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Python Directory.get_meeting方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Directory.get_meeting方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Directory.get_meeting方法的具体用法?Python Directory.get_meeting怎么用?Python Directory.get_meeting使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Directory的用法示例。


示例1: answer_question_action

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
  def answer_question_action(self, request, id, ans, com):
    creator = request.session.user
    item = datagate.get_item(id)
    answers = item.search1(name="answers")
    #if this user has already answered this question, update it instead of creating it
    answer = None
    for each in answers:
      if each.who == creator.name:
        answer = each
    if not answer:
      answer = datagate.create_item(creatorid=creator.id, parentid=answers.id)
    answer.name = 'answer'
    answer.who = creator.name
    answer.when = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')
    answer.answer = ans
    answer.comment = com
    meeting = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    parent = meeting.get_parent()
    activities = parent.search1(view='questioneditor')
    userAnswer = activities.search1(name="userAnswers")
    userFound = False
    if userAnswer != None:
      for user in userAnswer:
        if user.name == creator.name:
          userFound = True
          answered = None
          for child in user:
            if child.questionId == id:
              answered = child
          if not answered:
            answered = datagate.create_item(creatorid=creator.id, parentid=user.id)
          answered.questionId = id
          answered.answer = ans
          answered.when = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')
    if userFound == False or userAnswer == None:
      userCreated = datagate.create_item(creatorid=creator.id, parentid=userAnswer.id)
      userCreated.name = creator.name
      answered = datagate.create_item(creatorid=creator.id, parentid=userCreated.id)
      answered.questionId = id
      answered.answer = ans
      answered.when = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')

    if id not in creator.answeredQuestions:

    #creator.backtrack = 0 #resets the user to their first unanswered question
    if creator.backtrack < 0:
      creator.backtrack += 1 #moves the user forward one question

    event = QuestionAsker.next_question(self,request,creator)
    return event

示例2: exportCSV_action

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
  def exportCSV_action(self, request, filters):
    meeting = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    events = []

    #dictionaries = answerData, answerDataAveraged, questionPOETData, questionSetData, poetData, setData 
    dictionaries = ReportFindings.makeDictionaries(self, meeting, filters, True)

    exportEvents = ReportFindings.makeExports(self, dictionaries) 

    return events

示例3: set_picked

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
 def set_picked(self,request):
   creator = request.session.user
   meeting = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
   parent = meeting.get_parent()
   meetingRoot = parent.get_parent()
   groups = meetingRoot.search1(name='groups')
   allGroups = groups.get_child_items(self)
   for group in allGroups:
     allChildren = group.get_child_items(self)
     for child in allChildren:
       if creator.id == child.user_id:
         return group.sets
   return []

示例4: get_initial_events

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
  def get_initial_events(self, request, rootid):
    '''Retrieves a list of initial javascript calls that should be sent to the client
       when the view first loads.  Typically, this is a series of add_processor
    global potentialQuestionList
    creator = request.session.user
    meeting = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    parent = meeting.get_parent()
    meetingRoot = parent.get_parent()
    groups = meetingRoot.search1(name='groups')
    activities = parent.search1(view='questioneditor')
    userGroup = ''
    #find which user group user belongs to
    allGroups = groups.get_child_items(self)
    for group in allGroups:
      allChildren = group.get_child_items(self)
      for child in allChildren:
        if creator.id == child.user_id:
          userGroup = group.name
          #setPicked = group.sets 
    setPicked = QuestionAsker.set_picked(self,request)

    #get the question ids of the questions that have already been answered
    groupMapping = activities.search1(name="groupMapping")

    potentialQuestionList = ''
    for group in groupMapping:
      if group.name == userGroup:
        for child in group.get_child_items(self):
          if child.name == 'quesId':
            potentialQuestionList = child.quesId[:]

    filterParams = QuestionAsker.filter_params(self,request,setPicked)
    events = []

      if (creator.backtrack * -1) < len(creator.answeredQuestions):
    except AttributeError:
      creator.backtrack = 0
    if not filterParams[0] == "":
      events.append(Event('populateEnd', filterParams[0],str(creator.id)))
      events.append(Event('populateForm', filterParams[1], filterParams[2], filterParams[3], filterParams[4], str(creator.id), filterParams[5]))
    return events

