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Python extensions.STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中psycopg2.extensions.STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python extensions.STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION属性的具体用法?Python extensions.STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION怎么用?Python extensions.STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在psycopg2.extensions的用法示例。


示例1: _get_json_oids

# 需要导入模块: from psycopg2 import extensions [as 别名]
# 或者: from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION [as 别名]
def _get_json_oids(conn_or_curs, name='json'):
    # lazy imports
    from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION
    from psycopg2.extras import _solve_conn_curs

    conn, curs = _solve_conn_curs(conn_or_curs)

    # Store the transaction status of the connection to revert it after use
    conn_status = conn.status

    # column typarray not available before PG 8.3
    typarray = conn.server_version >= 80300 and "typarray" or "NULL"

    # get the oid for the hstore
        "SELECT t.oid, %s FROM pg_type t WHERE t.typname = %%s;"
        % typarray, (name,))
    r = curs.fetchone()

    # revert the status of the connection as before the command
    if (conn_status != STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION and not conn.autocommit):

    if not r:
        raise conn.ProgrammingError("%s data type not found" % name)

    return r 

示例2: get_oids

# 需要导入模块: from psycopg2 import extensions [as 别名]
# 或者: from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION [as 别名]
def get_oids(self, conn_or_curs):
        """Return the lists of OID of the hstore and hstore[] types.
        conn, curs = _solve_conn_curs(conn_or_curs)

        # Store the transaction status of the connection to revert it after use
        conn_status = conn.status

        # column typarray not available before PG 8.3
        typarray = conn.server_version >= 80300 and "typarray" or "NULL"

        rv0, rv1 = [], []

        # get the oid for the hstore
SELECT t.oid, %s
FROM pg_type t JOIN pg_namespace ns
    ON typnamespace = ns.oid
WHERE typname = 'hstore';
""" % typarray)
        for oids in curs:

        # revert the status of the connection as before the command
        if (conn_status != _ext.STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION
        and not conn.autocommit):

        return tuple(rv0), tuple(rv1) 

示例3: close

# 需要导入模块: from psycopg2 import extensions [as 别名]
# 或者: from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION [as 别名]
def close(self):
        Close the connection to PostgreSQL
        if self._conn:
            # If the connection is still alive, rollback and close it
            if not self._conn.closed:
                if self._conn.status == STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION:
            # Remove the connection from the live connections list
            self._conn = None

示例4: _get_json_oids

# 需要导入模块: from psycopg2 import extensions [as 别名]
# 或者: from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION [as 别名]
def _get_json_oids(conn_or_curs, name='json'):
    # lazy imports
    from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION
    from psycopg2.extras import _solve_conn_curs

    conn, curs = _solve_conn_curs(conn_or_curs)

    # Store the transaction status of the connection to revert it after use
    conn_status = conn.status

    # column typarray not available before PG 8.3
    typarray = conn.server_version >= 80300 and "typarray" or "NULL"

    # get the oid for the hstore
        "SELECT t.oid, %s FROM pg_type t WHERE t.typname = %%s;"
            % typarray, (name,))
    r = curs.fetchone()

    # revert the status of the connection as before the command
    if (conn_status != STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION and not conn.autocommit):

    if not r:
        raise conn.ProgrammingError("%s data type not found" % name)

    return r 

示例5: test_initial_transaction_state

# 需要导入模块: from psycopg2 import extensions [as 别名]
# 或者: from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION [as 别名]
def test_initial_transaction_state(self):
        from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION

        engine = engines.testing_engine()
        with engine.connect() as conn:
            ne_(conn.connection.status, STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION) 

示例6: _from_db

# 需要导入模块: from psycopg2 import extensions [as 别名]
# 或者: from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION [as 别名]
def _from_db(self, name, conn_or_curs):
        """Return a `CompositeCaster` instance for the type *name*.

