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Python DataStructures类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中DataStructures的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python DataStructures类的具体用法?Python DataStructures怎么用?Python DataStructures使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: SmoothData

    def SmoothData(self, numiters=10, lowreject=2, highreject=2):
        done = False
        data = self.smoothing_data.copy()
        iterations = 0
        while not done and iterations < numiters:
            iterations += 1
            done = True
            smoother = UnivariateSpline(data.x, data.y / data.cont, s=self.smoothing_factor)
            smoothed = DataStructures.xypoint(x=data.x)
            smoothed.y = smoother(smoothed.x)
            resid = data.y / data.cont - smoothed.y
            std = np.std(resid)
            badindices = np.where(np.logical_or(resid < -lowreject * std, resid > highreject * std))[0]
            # plt.figure(2)
            #plt.plot(data.x, resid, 'ro')
            #plt.plot(data.x, -lowreject*std*np.ones(data.x.size), 'b-')
            #plt.plot(data.x, highreject*std*np.ones(data.x.size), 'b-')
            if badindices.size > 0 and data.size() - badindices.size > 10:
                done = False
                data.x = np.delete(data.x, badindices)
                data.y = np.delete(data.y, badindices)
                data.cont = np.delete(data.cont, badindices)

        return DataStructures.xypoint(x=self.smoothing_data.x, y=smoother(self.smoothing_data.x))

示例2: GetSpectrum

 def GetSpectrum(self, T, metal, logg, vmicro):
     #Make sure it is not already read in
     if self.read_dict[T][metal][logg][vmicro]:
         if self.debug:
             print "Model already read. Skipping..."
         return self.models[T][metal][logg][vmicro]
     elif self.model_dict[T][metal][logg][vmicro] == '':
         if self.debug:
             print "No model found with: \n\tT=%f\n\t[Fe/H]=%f\n\tlog(g)=%f\n\tvmicro=%f" % (T, metal, logg, vmicro)
         raise ValueError
         #If we get here, the model does exist and has not yet been read in.
         if self.debug:
             print "Reading model with: \n\tT=%f\n\t[Fe/H]=%f\n\tlog(g)=%f\n\tvmicro=%f" % (T, metal, logg, vmicro)
         fluxfile = self.model_dict[T][metal][logg][vmicro]
         contfile = fluxfile.replace("vis.7", "vis.17")
         x, y = np.loadtxt(fluxfile, usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True)
         x2, c = np.loadtxt(contfile, usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True)
         flux = DataStructures.xypoint(x=x * units.angstrom.to(units.nm), y=y)
         cont = DataStructures.xypoint(x=x2 * units.angstrom.to(units.nm), y=c)
         flux = RebinData(flux, self.xgrid)
         cont = RebinData(cont, self.xgrid)
         model = DataStructures.xypoint(x=self.xgrid, y=flux.y, cont=cont.y)
         self.read_dict[T][metal][logg][vmicro] = True
         self.models[T][metal][logg][vmicro] = model
         return model

示例3: MakeXYpoints

def MakeXYpoints(datafile, extensions=False, x=None, y=None, cont=None, errors=None):
    print "Reading in file %s: " % datafile

    orders = []
    if extensions:
        #This means the data is in fits extensions, with one order per extension
        #At least x and y should be given (and should be strings to identify the field in the table record array)
        if type(x) != str:
            x = raw_input("Give name of the field which contains the x array: ")
        if type(y) != str:
            y = raw_input("Give name of the field which contains the y array: ")
        hdulist = pyfits.open(datafile)
        if cont == None:
            if errors == None:
                for i in range(1, len(hdulist)):
                    data = hdulist[i].data
                    xypt = DataStructures.xypoint(x=data.field(x), y=data.field(y))
                if type(errors) != str:
                    errors = raw_input("Give name of the field which contains the errors/sigma array: ")
                for i in range(1, len(hdulist)):
                    data = hdulist[i].data
                    xypt = DataStructures.xypoint(x=data.field(x), y=data.field(y), err=data.field(errors))
        elif type(cont) == str:
            if errors == None:
                for i in range(1, len(hdulist)):
                    data = hdulist[i].data
                    xypt = DataStructures.xypoint(x=data.field(x), y=data.field(y), cont=data.field(cont))
                if type(errors) != str:
                    errors = raw_input("Give name of the field which contains the errors/sigma array: ")
                for i in range(1, len(hdulist)):
                    data = hdulist[i].data
                    xypt = DataStructures.xypoint(x=data.field(x), y=data.field(y), cont=data.field(cont),