示例5: get_initial_events

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
 def get_initial_events(self, request, rootid):
   '''Retrieves a list of initial javascript calls that should be sent to the client
      when the view first loads.  Typically, this is a series of add_processor
   meeting = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
   parent = meeting.get_parent()
   activities = parent.search1(view='questioneditor')
   events = []
   allQuestions = []
   for child in activities.search1(name="questions"):
     item = datagate.get_item(child.id)
     options = item.search1(name="options")
     allChoices = options.get_child_items(self)
     allOptions = []
     for choice in allChoices:
     allQuestions.append([child.id, child.text, child.format, child.comment, allOptions, options.num_selections, child.comOpt])
   return events

示例6: html_update_action

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
  def html_update_action(self, request, filters):
    meeting = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    setData = ReportFindings.makeDictionaries(self, meeting, filters, False)
    #for set in ["Mandatory", "Agility", "Trust", etc.]:
    sets = set([])
    for key in setData.keys():
      sets.add( key.split('|')[0] )
    sets = list(sets)

    groupsList = ["PM", "PMO", "Contractor", "Senior Stakeholder", "User"]

    htmlData = []
    firstRow = [""]
    firstRow.extend(groupsList) #["", "PM", "PMO", "Contractor", "Senior Stakeholder", "User"]
    htmlData.append(firstRow) #[ ["", "PM", "PMO", "Contractor", "Senior Stakeholder", "User"] ]
    for aset in sets:
      nextRow = [aset] # e.g. ["Mandatory"]
      for group in groupsList: #["PM", "PMO", "Contractor", "Senior Stakeholder", "User"]:
          responses = setData[aset+"|"+group]
          responses = filter((lambda x: x < 8), responses)
          mean = float(sum(responses))/float(len(responses))
        except KeyError:
        except ZeroDivisionError:

    #log.info("htmlData: "+str(htmlData))

    htmlString = ReportFindings.makeHTMLString(self, htmlData)
    #log.info("htmlString = "+htmlString)
    events = []
    events.append(Event('updateTable', htmlString))

    return events

示例7: filter_params

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
  def filter_params(self,request, setPicked):
    global potentialQuestionList
    creator = request.session.user
    meeting = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    parent = meeting.get_parent()
    meetingRoot = parent.get_parent()
    groups = meetingRoot.search1(name='groups')
    activities = parent.search1(view='questioneditor')
    answered = 0
    asked = 0
    question = ''
    answeredQuestionList = []
    userGroup = ''
    userQues = ''
    qId = ''
    events = []
    end = False

    if not setPicked:
      return ["Thank you for logging in.<br/>You currently have no questions assigned for you to answer. You will be informed when questions or survey results are released to you.", 0, 0, 0]
    #find which user group user belongs to
    allGroups = groups.get_child_items(self)
    for group in allGroups:
      allChildren = group.get_child_items(self)
      for child in allChildren:
        if creator.id == child.user_id:
          userGroup = group.name

    #get the number of questions already answered by the user
    userAnswer = activities.search1(name="userAnswers")
    for user in userAnswer:
      if user.name == creator.name:
        userQues = user.get_child_items(self)
        #answered = len(userQues)   
        #get the list of question ids of the questions that have already been answered
        for q in userQues:

    # this is equivalent to potentialQuestionList = list( set(potentialQuestionList) - set(answeredQuestionList) )
    # I'm not sure which is more efficient or readable, though.
    for q in potentialQuestionList[:]:
      for a in answeredQuestionList:
        if q == a:
    #make list of questions from potentialQuestionList and set selected
    setQuestionList = []
    sets = activities.search1(name="sets")
    for s in sets:
      if s.name in setPicked:
        for qIds in s.get_child_items(self):
          if qIds.name == 'quesId':
            for q in qIds.quesId:
              if(potentialQuestionList.count(q) != 0) and q not in setQuestionList:

    if creator.initialize:
      creator.sessionQuestionList = potentialQuestionList[:]
      creator.initialize = False