        Raise `ProgrammingError` if the type is not found.
        conn, curs = _solve_conn_curs(conn_or_curs)

        # Store the transaction status of the connection to revert it after use
        conn_status = conn.status

        # Use the correct schema
        if '.' in name:
            schema, tname = name.split('.', 1)
            tname = name
            schema = 'public'

        # column typarray not available before PG 8.3
        typarray = conn.server_version >= 80300 and "typarray" or "NULL"

        # get the type oid and attributes
SELECT t.oid, %s, attname, atttypid
FROM pg_type t
JOIN pg_namespace ns ON typnamespace = ns.oid
JOIN pg_attribute a ON attrelid = typrelid
WHERE typname = %%s AND nspname = %%s
    AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped
ORDER BY attnum;
""" % typarray, (tname, schema))

        recs = curs.fetchall()

        # revert the status of the connection as before the command
        if (conn_status != _ext.STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION
        and not conn.autocommit):

        if not recs:
            raise psycopg2.ProgrammingError(
                "PostgreSQL type '%s' not found" % name)

        type_oid = recs[0][0]
        array_oid = recs[0][1]
        type_attrs = [(r[2], r[3]) for r in recs]

        return self(tname, type_oid, type_attrs,
            array_oid=array_oid, schema=schema) 

示例7: create_dbapi_connection_scope

# 需要导入模块: from psycopg2 import extensions [as 别名]
# 或者: from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION [as 别名]
def create_dbapi_connection_scope(autocommit=False):
        # This method's contextmanager just checks the connection out, sets autocommit if desired, and
        # returns the connection to the pool when the contextmanager exits
        # It does not perform transaction control! create_dbapi_session_scope is more useful since it provides
        # an automatic COMMIT/ROLLBACK mechanism, and also returns a DBAPI Session instead of Connection.

        # https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/core/connections.html#sqlalchemy.engine.Engine.raw_connection
        pool_connection = DBManager.engine.raw_connection()

        # Quoting from the SQLAlchemy docs:
        # > The returned object is a proxied version of the DBAPI connection object used by the underlying driver in use.
        # To be able to use the connection as a contextmanager for transaction control,
        # we need the actual underlying connection, the SQLAlchemy proxy will not work for this.
        raw_connection = pool_connection.connection

            if autocommit:
                # The parameter "pool_pre_ping=True" from create_engine() above makes SQLAlchemy issue a
                # "SELECT 1" to test the connection works before returning it from the connection pool.
                # Even the simple "SELECT 1" has automatically begun a transaction, and the connection
                # will now be "idle in transaction".
                # Because we can only enable autocommit on "idle" connections, we need to ROLLBACK if a transaction
                # is ongoing first:
                if raw_connection.status == STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION:
                # http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/connection.html#connection.autocommit
                raw_connection.autocommit = True

                yield raw_connection
                # We want to reset the connection to a clean state in the end, so we don't return connections
                # to the pool that are in an ongoing transaction, or whose transaction is aborted
                # (typical error message: "ERROR: current transaction is aborted,
                # commands ignored until end of transaction block")
                if raw_connection.status == STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION:
            if autocommit:
                # Because the connection is returned to the pool, we want to reset the autocommit state on it
                raw_connection.autocommit = False

            # Finally release connection back to the pool (notice we use .close() on the pool connection,
            # not raw_connection which would close the connection for good)

示例8: _from_db

# 需要导入模块: from psycopg2 import extensions [as 别名]
# 或者: from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION [as 别名]
def _from_db(self, name, conn_or_curs):
        """Return a `CompositeCaster` instance for the type *name*.

        Raise `ProgrammingError` if the type is not found.
        conn, curs = _solve_conn_curs(conn_or_curs)

        # Store the transaction status of the connection to revert it after use
        conn_status = conn.status

        # Use the correct schema
        if '.' in name:
            schema, tname = name.split('.', 1)
            tname = name
            schema = 'public'

        # column typarray not available before PG 8.3
        typarray = conn.server_version >= 80300 and "typarray" or "NULL"

        # get the type oid and attributes
SELECT t.oid, %s, attname, atttypid
FROM pg_type t
JOIN pg_namespace ns ON typnamespace = ns.oid
JOIN pg_attribute a ON attrelid = typrelid
WHERE typname = %%s AND nspname = %%s
    AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped
ORDER BY attnum;
""" % typarray, (tname, schema))

        recs = curs.fetchall()

        # revert the status of the connection as before the command
        if (conn_status != _ext.STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION
        and not conn.autocommit):

        if not recs:
            raise psycopg2.ProgrammingError(
                "PostgreSQL type '%s' not found" % name)

        type_oid = recs[0][0]
        array_oid = recs[0][1]
        type_attrs = [ (r[2], r[3]) for r in recs ]

        return self(tname, type_oid, type_attrs,
            array_oid=array_oid, schema=schema) 
