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Python EmergeDebug.error方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中EmergeDebug.error方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python EmergeDebug.error方法的具体用法?Python EmergeDebug.error怎么用?Python EmergeDebug.error使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在EmergeDebug的用法示例。


示例1: getFile

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
def getFile( url, destdir , filename='' ):
    """download file from 'url' into 'destdir'"""
    EmergeDebug.debug("getFile called. url: %s" % url, 1)
    if url == "":
        EmergeDebug.error("fetch: no url given")
        return False

    wgetpath = WGetExecutable
    if ( os.path.exists( wgetpath ) ):
        return wgetFile( url, destdir , filename )

    scheme, host, path, _, _, _ = urllib.parse.urlparse( url )

    filename = os.path.basename( path )
    EmergeDebug.debug("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (scheme, host, path, filename))

    if ( scheme == "http" ):
        return getHttpFile( host, path, destdir, filename )
    elif ( scheme == "ftp" ):
        return getFtpFile( host, path, destdir, filename )
        EmergeDebug.error("getFile: protocol not understood")
        return False

示例2: checkFilesDigests

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
def checkFilesDigests(downloaddir, filenames, digests=None, digestAlgorithm=HashAlgorithm.SHA1):
    """check digest of (multiple) files specified by 'filenames' from 'downloaddir'"""
    if type(digests) == list:
        digestList = digests
        digestList = [digests]

    for digests, filename in zip(digestList, filenames):
        EmergeDebug.debug("checking digest of: %s" % filename, 1)
        pathName = os.path.join(downloaddir, filename)
        if digests == None:
            for digestAlgorithm, digestFileEnding in HashAlgorithm.fileEndings().items():
                digestFileName = pathName + digestFileEnding
                if not os.path.exists(digestFileName):
                    digestFileName, _ = os.path.splitext(pathName)
                    digestFileName += digestFileEnding
                    if not os.path.exists(digestFileName):
                currentHash = digestFile(pathName, digestAlgorithm)
                with open(digestFileName, "rt+") as f:
                    data = f.read()
                if not re.findall(currentHash, data):
                    EmergeDebug.error("%s hash for file %s (%s) does not match (%s)" % (
                    digestAlgorithm.name, pathName, currentHash, data))
                    return False
                    # digest provided in digests parameter
            currentHash = digestFile(pathName, digestAlgorithm)
            if len(digests) != len(currentHash) or digests.find(currentHash) == -1:
                EmergeDebug.error("%s hash for file %s (%s) does not match (%s)" % (
                digestAlgorithm.name, pathName, currentHash, digests))
                return False
    return True

示例3: getPackagesCategories

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
def getPackagesCategories(packageName, defaultCategory = None):
    EmergeDebug.trace("getPackagesCategories for package name %s" % packageName)
    if defaultCategory is None:
        defaultCategory = emergeSettings.get("General","EMERGE_DEFAULTCATEGORY","kde")

    packageList, categoryList = [], []
    if len( packageName.split( "/" ) ) == 1:
        if PortageInstance.isCategory( packageName ):
            EmergeDebug.debug("isCategory=True", 2)
            packageList = PortageInstance.getAllPackages( packageName )
            categoryList = [ packageName ] * len(packageList)
            EmergeDebug.debug("isCategory=False", 2)
            if PortageInstance.isCategory( defaultCategory ) and PortageInstance.isPackage( defaultCategory, packageName ):
                # prefer the default category
                packageList = [ packageName ]
                categoryList = [ defaultCategory ]
                if PortageInstance.getCategory( packageName ):
                    packageList = [ packageName ]
                    categoryList = [ PortageInstance.getCategory( packageName ) ]
    elif len( packageName.split( "/" ) ) == 2:
        [ cat, pac ] = packageName.split( "/" )
        if PortageInstance.isCategory( cat ):
            categoryList = [ cat ]
            return packageList, categoryList
        if len( categoryList ) > 0 and PortageInstance.isPackage( categoryList[0], pac ):
            packageList = [ pac ]
        if len( categoryList ) and len( packageList ):
            EmergeDebug.debug("added package %s/%s" % (categoryList[0], pac), 2)
        EmergeDebug.error("unknown packageName")