    #asked = len(setQuestionList) + answered
    answered = len(creator.answeredQuestions) + creator.backtrack
    asked = len(creator.sessionQuestionList)

    preselect = ""

    if answered >= asked :
      end = "You have answered all of your questions.</br>Please log in later to view the results."
      end = ""
      if creator.backtrack < 0:
        questionId = creator.answeredQuestions[creator.backtrack]
        questionXML = datagate.get_item(questionId)
        answers = questionXML.search1(name="answers")
        question = QuestionAsker.get_question(self,questionId)
        #if this user has already answered this question, preselect their answer
        answer = None
        for each in answers:
          if each.who == creator.name:
            answer = each
        #answerDictionary translates answers to radioButton IDs
        answerDictionary = {'stronglydisagree': 'stdInput', 'disagree': 'dInput', 'somewhatdisagree': 'swdInput', 'neither': 'nInput',
                            'stronglyagree': 'staInput', 'agree':'aInput', 'somewhatagree':'swaInput', 'N/A':'N/A'}

        preselect = answerDictionary[answer.answer]
        #log.info("answerDictionary["+(answer.answer)+"] = preselect = "+answerDictionary[answer.answer])
        question = QuestionAsker.get_question(self,setQuestionList[0])
        preselect = ""
    params = [end, question, preselect, answered, asked, setPicked]
    return params

示例8: send_content

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
  def send_content(self, request):
    # Sends content of page
    request.writeln(HTML_HEAD_NO_CLOSE + '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' + join(WEB_PROGRAM_URL, "layout.css") + '" /></head>')
    request.writeln('''<body onload='setUser("''' + str(request.session.user.id) + '''")'>''')

    thisPage = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    parent_id = thisPage.parentid
    parent = datagate.get_item(parent_id)
    grandparent_id = parent.parentid
    meeting = datagate.get_item(grandparent_id)

    thisPage = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    parent = thisPage.get_parent()
    meeting = parent.get_parent()

    user_is_pm = False
    for child in meeting:
     if child.name == "groups":
       for group in child:
         if group.name == "PM":
           for pm_item in group:
             if pm_item.user_id == request.session.user.id:
               user_is_pm = True

    if request.session.user.superuser == '1' or user_is_pm:
      request.writeln('<table cellspacing="0" style="border-bottom:#99ccff 1px dotted;padding:3px;" width=100%><tr>')
      request.writeln('''<td id="menu-logo">
      			<div id="poet-logo">POET</a>

      request.writeln('<td id="user-menu">')
      request.writeln('logged in as <strong>'+request.session.user.name+'</strong>')
      if request.session.user.superuser == '1':
        request.writeln('<span class="divider">|</span> <a href="' + request.cgi_href(_adminaction=None, global_adminview=None) + '">Home</a>')
      request.writeln('  <span class="divider">|</span> <a target="_top" href="' + request.cgi_href(itemid=meeting.id, global_view='Administrator', global_adminview='POET') + '">Manage Program</a>')
      request.writeln('''<span class="divider">|</span> <a onclick='javascript:openProgInfo();'>Program Information</a> <span class="divider">|</span> <a onclick='javascript:openHelp();'>Help</a> <span class="divider">|</span> ''')
      request.writeln('<a href="' + request.cgi_href(global_view='login', _adminaction='logout') + '">Logout</a>')

    if meeting.status == 0: #this might need rethinking
      msg = "Thank you for logging in.<br/>No questions have been published yet. Please return later to participate."
      msg = "Thank you for logging in.<br/>You have answered all of the questions that have been assigned to you. You will be informed when more questions or survey results are released to you."

    request.writeln('''<script src="''' + join(WEB_PROGRAM_URL, 'jquery-1.4.2.min.js') + '''"></script>''')
    request.writeln('''<script src="''' + join(WEB_PROGRAM_URL, 'jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js') + '''"></script>''')
    request.writeln('''<link href="''' + join(WEB_PROGRAM_URL, 'jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css') + '''" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>''')