        #Data is in a big array.
        hdulist = pyfits.open(datafile)
        data = hdulist[0].data
        numorders = data.shape[0]
        for i in range(numorders):
            wave = data[..., ..., 0][i]
            flux = data[..., ..., 1][i]
            error = np.ones(wave.size) * 1e9
            error[flux > 0] = np.sqrt(flux[flux > 0])
            orders.append(DataStructures.xypoint(x=wave, y=flux, err=error))

    return orders

示例4: OptimalSmooth

def OptimalSmooth(order, normalize=True):
    Determine the best window size with cross-validation

  #Flatten the spectrum
  order.y /= order.cont/order.cont.mean()
  order.err /= order.cont/order.cont.mean()

  #Remove outliers (telluric residuals)
  smoothed = SmoothData(order, windowsize=41, normalize=False)
  temp = smoothed.copy()
  temp.y = order.y/smoothed.y
  temp.cont = FittingUtilities.Continuum(temp.x, temp.y, lowreject=2, highreject=2, fitorder=3)
  outliers = HelperFunctions.FindOutliers(temp, numsiglow=6, numsighigh=6, expand=10)
  data = order.copy()
  if len(outliers) > 0:
    #order.y[outliers] = order.cont[outliers]
    order.y[outliers] = smoothed.y[outliers]
    order.err[outliers] = 9e9

  #Make cross-validation sets
  inp = np.transpose((order.x, order.err, order.cont))
  X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(inp, order.y, test_size=0.2)
  X_train = X_train.transpose()
  X_test = X_test.transpose()
  sorter_train = np.argsort(X_train[0])
  sorter_test = np.argsort(X_test[0])
  training = DataStructures.xypoint(x=X_train[0][sorter_train], y=y_train[sorter_train], err=X_train[1][sorter_train], cont=X_train[2][sorter_train])
  validation = DataStructures.xypoint(x=X_test[0][sorter_test], y=y_test[sorter_test], err=X_test[1][sorter_test], cont=X_test[2][sorter_test])

  #Try each smoothing parameter
  s_array = np.logspace(-3, 1, 100)
  chisq = []
  for s in s_array:
    fcn = smooth(training.x, training.y, w=1.0/training.err, s=s)
    prediction = fcn(validation.x)
    chisq.append(cost(validation.y, prediction, validation.err))
    print s, chisq[-1]

  idx = np.argmin(np.array(chisq) - 1.0)
  s = s_array[idx]

  s = 0.9*order.size()
  smoothed = order.copy()
  fcn = smooth(smoothed.x, smoothed.y, w=1.0/smoothed.err, s=s)
  smoothed.y = fcn(smoothed.x)
  plt.plot(order.x, order.y)
  plt.plot(smoothed.x, smoothed.y)
  return smoothed, s

示例5: Interpolate_Old

    def Interpolate_Old(self, dictionary, SpT):
        #First, we must convert the relations above into a monotonically increasing system
        #Just add ten when we get to each new spectral type
        relation = DataStructures.xypoint(len(dictionary))

        # Strip the spectral type of the luminosity class information
        SpT = re.search('[A-Z]([0-9]\.?[0-9]*)', SpT).group()

        xpoints = []
        ypoints = []
        for key, index in zip(dictionary, range(len(dictionary))):
            #Convert key to a number

        sorting_indices = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(xpoints), key=lambda x: x[1])]
        for index in range(len(dictionary)):
            i = sorting_indices[index]
            relation.x[index] = xpoints[i]
            relation.y[index] = ypoints[i]

        RELATION = UnivariateSpline(relation.x, relation.y, s=0)

        spnum = self.SpT_To_Number(SpT)
        if spnum > 0:
            return RELATION(spnum)
            return np.nan

示例6: fix_chip_wavelength

def fix_chip_wavelength(model_orders, data_orders, band_cutoff=1870):
    """ Adjust the wavelength in data_orders to be self-consistent
    # H band
    model_orders_H = [o.copy() for o in model_orders if o.x[-1] < band_cutoff]
    data_orders_H = [o.copy() for o in data_orders if o.x[-1] < band_cutoff]
    ordernums_H = 121.0 - np.arange(len(model_orders_H))
    p_H = fit_wavelength(model_orders_H, ordernums_H, first_order=3, last_order=len(ordernums_H) - 4)