    return packageList, categoryList

示例4: getFile

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
def getFile( url, destdir , filename='' ):
    """download file from 'url' into 'destdir'"""
    EmergeDebug.debug("getFile called. url: %s" % url, 1)
    if url == "":
        EmergeDebug.error("fetch: no url given")
        return False

    if UtilsCache.findApplication("wget"):
        return wgetFile( url, destdir , filename )

    if not filename:
        _, _, path, _, _, _ = urllib.parse.urlparse( url )
        filename = os.path.basename( path )

    if os.path.exists(os.path.join( destdir, filename )):
        return True

    width, _ =  shutil.get_terminal_size((80,20))
    def dlProgress(count, blockSize, totalSize):
        percent = int(count * blockSize * 100 / totalSize)
        times = int((width - 20)/100 * percent)
        sys.stdout.write(("\r%s%3d%%" % ("#" * times, percent)))

    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename =  os.path.join( destdir, filename ), reporthook= dlProgress if EmergeDebug.verbose() >= 0 else None )

    if EmergeDebug.verbose()>=0:
    return True

示例5: getVCRedistLocation

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
 def getVCRedistLocation(self, compiler):
     _file = None
     if compiler.isMSVC2015():
         if compiler.isX64():
             _file = os.path.join( self.getVCRuntimeLibrariesLocation(), "1033", "vcredist_x64.exe" )
         elif compiler.isX86():
             _file = os.path.join( self.getVCRuntimeLibrariesLocation(), "1033", "vcredist_x86.exe" )
         if not os.path.isfile(_file):
             _file = None
             EmergeDebug.error("Assuming we can't find a c++ redistributable because the user hasn't got one. Must be fixed manually.")
     return _file

示例6: __parse

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
 def __parse(self):
         _listfile = open(self.filename, 'r')
         EmergeDebug.error("couldn't open listfile")
     for line in _listfile:
         line = line.strip()
         if line.startswith('#'): continue
         _cat, _pac, _target, _patch = line.split(",")
         self.packageList.append((_cat, _pac, _target, _patch))
     self.isParsed = True

示例7: runAction

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
    def runAction( self, command ):
        """ \todo TODO: rename the internal functions into the form cmdFetch, cmdCheckDigest etc
        then we get by without this dict:
            ok = getattr(self, 'cmd' + command.capitalize()()
        next we could """
        functions = {"fetch":          "fetch",
                     "cleanimage":     "cleanImage",
                     "cleanbuild":     "cleanBuild",
                     "unpack":         "unpack",
                     "compile":        "compile",
                     "configure":      "configure",
                     "make":           "make",
                     "install":        "install",
                     "test":           "unittest",
                     "qmerge":         "qmerge",
                     "unmerge":        "unmerge",
                     "package":        "createPackage",
                     "createpatch":    "createPatch",
                     "geturls":        "getUrls",
                     "print-revision": "printSourceVersion",
                     "print-files":    "printFiles",
                     "checkdigest":    "checkDigest",
                     "dumpdeps":       "dumpDependencies"}
        if command in functions:
                ok = getattr(self, functions[command])()
            except AttributeError as e:
                raise portage.PortageException( str( e ), self.category, self.package, e )

            ok = EmergeDebug.error( "command %s not understood" % command )

        return ok

示例8: handlePackage

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
def handlePackage( category, packageName, buildAction, continueFlag, skipUpToDateVcs ):
    EmergeDebug.info("Handling package: %s, action: %s" % (packageName, buildAction))

    success = True
    package = portage.getPackageInstance( category, packageName )
    if package is None:
        raise portage.PortageException( "Package not found", category, packageName )