      <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
        $(function() {
			value: progress
	$(function() {
		$("input:button, input:submit").button();
        var currentQuestion;
        var progress;
	var loggedInUser;
	function openHelp() {
          window.open("''' + WEB_PROGRAM_URL + '''/Help/", "helpwindow", "dependent,height=800,width=1000,scrollbars,resizable");
          return false;
	function openProgInfo() {
	  window.open("''' + WEB_PROGRAM_URL + '''/ProgInfo/", "proginfowindow", "dependent,height=800,width=1000,scrollbars,resizable");
          return false;
	function setUser(user){
	  loggedInUser = user;
	  window.open("''' + WEB_PROGRAM_URL + '''/ProgInfo/", "proginfowindow", "dependent,height=800,width=1000,scrollbars,resizable");
        function populateEnd(message,creator) {
	  if(creator == loggedInUser){
	    document.getElementById('progressbar').style.display = "none";   
	    document.getElementById('quesNum').style.display = "none";
	    //document.getElementById('previewQuestion').innerHTML = "'''+msg+'''";
	    document.getElementById('previewQuestion').innerHTML = message;
	    document.getElementById('previewCommentInput').style.display = "none";
	    document.getElementById('questionInput').style.display = "none";
	    document.getElementById('backButton').style.display = "inline-block";
	    document.getElementById('submitButton').style.display = "none";
	    document.getElementById('resetButton').style.display = "none";
	    document.getElementById('naInput').style.display = "none";

        function populateForm(question, preselect, answered, asked, creator, set) {
	  if(creator == loggedInUser){

示例9: exportCSV_action

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
  def exportCSV_action(self, request, filters):
    meeting = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    parent = meeting.get_parent()
    meetingRoot = parent.get_parent()
    questioneditor = parent.search1(view='questioneditor')
    questions = questioneditor.search1(name="questions")

    groups = meetingRoot.search1(name='groups')
    userDictionary = {}    
    for group in groups:
      userDictionary[group.name] = []
      for user in group:
    group_filter = filters[0]
    poet_filter = filters[1]
    sets_filter = filters[2]

    # Step 1: Create a dictionary with a key for every existing combination of [POET]x[Set]x[Group].
    # Each key's entry will be a list of question ids that belong to that combination.
    # This dictionary acts as a "master list" for ordering purposes. 
    qLists = {}
    for q in questions:
      #Please feel free to change these variable names if you come up with something better
      q_poet = [] #the question's poet factors
      q_poetNode = q.search1(name='poet')
      for q_p in q_poetNode:
      if not q_poet: # if q_poet == []
        q_poet = ["None"] #this is only necessary for POET factors, because a question with no sets/groups can't be asked
      if not "All" in poet_filter: #change this to "elif", and questions without a POET factor will survive the filter anyway
        q_poet = filter(lambda x:x in q_poet, poet_filter)
      q_sets = [] #the question's sets
      q_setsNode = q.search1(name='sets')
      for q_set in q_setsNode:
      if not "All" in sets_filter: #"all" is not in the filter set
        q_sets = filter(lambda x:x in q_sets, sets_filter)

      q_groups = q.users #the queston's groups
      if not "All" in group_filter: #"all" is not in the filter set
        q_groups = filter(lambda x:x in q_groups, group_filter)       

      for qp in q_poet: #for...
        for qs in q_sets: #every...
          for qg in q_groups: #combination:
              qLists[qp+qs+qg].append(q.id) # add it to the relevant list
            except KeyError: #entry doesn't exist yet
              qLists[qp+qs+qg] = [q.id]
    # Step 2: Create a dictionary with a key for every combination of [User] x [POET] x [Set] x [Group].
    # Populate it with each entry a list of ints, with ints corresponding to answers to questions.
    # This is almost exactly what the final CSV will look like.
    answerData = {}
    t = {'stronglydisagree': 1, 'disagree': 2, 'somewhatdisagree': 3, 'neither': 4, 'somewhatagree': 5, 'agree': 6, 'stronglyagree': 7} #translates answers into numbers

    for q in questions: 
      q_poet = [] #the question's poet factors
      q_poetNode = q.search1(name='poet')
      for q_p in q_poetNode:
      if not q_poet: # if q_poet == []
        q_poet = ["None"] #this is only necessary for POET factors, because a question with no sets/groups can't be asked
      if not "All" in poet_filter: #change this to "elif", and questions without a POET factor will survive the filter anyway
        q_poet = filter(lambda x:x in q_poet, poet_filter)
      q_sets = [] #the question's sets
      q_setsNode = q.search1(name='sets')
      for q_set in q_setsNode:
      if not "All" in sets_filter: #"all" is not in the filter set
        q_sets = filter(lambda x:x in q_sets, sets_filter)

