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Python xbmc.LOGDEBUG属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中xbmc.LOGDEBUG属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python xbmc.LOGDEBUG属性的具体用法?Python xbmc.LOGDEBUG怎么用?Python xbmc.LOGDEBUG使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在xbmc的用法示例。


示例1: deleteDB

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def deleteDB():
        xbmc.log("[script.tvguide.fullscreen] Deleting database...", xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
        dbPath = xbmc.translatePath(xbmcaddon.Addon(id = 'script.tvguide.fullscreen').getAddonInfo('profile'))
        dbPath = os.path.join(dbPath, 'source.db')


        passed = not os.path.exists(dbPath)

        if passed:
            xbmc.log("[script.tvguide.fullscreen] Deleting database...PASSED", xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
            xbmc.log("[script.tvguide.fullscreen] Deleting database...FAILED", xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

        return passed

    except Exception, e:
        xbmc.log('[script.tvguide.fullscreen] Deleting database...EXCEPTION', xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
        return False 

示例2: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def __init__(self, addon, force):
        self.needReset = False
        self.fetchError = False
        self.start = True
        self.force = force
        self.xmltvInterval = int(addon.getSetting('sd.interval'))
        self.logoSource = int(addon.getSetting('logos.source'))
        self.addonsType = int(addon.getSetting('addons.ini.type'))

        # make sure the folder in the user's profile exists or create it!
        if not os.path.exists(self.PLUGIN_DATA):

        # make sure the ini file is fetched as well if necessary
        if self.addonsType != self.INI_TYPE_DEFAULT:
            customFile = str(addon.getSetting('addons.ini.file'))
            if os.path.exists(customFile):
                # uses local file provided by user!
                xbmc.log('[%s] Use local file: %s' % (ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), customFile), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
                # Probably a remote file
                xbmc.log('[%s] Use remote file: %s' % (ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), customFile), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
                self.updateLocalFile(customFile, addon, True, force=force)

示例3: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def __init__(self):
        # Class initialisation.  Fails with a RuntimeError exception if VPN Manager add-on is not available, or too old
        self.filtered_addons = []
        self.filtered_windows = []
        self.primary_vpns = []
        self.last_updated = 0
        self.default = self.getConnected()
        xbmc.log("VPN Mgr API : Default is " + self.default, level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
        self.timeout = 30
        if not xbmc.getCondVisibility("System.HasAddon(service.vpn.manager)"):
            xbmc.log("VPN Mgr API : VPN Manager is not installed, cannot use filtering", level=xbmc.LOGERROR)
            raise RuntimeError("VPN Manager is not installed")
            v = int((xbmcaddon.Addon("service.vpn.manager").getAddonInfo("version").strip()).replace(".",""))
            if v < 310:
                raise RuntimeError("VPN Manager " + str(v) + " installed, but needs to be v3.1.0 or later") 

示例4: connectToValidated

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def connectToValidated(self, connection, wait):
        # Given the number of a validated connection, connect to it.  Return True when the connection has happened 
        # or False if there's a problem connecting (or there's not a VPN connection available for this connection 
        # number).  Return True without messing with the connection if the current VPN is the same as the VPN being
        # requested.  The wait parameter will determine if the function returns once the connection has been made, 
        # or if it's fire and forget (in which case True will be returned regardless)
        if not self.isVPNSetUp(): return False
        if connection < 1 or connection > 10: return False
        connection = connection - 1
        if self.primary_vpns[connection] == "": return False
        if self.getConnected() == self.primary_vpns[connection]: return True
        xbmc.log(msg="VPN Mgr API : Connecting to " + self.primary_vpns[connection], level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
        if wait: return self.waitForConnection(self.primary_vpns[connection])
        return True 

示例5: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def __init__(self):
        # Class initialisation.  Fails with a RuntimeError exception if add-on is not available, or too old
        self.filtered_addons = []
        self.filtered_windows = []
        self.primary_vpns = []
        self.last_updated = 0
        self.addon_name = ""        
        self.timeout = 30
        if xbmc.getCondVisibility("System.HasAddon(service.vpn.manager)"):
            self.addon_name = "service.vpn.manager"
        elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("System.HasAddon(service.nord.vpn)"):
            self.addon_name = "service.nord.vpn"
        if self.addon_name == "":
            xbmc.log("VPN API : A VPN add-on is not installed, cannot use filtering", level=xbmc.LOGERROR)
            raise RuntimeError("VPN add-on is not installed")
            v = int((xbmcaddon.Addon(self.addon_name).getAddonInfo("version").strip()).replace(".",""))
            if v < 310:
                raise RuntimeError("VPN add-on version " + str(v) + " installed, but needs to be v3.1.0 or later")
        self.default = self.getConnected()
        xbmc.log("VPN API : Default is " + self.default, level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG) 