    if buildAction in [ "all", "full-package", "update", "update-all" ]:
        success = success and doExec( package, "fetch", continueFlag )
        if success and skipUpToDateVcs and package.subinfo.hasSvnTarget( ):
            revision = package.sourceVersion( )
            for p in InstallDB.installdb.getInstalledPackages( category, packageName ):
                if p.getRevision( ) == revision:
                    EmergeDebug.info("Skipping further actions, package is up-to-date")
                    return True

        success = success and doExec( package, "unpack", continueFlag )
        success = success and doExec( package, "compile" )
        success = success and doExec( package, "cleanimage" )
        success = success and doExec( package, "install" )
        if buildAction in [ "all", "update", "update-all" ]:
            success = success and doExec( package, "qmerge" )
        if buildAction == "full-package":
            success = success and doExec( package, "package" )
        success = success or continueFlag
    elif buildAction in [ "fetch", "unpack", "configure", "compile", "make", "checkdigest",
                          "dumpdeps", "test",
                          "package", "unmerge", "cleanimage", "cleanbuild", "createpatch",
        success = doExec( package, buildAction, continueFlag )
    elif buildAction == "install":
        success = doExec( package, "cleanimage" )
        success = success and doExec( package, "install", continueFlag )
    elif buildAction == "qmerge":
        #success = doExec( package, "cleanimage" )
        #success = success and doExec( package, "install")
        success = success and doExec( package, "qmerge" )
    elif buildAction == "generate-jenkins-job":
        success = jenkins.generateJob(package)
    elif buildAction == "print-source-version":
        print( "%s-%s" % ( packageName, package.sourceVersion( ) ) )
        success = True
    elif buildAction == "print-package-version":
        print( "%s-%s-%s" % ( packageName, compiler.getCompilerName( ), package.sourceVersion( ) ) )
        success = True
    elif buildAction == "print-targets":
        portage.printTargets( category, packageName )
        success = True
        success = EmergeDebug.error("could not understand this buildAction: %s" % buildAction)

    return success

示例9: checkDigest

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
    def checkDigest(self):
        EmergeDebug.debug("ArchiveSource.checkDigest called", 2)
        filenames = self.localFileNames()

        if self.subinfo.hasTargetDigestUrls():
            EmergeDebug.debug("check digests urls", 1)
            if not EmergeHash.checkFilesDigests(EmergeStandardDirs.downloadDir(), filenames):
                EmergeDebug.error("invalid digest file")
                return False
        elif self.subinfo.hasTargetDigests():
            EmergeDebug.debug("check digests", 1)
            digests, algorithm = self.subinfo.targetDigest()
            if not EmergeHash.checkFilesDigests( EmergeStandardDirs.downloadDir(), filenames, digests, algorithm):
                EmergeDebug.error("invalid digest file")
                return False
            EmergeDebug.debug("print source file digests", 1)
            EmergeHash.printFilesDigests(EmergeStandardDirs.downloadDir(), filenames, self.subinfo.buildTarget, algorithm = EmergeHash.HashAlgorithm.SHA256)
        return True

示例10: main

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
def main():

    rest, args = parseOptions()
    if args.type == "xml":
        output_type = OUTPUT_XML
    elif args.type == "kwi":
        output_type = OUTPUT_KWI
        output_type = OUTPUT_DOT

    depstyle = args.depstyle
    if not args.depstyle in ['both', 'runtime']:
        depstyle = "both"
    output = ""
    if hasattr(args, "filenames") and args.filenames != None:
        packageList = parsePackageListFiles( args.filenames )
        output = dumpDependenciesForPackageList(packageList, output_type, depstyle)
    elif rest:
        output = dumpDependencies(rest[0], output_type, depstyle)
        EmergeDebug.error("missing package list file or package/category")

    if hasattr(args, "outputname") and args.outputname:
        print("writing file ", args.outputname, os.path.dirname( args.outputname ))
        if os.path.dirname( args.outputname ) and not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname( args.outputname ) ):
            os.makedirs( os.path.dirname( args.outputname ) )
        with open(args.outputname, "w") as f:
            f.write( output )

        if output_type == OUTPUT_DOT:
            _graphviz = graphviz.GraphViz()

            if not _graphviz.runDot( args.outputname, args.outputname + '.pdf', 'pdf' ):
                exit( 1 )

