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Python tokenize.OP属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中tokenize.OP属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python tokenize.OP属性的具体用法?Python tokenize.OP怎么用?Python tokenize.OP使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在tokenize的用法示例。


示例1: _parse_from_import_source

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def _parse_from_import_source(self):
        """Parse the 'from x import' part in a 'from x import y' statement.

        Return true iff `x` is __future__.
        assert self.current.value == 'from', self.current.value
        is_future_import = self.current.value == '__future__'
        while (self.current is not None and
               self.current.kind in (tk.DOT, tk.NAME, tk.OP) and
               self.current.value != 'import'):
        if self.current is None or self.current.value != 'import':
            return False
        assert self.current.value == 'import', self.current.value
        return is_future_import 

示例2: _replace_booleans

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def _replace_booleans(tok):
    """Replace ``&`` with ``and`` and ``|`` with ``or`` so that bitwise
    precedence is changed to boolean precedence.

    tok : tuple of int, str
        ints correspond to the all caps constants in the tokenize module

    t : tuple of int, str
        Either the input or token or the replacement values
    toknum, tokval = tok
    if toknum == tokenize.OP:
        if tokval == '&':
            return tokenize.NAME, 'and'
        elif tokval == '|':
            return tokenize.NAME, 'or'
        return toknum, tokval
    return toknum, tokval 

示例3: _replace_locals

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def _replace_locals(tok):
    """Replace local variables with a syntactically valid name.

    tok : tuple of int, str
        ints correspond to the all caps constants in the tokenize module

    t : tuple of int, str
        Either the input or token or the replacement values

    This is somewhat of a hack in that we rewrite a string such as ``'@a'`` as
    ``'__pd_eval_local_a'`` by telling the tokenizer that ``__pd_eval_local_``
    is a ``tokenize.OP`` and to replace the ``'@'`` symbol with it.
    toknum, tokval = tok
    if toknum == tokenize.OP and tokval == '@':
        return tokenize.OP, _LOCAL_TAG
    return toknum, tokval 

示例4: _check_for_locals

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def _check_for_locals(expr, stack_level, parser):
    from pandas.core.computation.expr import tokenize_string

    at_top_of_stack = stack_level == 0
    not_pandas_parser = parser != 'pandas'

    if not_pandas_parser:
        msg = "The '@' prefix is only supported by the pandas parser"
    elif at_top_of_stack:
        msg = ("The '@' prefix is not allowed in "
               "top-level eval calls, \nplease refer to "
               "your variables by name without the '@' "

    if at_top_of_stack or not_pandas_parser:
        for toknum, tokval in tokenize_string(expr):
            if toknum == tokenize.OP and tokval == '@':
                raise SyntaxError(msg) 

示例5: _find_logical

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def _find_logical(source_lines):
    # Make a variable which is the index of all the starts of lines.
    logical_start = []
    logical_end = []
    last_newline = True
    parens = 0
    for t in generate_tokens(''.join(source_lines)):
        if t[0] in [tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.DEDENT,
                    tokenize.INDENT, tokenize.NL,
        if not parens and t[0] in [tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.SEMI]:
            last_newline = True
            logical_end.append((t[3][0] - 1, t[2][1]))
        if last_newline and not parens:
            logical_start.append((t[2][0] - 1, t[2][1]))
            last_newline = False
        if t[0] == tokenize.OP:
            if t[1] in '([{':
                parens += 1
            elif t[1] in '}])':
                parens -= 1
    return (logical_start, logical_end) 

示例6: test_annotated_tokens

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def test_annotated_tokens():
    tokens_without_origins = [(token_type, token, props)
                              for (token_type, token, origin, props)
                              in (annotated_tokens("a(b) + c.d"))]
    assert (tokens_without_origins
            == [(tokenize.NAME, "a", {"bare_ref": True, "bare_funcall": True}),
                (tokenize.OP, "(", {"bare_ref": False, "bare_funcall": False}),
                (tokenize.NAME, "b", {"bare_ref": True, "bare_funcall": False}),
                (tokenize.OP, ")", {"bare_ref": False, "bare_funcall": False}),
                (tokenize.OP, "+", {"bare_ref": False, "bare_funcall": False}),
                (tokenize.NAME, "c", {"bare_ref": True, "bare_funcall": False}),
                (tokenize.OP, ".", {"bare_ref": False, "bare_funcall": False}),
                (tokenize.NAME, "d",
                    {"bare_ref": False, "bare_funcall": False}),

    # This was a bug:
    assert len(list(annotated_tokens("x"))) == 1 

示例7: decistmt

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def decistmt(tokens):
    """Substitute Decimals for floats in a string of statements.

