",
        "url": "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png"
    "mbtiles_layer": {
      "provider": {
        "name": "mbtiles",
        "tileset": "data/mbtiles/open-streets-dc.mbtiles"
    "composite": {
      "provider": {
        "class": "TileStache.Goodies.Providers.Composite:Provider",
        "kwargs": {
          "stack": [
              {"src": "osm_layer", "zoom": "0-9"},
              {"src": "mbtiles_layer", "zoom": "10-18"}

# http://localhost:8080/mbtiles_layer/14/4688/6267.png
coord = ModestMaps.Core.Coordinate(6267,4688,14)
config = TileStache.Config.buildConfiguration(config)
type, bytes = TileStache.getTile(config.layers['mbtiles_layer'], coord, 'png', ignore_cached=True)

open('tile.png', 'w').write(bytes)

示例15: getTile

# 需要导入模块: import TileStache [as 别名]
# 或者: from TileStache import getTile [as 别名]
def getTile(layer,extension,x,y,z,cfg):
    contenttype, content = TileStache.getTile(cfg.layers[layer], ModestMaps.Core.Coordinate(int(x), int(y), int(z)),extension,ignore_cached=True)
    return content