    # K band
    model_orders_K = [o.copy() for o in model_orders if o.x[-1] > band_cutoff]
    data_orders_K = [o.copy() for o in data_orders if o.x[-1] > band_cutoff]
    ordernums_K = 92.0 - np.arange(len(model_orders_K))
    p_K = fit_wavelength(model_orders_K, ordernums_K, first_order=7, last_order=len(ordernums_K) - 4)

    new_orders = []
    for i, order in enumerate(data_orders):
        pixels = np.arange(order.size(), dtype=np.float)
        if order.x[-1] < band_cutoff:
            # H band
            ordernum = ordernums_H[i] * np.ones_like(pixels)
            wave = p_H(pixels, ordernum) / ordernum
            # K band
            ordernum = ordernums_K[i-len(ordernums_H)] * np.ones_like(pixels)
            wave = p_K(pixels, ordernum) / ordernum
        new_orders.append(DataStructures.xypoint(x=wave, y=order.y, cont=order.cont, err=order.err))
    return new_orders

示例7: CombineIntervals

def CombineIntervals(intervals, overlap=0):
    iteration = 0
    print "\n\n"
    for interval in intervals:
        lastindex = interval.x.size - overlap

        if iteration == 0:
            firstindex = 0
            master_x = interval.x[firstindex:lastindex]
            master_y = interval.y[firstindex:lastindex]
            master_cont = interval.cont[firstindex:lastindex]
            firstindex = np.searchsorted(interval.x, master_x[-1]) + 1
            master_x = np.append(master_x, interval.x[firstindex:lastindex])
            master_y = np.append(master_y, interval.y[firstindex:lastindex])
            master_cont = np.append(master_cont, interval.cont[firstindex:lastindex])
        iteration += 1

    output = DataStructures.xypoint(master_x.size)
    output.x = master_x.copy()
    output.y = master_y.copy()
    output.cont = master_cont.copy()

    #Scale continuum so the highest normalized flux = 1.0
    maxindex = np.argmax(output.y / output.cont)
    factor = output.y[maxindex] / output.cont[maxindex]
    output.cont *= factor

    return output

示例8: ConvolveSmooth

    def ConvolveSmooth(self, numiters=10, lowreject=2, highreject=3):
        done = False
        data = self.smoothing_data.copy()
        # data.y /= data.cont
        iterations = 0
        if self.window_size % 2 == 0:
            self.window_size += 1

        while not done and iterations < numiters:
            iterations += 1
            done = True
            y = FittingUtilities.savitzky_golay(data.y, self.window_size, 5)
            #s = np.r_[data.y[self.window_size/2:0:-1], data.y, data.y[-1:-self.window_size/2:-1]]
            #y = np.convolve(window/window.sum(), s, mode='valid')

            reduced = data.y / y
            sigma = np.std(reduced)
            mean = np.mean(reduced)
            badindices = \
            np.where(np.logical_or((reduced - mean) / sigma < -lowreject, (reduced - mean) / sigma > highreject))[0]
            if badindices.size > 0:
                done = False
                data.y[badindices] = y[badindices]

        return DataStructures.xypoint(x=self.smoothing_data.x, y=y / self.smoothing_data.cont)

示例9: main2

def main2():
    vsini = 250
    fname = "/Users/kgulliks/t15000g40a00p00_w300_700_r1.dat"
    x, y, c = np.loadtxt(fname, usecols=(0, 1, 2), unpack=True)
    import DataStructures
    import Broaden

    order = DataStructures.xypoint(x=x, y=y, cont=c)
    order = Broaden.RotBroad(order, vsini * units.km.to(units.cm))
    left = np.searchsorted(order.x, 4780)
    right = np.searchsorted(order.x, 4960)
    arr = order[left:right].toarray(norm=True)
    syn = s4.synthesis.Synplot(15000,
    # spec = syn.spectrum
    #plt.plot(spec[:,0], spec[:,1])
    #plt.plot(arr[:,0], arr[:,1])

示例10: onclick

    def onclick(self, event):
        print event.xdata, event.ydata
        self.clicks.append((event.xdata, event.ydata))

        if len(self.clicks) < 2:
            # Perform fit. Try just fitting splines?
            x1, y1 = self.clicks[0]  #Left-hand continuum
            x2, y2 = self.clicks[1]  #Right-hand continuum
            #x3, y3 = self.clicks[2]    #Line depth
            self.clicks = []
            left = np.searchsorted(self.current_order.x, x1)
            right = np.searchsorted(self.current_order.x, x2)
            y1 = np.median(self.current_order.y[max(0, left - 2):min(self.current_order.size(), left + 2)])
            y2 = np.median(self.current_order.y[max(0, right - 2):min(self.current_order.size(), right + 2)])
            cont = np.poly1d(np.polyfit((x1, x2), (y1, y2), 1))
            self.smoothing_data = DataStructures.xypoint(x=self.current_order.x[left:right],
            self.smoothing_factor *= self.smoothing_data.size()
            smoothed = self.SmoothData()
            #smoothed = UnivariateSpline(data.x, data.y/data.cont, s=6e-4 ) #np.median(data.y)/10000.0)
            #mean = data.x.mean()
            mean = 0.0
            #smoothed = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(data.x - mean, data.y/data.cont, 7) )

            self.PlotArrays(((self.smoothing_data.x, self.smoothing_data.y / self.smoothing_data.cont, "Data"),
                             (smoothed.x, smoothed.y, "Smoothed")), self.fitaxis)


