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Python tokenize.INDENT属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中tokenize.INDENT属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python tokenize.INDENT属性的具体用法?Python tokenize.INDENT怎么用?Python tokenize.INDENT使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在tokenize的用法示例。


示例1: _find_logical

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def _find_logical(source_lines):
    # Make a variable which is the index of all the starts of lines.
    logical_start = []
    logical_end = []
    last_newline = True
    parens = 0
    for t in generate_tokens(''.join(source_lines)):
        if t[0] in [tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.DEDENT,
                    tokenize.INDENT, tokenize.NL,
        if not parens and t[0] in [tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.SEMI]:
            last_newline = True
            logical_end.append((t[3][0] - 1, t[2][1]))
        if last_newline and not parens:
            logical_start.append((t[2][0] - 1, t[2][1]))
            last_newline = False
        if t[0] == tokenize.OP:
            if t[1] in '([{':
                parens += 1
            elif t[1] in '}])':
                parens -= 1
    return (logical_start, logical_end) 

示例2: run

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def run(self):
        OPENERS=('class', 'def', 'for', 'if', 'try', 'while')
        save_tabsize = tokenize.tabsize
        tokenize.tabsize = self.tabwidth
                for (typ, token, start, end, line) in token_generator(self.readline):
                    if typ == NAME and token in OPENERS:
                        self.blkopenline = line
                    elif type == INDENT and self.blkopenline:
                        self.indentedline = line

            except (tokenize.TokenError, IndentationError):
                # since we cut off the tokenizer early, we can trigger
                # spurious errors
            tokenize.tabsize = save_tabsize
        return self.blkopenline, self.indentedline 

示例3: __openseen

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def __openseen(self, ttype, tstring, lineno):
        if ttype == tokenize.OP and tstring == ')':
            # We've seen the last of the translatable strings.  Record the
            # line number of the first line of the strings and update the list
            # of messages seen.  Reset state for the next batch.  If there
            # were no strings inside _(), then just ignore this entry.
            if self.__data:
            self.__state = self.__waiting
        elif ttype == tokenize.STRING:
        elif ttype not in [tokenize.COMMENT, token.INDENT, token.DEDENT,
                           token.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL]:
            # warn if we see anything else than STRING or whitespace
            print >> sys.stderr, _(
                '*** %(file)s:%(lineno)s: Seen unexpected token "%(token)s"'
                ) % {
                'token': tstring,
                'file': self.__curfile,
                'lineno': self.__lineno
            self.__state = self.__waiting 

示例4: remove_docstrings

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def remove_docstrings(tokens):
    Removes docstrings from *tokens* which is expected to be a list equivalent
    of `tokenize.generate_tokens()` (so we can update in-place).
    prev_tok_type = None
    for index, tok in enumerate(tokens):
        token_type = tok[0]
        if token_type == tokenize.STRING:
            if prev_tok_type == tokenize.INDENT:
                # Definitely a docstring
                tokens[index][1] = ''  # Remove it
                # Remove the leftover indentation and newline:
                tokens[index - 1][1] = ''
                tokens[index - 2][1] = ''
            elif prev_tok_type == tokenize.NL:
                # This captures whole-module docstrings:
                if tokens[index + 1][0] == tokenize.NEWLINE:
                    tokens[index][1] = ''
                    # Remove the trailing newline:
                    tokens[index + 1][1] = ''
        prev_tok_type = token_type 

示例5: handle_token

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def handle_token(self, *args):
        # dispatch incoming tokens to the current handler
        if DEBUG > 1:
            print self.handler.im_func.func_name, self.indent,
            print tokenize.tok_name[args[0]], repr(args[1])
        if args[0] == tokenize.DEDENT:
            self.indent = self.indent - 1
            while self.scope and self.scope[-1][0] >= self.indent:
                del self.scope[-1]
                del self.stack[-1]
        self.handler = apply(self.handler, args)
        if args[0] == tokenize.INDENT:
            self.indent = self.indent + 1

    # (Token handler) Scans for encoding directive. 

示例6: remove_docstrings

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def remove_docstrings(tokens):
    Removes docstrings from *tokens* which is expected to be a list equivalent
    of `tokenize.generate_tokens()` (so we can update in-place).
    prev_tok_type = None
    for index, tok in enumerate(tokens):
        token_type = tok[0]
        if token_type == tokenize.STRING:
            if prev_tok_type == tokenize.INDENT:
                # Definitely a docstring
                tokens[index][1] = '' # Remove it
                # Remove the leftover indentation and newline:
                tokens[index-1][1] = ''
                tokens[index-2][1] = ''
            elif prev_tok_type == tokenize.NL:
                # This captures whole-module docstrings:
                if tokens[index+1][0] == tokenize.NEWLINE:
                    tokens[index][1] = ''
                    # Remove the trailing newline:
                    tokens[index+1][1] = ''
        prev_tok_type = token_type 

示例7: __openseen

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def __openseen(self, ttype, tstring, lineno):
        if ttype == tokenize.OP and tstring == ')':
            # We've seen the last of the translatable strings.  Record the
            # line number of the first line of the strings and update the list
            # of messages seen.  Reset state for the next batch.  If there
            # were no strings inside _(), then just ignore this entry.
            if self.__data:
            self.__state = self.__waiting
        elif ttype == tokenize.STRING and is_literal_string(tstring):
        elif ttype not in [tokenize.COMMENT, token.INDENT, token.DEDENT,
                           token.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL]:
            # warn if we see anything else than STRING or whitespace
                '*** %(file)s:%(lineno)s: Seen unexpected token "%(token)s"'
                ) % {
                'token': tstring,
                'file': self.__curfile,
                'lineno': self.__lineno
                }, file=sys.stderr)
            self.__state = self.__waiting 

