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Python RandomArray类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中RandomArray的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python RandomArray类的具体用法?Python RandomArray怎么用?Python RandomArray使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: randomArray

def randomArray(shape, seed=None, range=(0, 1), type=Float):
    """Utility to generate a Numeric array full of pseudorandom numbers in the given range.
       This will attempt to use the RandomArray module, but fall back on using the standard
       random module in a loop.
    global globalSeed
    if not seed:
        if not globalSeed:
            globalSeed = int(time.time())
        seed = globalSeed
        # Keep our global seed mixed up enough that many requests for
        # random arrays consecutively still gives random-looking output.
        globalSeed = (globalSeed + random.randint(1, 0xFFFFF)) & 0x7FFFFFF

        import RandomArray

        RandomArray.seed(seed + 1, seed + 1)
        return (RandomArray.random(shape) * (range[1] - range[0]) + range[0]).astype(type)
    except ImportError:
        a = zeros(multiply.reduce(shape), Float)
        for i in xrange(a.shape[0]):
            a[i] = random.random() * (range[1] - range[0]) + range[0]
        return reshape(a, shape).astype(type)

示例2: random_tree

def random_tree(labels):
    Given a list of labels, create a list of leaf nodes, and then one
    by one pop them off, randomly grafting them on to the growing tree.

    Return the root node.
    assert len(labels) > 2
    import RandomArray; RandomArray.seed()
    leaves = []
    for label in labels:
        leaves.append(Fnode(istip=1, label=label))

    leaf_indices = list(RandomArray.permutation(len(leaves)))

    joined = [leaves[leaf_indices.pop()]]
    remaining = leaf_indices
    while remaining:
        i = RandomArray.randint(0, len(joined)-1)
        c1 = joined[i]
        if c1.back:
            n = c1.bisect()
            n = InternalNode()
        c = leaves[remaining.pop()]

    for node in joined:
        if not node.back:
            node.isroot = 1
            return node

示例3: main

def main():
    """ A simple example.  Note that the Tkinter lines are there only
    because this code will be run standalone.  On the interpreter,
    simply invoking surf and view would do the job."""
    import Tkinter
    r = Tkinter.Tk()

    def f(x, y):
        return Numeric.sin(x*y)/(x*y)

    x = Numeric.arange(-7., 7.05, 0.1)
    y = Numeric.arange(-5., 5.05, 0.05)
    v = surf(x, y, f)

    import RandomArray
    z = RandomArray.random((50, 25))
    v1 = view(z)
    v2 = view(z, warp=1)
    z_large = RandomArray.random((1024, 512))
    v3 = viewi(z_large)

    # A hack for stopping Python when all windows are closed.
    v.master = r 
    v1.master = r
    v2.master = r
    #v3.master = r

示例4: setUp

 def setUp(self):
     self.number = 50
     X = RandomArray.random(self.number)
     Y = RandomArray.random(self.number)
     Z = RandomArray.random(self.number)
     co = Numeric.array([X, Y, Z])
     self.points = []
     for i in range(len(co[0])):

示例5: RunMovie

 def RunMovie(self,event = None):
     import RandomArray
     start = clock()
     shift = RandomArray.randint(0,0,(2,))
     NumFrames = 50
     for i in range(NumFrames):
         points = self.LEs.Points
         shift = RandomArray.randint(-5,5,(2,))
         points += shift
     print "running the movie took %f seconds to disply %i frames"%((clock() - start),NumFrames)

示例6: compare

def compare(m, Nobs, Ncodes, Nfeatures):
    obs = RandomArray.normal(0., 1., (Nobs, Nfeatures))
    codes = RandomArray.normal(0., 1., (Ncodes, Nfeatures))
    import scipy.cluster.vq
    print 'vq with %d observation, %d features and %d codes for %d iterations' % \
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(m):
        code, dist = scipy.cluster.vq.py_vq(obs, codes)
    t2 = time.time()
    py = (t2 - t1)
    print ' speed in python:', (t2 - t1) / m
    print code[:2], dist[:2]

    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(m):
        code, dist = scipy.cluster.vq.vq(obs, codes)
    t2 = time.time()
    print ' speed in standard c:', (t2 - t1) / m
    print code[:2], dist[:2]
    print ' speed up: %3.2f' % (py / (t2 - t1))