# we don't want to open the output automatically, at least not always
#        _graphviz.openOutput()

示例11: unpackFile

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
def unpackFile( downloaddir, filename, workdir ):
    """unpack file specified by 'filename' from 'downloaddir' into 'workdir'"""
    ( shortname, ext ) = os.path.splitext( filename )
    if ( ext == ".zip" ):
        return unZip( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir )
    elif ( ext == ".7z" ):
        return un7zip( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir, ext )
    elif ( ext == ".tgz" ):
        return unTar( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir )
    elif ( ext == ".gz" or ext == ".bz2" or ext == ".lzma" or ext == ".xz" ):
        _, myext = os.path.splitext( shortname )
        if ( myext == ".tar" ):
            return unTar( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir )
            EmergeDebug.error("unpacking %s" % myext)
            return False
    elif ( ext == ".exe" ):
        EmergeDebug.warning("unpack ignoring exe file")
        return True
        EmergeDebug.error("dont know how to unpack this file: %s" % filename)
    return False

示例12: unZip

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
def unZip( fileName, destdir ):
    """unzip file specified by 'file' into 'destdir'"""
    EmergeDebug.debug("unZip called: file %s to destination %s" % (fileName, destdir), 1)

    if not os.path.exists( destdir ):
        os.makedirs( destdir )

        zipObj = zipfile.ZipFile( fileName )
    except (zipfile.BadZipfile, IOError):
        EmergeDebug.error("couldn't extract file %s" % fileName)
        return False

    for name in zipObj.namelist():
        if not name.endswith( '/' ):
            dirname = os.path.join( destdir, os.path.dirname( name ) )

            if not os.path.exists( dirname ):
                os.makedirs( dirname )

            with open( os.path.join( destdir, name ), 'wb' ) as outfile:
                outfile.write( zipObj.read( name ) )

    return True

示例13: unTar

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
def unTar( fileName, destdir ):
    """unpack tar file specified by 'file' into 'destdir'"""
    EmergeDebug.debug("unTar called. file: %s, destdir: %s" % (fileName, destdir), 1)
    ( shortname, ext ) = os.path.splitext( fileName )
    emerge_tmp = os.path.join(destdir,"emerge_tmp")

    mode = "r"
    if ( ext == ".gz" ):
        mode = "r:gz"
    #elif(ext == ".bz2"):
        #mode = "r:bz2"
    elif(ext == ".lzma" or ext == ".xz" or ext == ".bz2"):
        un7zip( fileName, emerge_tmp )
        _, tarname = os.path.split( shortname )
        fileName = os.path.join( emerge_tmp , tarname )

    if not os.path.exists( fileName ):
        EmergeDebug.error("couldn't find file %s" % fileName)
        return False

        with tarfile.open( fileName, mode ) as tar:
        # FIXME how to handle errors here ?
            for tarMember in tar:
                    if tarMember.issym():
                        tarDir = os.path.dirname(tarMember.name)
                        target = tarMember.linkname
                        if not target.startswith("/"):#abspath?
                            target = os.path.normpath("%s/%s"%(tarDir, target)).replace("\\","/")
                        if target in tar.getnames():
                            tar.extract(target, emerge_tmp )
                            shutil.move(os.path.join( emerge_tmp , tarDir , tarMember.linkname ),os.path.join( destdir , tarMember.name ))
                            EmergeDebug.warning("Resolved symlink %s in tarfile %s to %s" % (tarMember.name, fileName , tarMember.linkname))
                            EmergeDebug.warning("link target %s for %s not included in tarfile" % (target , tarMember.name))
                        tar.extract(tarMember, destdir )
                except tarfile.TarError:
                    EmergeDebug.error("couldn't extract file %s to directory %s" % (fileName, destdir))
                    return False
                except IOError:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("Failed to extract %s to directory %s" % (tarMember.name, destdir))
        return True
    except tarfile.TarError as e:
        EmergeDebug.error("could not open existing tar archive: %s error: %s" % (fileName, e))
        return False
        if os.path.exists(emerge_tmp):