示例6: connectToValidated

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def connectToValidated(self, connection, wait):
        # Given the number of a validated connection, connect to it.  Return True when the connection has happened 
        # or False if there's a problem connecting (or there's not a VPN connection available for this connection 
        # number).  Return True without messing with the connection if the current VPN is the same as the VPN being
        # requested.  The wait parameter will determine if the function returns once the connection has been made, 
        # or if it's fire and forget (in which case True will be returned regardless)
        if not self.isVPNSetUp(): return False
        if connection < 1 or connection > 10: return False
        connection = connection - 1
        if self.primary_vpns[connection] == "": return False
        if self.getConnected() == self.primary_vpns[connection]: return True
        xbmc.log(msg="VPN API : Connecting to " + self.primary_vpns[connection], level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
        if wait: return self.waitForConnection(self.primary_vpns[connection])
        return True 

示例7: log

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def log(self, msg, level=LOGDEBUG):
        # if debug isn't on, skip disabled loggers unless addon_debug is on
        if not self.__debug_on:
            if self in self.__disabled:
            elif level == LOGDEBUG:
                if self.__addon_debug:
                    level = LOGNOTICE

            if isinstance(msg, six.text_type) and six.PY2:
                msg = '%s (ENCODED)' % (msg.encode('utf-8'))

            xbmc.log('%s: %s' % (self.__name, msg), level)

        except Exception as e:
                xbmc.log('Logging Failure: %s' % (e), level)
                pass  # just give up 

示例8: log

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def log(msg, level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG):
    if CONFIG.DEBUGLEVEL == '0':  # No Logging
        return False
    if CONFIG.DEBUGLEVEL == '1':  # Normal Logging
    if CONFIG.DEBUGLEVEL == '2':  # Full Logging
        level = xbmc.LOGNOTICE
    xbmc.log('{0}: {1}'.format(CONFIG.ADDONTITLE, msg), level)
    if CONFIG.ENABLEWIZLOG == 'true':
        if not os.path.exists(CONFIG.WIZLOG):
            with open(CONFIG.WIZLOG, 'w+') as f:

        lastcheck = CONFIG.NEXTCLEANDATE if not CONFIG.NEXTCLEANDATE == 0 else tools.get_date()
        if CONFIG.CLEANWIZLOG == 'true' and time.mktime(time.strptime(lastcheck, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) <= tools.get_date():

        line = "[{0}] {1}".format(tools.get_date(formatted=True), msg)
        line = line.rstrip('\r\n') + '\n'
        tools.write_to_file(CONFIG.WIZLOG, line, mode='a') 

示例9: log

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def log(message, level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG, tag=None):
    if is_addon_watched() and level < xbmc.LOGNOTICE:
        # Messages from this add-on are being watched, elevate to NOTICE so Kodi logs it
        level_tag = _log_level_tag_lookup[level] + ': ' if level in _log_level_tag_lookup else ''
        level = xbmc.LOGNOTICE
        level_tag = ''

    if isinstance(message, (dict, list)) and len(message) > 300:
        message = str(message)
    elif isinstance(message, unicode):
        message = message.encode('utf-8')
    elif not isinstance(message, str):
        message = json.dumps(message, cls=UTF8PrettyJSONEncoder)

    addontag = ADDONID if not tag else ADDONID + ':' + tag
    file_message = '%s[%s] %s' % (level_tag, addontag, scrub_message(message))
    xbmc.log(file_message, level) 

示例10: save_setting

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def save_setting(key, value, is_list=False):

    xbmc.log('[%s] Tyring to save setting: key "%s" / value "%s"' %
             (ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), key, str(value)), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

    file_path = xbmc.translatePath(
        os.path.join(ADDON.getAddonInfo('profile'), 'settings.xml'))
    if not os.path.exists(file_path):
    tree = eT.parse(file_path)
    root = tree.getroot()
    updated = False
    for item in root.findall('setting'):
        if item.attrib['id'] == key:
            if is_list:
                cur_values = item.attrib['value']
                if not cur_values:
                    cur_values = []
                    cur_values = json.loads(cur_values)
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    for val in value:
                        if val not in cur_values:
                    if value not in cur_values:
                item.attrib['value'] = json.dumps(cur_values)
                ADDON.setSetting(key, cur_values)
                item.attrib['value'] = value
                ADDON.setSetting(key, value)
            updated = True
    if updated:
    return True 

示例11: _deleteLineup

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def _deleteLineup(self, lineup):
        c = self.conn.cursor()
        # delete channels associated with the lineup
        xbmc.log('[%s] Removing Channels for lineup: %s' % (
            ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), str(lineup)), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
        c.execute('DELETE FROM channels WHERE source=? AND lineup=?', [self.source.KEY, lineup])

        c.execute("UPDATE sources SET channels_updated=? WHERE id=?",
                  [datetime.datetime.now(), self.source.KEY])

