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Python pkg_resources.EGG_DIST属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pkg_resources.EGG_DIST属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python pkg_resources.EGG_DIST属性的具体用法?Python pkg_resources.EGG_DIST怎么用?Python pkg_resources.EGG_DIST使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在pkg_resources的用法示例。


示例1: fresh_working_set

# 需要导入模块: import pkg_resources [as 别名]
# 或者: from pkg_resources import EGG_DIST [as 别名]
def fresh_working_set():
    """return a pkg_resources "working set", representing the *currently* installed packages"""
    class WorkingSetPlusEditableInstalls(pkg_resources.WorkingSet):

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self._normalized_name_mapping = {}
            super(WorkingSetPlusEditableInstalls, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        def add_entry(self, entry):
            """Same as the original .add_entry, but sets only=False, so that egg-links are honored."""
            logger.debug('working-set entry: %r', entry)
            self.entry_keys.setdefault(entry, [])
            for dist in pkg_resources.find_distributions(entry, False):

                # eggs override anything that's installed normally
                # fun fact: pkg_resources.working_set's results depend on the
                # ordering of os.listdir since the order of os.listdir is
                # entirely arbitrary (an implemenation detail of file system),
                # without calling site.main(), an .egg-link file may or may not
                # be honored, depending on the filesystem
                replace = (dist.precedence == pkg_resources.EGG_DIST)
                self._normalized_name_mapping[normalize_name(dist.key)] = dist.key
                self.add(dist, entry, False, replace=replace)

        def find_normalized(self, req):
            req = _package_req_to_pkg_resources_req(str(req))
            req.key = self._normalized_name_mapping.get(normalize_name(req.key), req.key)
            return self.find(req)

    return WorkingSetPlusEditableInstalls() 

示例2: run

# 需要导入模块: import pkg_resources [as 别名]
# 或者: from pkg_resources import EGG_DIST [as 别名]
def run(self):
        strategies = ['local_directory', 'local_file', 'index']
        dist = None

        # First, remove any previously imported versions of astropy_helpers;
        # this is necessary for nested installs where one package's installer
        # is installing another package via setuptools.sandbox.run_setup, as in
        # the case of setup_requires
        for key in list(sys.modules):
                if key == PACKAGE_NAME or key.startswith(PACKAGE_NAME + '.'):
                    del sys.modules[key]
            except AttributeError:
                # Sometimes mysterious non-string things can turn up in
                # sys.modules

        # Check to see if the path is a submodule
        self.is_submodule = self._check_submodule()

        for strategy in strategies:
            method = getattr(self, 'get_{0}_dist'.format(strategy))
            dist = method()
            if dist is not None:
            raise _AHBootstrapSystemExit(
                "No source found for the {0!r} package; {0} must be "
                "available and importable as a prerequisite to building "
                "or installing this package.".format(PACKAGE_NAME))

        # This is a bit hacky, but if astropy_helpers was loaded from a
        # directory/submodule its Distribution object gets a "precedence" of
        # "DEVELOP_DIST".  However, in other cases it gets a precedence of
        # "EGG_DIST".  However, when activing the distribution it will only be
        # placed early on sys.path if it is treated as an EGG_DIST, so always
        # do that
        dist = dist.clone(precedence=pkg_resources.EGG_DIST)

        # Otherwise we found a version of astropy-helpers, so we're done
        # Just active the found distribution on sys.path--if we did a
        # download this usually happens automatically but it doesn't hurt to
        # do it again
        # Note: Adding the dist to the global working set also activates it
        # (makes it importable on sys.path) by default.

            pkg_resources.working_set.add(dist, replace=True)
        except TypeError:
            # Some (much) older versions of setuptools do not have the
            # replace=True option here.  These versions are old enough that all
            # bets may be off anyways, but it's easy enough to work around just
            # in case...
            if dist.key in pkg_resources.working_set.by_key:
                del pkg_resources.working_set.by_key[dist.key]
