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Python dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT属性的具体用法?Python dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT怎么用?Python dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在dis的用法示例。


示例1: _walk_global_ops

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def _walk_global_ops(code):
        Yield (opcode, argument number) tuples for all
        global-referencing instructions in *code*.
        code = getattr(code, 'co_code', b'')
        if PY2:  # pragma: no branch
            code = map(ord, code)

        n = len(code)
        i = 0
        extended_arg = 0
        while i < n:
            op = code[i]
            i += 1
            if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                oparg = code[i] + code[i + 1] * 256 + extended_arg
                extended_arg = 0
                i += 2
                if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                    extended_arg = oparg * 65536
                if op in GLOBAL_OPS:
                    yield op, oparg 

示例2: build_op

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def build_op(self, op, arg=None):
            """Return a byte representation of a Python instruction."""
            if isinstance(op, str):
                op = dis.opmap[op]
            if arg is None and op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                raise ValueError("Operation requires an argument: %s" % dis.opname[op])
            if arg is not None and op < dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                raise ValueError("Operation takes no argument: %s" % dis.opname[op])
            if arg is None:
                arg = 0
            # Python 3.6 changed the argument to an 8-bit integer, so this
            # could be a practical consideration
            if arg >= self.OPARG_SIZE:
                return self.build_op(
                    "EXTENDED_ARG", arg // self.OPARG_SIZE
                ) + self.build_op(op, arg % self.OPARG_SIZE)
            if not self.OPARG_VARI:
                return bytearray((op, arg))
            elif op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                return bytearray((op, arg % 256, arg // 256))
                return bytearray((op,)) 

示例3: scan_opcodes

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def scan_opcodes(self, co,
                     unpack = struct.unpack):
        # Scan the code, and yield 'interesting' opcode combinations
        # Version for Python 2.4 and older
        code = co.co_code
        names = co.co_names
        consts = co.co_consts
        while code:
            c = code[0]
            if c in STORE_OPS:
                oparg, = unpack('<H', code[1:3])
                yield "store", (names[oparg],)
                code = code[3:]
            if c == LOAD_CONST and code[3] == IMPORT_NAME:
                oparg_1, oparg_2 = unpack('<xHxH', code[:6])
                yield "import", (consts[oparg_1], names[oparg_2])
                code = code[6:]
            if c >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                code = code[3:]
                code = code[1:] 

示例4: _unpack_opargs

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def _unpack_opargs(code):
    # enumerate() is not an option, since we sometimes process
    # multiple elements on a single pass through the loop
    extended_arg = 0
    n = len(code)
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        op = ord(code[i])
        offset = i
        i = i+1
        arg = None
        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            arg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 + extended_arg
            extended_arg = 0
            i = i+2
            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = arg*65536
        yield (offset, op, arg)

# Modulefinder does a good job at simulating Python's, but it can not
# handle __path__ modifications packages make at runtime.  Therefore there
# is a mechanism whereby you can register extra paths in this map for a
# package, and it will be honored.

# Note this is a mapping is lists of paths. 

示例5: _unpack_opargs

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def _unpack_opargs(code, inserted_code_list, current_index):
    Modified version of `_unpack_opargs` function from module `dis`.
    We have to use it, because sometimes code can be in an inconsistent state: if EXTENDED_ARG
    operator was introduced into the code, but it hasn't been inserted into `code_list` yet.
    In this case we can't use standard `_unpack_opargs` and we should check whether there are
    some new operators in `inserted_code_list`.
    extended_arg = 0
    for i in range(0, len(code), 2):
        op = code[i]
        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            if not extended_arg:
                # in case if we added EXTENDED_ARG, but haven't inserted it to the source code yet.
                for code_index in range(current_index, len(inserted_code_list)):
                    inserted_offset, inserted_code = inserted_code_list[code_index]
                    if inserted_offset == i and inserted_code[0] == EXTENDED_ARG:
                        extended_arg = inserted_code[1] << 8
            arg = code[i + 1] | extended_arg
            extended_arg = (arg << 8) if op == EXTENDED_ARG else 0
            arg = None
        yield (i, op, arg) 

示例6: scan_opcodes

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def scan_opcodes(self, co,
                     unpack=struct.unpack):  # pragma: nocover
        # Scan the code, and yield 'interesting' opcode combinations
        # Version for Python 2.4 and older
        code = co.co_code
        names = co.co_names
        consts = co.co_consts
        while code:
            c = code[0]
            if c in STORE_OPS:
                oparg, = unpack('<H', code[1:3])
                yield "store", (names[oparg],)
                code = code[3:]
            if c == LOAD_CONST and code[3] == IMPORT_NAME:
                oparg_1, oparg_2 = unpack('<xHxH', code[:6])
                yield "import", (consts[oparg_1], names[oparg_2])
                code = code[6:]
            if c >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                code = code[3:]
                code = code[1:] 