示例11: __getitem__

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if item not in self.valid_keys:
            raise KeyError('{} not a valid item for CCFContainer!'.format(item))

        if item == 'ml' and self.ml is not None:
            return DataStructures.xypoint(x=self.x, y=self.ml)
        elif item == 'dc' and self.dc is not None:
            return DataStructures.xypoint(x=self.x, y=self.dc)
        elif item == 'simple' and self.simple is not None:
            return DataStructures.xypoint(x=self.x, y=self.simple)
        elif item == 'weighted' and self.weighted is not None:
            return DataStructures.xypoint(x=self.x, y=self.weighted)
        elif item == 'simple-weighted' and self.simple_weighted is not None:
            return DataStructures.xypoint(x=self.x, y=self.simple_weighted)

        return None  # We should never get here...

示例12: GetSpectrum

 def GetSpectrum(self, T, logg, metal):
     retval = self.ReadFile(T, logg, metal)
     if retval == 0:
         wave = self.read_dict[T][metal][0]
         flux = self.read_dict[T][metal][1][logg]
         return DataStructures.xypoint(x=wave, y=flux)
         return retval

示例13: Broaden2

def Broaden2(model, vsini, intervalsize=50.0, epsilon=0.5, linear=False, findcont=False):
      model:           input filename of the spectrum. The continuum data is assumed to be in filename[:-1]+".17"
                       model can also be a DataStructures.xypoint containing the already-read model (must include continuum!)
      vsini:           the velocity (times sin(i) ) of the star
      intervalsize:    The size (in nm) of the interval to use for broadening. Since it depends on wavelength, you don't want to do all at once
      epsilon:          Linear limb darkening. I(u) = 1-epsilon + epsilon*u
      linear:          flag for if the x-spacing is already linear. If true, we don't need to make UnivariateSplines and linearize
      findcont:        flag to decide if the continuum needs to be found

    if type(model) == str:
        model = ReadFile(model)

    if not findcont:
        cont_fcn = UnivariateSpline(model.x, model.cont, s=0)

    if not linear:
        model_fcn = UnivariateSpline(model.x, model.y, s=0)
        x = np.linspace(model.x[0], model.x[-1], model.size())
        model = DataStructures.xypoint(x=x, y=model_fcn(x))
        if not findcont:
            model.cont = cont_fcn(model.x)
            model.cont = FittingUtilities.Continuum(model.x, model.y, lowreject=1.5, highreject=10)
    elif findcont:
        model.cont = FittingUtilities.Continuum(model.x, model.y, lowreject=1.5, highreject=10)

    #Convert to velocity space
    wave0 = model.x[model.size() / 2]
    model.x = constants.c.cgs.value * (model.x - wave0) / wave0

    #Make broadening profile
    left = np.searchsorted(model.x, -2 * vsini)
    right = np.searchsorted(model.x, 2 * vsini)
    profile = model[left:right]
    profile.y = np.zeros(profile.size())
    dv = profile.x / vsini
    indices = np.where(np.abs(dv) < 1.0)[0]
    profile.y[indices] = 1.0 / (vsini * (1 - epsilon / 3.0)) * (
    2 * (1 - epsilon) / np.pi * np.sqrt(1 - dv[indices] ** 2) + epsilon / 2.0 * (1 - dv[indices] ** 2) )

    #Extend interval to reduce edge effects (basically turn convolve into circular convolution)
    before = model.y[-int(profile.size()):]
    after = model.y[:int(profile.size())]
    extended = np.append(np.append(before, model.y), after)

    if profile.size() % 2 == 0:
        left, right = int(profile.size() * 1.5), int(profile.size() * 1.5) - 1
        left, right = int(profile.size() * 1.5), int(profile.size() * 1.5)

    model.y = np.convolve(extended, profile.y / profile.y.sum(), mode="full")[left:-right]