    Based on an example from the tokenize module docs.
    result = []
    for toknum, tokval, _, _, _  in tokens:
        if toknum == tokenize.NUMBER and '.' in tokval:  # replace NUMBER tokens
            for newtok in [
                (tokenize.NAME, 'Decimal'),
                (tokenize.OP, '('),
                (tokenize.STRING, repr(tokval)),
                (tokenize.OP, ')')
                yield newtok
            yield (toknum, tokval) 

示例8: __openseen

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def __openseen(self, ttype, tstring, lineno):
        if ttype == tokenize.OP and tstring == ')':
            # We've seen the last of the translatable strings.  Record the
            # line number of the first line of the strings and update the list
            # of messages seen.  Reset state for the next batch.  If there
            # were no strings inside _(), then just ignore this entry.
            if self.__data:
            self.__state = self.__waiting
        elif ttype == tokenize.STRING:
        elif ttype not in [tokenize.COMMENT, token.INDENT, token.DEDENT,
                           token.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL]:
            # warn if we see anything else than STRING or whitespace
            print >> sys.stderr, _(
                '*** %(file)s:%(lineno)s: Seen unexpected token "%(token)s"'
                ) % {
                'token': tstring,
                'file': self.__curfile,
                'lineno': self.__lineno
            self.__state = self.__waiting 

示例9: process_tokens

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def process_tokens(self):
        """Process tokens and trigger checks.

        This can raise a :class:`flake8.exceptions.InvalidSyntax` exception.
        Instead of using this directly, you should use
        parens = 0
        statistics = self.statistics
        file_processor = self.processor
        for token in file_processor.generate_tokens():
            statistics['tokens'] += 1
            token_type, text = token[0:2]
            processor.log_token(LOG, token)
            if token_type == tokenize.OP:
                parens = processor.count_parentheses(parens, text)
            elif parens == 0:
                if processor.token_is_newline(token):
                elif (processor.token_is_comment(token) and
                        len(file_processor.tokens) == 1):
                    self.handle_comment(token, text)

        if file_processor.tokens:
            # If any tokens are left over, process them

示例10: parse_definitions

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def parse_definitions(self, class_, all=False):
        """Parse multiple definitions and yield them."""
        while self.current is not None:
            self.log.debug("parsing definition list, current token is %r (%s)",
                           self.current.kind, self.current.value)
            self.log.debug('got_newline: %s', self.stream.got_logical_newline)
            if all and self.current.value == '__all__':
            elif (self.current.kind == tk.OP and
                  self.current.value == '@' and
            elif self.current.value in ['def', 'class']:
                yield self.parse_definition(class_._nest(self.current.value))
            elif self.current.kind == tk.INDENT:
                for definition in self.parse_definitions(class_):
                    yield definition
            elif self.current.kind == tk.DEDENT:
            elif self.current.value == 'from':

示例11: parse_all

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def parse_all(self):
        """Parse the __all__ definition in a module."""
        assert self.current.value == '__all__'
        if self.current.value != '=':
            raise AllError('Could not evaluate contents of __all__. ')
        if self.current.value not in '([':
            raise AllError('Could not evaluate contents of __all__. ')

        self.all = []
        all_content = "("
        while self.current.kind != tk.OP or self.current.value not in ")]":
            if self.current.kind in (tk.NL, tk.COMMENT):
            elif (self.current.kind == tk.STRING or
                    self.current.value == ','):
                all_content += self.current.value
                raise AllError('Unexpected token kind in  __all__: {!r}. '
        all_content += ")"
            self.all = eval(all_content, {})
        except BaseException as e:
            raise AllError('Could not evaluate contents of __all__.'
                           '\bThe value was {}. The exception was:\n{}'
                           .format(all_content, e)) 

