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Python API.get_channel_history方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中API.get_channel_history方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python API.get_channel_history方法的具体用法?Python API.get_channel_history怎么用?Python API.get_channel_history使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在API的用法示例。


示例1: main

# 需要导入模块: import API [as 别名]
# 或者: from API import get_channel_history [as 别名]
def main():
    # Change the current working directory to the directory the script is located in
    # Don't know why this wasn't the default behavior...
    if len(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) > 0:

    # dictionary mapping Restaurant to Restaurant
    restaurants = {}
    lunch_channel_json = API.get_channel_history(channel_id=LUNCH_DELIVERY, count=1000)

    id_to_rest_name_dict = json_file_to_dic('rest_ids.json')
    rest_name_to_id_dict = reverse_dic(id_to_rest_name_dict)
    # gather official list of restuarants
    official_rest_name_list = id_to_rest_name_dict.values()

    # Using two separate regexes will help us identify restaurants with 'and' in their name more reliably
    # as we have to split multi-restaurant lists around the word 'and'
    single_rest_regex = re.compile('(?i)^<!group>\s(.*)\sis(?! not)(?:[a-z\s]+)?\shere.?$')
    multiple_rest_regex = re.compile('(?i)^<!group>\s(.*)\sare(?! not)(?:[a-z\s]+)?\shere.?$')
    single_rest_msgs = filter(
        lambda message: single_rest_regex.match(message['text']) is not None,
    multiple_rest_msgs = filter(
        lambda message: multiple_rest_regex.match(message['text']) is not None,

    for msg in single_rest_msgs:
        rest_name = single_rest_regex.match(msg['text']).group(1).strip()
        rest_name = clean_restaurant_name(rest_name)
        if rest_name in rest_name_to_id_dict:
            rest_id = rest_name_to_id_dict[rest_name]
            add_restaurant(restaurants, rest_name, rest_id, msg)

    for msg in multiple_rest_msgs:
        rest_name_str = multiple_rest_regex.match(msg['text']).group(1)
        # Regex note: & signs come in through the API as &amp;
        rest_name_list = re.split("(?i),\s?(?:and|&amp;)?\s|\s(?:and|&amp;)\s", rest_name_str)
        rest_name_list = clean_rest_list(rest_name_list)
        for rest_name in rest_name_list:
            if rest_name in rest_name_to_id_dict:
                rest_id = rest_name_to_id_dict[rest_name]
                add_restaurant(restaurants, rest_name, rest_id, msg)

    rests_list = restaurants.values()
    rests_list.sort(key=lambda rest: len(rest.unix_timestamps))

    for rest in rests_list:
        print rest