      q_groups = q.users #the question's groups
      if not "All" in group_filter: #"all" is not in the filter set
        q_groups = filter(lambda x:x in q_groups, group_filter)

      answers = q.search1(name='answers') #all the answers that question has received
      for answer in answers: #for every individual answer...
        user = answer.who #who answered it...
        user_id = answer.creatorid
        for qp in q_poet: #and what...
          for qs in q_sets: #categories it...
            for qg in q_groups: #belongs to:
              if user_id in userDictionary[qg]: #ignore the groups the user doesn't belong to
                index = qLists[qp+qs+qg].index(q.id) #fetch the index from the master list
                entry = user+"|"+qp+"|"+qs+"|"+qg #compose a name with "|" marks for division later
                  answerData[entry][index] = t[answer.answer] #update the appropriate column of the row
                except KeyError: #that row doesn't exist yet -- so make it
                  answerData[entry] = [0] * len(qLists[qp+qs+qg]) #a zero for every question belonging to the poet/set/group
                  answerData[entry][index] = t[answer.answer]

    # Step 3: Create the CSV file.
    # Each key of the dictionary created in Step 3 will be transformed into a row of the CSV.
    csv = "Username, POET Factor, Set, Group\n" #the header
    for key in answerData.keys(): #each of these will be a row in the final file
      keySplit = key.split('|') #"Alan|Political|Mandatory|PM" -> ["Alan", "Political", "Mandatory", "PM"]

示例10: send_content

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]

          window.open("''' + WEB_PROGRAM_URL + '''/Help/", "helpwindow", "dependent,height=800,width=1000,scrollbars,resizable");
          return false;
	function openProgInfo() {
          window.open("''' + WEB_PROGRAM_URL + '''/ProgInfo/", "proginfowindow", "dependent,height=800,width=1000,scrollbars,resizable");
          return false;

        function exportCSV() {
          filter = [["All"], ["All"], ["All"]];
          sendEvent('exportCSV', filter);

        function exportFilteredCSV() {
          filter = getFilter();
          sendEvent('exportCSV', filter);        

        function redirectCSV(){
          window.open("''' + WEB_PROGRAM_URL + '''/POET.csv");

        function redirectToCSV(name){
          window.open("''' + WEB_PROGRAM_URL + '''/AddPOETChart.bas");
          window.open("''' + WEB_PROGRAM_URL + '''/results.xls");


    # HTML for page #
    '''determines whether a given user is the PM of a given meeting'''
    activity = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    activities = activity.get_parent()
    meeting = activities.get_parent()
    user_is_pm = False
    for child in meeting:
     if child.name == "groups":
       for group in child:
         if group.name == "PM":
           for pm_item in group:
             if pm_item.user_id == request.session.user.id:
               user_is_pm = True
    if request.session.user.superuser == '1' or user_is_pm:
      request.writeln('<table cellspacing="0" style="border-bottom:#99ccff 1px dotted;padding:3px;" width=100%><tr>')
      request.writeln('''<td id="menu-logo">
      			<div id="poet-logo">POET</a>

      request.writeln('<td id="user-menu">')
      request.writeln('logged in as <strong>'+request.session.user.name+'</strong>')
      if request.session.user.superuser == '1':
        request.writeln('<span class="divider">|</span> <a href="' + request.cgi_href(_adminaction=None, global_adminview=None) + '">Home</a>')
      request.writeln('  <span class="divider">|</span> <a target="_top" href="' + request.cgi_href(itemid=meeting.id, global_view='Administrator', global_adminview='POET') + '">Manage Program</a>')
      request.writeln('''<span class="divider">|</span> <a onclick='javascript:openProgInfo();'>Program Information</a> <span class="divider">|</span> <a onclick='javascript:openHelp();'>Help</a> <span class="divider">|</span> ''')
      request.writeln('<a href="' + request.cgi_href(global_view='login', _adminaction='logout') + '">Logout</a>')

    for activity in activities:
      if activity.name == "Question Editor":      
        sets = activity.search1(name="sets")

