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Python ldap3.NTLM属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中ldap3.NTLM属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ldap3.NTLM属性的具体用法?Python ldap3.NTLM怎么用?Python ldap3.NTLM使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在ldap3的用法示例。


示例1: sendNegotiate

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def sendNegotiate(self, negotiateMessage):
        self.negotiateMessage = negotiateMessage

        with self.connection.lock:
            if not self.connection.sasl_in_progress:
                self.connection.sasl_in_progress = True
                request = bind.bind_operation(self.connection.version, 'SICILY_PACKAGE_DISCOVERY')
                response = self.connection.post_send_single_response(self.connection.send('bindRequest', request, None))
                result = response[0]
                sicily_packages = result['server_creds'].decode('ascii').split(';')

                if 'NTLM' in sicily_packages:  # NTLM available on server
                    request = bind.bind_operation(self.connection.version, 'SICILY_NEGOTIATE_NTLM', self)
                    response = self.connection.post_send_single_response(self.connection.send('bindRequest', request, None))
                    result = response[0]

                    if result['result'] == RESULT_SUCCESS:
                        return result['server_creds']

    #This is a fake function for ldap3 which wants an NTLM client with specific methods 

示例2: perform_rebind

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def perform_rebind(ldapconnection, contextuser, config, confdict):
    if config.user is not None and contextuser != config.user:
        # we should now switch context to the new user
        print_m('Switching context to %s' % config.user)
        if not config.password:
            prompt = 'Please supply the password or LM:NTLM hashes for the account %s: ' % config.user
            config.password = getpass.getpass(prompt.encode('utf-8'))
        rebind_ldap(ldapconnection, config.user, config.password, config.domain)
        contextuser = config.user
        print_o('Done switching context')
        # we should re-bind to refresh our access rights
        print_m('Re-binding to LDAP to refresh group memberships of %s' % contextuser)
        # Password depends on the context we are under
        if contextuser == config.user:
            password = config.password
            password = config.source_password
        rebind_ldap(ldapconnection, contextuser, password, config.domain)
        print_o('Re-bind successful')
    return contextuser 

示例3: rebind_ldap

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def rebind_ldap(self, user):
        domain = self.config['domain']

        # Todo: get password from command line args
            password = self.passdata[user]
        except KeyError:
            prompt = 'Please supply the password or LM:NTLM hashes for the account %s: ' % user
            password = getpass.getpass(prompt.encode('utf-8'))
            # Store for further reference
            self.passdata[user] = password

        if domain is None:
            domain = get_domain(user)
        if '@' in user or '.' in user:
            binduser = get_sam_name(user)
            binduser = user

        if not self.ldapconnection.rebind('%s\\%s' % (domain, binduser), password, authentication=ldap3.NTLM):
            raise RestoreException('Failed to switch context to %s\\%s: %s' % (domain, binduser, str(self.ldapconnection.result)))

        return user 

示例4: sendAuth

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def sendAuth(self, authenticateMessageBlob, serverChallenge=None):
        if unpack('B', str(authenticateMessageBlob)[:1])[0] == SPNEGO_NegTokenResp.SPNEGO_NEG_TOKEN_RESP:
            respToken2 = SPNEGO_NegTokenResp(authenticateMessageBlob)
            token = respToken2['ResponseToken']
            token = authenticateMessageBlob
        with self.session.connection_lock:
            self.authenticateMessageBlob = token
            request = bind.bind_operation(self.session.version, 'SICILY_RESPONSE_NTLM', self, None)
            response = self.session.post_send_single_response(self.session.send('bindRequest', request, None))
            result = response[0]
        self.session.sasl_in_progress = False

        if result['result'] == RESULT_SUCCESS:
            self.session.bound = True
            return None, STATUS_SUCCESS
            if result['result'] == RESULT_STRONGER_AUTH_REQUIRED and self.PLUGIN_NAME != 'LDAPS':
                raise LDAPRelayClientException('Server rejected authentication because LDAP signing is enabled. Try connecting with TLS enabled (specify target as ldaps://hostname )')
        return None, STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

    #This is a fake function for ldap3 which wants an NTLM client with specific methods 

示例5: doLdapLogin

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def doLdapLogin(username, password):
    if LdapServer == None or LdapServer == "":
        return False
        from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL, NTLM
    except ImportError as importException:
        LogError("LDAP3 import not found, run 'sudo pip install ldap3 && sudo pip3 install ldap3'")
        return False

