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Python jira.JIRA属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中jira.JIRA属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python jira.JIRA属性的具体用法?Python jira.JIRA怎么用?Python jira.JIRA使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在jira的用法示例。


示例1: connect

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def connect(self, params={}):
        self.url = params.get(Input.URL)
        self.username = params.get(Input.USER)
        self.password = params.get(Input.API_KEY).get("secretKey")

        if ".atlassian.net" in self.url or ".jira.com" in self.url:
            self.is_cloud = True

        test_passed = self.test()
        if test_passed:
            client = JIRA(
                options={"server": self.url},

            self.client = client
            self.rest_client = JiraApi(self.client, self.is_cloud, self.logger) 

示例2: jira_listener

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def jira_listener(message):
    JIRAのissue idっぽいものを取得したら、そのissueの情報を返す
    # botメッセージの場合は無視する
    if message.body.get('subtype', '') == 'bot_message':

    text = message.body['text'].upper()
    # JIRAのissue idっぽい文字列を取得
    for issue_id in re.findall(r'[A-Z]{3,5}-[\d]+', text):
        # issue_id から issue 情報の attachments を取得
        attachments = create_attachments(issue_id)
        if attachments:
            # issue 情報を送信する
            botwebapi(message, attachments) 

示例3: _build_jql

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def _build_jql(args, jql_base=''):
    引数から JIRA を検索するための JQL を生成する
    jql = jql_base
    jql += 'project = {}'.format(args.project)
    if args.component:
        component = COMPONENT.get(args.component, args.component)
        jql += ' AND component = {}'.format(component)
    if args.label:
        jql += ' AND labels = {}'.format(args.label)
    if args.keywords:
        target = 'text'
        if args.summary:
            # 要約を検索対象にする
            target = 'summary'
        jql += ' AND {} ~ "{}"'.format(target, ' '.join(args.keywords))

    return jql 

示例4: jira_search

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def jira_search(message, keywords):

    # 引数を処理する
        args, argv = parser.parse_known_args(keywords.split())
    except SystemExit:
        botsend(message, '引数の形式が正しくありません')
        _drive_help(message, 'search', '検索')

    # 引数から query を生成
    jql = _build_jql(args, 'status in (Open, "In Progress", Reopened) AND ')

    title = '「{}」の検索結果(オープンのみ)'.format(keywords)
    _send_jira_search_responce(message, jql, title) 

示例5: get_jira_client

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def get_jira_client(connection):
    """Create a JIRA client with the given connection options

    url = connection['domain']
    username = connection['username']
    password = connection['password']
    jira_client_options = connection['jira_client_options']
    jira_server_version_check = connection['jira_server_version_check']

    jira_options = {'server': url}

        return JIRA(jira_options, basic_auth=(username, password), get_server_info=jira_server_version_check)
    except Exception as e:
        if e.status_code == 401:
            raise ConfigError("JIRA authentication failed. Check URL and credentials, and ensure the account is not locked.") from None

示例6: _send_jira_search_responce

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def _send_jira_search_responce(message, query, title):
    pretext = title
    pretext += '(<{}/issues/?jql={}|JIRAで見る>)'.format(CLEAN_JIRA_URL, quote(query))
    text = ''

        issues = jira.search_issues(query)
    except JIRAError as err:
        # なんらかのエラーが発生
        botsend(message, 'JIRAError: `{}`'.format(err.text))

    if issues:
        for issue in issues:
            summary = issue.fields.summary
            key = issue.key
            url = issue.permalink()
            status = issue.fields.status.name
            text += '- <{}|{}> {}({})\n'.format(url, key, summary, status)
        text += '該当するJIRA issueは見つかりませんでした'

    attachments = [{
        'fallback': title,
        'pretext': pretext,
        'text': text,
    botwebapi(message, attachments) 

示例7: _create_client

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def _create_client(self):
    """Return a client object for querying the issue tracker."""
    config = db_config.get()
    credentials = json.loads(config.jira_credentials)
    jira_url = config.jira_url
    jira_client = jira.JIRA(
        jira_url, auth=(credentials['username'], credentials['password']))
    return jira_client 

示例8: get_jira_client

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def get_jira_client(connection):
    url = connection['domain']
    token = connection['token']
        verify = connection['verify']
    except KeyError: #Not found in yaml configuration file
        verify = True # Default should be to verify the certificates to Jira server

    if token:
        username, password = base64.b64decode(token).decode('utf-8').split(':')
        username = connection['username']
        password = connection['password']

    print("Connecting to ", url)

    if username is None:
        # Fix Python 2.x. raw_input replaced by input in Python 3.x 
            username = raw_input("Enter Username: ")
        except NameError:
            username = input("Enter username: ")
            username = getpass.getuser() #Get OS username as as fallback 
            print('No username provided, using username: ' + username)

    if password is None:
        password = getpass.getpass("Enter Password: ")

    if (len(username + password) > 1):
        jiraconnection = JIRA(options={'server': url,'verify': verify}, basic_auth=(username, password))
        jiraconnection = JIRA(options={'server': url,'verify': verify})
    return jiraconnection 

