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Python LfunctionPlot.getAllMaassGraphHtml方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中LfunctionPlot.getAllMaassGraphHtml方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python LfunctionPlot.getAllMaassGraphHtml方法的具体用法?Python LfunctionPlot.getAllMaassGraphHtml怎么用?Python LfunctionPlot.getAllMaassGraphHtml使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在LfunctionPlot的用法示例。


示例1: l_function_maass_gln_browse_page

# 需要导入模块: import LfunctionPlot [as 别名]
# 或者: from LfunctionPlot import getAllMaassGraphHtml [as 别名]
def l_function_maass_gln_browse_page(degree):
    degree = int(degree[6:])
    info = {"bread": get_bread(degree, [("MaassForm", url_for('.l_function_maass_gln_browse_page',
                                                              degree='degree' + str(degree)))])}
    info["contents"] = LfunctionPlot.getAllMaassGraphHtml(degree)
    return render_template("MaassformGLn.html",
                           title='L-functions of GL(%s) Maass Forms' % degree, **info)

示例2: render_webpage

# 需要导入模块: import LfunctionPlot [as 别名]
# 或者: from LfunctionPlot import getAllMaassGraphHtml [as 别名]
def render_webpage(request, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9):
    args = request.args
    temp_args = to_dict(args)
    if len(args) == 0:  #This ensures it's a navigation page 
        if not arg1: # this means we're at the start page
            info = set_info_for_start_page()
            return render_template("LfunctionNavigate.html", **info)
        elif arg1.startswith("degree"):
            degree = int(arg1[6:])
            info = { "degree" : degree }
            info["key"] = 777
            info["bread"] =  [('L-functions', url_for("render_Lfunction")), ('Degree '+str(degree), '/L/degree'+str(degree))]
            if degree == 1:
                info["contents"] = [LfunctionPlot.getOneGraphHtmlChar(1,35,1,13)]
                info['friends'] = [('Dirichlet Characters', '/Character/Dirichlet/')]
            elif degree == 2:
                info["contents"] = [processEllipticCurveNavigation(args), LfunctionPlot.getOneGraphHtmlHolo(1, 22, 2, 14)]
            elif degree == 3 or degree == 4:
                info["contents"] = LfunctionPlot.getAllMaassGraphHtml(degree)
            return render_template("DegreeNavigateL.html", info=info, title = 'Degree ' + str(degree)+ ' L-functions', bread = info["bread"])
        elif arg1 == 'custom': # need a better name
            return "not yet implemented"
        L = generateLfunctionFromUrl(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, temp_args)
    except Exception as inst:   # There was an exception when creating the page
        error_message = ('There was an error loading this page. Please report the ' +
                         'address of this page and the following error message: ' +
        if len(inst.args) >1:
            if inst.args[1]== "UserError":
                error_message = inst.args[0]
        info = { 'content': error_message, 'title': 'Error' }
        return render_template('LfunctionSimple.html', info=info, **info)

        if temp_args['download'] == 'lcalcfile':
            return render_lcalcfile(L, request.url)
        #Do nothing

    info = initLfunction(L, temp_args, request)

    return render_template('Lfunction.html', **info)

示例3: l_function_maass_gln_browse_page

# 需要导入模块: import LfunctionPlot [as 别名]
# 或者: from LfunctionPlot import getAllMaassGraphHtml [as 别名]
def l_function_maass_gln_browse_page(degree):
    degree = get_degree(degree)
    if degree < 0:
        return flask.abort(404)
    contents = LfunctionPlot.getAllMaassGraphHtml(degree)
    if not contents:
        return flask.abort(404)
    info = {"bread": get_bread(degree, [("Maass Form", url_for('.l_function_maass_gln_browse_page',
                                                              degree='degree' + str(degree)))])}
    info["contents"] = contents
    return render_template("MaassformGLn.html",
                           title='L-functions of GL(%s) Maass Forms' % degree, **info)