    HasAdmin = False
    HasReadOnly = False
    SplitName = username.split('\\')
    DomainName = SplitName[0]
    DomainName = DomainName.strip()
    AccountName = SplitName[1]
    AccountName = AccountName.strip()
    server = Server(LdapServer, get_info=ALL)
    conn = Connection(server, user='{}\\{}'.format(DomainName, AccountName), password=password, authentication=NTLM, auto_bind=True)
    conn.search('dc=skipfire,dc=local', '(&(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName='+AccountName+'))', attributes=['memberOf'])
    for user in sorted(conn.entries):
        for group in user.memberOf:
            if group.upper().find("CN="+LdapAdminGroup.upper()) >= 0:
                HasAdmin = True
            elif group.upper().find("CN="+LdapReadOnlyGroup.upper()) >= 0:
                HasReadOnly = True

    session['logged_in'] = HasAdmin or HasReadOnly
    session['write_access'] = HasAdmin
    if HasAdmin:
        LogError("Admin Login via LDAP")
    elif HasReadOnly:
        LogError("Limited Rights Login via LDAP")
        LogError("No rights for valid login via LDAP")

    return HasAdmin or HasReadOnly


示例6: init_connection

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def init_connection(self):
        self.server = Server(self.target, get_info=ALL)
        self.connection = Connection(self.server, user="a", password="b", authentication=NTLM)

示例7: sendAuth

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def sendAuth(self, authenticateMessageBlob, serverChallenge=None):
        with self.connection.lock:
            self.authenticateMessageBlob = authenticateMessageBlob
            request = bind.bind_operation(self.connection.version, 'SICILY_RESPONSE_NTLM', self, None)
            response = self.connection.post_send_single_response(self.connection.send('bindRequest', request, None))
            result = response[0]
        self.connection.sasl_in_progress = False

        if result['result'] == RESULT_SUCCESS:
            self.connection.bound = True
        return result

    #This is a fake function for ldap3 which wants an NTLM client with specific methods 

示例8: sendNegotiate

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def sendNegotiate(self, negotiateMessage):
        self.negotiateMessage = negotiateMessage

        with self.connection.lock:
            if not self.connection.sasl_in_progress:
                self.connection.sasl_in_progress = True
                request = bind.bind_operation(self.connection.version, 'SICILY_PACKAGE_DISCOVERY')
                response = self.connection.post_send_single_response(self.connection.send('bindRequest', request, None))
                result = response[0]
                    sicily_packages = result['server_creds'].decode('ascii').split(';')
                except KeyError:
                    raise LDAPRelayClientException('Could not discover authentication methods, server replied: %s' % result)

                if 'NTLM' in sicily_packages:  # NTLM available on server
                    request = bind.bind_operation(self.connection.version, 'SICILY_NEGOTIATE_NTLM', self)
                    response = self.connection.post_send_single_response(self.connection.send('bindRequest', request, None))
                    result = response[0]

                    if result['result'] == RESULT_SUCCESS:
                        return result['server_creds']
                    raise LDAPRelayClientException('Server did not offer NTLM authentication!')

    #This is a fake function for ldap3 which wants an NTLM client with specific methods 

示例9: rebind_ldap

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def rebind_ldap(ldapconnection, user, password, domain=None):
    if domain is None:
        domain = get_domain(user)
    if '@' in user:
        user = get_sam_name(user)
    if not ldapconnection.rebind('%s\\%s' % (domain, user), password, authentication=ldap3.NTLM):
        raise ExploitException('Failed to switch context to %s\\%s: %s' % (domain, user, str(ldapconnection.result))) 

示例10: connect_ldap

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def connect_ldap(server, user, password, domain=None):
    if domain is None:
        domain = get_domain(user)
    if '@' in user or '.' in user:
        user = get_sam_name(user)
    ldapserver = ldap3.Server(server, get_info=ldap3.DSA)
    connection = ldap3.Connection(ldapserver, user='%s\\%s' % (domain, user), password=password, authentication=ldap3.NTLM)
    if not connection.bind():
        raise ExploitException('Failed to connect to the LDAP server as %s\\%s: %s' % (domain, user, str(connection.result)))
    return connection 

示例11: establish_connection

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def establish_connection(self, user):
        domain = self.config['domain']
        # First check if the server was specified explicitly
        if self.args.server:
            server = self.args.server
        # If not, check if the server was specified in the restore data
        elif self.config['server']:
            server = self.config['server']
        # Else, assume DNS is set up properly and we can connect to the domain
            server = self.config['domain']