示例11: get_findings_action

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
  def get_findings_action(self, request, filterChoice):
    #log.info("filterChoice = "+str(filterChoice))
    meeting = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    parent = meeting.get_parent()
    activities = parent.search1(view='questioneditor')
    questions = activities.search1(name="questions")
    doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
    root = doc.appendChild(doc.createElement("QuestionSystem"))
    meta = root.appendChild(doc.createElement('meta'))
    date = meta.appendChild(doc.createElement('exportdate'))
    date.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')))
    quesRoot = root.appendChild(doc.createElement('questions'))
    xmlDoc = doc
    #log.info("*** START OF REPORT ***")
    #log.info("filterChoice = "+str(filterChoice))

    # Iterate through all questions, filter out the questions that match the categories
    count = 0 #only for debugging (but could be useful later)
    for q in questions:
      #log.info(" --- QUESTION --- ")
      users = q.users
      poet = []
      sets = []
      for qchild in q:
        if qchild.name == "poet":
          for p in qchild:
        elif qchild.name == "sets":
          for s in qchild:
      #log.info("Users:      "+str(users)+" vs. "+str(filterChoice[0]))
      #log.info("Poet:       "+str(poet)+" vs. "+str(filterChoice[1]))
      #log.info("Sets:       "+str(sets)+" vs. "+str(filterChoice[2]))
      #these three checks could be rewritten as three calls to a function that takes two lists and returns True if there is any shared element
      # check users
      if 'All' in filterChoice[0]:
        includeUsers = True
        includeUsers = False
        for filterUser in filterChoice[0]: 
          if filterUser in users:
            includeUsers = True
      # check poet
      if 'All' in filterChoice[1]:
        includePoet = True
        includePoet = False
        for filterPoet in filterChoice[1]: 
          if filterPoet in poet:
            includePoet = True
      # check categories
      if 'All' in filterChoice[2]:
        includeSet = True
        includeSet = False
        for filterSet in filterChoice[2]: 
          if filterSet in sets:
            includeSet = True

      #If you want to force a question to match every element of a filter, use this logic instead:
      includeUsers = True #bool starts as true instead of false
      for filterUser in filterChoice[0]: 
        if filterUser not in users: #check for "not in" as opposed to "in"
          includeUsers = False

      if includeUsers and includePoet and includeSet: 
      	xmldoc = ReportFindings.export(self, doc, quesRoot, q)
      	count += 1
      #log.info(" ---------------- ")
    #log.info("# of matches: "+str(count))
    #log.info("**** END OF REPORT ****")
    f = open('qaDoc.xml','w')
    print >> f, xmlDoc.toxml()	
    requestedQuestion = []
    events = []
    events.append(Event('viewFindings', xmlDoc.toxml()))
    return events

示例12: send_content

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
  def send_content(self, request):
    '''Sends the content pane to the browser'''
    request.writeln(HTML_HEAD_NO_CLOSE + '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' + join(WEB_PROGRAM_URL, "layout.css") + '" />')
    request.writeln('''<script src="''' + join(WEB_PROGRAM_URL, 'jquery-1.4.2.min.js') + '''"></script>''')
    request.writeln('''<script src="''' + join(WEB_PROGRAM_URL, 'jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js') + '''"></script>''')
    request.writeln('''<link href="''' + join(WEB_PROGRAM_URL, 'jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css') + '''" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>''')
      <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
        $(document).ready(function() {

    request.writeln(self.BODY_TAG_NO_CLOSE + ' id="outputBody">')
    root = datagate.get_item(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    item = root.search1(name="comments")
    activity = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    activities = activity.get_parent()
    meeting = activities.get_parent()
    user_is_pm = False
    for child in meeting:
     if child.name == "groups":
       for group in child:
         if group.name == "PM":
           for pm_item in group:
             if pm_item.user_id == request.session.user.id:
               user_is_pm = True
    if request.session.user.superuser == '1' or user_is_pm:
      request.writeln('<div><table cellspacing="0" style="border-bottom:#99ccff 1px dotted;padding:3px;" width=100%><tr>')
      request.writeln('''<td id="menu-logo">
      			<div id="poet-logo">POET</a>