    #Return back to wavelength space
    model.x = wave0 * (1 + model.x / constants.c.cgs.value)
    return model

示例14: main1

def main1():
    model_dir = "%s/School/Research/Models/Sorted/Stellar/Vband/" % (os.environ["HOME"])
    modelfile = "%slte86-4.00+0.0-alpha0.KURUCZ_MODELS.dat.sorted" % model_dir
    threshold = 0.90
    print "Reading stellar model"
    x, y = np.loadtxt(modelfile, usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True)
    x *= units.angstrom.to(units.nm)
    y = 10 ** y
    model = DataStructures.xypoint(x=x, y=y)
    model.cont = FittingUtilities.Continuum(model.x, model.y, fitorder=21, lowreject=1.5, highreject=20)
    plt.plot(model.x, model.y)
    plt.plot(model.x, model.cont)

    print "Finding lines"
    linepoints = np.where(model.y / model.cont < threshold)[0]
    points = []
    lines = []
    strengths = []
    for line in linepoints:
        # print len(points)
        if len(points) == 0 or int(line) - 1 == points[-1]:
            index = int(np.median(points) + 0.5)
            if len(points) > 1:
                minindex = model.y[points[0]:points[-1]].argmin() + points[0]
                minindex = points[0]
            yval = model.y[minindex] / model.cont[minindex]
            points = [int(line), ]

    #Make sure there are no points too close to each other
    tol = 0.05
    lines = sorted(lines)
    for i in range(len(lines) - 2, 0, -1):
      if np.abs(lines[i] - lines[i-1]) < tol:
        del lines[i]
        del lines[i-1]
      elif np.abs(lines[i] - lines[i+1]) < tol:
        del lines[i+1]
        del lines[i]
        index = np.searchsorted(x,lines[i]) - 1
        yval = trans[index]
        plt.plot((lines[i], lines[i]), (yval-0.05, yval-0.1), 'r-')
    plt.plot(model.x, model.y / model.cont, 'k-')
    for line in lines:
        idx = np.searchsorted(model.x, line)
        x = model.x[idx]
        y = model.y[idx] / model.cont[idx]
        plt.plot([x, x], [y - 0.05, y - 0.1], 'r-')
    np.savetxt("Linelist3.dat", np.transpose((lines, strengths)), fmt="%.8f")

示例15: HighPassFilter

def HighPassFilter(data, vel, width=5, linearize=False):
    Function to apply a high-pass filter to data.
      Data must be in an xypoint container, and have linear wavelength spacing
      vel is the width of the features you want to remove, in velocity space (in cm/s)
      width is how long it takes the filter to cut off, in units of wavenumber

    if linearize:
        original_data = data.copy()
        datafcn = spline(data.x, data.y, k=3)
        errorfcn = spline(data.x, data.err, k=3)
        contfcn = spline(data.x, data.cont, k=3)
        linear = DataStructures.xypoint(data.x.size)
        linear.x = np.linspace(data.x[0], data.x[-1], linear.size())
        linear.y = datafcn(linear.x)
        linear.err = errorfcn(linear.x)
        linear.cont = contfcn(linear.x)
        data = linear

    # Figure out cutoff frequency from the velocity.
    featuresize = 2 * data.x.mean() * vel / constants.c.cgs.value  # vel MUST be given in units of cm
    dlam = data.x[1] - data.x[0]  # data.x MUST have constant x-spacing
    Npix = featuresize / dlam

    nsamples = data.size()
    sample_rate = 1.0 / dlam
    nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0  # The Nyquist rate of the signal.
    width /= nyq_rate
    cutoff_hz = min(1.0 / featuresize, nyq_rate - width * nyq_rate / 2.0)  # Cutoff frequency of the filter

    # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
    ripple_db = 60.0

    # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
    N, beta = kaiserord(ripple_db, width)
    if N % 2 == 0:
        N += 1

    # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
    taps = firwin(N, cutoff_hz / nyq_rate, window=('kaiser', beta), pass_zero=False)

    # Extend data to prevent edge effects
    y = np.r_[data.y[::-1], data.y, data.y[::-1]]

    # Use lfilter to filter data with the FIR filter.
    smoothed_y = lfilter(taps, 1.0, y)

    # The phase delay of the filtered signal.
    delay = 0.5 * (N - 1) / sample_rate
    delay_idx = np.searchsorted(data.x, data.x[0] + delay)
    smoothed_y = smoothed_y[data.size() + delay_idx:-data.size() + delay_idx]
    if linearize:
        fcn = spline(data.x, smoothed_y)
        return fcn(original_data.x)
        return smoothed_y