示例14: handleSinglePackage

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]

            item.target = targetDict[ item.category + "/" + item.package ]

        if args.target in list(
                portage.PortageInstance.getAllTargets( item.category, item.package ).keys( ) ):
            # if no target or a wrong one is defined, simply set the default target here
            item.target = args.target

        EmergeDebug.debug("dependency: %s" % item, 1)
    if not deplist:
        EmergeDebug.debug("<none>", 1)


    #for item in deplist:
    #    cat = item[ 0 ]
    #    pac = item[ 1 ]
    #    ver = item[ 2 ]

    #    if portage.isInstalled( cat, pac, ver, buildType) and updateAll and not portage.isPackageUpdateable( cat, pac, ver ):
    #        print "remove:", cat, pac, ver
    #        deplist.remove( item )

    if action == "install-deps":
        # the first dependency is the package itself - ignore it
        # TODO: why are we our own dependency?
        del deplist[ 0 ]
    elif action == "update-direct-deps":
        for item in deplist:
            item.enabled = True

    deplist.reverse( )

    # package[0] -> category
    # package[1] -> package
    # package[2] -> version

    info = deplist[ -1 ]
    if not portage.PortageInstance.isVirtualPackage( info.category, info.package ) and \
        not action in [ "all", "install-deps" ,"generate-jenkins-job"] and\
        not args.list_file or\
        action in ["print-targets"]:#not all commands should be executed on the deps if we are a virtual packages
        # if a buildAction is given, then do not try to build dependencies
        # and do the action although the package might already be installed.
        # This is still a bit problematic since packageName might not be a valid
        # package
        # for list files, we also want to handle fetching & packaging per package

        if not handlePackage( info.category, info.package, action, args.doContinue, args.update_fast ):
            utils.notify( "Emerge %s failed" % action, "%s of %s/%s failed" % (
                action, info.category, info.package), action )
            return False
        utils.notify( "Emerge %s finished" % action,
                      "%s of %s/%s finished" % ( action, info.category, info.package),
                      action )

        if args.dumpDepsFile:
            dumpDepsFileObject = open( args.dumpDepsFile, 'w+' )
            dumpDepsFileObject.write( "# dependency dump of package %s\n" % ( packageName ) )
        for info in deplist:
            isVCSTarget = False

            if args.dumpDepsFile:
                dumpDepsFileObject.write( ",".join( [ info.category, info.package, info.target, "" ] ) + "\n" )

            isLastPackage = info == deplist[ -1 ]
            if args.outDateVCS or (args.outDatePackage and isLastPackage):
                isVCSTarget = portage.PortageInstance.getUpdatableVCSTargets( info.category, info.package ) != [ ]
            isInstalled = InstallDB.installdb.isInstalled( info.category, info.package )
            if args.list_file and action != "all":
                info.enabled = info.package in originalPackageList
            if ( isInstalled and not info.enabled ) and not (
                            isInstalled and (args.outDateVCS or (
                                    args.outDatePackage and isLastPackage) ) and isVCSTarget ):
                if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 1 and info.package == packageName:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("already installed %s/%s" % (info.category, info.package))
                elif EmergeDebug.verbose() > 2 and not info.package == packageName:
                    EmergeDebug.warning("already installed %s/%s" % (info.category, info.package))
                # in case we only want to see which packages are still to be build, simply return the package name
                if args.probe:
                    if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 0:
                        EmergeDebug.warning("pretending %s" % info)
                    if action in [ "install-deps", "update-direct-deps" ]:
                        action = "all"

                    if not handlePackage( info.category, info.package, action, args.doContinue, args.update_fast ):
                        EmergeDebug.error("fatal error: package %s/%s %s failed" % \
                                          ( info.category, info.package, action ))
                        utils.notify( "Emerge build failed",
                                      "Build of %s/%s failed" % ( info.category, info.package),
                                      action )
                        return False
                    utils.notify( "Emerge build finished",
                                  "Build of %s/%s finished" % ( info.category, info.package),
                                  action )