示例12: _saveLineup

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def _saveLineup(self, channelList, lineup):
        c = self.conn.cursor()
        # delete removed channels
        c.execute('SELECT * FROM channels WHERE source=? AND lineup=?',
                  [self.source.KEY, lineup])
        to_delete = []
        for row in c:
            station_id = row['id']
            found = False
            for channel in channelList:
                if channel.id == station_id:
                    found = True
            if not found:
                xbmc.log('[%s] Removing Channel: %s from lineup: %s' % (
                    ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), str(station_id), str(lineup)), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

        if to_delete:
            c.execute('DELETE FROM channels WHERE id IN (%s)' %
                      ','.join('?' * len(to_delete)), to_delete)

        # Add new channels
        for channel in channelList:
            xbmc.log('[%s] Adding Channel: %s from lineup: %s' % (
                ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), str(channel.id), str(lineup)), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

            logo = get_logo(channel)
                'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO channels(id, title, logo, stream_url, visible, weight, source, lineup) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, (CASE ? WHEN -1 THEN (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(weight)+1, 0) FROM channels WHERE source=?) ELSE ? END), ?, ?)',
                [channel.id, channel.title, logo, '', True, -1, self.source.KEY, -1, self.source.KEY, lineup])

        c.execute("UPDATE sources SET channels_updated=? WHERE id=?",
                  [datetime.datetime.now(), self.source.KEY])

示例13: updateSchedules

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def updateSchedules(self, ch_list, progress_callback):
        sd = SdAPI()

        station_ids = []
        for ch in ch_list:

        # make sure date is in UTC!
        date_local = datetime.datetime.now()
        is_dst = time.daylight and time.localtime().tm_isdst > 0
        utc_offset = time.altzone if is_dst else time.timezone
        td_utc = datetime.timedelta(seconds=utc_offset)
        date = date_local + td_utc
        xbmc.log("[%s] Local date '%s' converted to UTC '%s'" %
                 (ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), str(date_local), str(date)), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

        # [{'station_id': station_id, 'p_id': p_id, 'start': start,
        #   'dur': dur, 'title': 'abc', 'desc': 'abc', 'logo': ''}, ... ]
        elements_parsed = 0
        schedules = sd.get_schedules(station_ids, date, progress_callback)
        for prg in schedules:
            start = self.to_local(prg['start'])
            end = start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(prg['dur']))
            result = Program(prg['station_id'], prg['title'], '', start, end, prg['desc'],'',

            elements_parsed += 1
            if result:
                if progress_callback and elements_parsed % 100 == 0:
                    percent = 100.0 / len(schedules) * elements_parsed
                    if not progress_callback(percent):
                        raise SourceUpdateCanceledException()
                yield result 

示例14: connectTo

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def connectTo(self, connection_name, wait):
        # Given the ovpn filename of a connection, connect to it.  Return True when the connection has happened 
        # or False if there's a problem connecting (or there's not a VPN connection available for this connection 
        # number).  Return True without messing with the connection if the current VPN is the same as the VPN being
        # requested.  The wait parameter will determine if the function returns once the connection has been made, 
        # or if it's fire and forget (in which case True will be returned regardless)
        if not self.isVPNSetUp(): return False
        if connection_name == "": return False
        if self.getConnected() == connection_name: return True
        xbmc.log(msg="VPN Mgr API : Connecting to " + connection_name, level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
        if wait: return self.waitForConnection(connection_name)
        return True 

示例15: filterAndSwitch

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import LOGDEBUG [as 别名]
def filterAndSwitch(self, path, windowid, default, wait):
        # Given a path to an addon, and/or a window ID, determine if it's associated with a particular VPN and
        # switch to that VPN.  Return True when the switch has happened or False if there's a problem switching 
        # (or there's no VPN that's been set up).  If the connected VPN is the VPN that's been identifed as being 
        # required, or no filter is found, just return True without messing with the connection.  The default 
        # parameter is a boolean indicating if the default VPN should be connected to if no filter is found.
        # The wait parameter will determine if the function returns once the connection has been made, or if it's 
        # fire and forget (in which case True will be returned regardless).  
        if not self.isVPNSetUp():
            return False
        connection = self.isFiltered(path, windowid)
        # Switch to the default connection if there's no filter
        if connection == -1 and default : 
            xbmc.log(msg="VPN Mgr API : Reconnecting to the default", level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
            return self.defaultVPN(wait)
        if connection == 0:
            if self.getConnected() == "": return True
            xbmc.log(msg="VPN Mgr API : Disconnecting due to filter " + path + " or window ID " + str(windowid), level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
            if wait: return self.waitForConnection("")
        if connection > 0:
            connection = connection - 1
            if self.primary_vpns[connection] == "": return False
            if self.getConnected() == self.primary_vpns[connection]: return True
            xbmc.log(msg="VPN Mgr API : Connecting to " + self.primary_vpns[connection] + " due to filter " + path + " or window ID " + str(windowid), level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
            if wait: return self.waitForConnection(self.primary_vpns[connection])
        return True 