示例9: resolve_fields

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def resolve_fields(self):
        fields = self.jira.fields()

        for name, field in self.settings['fields'].items():
                self.fields[name] = next((f['id'] for f in fields if f['name'].lower() == field.lower()))
            except StopIteration:
                raise Exception("JIRA field with name `%s` does not exist (did you try to use the field id instead?)" % field) 

示例10: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def __init__(self, hostname=None, username=None, password=None, path="", debug=False, clean_obsolete=True, max_time_window=12, decommission_time_window=3):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('JiraAPI')
        if debug:

        if "https://" not in hostname:
            hostname = "https://{}".format(hostname)
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.jira = JIRA(options={'server': hostname}, basic_auth=(self.username, self.password))
        self.logger.info("Created vjira service for {}".format(hostname))
        self.all_tickets = []
        self.excluded_tickets = []
        self.JIRA_REOPEN_ISSUE = "Reopen Issue"
        self.JIRA_CLOSE_ISSUE = "Close Issue"
        self.JIRA_RESOLUTION_OBSOLETE = "Obsolete"
        self.JIRA_RESOLUTION_FIXED = "Fixed"
        self.template_path = 'vulnwhisp/reporting/resources/ticket.tpl'
        self.max_ips_ticket = 30
        self.attachment_filename = "vulnerable_assets.txt"
        self.max_time_tracking = max_time_window #in months
        if path:
            self.logger.warn("No local path specified, skipping Jira ticket download.")
        self.max_decommission_time = decommission_time_window #in months
        # [HIGIENE] close tickets older than 12 months as obsolete (max_time_window defined)
        if clean_obsolete:
        # deletes the tag "server_decommission" from those tickets closed <=3 months ago
        self.jira_still_vulnerable_comment = '''This ticket has been reopened due to the vulnerability not having been fixed (if multiple assets are affected, all need to be fixed; if the server is down, lastest known vulnerability might be the one reported).
        - In the case of the team accepting the risk and wanting to close the ticket, please add the label "*risk_accepted*" to the ticket before closing it.
        - If server has been decommissioned, please add the label "*server_decommission*" to the ticket before closing it.
        - If when checking the vulnerability it looks like a false positive, _+please elaborate in a comment+_ and add the label "*false_positive*" before closing it; we will review it and report it to the vendor.
        If you have further doubts, please contact the Security Team.''' 

示例11: create_ticket

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def create_ticket(self, title, desc, project="IS", components=[], tags=[], attachment_contents = []):
        labels = ['vulnerability_management']
        for tag in tags:

        self.logger.info("Creating ticket for project {} title: {}".format(project, title[:20]))
        self.logger.debug("project {} has a component requirement: {}".format(project, components))
        project_obj = self.jira.project(project)
        components_ticket = []
        for component in components:
            exists = False
            for c in project_obj.components:
                if component == c.name:
                    self.logger.debug("resolved component name {} to id {}".format(c.name, c.id))
                    components_ticket.append({ "id": c.id })
            if not exists:
                self.logger.error("Error creating Ticket: component {} not found".format(component))
                return 0
            new_issue = self.jira.create_issue(project=project,
                                               issuetype={'name': 'Bug'},
            self.logger.info("Ticket {} created successfully".format(new_issue))
            if attachment_contents:
                self.add_content_as_attachment(new_issue, attachment_contents)
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error("Failed to create ticket on Jira Project '{}'. Error: {}".format(project, e))
            new_issue = False
        return new_issue
    #Basic JIRA Metrics 

示例12: exclude_accepted_assets

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def exclude_accepted_assets(self, vuln):
        # we want to check JIRA tickets with risk_accepted/server_decommission or false_positive labels sharing the same source
        # will exclude tickets older than 12 months, old tickets will get closed for higiene and recreated if still vulnerable
        labels = [vuln['source'], vuln['scan_name'], 'vulnerability_management', 'vulnerability'] 
        if not self.excluded_tickets:
            jql = "{} AND labels in (risk_accepted,server_decommission, false_positive) AND NOT labels=advisory AND created >=startOfMonth(-{})".format(" AND ".join(["labels={}".format(label) for label in labels]), self.max_time_tracking)
            self.excluded_tickets = self.jira.search_issues(jql, maxResults=0)