    return True

示例15: createPatch

# 需要导入模块: import EmergeDebug [as 别名]
# 或者: from EmergeDebug import error [as 别名]
    def createPatch( self ):
        """ unpacking all zipped(gz, zip, bz2) tarballs a second time and making a patch """
        diffExe = os.path.join( self.rootdir, "dev-utils", "bin", "diff.exe" )
        if not os.path.exists( diffExe ):
            EmergeDebug.die("could not find diff tool, please run 'emerge diffutils'")
        # get the file paths of the tarballs
        filenames = self.localFileNames()

        # if using BinaryBuildSystem the files should be unpacked into imagedir
        if self.buildSystemType == 'binary':
            destdir = self.installDir()
            EmergeDebug.debug("unpacking files into image root %s" % destdir, 1)
            destdir = self.workDir()

        # it makes no sense to make a diff against nothing
        if ( not os.path.exists( self.sourceDir() ) ):
            EmergeDebug.error("source directory doesn't exist, please run unpack first")
            return False

        EmergeDebug.debug("unpacking files into work root %s" % destdir, 1)

        # make a temporary directory so the original packages don't overwrite the already existing ones
        tmpdir = os.path.join( destdir, "tmp" )
        unpackDir = tmpdir

        if ( not os.path.exists( unpackDir ) ):
            os.mkdir( unpackDir )

        if hasattr( self.subinfo.options.unpack, 'unpackDir' ):
            unpackDir = os.path.join( unpackDir, self.subinfo.options.unpack.unpackDir )

            if ( not os.path.exists( unpackDir ) ):
                os.mkdir( unpackDir )

        # unpack all packages
        for filename in filenames:
            EmergeDebug.debug("unpacking this file: %s" % filename, 1)
            if ( not utils.unpackFile( EmergeStandardDirs.downloadDir(), filename, unpackDir ) ):
                return False

        packagelist = os.listdir( tmpdir )

        # apply all patches only ommitting the last one, this makes it possible to always work on the latest patch
        # for future work, it might be interesting to switch patches on and off at will, this probably needs an
        # own patch management though
        patchName = None
        if self.subinfo.hasTarget() or self.subinfo.hasSvnTarget():
            patches = self.subinfo.patchesToApply()
            if not isinstance(patches, list):
                patches = list([patches])
            for fileName, patchdepth in patches[:-1]:
                EmergeDebug.debug("applying patch %s with patchlevel: %s" % (fileName, patchdepth))
                if not self.applyPatch( fileName, patchdepth, os.path.join( tmpdir, packagelist[ 0 ] ) ):
                    return False
            if patches[-1][0]:
                patchName = os.path.join( self.buildRoot(), patches[-1][0] )

        # move the packages up and rename them to be different from the original source directory
        for directory in packagelist:
            # if the source or dest directory already exists, remove the occurance instead
            if os.path.exists( os.path.join( destdir, directory + ".orig" ) ):
                shutil.rmtree( os.path.join( destdir, directory + ".orig" ) )
            shutil.move( os.path.join( tmpdir, directory ), os.path.join( destdir, directory + ".orig" ) )

        os.chdir( destdir )
        for directory in packagelist:
            if not patchName:
                patchName = os.path.join( self.buildRoot(), "%s-%s.diff" % ( directory, \
                str( datetime.date.today() ).replace('-', '') ) )
            cmd = "diff -Nrub -x *~ -x *\.rej -x *\.orig -x*\.o %s.orig %s > %s || echo 0" % ( directory, directory, patchName )
            if not self.system( cmd ):
                return False

        EmergeDebug.debug("patch created at %s" % patchName)
        # remove all directories that are not needed any more after making the patch
        # disabled for now
        #for directory in packagelist:
        #    shutil.rmtree( directory + ".orig" )

        # remove the temporary directory, it should be empty after all directories have been moved up
        os.rmdir( tmpdir )

        return True