    # load into cache
    b = vq(obs, codes)
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(m):
        code, dist = vq(obs, codes)
    t2 = time.time()
    print ' speed inline/blitz:', (t2 - t1) / m
    print code[:2], dist[:2]
    print ' speed up: %3.2f' % (py / (t2 - t1))

    # load into cache
    b = vq2(obs, codes)
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(m):
        code, dist = vq2(obs, codes)
    t2 = time.time()
    print ' speed inline/blitz2:', (t2 - t1) / m
    print code[:2], dist[:2]
    print ' speed up: %3.2f' % (py / (t2 - t1))

    # load into cache
    b = vq3(obs, codes)
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(m):
        code, dist = vq3(obs, codes)
    t2 = time.time()
    print ' speed using C arrays:', (t2 - t1) / m
    print code[:2], dist[:2]
    print ' speed up: %3.2f' % (py / (t2 - t1))

示例7: test_sparse_vs_dense

    def test_sparse_vs_dense(self):
        RandomArray.seed(0)             # For reproducability
        for s, l in (100, 100000), (10000, 100000), (100000, 100000):
            small = Numeric.sort(RandomArray.randint(0, 100000, (s,)))
            large = Numeric.sort(RandomArray.randint(0, 100000, (l,)))

            sparse1 = soomfunc.sparse_intersect(small, large)
            sparse2 = soomfunc.sparse_intersect(large, small)
            dense1 = soomfunc.dense_intersect(small, large)
            dense2 = soomfunc.dense_intersect(large, small)

            self.assertEqual(sparse1, sparse2)
            self.assertEqual(dense1, dense2)
            self.assertEqual(sparse1, dense1)

示例8: _synth

	def _synth(self, freq, msdur, vol, risefall):
		t = arange(0, msdur / 1000.0, 1.0 / _Beeper._dafreq)
		s = zeros((t.shape[0], 2))
		# use trapezoidal envelope with risefall (below) time
		if msdur < 40:
			risefall = msdur / 2.0
		env = -abs((t - (t[-1] / 2)) / (risefall/1000.0))
		env = env - min(env)
		env = where(less(env, 1.0), env, 1.0)

		bits = _Beeper._bits
		if bits < 0:
			bits = -bits
			signed = 1
			signed = 0

		fullrange = power(2, bits-1)

		if freq is None:
			y = (env * vol * fullrange * \
			y = (env * vol * fullrange * \
				 sin(2.0 * pi * t * freq)).astype(Int16)

		if _Beeper._chans == 2:
			y = transpose(array([y,y]))
		s = pygame.sndarray.make_sound(y)
		return s

示例9: __init__

 def __init__(self, rows, cols, size):
     self.rows = rows
     self.cols = cols
     self.vectorLen = size
     self.weight = RandomArray.random((rows, cols, size))
     self.input = []
     self.loadOrder = []
     self.step = 0
     self.maxStep = 1000.0

示例10: sampled_ds

def sampled_ds(parent_dataset, sample, name=None, filter_label=None, **kwargs):
    parent_len = len(parent_dataset)
    samp_len = int(parent_len * sample)
    record_ids = Numeric.sort(RandomArray.randint(0, parent_len, samp_len))
    if name is None:
        name = 'samp%02d_%s' % (sample * 100, parent_dataset.name)
    if filter_label is None:
        filter_label = '%.3g%% sample' % (sample * 100)
    return FilteredDataset(parent_dataset, record_ids, name=name, 
                           filter_label=filter_label, **kwargs)

示例11: statistics

def statistics():
    pd = stats.norm(loc=1, scale=0.5)  # normal distribution N(1,0.5)
    r = pd.rvs(n) # random variates
    import RandomArray
    r = RandomArray.normal(1, 0.1, n)
    s = stats.stats
    print pd.stats()
    print 'mean=%g stdev=%g skewness=%g kurtosis=%g' % \
          (s.mean(r), s.variation(r), s.skew(r), s.kurtosis(r))
    bin_counts, bin_min, min_width, noutside = s.histogram(r, numbins=50)

示例12: __init__

    def __init__(self, *args):
        apply(QWidget.__init__, (self,) + args)