      request.writeln('<td id="user-menu">')
      request.writeln('logged in as <strong>'+request.session.user.name+'</strong>')
      if request.session.user.superuser == '1':
        request.writeln('<span class="divider">|</span> <a href="' + request.cgi_href(_adminaction=None, global_adminview=None) + '">Home</a>')
      request.writeln('  <span class="divider">|</span> <a target="_top" href="' + request.cgi_href(itemid=meeting.id, global_view='Administrator', global_adminview='POET') + '">Manage Program</a>')
      request.writeln('''<span class="divider">|</span> <a onclick='javascript:openProgInfo();'>Program Information</a> <span class="divider">|</span> <a onclick='javascript:openHelp();'>Help</a> <span class="divider">|</span> ''')
      request.writeln('<a href="' + request.cgi_href(global_view='login', _adminaction='logout') + '">Logout</a>')
    request.writeln("<br/><h2 align='center'>Brainstorming</h2>")
    if item.getvalue('commentertitle', '') != '':
      request.writeln('<p id="title"><h3>' + item.getvalue('commentertitle', '') + '</h3><h4>' + item.getvalue('commenterdescrip', '') + '</h4></p>')
    request.writeln('''<div id='addIdea'>
		      <button align='right' onclick='document.getElementById("addcomment").style.display="block";'>Add</button>
		      <div id='addcomment' style='display:none;' align='center'>
		      ''' + request.cgi_form(gm_action="add_comment") + '''
			  <textarea align='center' name="text" cols="50" rows="2" style="width:80%"></textarea>
			  <input type="submit" value="Add" name="submit">
    request.writeln('''<br/><div id='commentDiv' class='commentList'></div>''')
    request.writeln('''<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>

示例13: send_menu

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
  def send_menu(self, request):
    '''Sends the menu'''
    meeting = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    activities_item = meeting.search1(name='activities')
    activities = datagate.get_child_items(activities_item.id)
    rights = self.get_user_rights(request)

    request.writeln(HTML_HEAD_NO_CLOSE + '''
      <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
        var views = new Array();
    for activity in activities:
      request.writeln('        views["' + activity.id + '"] = "' + activity.view + '";')
        function selectActivity() {
          var activityid = document.getElementById('activityid').value;
          parent.activity.location.href = "''' + request.cgi_href(global_windowid=request.getvalue('global_windowid', ''), global_view=None, global_rootid=None, frame=None) + '''&global_view=" + views[activityid] + "&global_rootid=" + activityid;
        function initialLoad() {
        function openHelp() {
          window.open("''' + WEB_PROGRAM_URL + '''Help/", "helpwindow", "dependent,height=400,width=300,scrollbars,resizable");
          return false;
        function gotoActivity(activityid, requester_sessionid) {
          var activity = document.getElementById('activityid');
          if ("''' + request.session.id + '''" != requester_sessionid) {
            activity.value = activityid;
            alert("The sync message has been sent to all participants in this meeting.");

        function syncParticipants() {
          if (confirm("Syncronize this meeting's participants to this activity?")) {
            var activityid = document.getElementById('activityid').value;
            sendEvent('gotoActivity', activityid, "''' + request.session.id + '''");
      <body background="''' + join(WEB_PROGRAM_URL, "background1.png") + '''" onload="initialLoad();">
      <table border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0 width=100%><tr><td nowrap valign="center" align="left" style="color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:800">
        ''' + html(meeting.name) + ''': ''' + html(request.session.user.name) + '''
      </td><td nowrap align="center" style="color:#FFFFFF">

    if rights['Show Activities Selector'] or request.session.user.superuser == '1': # don't show unless there are more than one or the superuser
        <select name="activityid" id='activityid' onchange="javascript:selectActivity()">
      for activity in activities:
        request.writeln('<option value="' + activity.id + '">' + activity.name + '</option>')
      if request.session.user.superuser == '1':
        request.writeln('<input type="button" value="Sync Participants" onclick="javascript:syncParticipants();">')
      # this hidden input allows the selectActivity() js functions to work (called with body.onLoad)
      request.writeln('<input type="hidden" name="activityid" id="activityid" value="' + activities[0].id + '">')

    request.writeln('</td><td align="right" style="color:#FFFFFF">')
    if request.session.user.superuser == '1':
      request.writeln('<a style="color:white" target="_top" href="' + request.cgi_href(itemid=meeting.id, global_view='Administrator', global_adminview='MeetingHome') + '">Administrator</a> | ')
        <a style='color:white' onclick='javascript:openHelp();'>Help</a>
        <a target="_top" href="''' + request.cgi_href(global_view='logout') + '''" style="color:white">Logout</a>
      <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>startEventLoop();</script>

