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Python jams.JAMS属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中jams.JAMS属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python jams.JAMS属性的具体用法?Python jams.JAMS怎么用?Python jams.JAMS使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在jams的用法示例。


示例1: import_chord_jams

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def import_chord_jams(infile, outfile):

    # import_lab returns a new jams object,
    # and a handle to the newly created annotation
    chords = jams.util.import_lab('chord', infile)

    # Infer the track duration from the end of the last annotation
    duration = max([obs.time + obs.duration for obs in chords])

    chords.time = 0
    chords.duration = duration

    # Create a jams object
    jam = jams.JAMS()
    jam.file_metadata.duration = duration

    # save to disk

示例2: test_task_simple_chord_absent

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_task_simple_chord_absent(SR, HOP_LENGTH):

    jam = jams.JAMS(file_metadata=dict(duration=4.0))
    trans = pumpp.task.SimpleChordTransformer(name='chord_s')

    output = trans.transform(jam)

    # Mask should be false since we have no matching namespace
    assert not np.any(output['chord_s/_valid'])

    # Check the shape
    assert output['chord_s/pitch'].shape == (1, 4 * (SR // HOP_LENGTH), 12)

    # Make sure it's empty
    assert not np.any(output['chord_s/pitch'])

    for key in trans.fields:
        assert shape_match(output[key].shape[1:], trans.fields[key].shape)
        assert type_match(output[key].dtype, trans.fields[key].dtype) 

示例3: test_task_dlabel_absent

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_task_dlabel_absent(SR, HOP_LENGTH):
    labels = ['alpha', 'beta', 'psycho', 'aqua', 'disco']

    jam = jams.JAMS(file_metadata=dict(duration=4.0))
    trans = pumpp.task.DynamicLabelTransformer(name='madeup',

    output = trans.transform(jam)

    # Mask should be false since we have no matching namespace
    assert not np.any(output['madeup/_valid'])

    y = output['madeup/tags']

    # Check the shape
    assert y.shape == (1, 4 * (SR // HOP_LENGTH), len(labels))

    # Make sure it's empty
    assert not np.any(y)
    for key in trans.fields:
        assert shape_match(output[key].shape[1:], trans.fields[key].shape)
        assert type_match(output[key].dtype, trans.fields[key].dtype) 

示例4: test_task_dlabel_auto

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_task_dlabel_auto(SR, HOP_LENGTH):
    jam = jams.JAMS(file_metadata=dict(duration=4.0))
    trans = pumpp.task.DynamicLabelTransformer(name='genre',

    output = trans.transform(jam)

    # Mask should be false since we have no matching namespace
    assert not np.any(output['genre/_valid'])

    y = output['genre/tags']

    # Check the shape
    assert y.shape == (1, 4 * (SR // HOP_LENGTH), 10)

    # Make sure it's empty
    assert not np.any(y)
    for key in trans.fields:
        assert shape_match(output[key].shape[1:], trans.fields[key].shape)
        assert type_match(output[key].dtype, trans.fields[key].dtype) 

示例5: test_task_slabel_absent

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_task_slabel_absent():
    labels = ['alpha', 'beta', 'psycho', 'aqua', 'disco']

    jam = jams.JAMS(file_metadata=dict(duration=4.0))
    trans = pumpp.task.StaticLabelTransformer(name='madeup',

    output = trans.transform(jam)

    # Mask should be false since we have no matching namespace
    assert not np.any(output['madeup/_valid'])

    # Check the shape
    assert output['madeup/tags'].ndim == 2
    assert output['madeup/tags'].shape[1] == len(labels)

    # Make sure it's empty
    assert not np.any(output['madeup/tags'])

    for key in trans.fields:
        assert shape_match(output[key].shape[1:], trans.fields[key].shape)
        assert type_match(output[key].dtype, trans.fields[key].dtype) 

示例6: test_task_slabel_auto

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_task_slabel_auto():
    jam = jams.JAMS(file_metadata=dict(duration=4.0))
    trans = pumpp.task.StaticLabelTransformer(name='genre',

    output = trans.transform(jam)

    # Mask should be false since we have no matching namespace
    assert not np.any(output['genre/_valid'])

    # Check the shape
    assert output['genre/tags'].ndim == 2
    assert output['genre/tags'].shape[1] == 10

    # Make sure it's empty
    assert not np.any(output['genre/tags'])

    for key in trans.fields:
        assert shape_match(output[key].shape[1:], trans.fields[key].shape)
        assert type_match(output[key].dtype, trans.fields[key].dtype) 

示例7: test_task_beat_absent

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_task_beat_absent(SR, HOP_LENGTH):

    # Construct a jam
    jam = jams.JAMS(file_metadata=dict(duration=4.0))

    # One second = one frame
    trans = pumpp.task.BeatTransformer(name='beat')

    output = trans.transform(jam)