	# make a QwtPlot widget
	self.plot = QwtPlot('A PyQwt and MinPack Demonstration', self)

	# initialize the noisy data
        scatter = 0.05
        x = arrayrange(-5.0, 5.0, 0.1)
        y = RandomArray.uniform(1.0-scatter, 1.0+scatter, shape(x)) * \
            function([1.0, 1.0, -2.0, 2.0], x)

        # fit from a reasonable initial guess
        guess = asarray([0.5, 1.5, -1.0, 3.0])
        yGuess = function(guess, x)
        solution = leastsq(function, guess, args=(x, y))
        yFit = function(solution[0], x)
        print solution

	# insert a few curves
	c1 = self.plot.insertCurve('data')
	c2 = self.plot.insertCurve('guess')
        c3 = self.plot.insertCurve('fit')
	# set curve styles
	self.plot.setCurvePen(c1, QPen(Qt.black))
        self.plot.setCurvePen(c2, QPen(Qt.red))
	self.plot.setCurvePen(c3, QPen(Qt.green))

	# copy the data
	self.plot.setCurveData(c1, x, y)
        self.plot.setCurveData(c2, x, yGuess)
        self.plot.setCurveData(c3, x, yFit)
	# set axis titles
	self.plot.setAxisTitle(QwtPlot.xBottom, 'x -->')
	self.plot.setAxisTitle(QwtPlot.yLeft, 'y -->')


示例13: xrange

sampleRate = 44100.

c = 300. # meters per second
spectralRange = sampleRate / 2

import numpy
import math
import RandomArray
import stats


spectrum = numpy.zeros( nBins-1, numpy.complex)
for x in RandomArray.normal(0,standardMicrophoneDeviation,(nSpeakers,)) :
	t1root = 1+x
	t2root = 1-x
	print t1root, t2root
	spectrum += numpy.array([
		complex(1, t1root*w*T) * math.e**complex(math.cos(w*T*t1root), math.sin(w*T*t1root)) /x / w / w / T / T -
		complex(1, t2root*w*T) * math.e**complex(math.cos(w*T*t2root), math.sin(w*T*t2root)) /x / w / w / T / T 
		for w in [ math.pi*2*normfreq*spectralRange/nBins 
			for normfreq in xrange(1,nBins) ] ])

import Gnuplot
gp('set data style lines')
gp.plot(abs(spectrum), [bin.real for bin in spectrum], [bin.imag for bin in spectrum], numpy.zeros(nBins))

示例14: allclose

assert allclose(computeResiduals(As, None, lmbd, Q), zeros(kconv), 0.0, tol)
assert allclose(lmbd, lmbd_exact, tol*tol, 0.0)

print 'OK'

# Test 2: K = None

print 'Test 2',

lmbd_exact = zeros(ncv, 'd')
for k in xrange(ncv):
    lmbd_exact[k] =  A[k,k]/M[k,k]

X0 = RandomArray.random((n,ncv))

kconv, lmbd, Q, it, it_inner = jdsym.jdsym(As, Ms, None, ncv, 0.0, tol, 150, itsolvers.qmrs,
                                           jmin=5, jmax=10, eps_tr=1e-4, clvl=1)
assert ncv == kconv
assert allclose(computeResiduals(As, Ms, lmbd, Q), zeros(kconv), 0.0, normM*tol)
assert allclose(lmbd, lmbd_exact, normM*tol*tol, 0.0)

print 'OK'

# Test 3: general case

print 'Test 3',

示例15: trainPattern

            print "Error =", error

    def trainPattern(self, pattern):
        # will depend on self.step
        x, y, d = self.winner(pattern)
        error += self.updateMap(pattern, x, y)
        print "Winner is weight at (", x, y, ") (diff was", d,  ") error = ", \

    def test(self):
        import numpy.oldnumeric as Numeric
        self.loadOrder = range(len(self.input))
        histogram = Numeric.zeros((self.cols, self.rows), 'i')
        for p in self.loadOrder:
            x, y, d = self.winner(self.input[p])
        #    print "Input[%d] =" % p, self.input[p],"(%d, %d)" % (x, y)
            histogram[x][y] += 1
        for r in range(self.rows):
            for c in range(self.cols):
                print "%5d" % histogram[c][r],
            print ""
        print ""

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import numpy.oldnumeric as Numeric
    s = SOM(5, 7, 5) # rows, cols; length of high-dimensional input
    s.setInputs( RandomArray.random((100, 5))) 
    s.maxStep = 100