示例14: send_menu

# 需要导入模块: import Directory [as 别名]
# 或者: from Directory import get_meeting [as 别名]
  def send_menu(self, request):
    '''Sends the menu'''
    meeting = Directory.get_meeting(request.getvalue('global_rootid', ''))
    activities_item = meeting.search1(name='activities')
    activities = datagate.get_child_items(activities_item.id)
    rights = self.get_user_rights(request)

    request.writeln(HTML_HEAD_NO_CLOSE + '''
      <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
        var views = new Array();
    for activity in activities:
      request.writeln('        views["' + activity.id + '"] = "' + activity.view + '";')
        function selectActivity() {
          var activityid = document.getElementById('activityid').value;
          parent.activity.location.href = "''' + request.cgi_href(global_windowid=request.getvalue('global_windowid', ''), global_view=None, global_rootid=None, frame=None) + '''&global_view=" + views[activityid] + "&global_rootid=" + activityid;   
        function initialLoad() {
        function openHelp() {
          window.open("''' + WEB_PROGRAM_URL + '''/Help/", "helpwindow", "dependent,height=400,width=300,scrollbars,resizable");
          return false;
        function gotoActivity(activityid, requester_sessionid) {
          var activity = document.getElementById('activityid');
          if ("''' + request.session.id + '''" != requester_sessionid) {
            activity.value = activityid;
            alert("The sync message has been sent to all participants in this meeting.");

        function syncParticipants() {
          if (confirm("Syncronize this meeting's participants to this activity?")) {
            var activityid = document.getElementById('activityid').value;
            sendEvent('gotoActivity', activityid, "''' + request.session.id + '''");
      <body id="menu" ''" onload="initialLoad();" style="margin:0;padding:0;">
      <table cellspacing="0"  style="border-bottom:#99ccff 1px dotted;padding:3px;">
      		<td id="menu-logo">
      			<div id="poet-logo">POET</div>
      	<td id="menu-activities">

    user_is_pm = 0
    for child in meeting:
      if child.name == "groups":
        for group in child:
          if group.name == "PM":
            for pm_item in group:
              if pm_item.user_id == request.session.user.id:
                user_is_pm = 1

    if rights['Show Activities Selector'] or request.session.user.superuser == '1' or user_is_pm == 1: # don't show unless there are more than one or the superuser
        <div class="hide">Activity:
        <select name="activityid" id='activityid' onchange="javascript:selectActivity()">
      for activity in activities:
        request.writeln('<option value="' + activity.id + '">' + activity.name + '</option>')
      if request.session.user.superuser == '1':
        request.writeln('<input type="button" value="Sync Participants" onclick="javascript:syncParticipants();"></div>')

    # select activity based on meeting status
    elif meeting.status < 2: #results not released -- send to QuestionAsker
      # this hidden input allows the selectActivity() js functions to work (called with body.onLoad)
      request.writeln('<input type="hidden" name="activityid" id="activityid" value="' + activities[1].id + '">')
    else: #results released -- send to Findings
      request.writeln('<input type="hidden" name="activityid" id="activityid" value="' + activities[2].id + '">')

    request.writeln('</td><td id="user-menu">')
    request.writeln('logged in as <strong>' + html(request.session.user.name) + '</strong>')
    if request.session.user.superuser == '1' or user_is_pm == 1:
      request.writeln('<span class="divider">|</span> <a target="_top" href="' + request.cgi_href(itemid=meeting.id, global_view='Administrator', global_adminview='POET') + '">Edit</a>')
        <span class="divider">|</span> <a onclick='javascript:openHelp();'>Help</a> <span class="divider">|</span> 
        <a target="_top" href="''' + request.cgi_href(global_view='logout') + '''" >Logout</a>
      <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>startEventLoop();</script>