示例8: reindent

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def reindent(tokens, indent=' '):
    Replace existing indentation in a token steam, with `indent`.
    old_levels = []
    old_level = 0
    new_level = 0
    for typ, tok, (start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col), line in tokens:
        if typ == tokenize.INDENT:
            old_level = len(tok)
            new_level += 1
            tok = indent * new_level
        elif typ == tokenize.DEDENT:
            old_level = old_levels.pop()
            new_level -= 1
        start_col = max(0, start_col - old_level + new_level)
        if start_row == end_row:
            end_col = start_col + len(tok)
        yield typ, tok, (start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col), line 

示例9: _dedent

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def _dedent(s):
    """Dedent python code string."""

    result = [t[:2] for t in generate_tokens(StringIO(s).readline)]
    # set initial indent to 0 if any
    if result[0][0] == INDENT:
        result[0] = (INDENT, '')
    return untokenize(result) 

示例10: tokeneater

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def tokeneater(self, type, token, srowcol, erowcol, line):
        if not self.started:
            # look for the first "def", "class" or "lambda"
            if token in ("def", "class", "lambda"):
                if token == "lambda":
                    self.islambda = True
                self.started = True
            self.passline = True    # skip to the end of the line
        elif type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
            self.passline = False   # stop skipping when a NEWLINE is seen
            self.last = srowcol[0]
            if self.islambda:       # lambdas always end at the first NEWLINE
                raise EndOfBlock
        elif self.passline:
        elif type == tokenize.INDENT:
            self.indent = self.indent + 1
            self.passline = True
        elif type == tokenize.DEDENT:
            self.indent = self.indent - 1
            # the end of matching indent/dedent pairs end a block
            # (note that this only works for "def"/"class" blocks,
            #  not e.g. for "if: else:" or "try: finally:" blocks)
            if self.indent <= 0:
                raise EndOfBlock
        elif self.indent == 0 and type not in (tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL):
            # any other token on the same indentation level end the previous
            # block as well, except the pseudo-tokens COMMENT and NL.
            raise EndOfBlock 

示例11: parse_definitions

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def parse_definitions(self, class_, all=False):
        """Parse multiple definitions and yield them."""
        while self.current is not None:
            self.log.debug("parsing definition list, current token is %r (%s)",
                           self.current.kind, self.current.value)
            self.log.debug('got_newline: %s', self.stream.got_logical_newline)
            if all and self.current.value == '__all__':
            elif (self.current.kind == tk.OP and
                  self.current.value == '@' and
            elif self.current.value in ['def', 'class']:
                yield self.parse_definition(class_._nest(self.current.value))
            elif self.current.kind == tk.INDENT:
                for definition in self.parse_definitions(class_):
                    yield definition
            elif self.current.kind == tk.DEDENT:
            elif self.current.value == 'from':

示例12: _get_indentword

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def _get_indentword(source):
    """Return indentation type."""
    indent_word = '    '  # Default in case source has no indentation
        for t in generate_tokens(source):
            if t[0] == token.INDENT:
                indent_word = t[1]
    except (SyntaxError, tokenize.TokenError):
    return indent_word 

示例13: _parse_tokens

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def _parse_tokens(tokens):
    """Parse the tokens.

    This converts the tokens into a form where we can manipulate them
    more easily.


    index = 0
    parsed_tokens = []

    num_tokens = len(tokens)
    while index < num_tokens:
        tok = Token(*tokens[index])

        assert tok.token_type != token.INDENT
        if tok.token_type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
            # There's only one newline and it's at the end.

        if tok.token_string in '([{':
            (container, index) = _parse_container(tokens, index)
            if not container:
                return None

        index += 1

    return parsed_tokens 

示例14: multiline_string_lines

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def multiline_string_lines(source, include_docstrings=False):
    """Return line numbers that are within multiline strings.

    The line numbers are indexed at 1.

    Docstrings are ignored.

    line_numbers = set()
    previous_token_type = ''
        for t in generate_tokens(source):
            token_type = t[0]
            start_row = t[2][0]
            end_row = t[3][0]

            if token_type == tokenize.STRING and start_row != end_row:
                if (
                    include_docstrings or
                    previous_token_type != tokenize.INDENT
                    # We increment by one since we want the contents of the
                    # string.
                    line_numbers |= set(range(1 + start_row, 1 + end_row))

            previous_token_type = token_type
    except (SyntaxError, tokenize.TokenError):

    return line_numbers 

示例15: tokeneater

# 需要导入模块: import tokenize [as 别名]
# 或者: from tokenize import INDENT [as 别名]
def tokeneater(self, type, token, srow_scol, erow_ecol, line):
        srow, scol = srow_scol
        erow, ecol = erow_ecol
        if not self.started:
            # look for the first "def", "class" or "lambda"
            if token in ("def", "class", "lambda"):
                if token == "lambda":
                    self.islambda = True
                self.started = True
            self.passline = True    # skip to the end of the line
        elif type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
            self.passline = False   # stop skipping when a NEWLINE is seen
            self.last = srow
            if self.islambda:       # lambdas always end at the first NEWLINE
                raise EndOfBlock
        elif self.passline:
        elif type == tokenize.INDENT:
            self.indent = self.indent + 1
            self.passline = True
        elif type == tokenize.DEDENT:
            self.indent = self.indent - 1
            # the end of matching indent/dedent pairs end a block
            # (note that this only works for "def"/"class" blocks,
            #  not e.g. for "if: else:" or "try: finally:" blocks)
            if self.indent <= 0:
                raise EndOfBlock
        elif self.indent == 0 and type not in (tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL):
            # any other token on the same indentation level end the previous
            # block as well, except the pseudo-tokens COMMENT and NL.
            raise EndOfBlock 
