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Python psutil.CONN_LISTEN属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中psutil.CONN_LISTEN属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python psutil.CONN_LISTEN属性的具体用法?Python psutil.CONN_LISTEN怎么用?Python psutil.CONN_LISTEN使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在psutil的用法示例。


示例1: test_quiet

# 需要导入模块: import psutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from psutil import CONN_LISTEN [as 别名]
def test_quiet(kind):
    with TestProcess(sys.executable, __file__, 'daemon', 'test_quiet', kind) as proc:
        with dump_on_error(proc.read):
            wait_for_strings(proc.read, TIMEOUT,
            psproc = psutil.Process(proc.proc.pid)
            port = None
            t = time.time()
            while port is None and time.time() - t < 5:
                for c in psproc.connections():
                    if c.status == psutil.CONN_LISTEN and c.laddr[0] == '':
                        port = c.laddr[1]

            with TestSocket(socket.create_connection(('', int(port)), timeout=TIMEOUT)) as client:
                with dump_on_error(client.read):
                    wait_for_strings(client.read, TIMEOUT, "-> print('{b2}')")
            wait_for_strings(proc.read, TIMEOUT, 'DIED.')
            assert 'RemotePdb session open at' not in proc.read() 

示例2: check_lnd

# 需要导入模块: import psutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from psutil import CONN_LISTEN [as 别名]
def check_lnd(stub, proc_name="lnd", rpc_listen_ports=None):
    if not rpc_listen_ports:
        rpc_listen_ports = [10009]

    pid_ok = False
    listen_ok = False
    unlocked = False
    synced_to_chain = False
    synced_to_graph = False

    if IS_WIN32_ENV:
        return pid_ok, listen_ok, unlocked, synced_to_chain, synced_to_graph

    if not [p.info for p in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']) if proc_name in p.info['name']]:
        return pid_ok, listen_ok, unlocked, synced_to_chain, synced_to_graph
        pid_ok = True

    if not [net_con for net_con in psutil.net_connections(kind='inet')
            if (net_con.status == psutil.CONN_LISTEN and net_con.laddr[1] in rpc_listen_ports)]:
        return pid_ok, listen_ok, unlocked, synced_to_chain, synced_to_graph
        listen_ok = True

        get_info = stub.GetInfo(ln.GetInfoRequest())
        unlocked = True
        synced_to_chain = get_info.synced_to_chain
        synced_to_graph = get_info.synced_to_graph

    except grpc.RpcError as err:
        if err._state.__dict__['code'] == grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED:
            log.debug("wallet is 'locked'")
            log.warning("an unknown RpcError occurred")

    except Exception as err:
        log.warning("an error occurred: {}".format(err))

    return pid_ok, listen_ok, unlocked, synced_to_chain, synced_to_graph 

示例3: _detect_iface_name

# 需要导入模块: import psutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from psutil import CONN_LISTEN [as 别名]
def _detect_iface_name(self, h_ipdb):
        # Let's try config first
        if config.CONF.binding.link_iface in h_ipdb.interfaces:
            LOG.debug(f'Using configured interface '
                      f'{config.CONF.binding.link_iface} as bridge interface.')
            return config.CONF.binding.link_iface

        # Then let's try choosing the one where kubelet listens to
        conns = [x for x in psutil.net_connections()
                 if x.status == psutil.CONN_LISTEN
                 and x.laddr.port == KUBELET_PORT]
        if len(conns) == 1:
            lookup_addr = conns[0].laddr.ip
            for name, iface in h_ipdb.interfaces.items():
                if type(name) is int:  # Skip ones duplicated by id

                for addr in iface['ipaddr']:
                    if addr[0] == lookup_addr:
                        LOG.debug(f'Using kubelet bind interface {name} as '
                                  f'bridge interface.')
                        return name

        # Alright, just try the first non-loopback interface
        for name, iface in h_ipdb.interfaces.items():
            if type(name) is int:  # Skip ones duplicated by id

            if iface['flags'] & pyroute2.netlink.rtnl.ifinfmsg.IFF_LOOPBACK:
                continue  # Skip loopback

            LOG.debug(f'Using interface {name} as bridge interface.')
            return name

        raise exceptions.CNIBindingFailure('Cannot find bridge interface for '
                                           'nested driver to use. Please set '
                                           '[binding]link_iface option.') 