示例12: _parse_from_import_names

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def _parse_from_import_names(self, is_future_import):
        """Parse the 'y' part in a 'from x import y' statement."""
        if self.current.value == '(':
            expected_end_kinds = (tk.OP, )
            expected_end_kinds = (tk.NEWLINE, tk.ENDMARKER)
        while self.current.kind not in expected_end_kinds and not (
                    self.current.kind == tk.OP and self.current.value == ';'):
            if self.current.kind != tk.NAME:
            self.log.debug("parsing import, token is %r (%s)",
                           self.current.kind, self.current.value)
            if is_future_import:
                self.log.debug('found future import: %s', self.current.value)
            self.log.debug("parsing import, token is %r (%s)",
                           self.current.kind, self.current.value)
            if self.current.kind == tk.NAME and self.current.value == 'as':
                self.consume(tk.NAME)  # as
                if self.current.kind == tk.NAME:
                    self.consume(tk.NAME)  # new name, irrelevant
            if self.current.value == ',':
            self.log.debug("parsing import, token is %r (%s)",
                           self.current.kind, self.current.value) 

示例13: whitespace_before_parameters

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def whitespace_before_parameters(logical_line, tokens):
    r"""Avoid extraneous whitespace.

    Avoid extraneous whitespace in the following situations:
    - before the open parenthesis that starts the argument list of a
      function call.
    - before the open parenthesis that starts an indexing or slicing.

    Okay: spam(1)
    E211: spam (1)

    Okay: dict['key'] = list[index]
    E211: dict ['key'] = list[index]
    E211: dict['key'] = list [index]
    prev_type, prev_text, __, prev_end, __ = tokens[0]
    for index in range(1, len(tokens)):
        token_type, text, start, end, __ = tokens[index]
        if (token_type == tokenize.OP and
            text in '([' and
            start != prev_end and
            (prev_type == tokenize.NAME or prev_text in '}])') and
            # Syntax "class A (B):" is allowed, but avoid it
            (index < 2 or tokens[index - 2][1] != 'class') and
                # Allow "return (a.foo for a in range(5))"
                not keyword.iskeyword(prev_text)):
            yield prev_end, "E211 whitespace before '%s'" % text
        prev_type = token_type
        prev_text = text
        prev_end = end 

示例14: explicit_line_join

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def explicit_line_join(logical_line, tokens):
    r"""Avoid explicit line join between brackets.

    The preferred way of wrapping long lines is by using Python's implied line
    continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces.  Long lines can be
    broken over multiple lines by wrapping expressions in parentheses.  These
    should be used in preference to using a backslash for line continuation.

    E502: aaa = [123, \\n       123]
    E502: aaa = ("bbb " \\n       "ccc")

    Okay: aaa = [123,\n       123]
    Okay: aaa = ("bbb "\n       "ccc")
    Okay: aaa = "bbb " \\n    "ccc"
    Okay: aaa = 123  # \\
    prev_start = prev_end = parens = 0
    comment = False
    backslash = None
    for token_type, text, start, end, line in tokens:
        if token_type == tokenize.COMMENT:
            comment = True
        if start[0] != prev_start and parens and backslash and not comment:
            yield backslash, "E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets"
        if end[0] != prev_end:
            if line.rstrip('\r\n').endswith('\\'):
                backslash = (end[0], len(line.splitlines()[-1]) - 1)
                backslash = None
            prev_start = prev_end = end[0]
            prev_start = start[0]
        if token_type == tokenize.OP:
            if text in '([{':
                parens += 1
            elif text in ')]}':
                parens -= 1 

示例15: _is_binary_operator

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import OP [as 别名]
def _is_binary_operator(token_type, text):
    is_op_token = token_type == tokenize.OP
    is_conjunction = text in ['and', 'or']
    # NOTE(sigmavirus24): Previously the not_a_symbol check was executed
    # conditionally. Since it is now *always* executed, text may be None.
    # In that case we get a TypeError for `text not in str`.
    not_a_symbol = text and text not in "()[]{},:.;@=%~"
    # The % character is strictly speaking a binary operator, but the
    # common usage seems to be to put it next to the format parameters,
    # after a line break.
    return ((is_op_token or is_conjunction) and not_a_symbol) 