    # Make sure we have the mask
    assert not np.any(output['beat/_valid'])
    assert not output['beat/mask_downbeat']

    # Check the shape: 4 seconds at 2 samples per second
    assert output['beat/beat'].shape == (1, 4 * (SR // HOP_LENGTH), 1)
    assert output['beat/downbeat'].shape == (1, 4 * (SR // HOP_LENGTH), 1)
    assert not np.any(output['beat/beat'])
    assert not np.any(output['beat/downbeat'])

    for key in trans.fields:
        assert shape_match(output[key].shape[1:], trans.fields[key].shape)
        assert type_match(output[key].dtype, trans.fields[key].dtype) 

示例8: test_transform_noprefix

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_transform_noprefix():

    labels = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

    jam = jams.JAMS(file_metadata=dict(duration=4.0))
    trans = pumpp.task.StaticLabelTransformer(name=None,

    output = trans.transform(jam)

    # Mask should be false since we have no matching namespace
    assert not np.any(output['_valid'])

    # Check the shape
    assert output['tags'].ndim == 2
    assert output['tags'].shape[1] == len(labels)

    # Make sure it's empty
    assert not np.any(output['tags'])

    for key in trans.fields:
        assert shape_match(output[key].shape[1:], trans.fields[key].shape)
        assert type_match(output[key].dtype, trans.fields[key].dtype) 

示例9: test_task_chord_tag_absent

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_task_chord_tag_absent(SR, HOP_LENGTH, VOCAB, SPARSE):

    jam = jams.JAMS(file_metadata=dict(duration=4.0))
    trans = pumpp.task.ChordTagTransformer(name='chord',
                                           sr=SR, hop_length=HOP_LENGTH,

    output = trans.transform(jam)

    # Valid range is 0 since we have no matching namespace
    assert not np.any(output['chord/_valid'])

    # Make sure it's all no-chord
    Y_pred = trans.encoder.inverse_transform(output['chord/chord'][0])

    assert all([_ == 'X' for _ in Y_pred])

    # Check the shape
    for key in trans.fields:
        assert shape_match(output[key].shape[1:], trans.fields[key].shape)
        assert type_match(output[key].dtype, trans.fields[key].dtype) 

示例10: test_task_beatpos_absent

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_task_beatpos_absent(SR, HOP_LENGTH, MAX_DIVISIONS, SPARSE):
    jam = jams.JAMS(file_metadata=dict(duration=4.0))
    trans = pumpp.task.BeatPositionTransformer(name='beat',
                                               sr=SR, hop_length=HOP_LENGTH,

    output = trans.transform(jam)

    assert not np.any(output['beat/_valid'])

    Y_pred = trans.encoder.inverse_transform(output['beat/position'][0])

    assert all([_ == 'X' for _ in Y_pred])

    for key in trans.fields:
        assert shape_match(output[key].shape[1:], trans.fields[key].shape)
        assert type_match(output[key].dtype, trans.fields[key].dtype) 

示例11: test_jam_pack

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_jam_pack():

    jam = jams.JAMS()

    sr = 22050
    y = np.zeros(sr)

    muda.jam_pack(jam, y=y, sr=sr)

    # Make sure the jam now has a mudabox
    assert hasattr(jam.sandbox, 'muda')
    assert hasattr(jam.sandbox.muda, 'history')
    assert hasattr(jam.sandbox.muda, 'state')

    assert jam.sandbox.muda['y'] is y
    assert jam.sandbox.muda['sr'] == sr 

示例12: test_annotation_array_index_simple

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_annotation_array_index_simple():

    jam = jams.JAMS()

    anns = [jams.Annotation('beat') for _ in range(5)]

    for ann in anns:

    assert len(jam.annotations) == len(anns)
    for i in range(5):
        a1, a2 = anns[i], jam.annotations[i]
        assert a1 == a2 

示例13: test_annotation_array_slice_simple

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_annotation_array_slice_simple():

    jam = jams.JAMS()

    anns = [jams.Annotation('beat') for _ in range(5)]

    for ann in anns:

    res = jam.annotations[:3]
    assert len(res) == 3
    assert anns[0] in res 

示例14: test_annotation_array_index_fancy

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_annotation_array_index_fancy():

    jam = jams.JAMS()
    ann = jams.Annotation(namespace='beat')

    # We should have exactly one beat annotation
    res = jam.annotations['beat']
    assert len(res) == 1
    assert res[0] == ann

    # Any other namespace should give an empty list
    assert jam.annotations['segment'] == [] 

示例15: test_annotation_array_index_error

# 需要导入模块: import jams [as 别名]
# 或者: from jams import JAMS [as 别名]
def test_annotation_array_index_error():

    jam = jams.JAMS()
    ann = jams.Annotation(namespace='beat')