示例4: test_tcp_v4

# 需要导入模块: import psutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from psutil import CONN_LISTEN [as 别名]
def test_tcp_v4(self):
        addr = ("", get_free_port())
        with closing(bind_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, addr=addr)) as sock:
            conn = self.check_socket(sock)
            assert not conn.raddr
            self.assertEqual(conn.status, psutil.CONN_LISTEN) 

示例5: test_tcp_v6

# 需要导入模块: import psutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from psutil import CONN_LISTEN [as 别名]
def test_tcp_v6(self):
        addr = ("::1", get_free_port())
        with closing(bind_socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, addr=addr)) as sock:
            conn = self.check_socket(sock)
            assert not conn.raddr
            self.assertEqual(conn.status, psutil.CONN_LISTEN) 

示例6: _find_ngrok_inspection_port

# 需要导入模块: import psutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from psutil import CONN_LISTEN [as 别名]
def _find_ngrok_inspection_port(self):
        :return (str, int):
        for c in psutil.Process(self.ngrok_proc.pid).connections():
            if c.laddr[0] == '' and c.raddr == () and c.status == psutil.CONN_LISTEN:
                return c.laddr
        raise RuntimeError('Did not find API interface of ngrok.') 

示例7: popen

# 需要导入模块: import psutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from psutil import CONN_LISTEN [as 别名]
def popen(path, wait_for_listen=False):
    process = psutil.Popen(
        ['python', path],

    if wait_for_listen:
        # It would be more correct to check ``conn.status ==
        # psutil.CONN_LISTEN`` but this works
            while process.is_running() and not process.connections():
        except psutil.Error:
            raise AssertionError(process.stderr.read())

    success = True
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        yield process
        success = False
        if not success:
            dump_std_streams(path, process) 

示例8: get_process_pid_by_listen_port

# 需要导入模块: import psutil [as 别名]
# 或者: from psutil import CONN_LISTEN [as 别名]
def get_process_pid_by_listen_port(self,
                                       listen_port: int = 80,
                                       listen_address: Union[None, str] = None,
                                       listen_proto: Union[None, str] = None,
                                       exit_on_failure: bool = True,
                                       exit_code: int = 27,
                                       quiet: bool = False) -> Union[None, List[int]]:
        Get list of processes ID by listen TCP or UDP port
        :param listen_port: Listening TCP or UDP port integer (default: 80)
        :param listen_address: Listening IPv4 or IPv6 address string (default: None)
        :param listen_proto: Listening protocol string 'tcp' or 'udp' (default: 'tcp')
        :param exit_on_failure: Exit in case of error (default: False)
        :param exit_code: Set exit code integer (default: 27)
        :param quiet: Quiet mode, if True no console output (default: False)
        :return: List of processes ID by listen TCP or UDP port
        pids: List[int] = list()
            assert 1 < listen_port < 65535, \
                'Bad listen port: ' + self.error_text(str(listen_port)) + \
                ' listen port must be in range: ' + self.info_text('1 - 65535')
            assert (listen_proto is None or listen_proto == 'tcp' or listen_proto == 'udp'), \
                'Bad value in listen proto: ' + self.error_text(str(listen_proto)) + \
                ' listen proto must be ' + self.info_text('None' + ' or ' + '\'tcp\'' + ' or ' + '\'udp\'')
            if listen_proto is None:
                listen_proto = 'tcp'
            for process in ps.process_iter():
                connections = process.connections()
                for connection in connections:
                    (address, port) = connection.laddr

                    if connection.type == sock.SOCK_STREAM and connection.status == ps.CONN_LISTEN:
                        proto = 'tcp'
                    elif connection.type == sock.SOCK_DGRAM:
                        proto = 'udp'

                    if listen_address is not None:
                        if address == listen_address and proto == listen_proto \
                                and port == listen_port and process.pid is not None:
                        if proto == listen_proto and port == listen_port and process.pid is not None:
            return pids

        except ps.NoSuchProcess:
            return pids

        except AssertionError as Error:
            if not quiet:
            if exit_on_failure:
            return None 