        title = vuln['title']
        #WARNING: function IGNORES DUPLICATES, after finding a "duplicate" will just return it exists
        #it wont iterate over the rest of tickets looking for other possible duplicates/similar issues
        self.logger.info("Comparing vulnerability to risk_accepted tickets")
        assets_to_exclude = []
        tickets_excluded_assets = []
        for index in range(len(self.excluded_tickets)):
            checking_ticketid, checking_title, checking_assets = self.ticket_get_unique_fields(self.excluded_tickets[index])
            if title.encode('ascii') == checking_title.encode('ascii'):
                if checking_assets:
                    #checking_assets is a list, we add to our full list for later delete all assets
        if assets_to_exclude:
            assets_to_remove = []
            self.logger.warn("Vulnerable Assets seen on an already existing risk_accepted Jira ticket: {}".format(', '.join(tickets_excluded_assets)))
            self.logger.debug("Original assets: {}".format(vuln['ips']))
            #assets in vulnerability have the structure "ip - hostname - port", so we need to match by partial 
            for exclusion in assets_to_exclude:
                # for efficiency, we walk the backwards the array of ips from the scanners, as we will be popping out the matches 
                # and we don't want it to affect the rest of the processing (otherwise, it would miss the asset right after the removed one)
                for index in range(len(vuln['ips']))[::-1]:
                    if exclusion == vuln['ips'][index].split(" - ")[0]:
                        self.logger.debug("Deleting asset {} from vulnerability {}, seen in risk_accepted.".format(vuln['ips'][index], title))
            self.logger.debug("Modified assets: {}".format(vuln['ips']))

        return vuln 

示例13: check_vuln_already_exists

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def check_vuln_already_exists(self, vuln):
        This function compares a vulnerability with a collection of tickets.
        Returns [exists (bool), is equal (bool), ticketid (str), assets (array)]
        # we need to return if the vulnerability has already been reported and the ID of the ticket for further processing
        #function returns array [duplicated(bool), update(bool), ticketid, ticket_assets]
        title = vuln['title']
        labels = [vuln['source'], vuln['scan_name'], 'vulnerability_management', 'vulnerability'] 
        #list(set()) to remove duplicates
        assets = list(set(re.findall(r"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b", ",".join(vuln['ips']))))
        if not self.all_tickets:
            self.logger.info("Retrieving all JIRA tickets with the following tags {}".format(labels))
            # we want to check all JIRA tickets, to include tickets moved to other queues
            # will exclude tickets older than 12 months, old tickets will get closed for higiene and recreated if still vulnerable
            jql = "{} AND NOT labels=advisory AND created >=startOfMonth(-{})".format(" AND ".join(["labels={}".format(label) for label in labels]), self.max_time_tracking)
            self.all_tickets = self.jira.search_issues(jql, maxResults=0)
        #WARNING: function IGNORES DUPLICATES, after finding a "duplicate" will just return it exists
        #it wont iterate over the rest of tickets looking for other possible duplicates/similar issues
        self.logger.info("Comparing Vulnerabilities to created tickets")
        for index in range(len(self.all_tickets)):
            checking_ticketid, checking_title, checking_assets = self.ticket_get_unique_fields(self.all_tickets[index])
            # added "not risk_accepted", as if it is risk_accepted, we will create a new ticket excluding the accepted assets
            if title.encode('ascii') == checking_title.encode('ascii') and not self.is_risk_accepted(self.jira.issue(checking_ticketid)): 
                difference = list(set(assets).symmetric_difference(checking_assets))
                #to check intersection - set(assets) & set(checking_assets)
                if difference: 
                    self.logger.info("Asset mismatch, ticket to update. Ticket ID: {}".format(checking_ticketid))
                    return False, True, checking_ticketid, checking_assets #this will automatically validate
                    self.logger.info("Confirmed duplicated. TickedID: {}".format(checking_ticketid))
                    return True, False, checking_ticketid, [] #this will automatically validate
        return False, False, "", [] 

示例14: jira_login

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def jira_login():
    jira_server = {'server': config.jira_server}
    return JIRA(options=jira_server, basic_auth=(config.jira_user, config.jira_pass)) 

示例15: get_transition

# 需要导入模块: import jira [as 别名]
# 或者: from jira import JIRA [as 别名]
def get_transition(issue_key):
    jira_server = {'server': config.jira_server}
    jira = JIRA(options=jira_server, basic_auth=(config.jira_user, config.jira_pass))
    issue = jira.issue(issue_key)
    transitions = jira.transitions(issue)
    for t in transitions:
        if t['name'] == config.jira_transition:
            return t['id'] 