        # Todo: get password from command line args
            password = self.passdata[user]
        except KeyError:
            prompt = 'Please supply the password or LM:NTLM hashes for the account %s: ' % user
            password = getpass.getpass(prompt.encode('utf-8'))
            # Store for further reference
            self.passdata[user] = password

        if domain is None:
            domain = get_domain(user)
        if '@' in user or '.' in user:
            binduser = get_sam_name(user)
            binduser = user

        ldapserver = ldap3.Server(server, get_info=ldap3.DSA)
        connection = ldap3.Connection(ldapserver, user='%s\\%s' % (domain, binduser), password=password, authentication=ldap3.NTLM)
        if not connection.bind():
            raise RestoreException('Failed to connect to the LDAP server as %s\\%s: %s' % (domain, binduser, str(connection.result)))
        return connection, user 

示例12: initConnection

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def initConnection(self):
        self.server = Server("ldap://%s:%s" % (self.targetHost, self.targetPort), get_info=ALL)
        self.session = Connection(self.server, user="a", password="b", authentication=NTLM)
        return True 

示例13: sendNegotiate

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def sendNegotiate(self, negotiateMessage):
        #Remove the message signing flag
        #For LDAP this is required otherwise it triggers LDAP signing
        negoMessage = NTLMAuthNegotiate()
        #negoMessage['flags'] ^= NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SIGN
        self.negotiateMessage = str(negoMessage)

        with self.session.connection_lock:
            if not self.session.sasl_in_progress:
                self.session.sasl_in_progress = True
                request = bind.bind_operation(self.session.version, 'SICILY_PACKAGE_DISCOVERY')
                response = self.session.post_send_single_response(self.session.send('bindRequest', request, None))
                result = response[0]
                    sicily_packages = result['server_creds'].decode('ascii').split(';')
                except KeyError:
                    raise LDAPRelayClientException('Could not discover authentication methods, server replied: %s' % result)

                if 'NTLM' in sicily_packages:  # NTLM available on server
                    request = bind.bind_operation(self.session.version, 'SICILY_NEGOTIATE_NTLM', self)
                    response = self.session.post_send_single_response(self.session.send('bindRequest', request, None))
                    result = response[0]

                    if result['result'] == RESULT_SUCCESS:
                        challenge = NTLMAuthChallenge()
                        return challenge
                    raise LDAPRelayClientException('Server did not offer NTLM authentication!')

    #This is a fake function for ldap3 which wants an NTLM client with specific methods 

示例14: establish_connection

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def establish_connection(self, user):
        domain = self.config['domain']
        # First check if the server was specified explicitly
        if self.config['server']:
            server = self.config['server']
            server = self.config['domain']
        # if self.args.server:
        #     server = self.args.server
        # # If not, check if the server was specified in the restore data
        # elif self.config['server']:
        #     server = self.config['server']
        # # Else, assume DNS is set up properly and we can connect to the domain
        # else:
        #     server = self.config['domain']

        #password = getpass.getpass(self.ntlm.encode('utf-8')) 
        password = self.ntlm
        self.passdata[user] = password
        #Todo: get password from command line args
        # try:
        #     password = self.passdata[user]
        # except KeyError:
        #     prompt = 'Please supply the password or LM:NTLM hashes for the account %s: ' % user
        #     password = getpass.getpass(prompt.encode('utf-8'))
        #     # Store for further reference
        #     self.passdata[user] = password

        if domain is None:
            domain = get_domain(user)
        if '@' in user or '.' in user:
            binduser = get_sam_name(user)
            binduser = user

        ldapserver = ldap3.Server(server, get_info=ldap3.DSA)
        connection = ldap3.Connection(ldapserver, user='%s\\%s' % (domain, binduser), password=password, authentication=ldap3.NTLM)
        if not connection.bind():
            raise RestoreException('Failed to connect to the LDAP server as %s\\%s: %s' % (domain, binduser, str(connection.result)))
        return connection, user 

示例15: get_ldap_connection

# 需要导入模块: import ldap3 [as 别名]
# 或者: from ldap3 import NTLM [as 别名]
def get_ldap_connection(self):
            server = Server(self.LDAP_SERVER, port=self.LDAP_PORT, get_info=ALL, use_ssl=self.LDAP_USE_SSL, connect_timeout=self.LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT)
            if self.LDAP_AUTH_TYPE == "NTLM":
                connection = Connection(

                connection = Connection(

            return connection

        except Exception as err:
            raise ValueError("Cannot connect to LDAP Server. Ensure credentials are correct\n Error: {0}".format(err)) 