示例7: __iter__

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def __iter__(self):
        i = 0
        extended_arg = 0
        code = self.co_code
        n = len(code)
        while i < n:
            op = code[i]
            if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                oparg = code[i + 1] + code[i + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                extended_arg = 0
                if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                    extended_arg = oparg * 65536
                    i += 3
                yield i, op, oparg
                i += 3
                yield i, op, None
                i += 1 

示例8: _walk_global_ops

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def _walk_global_ops(code):
        Yield (opcode, argument number) tuples for all
        global-referencing instructions in *code*.
        code = getattr(code, 'co_code', b'')
        if not PY3:
            code = map(ord, code)

        n = len(code)
        i = 0
        extended_arg = 0
        while i < n:
            op = code[i]
            i += 1
            if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                oparg = code[i] + code[i + 1] * 256 + extended_arg
                extended_arg = 0
                i += 2
                if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                    extended_arg = oparg * 65536
                if op in GLOBAL_OPS:
                    yield op, oparg 

示例9: find_globals

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def find_globals(code):
        """walks the byte code to find the variables which are actually globals"""
        cur_byte = 0
        byte_code = code.co_code
        names = set()
        while cur_byte < len(byte_code):
            op = ord(byte_code[cur_byte])

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                if op == _LOAD_GLOBAL:
                    oparg = ord(byte_code[cur_byte + 1]) + (ord(byte_code[cur_byte + 2]) << 8)
                    name = code.co_names[oparg]

                cur_byte += 2
            cur_byte += 1
        return names 

示例10: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def __init__(self):
        code = (lambda: x if x else y).__code__.co_code
        opcode, oparg = struct.unpack_from('BB', code, 2)

        # Starting with Python 3.6, the bytecode format has changed, using
        # 16-bit words (8-bit opcode + 8-bit argument) for each instruction,
        # as opposed to previously 24 bit (8-bit opcode + 16-bit argument)
        # for instructions that expect an argument and otherwise 8 bit.
        # https://bugs.python.org/issue26647
        if dis.opname[opcode] == 'POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE':
            self.argument = struct.Struct('B')
            self.have_argument = 0
            # As of Python 3.6, jump targets are still addressed by their
            # byte unit. This is matter to change, so that jump targets,
            # in the future might refer to code units (address in bytes / 2).
            # https://bugs.python.org/issue26647
            self.jump_unit = 8 // oparg
            self.argument = struct.Struct('<H')
            self.have_argument = dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT
            self.jump_unit = 1 

示例11: get_instructions

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def get_instructions(co):
        code = co.co_code
        n = len(code)
        i = 0
        extended_arg = 0
        while i < n:
            offset = i
            c = code[i]
            op = ord(c)
            argval = None
            i = i + 1
            if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i + 1]) * 256 + extended_arg
                extended_arg = 0
                i = i + 2
                if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                    extended_arg = oparg * 65536

                if op in hasconst:
                    argval = co.co_consts[oparg]
            yield Instruction(offset, argval, opname[op]) 

示例12: _get_instructions

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def _get_instructions(co):
        code = co.co_code
        linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(co))
        n = len(code)
        i = 0
        extended_arg = 0
        while i < n:
            offset = i
            c = code[i]
            op = ord(c)
            lineno = linestarts.get(i)
            argval = None
            i = i + 1
            if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i + 1]) * 256 + extended_arg
                extended_arg = 0
                i = i + 2
                if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                    extended_arg = oparg * 65536

                if op in hasconst:
                    argval = co.co_consts[oparg]
            yield Instruction(offset, argval, opname[op], lineno) 

示例13: patch_opargs

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def patch_opargs(self, start=None):
        Updates branch instructions to correct offsets after adding or
        deleting bytecode
        for current in self.nodes(start):
            # No argument, skip to next
            if current.opcode < dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            # Patch relative offsets
            if current.opcode in dis.hasjrel:
                current.oparg = current.target.addr - \

            # Patch absolute offsets
            elif current.opcode in dis.hasjabs:
                current.oparg = current.target.addr 

示例14: _iter_code

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def _iter_code(code):

    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b',code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr<eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr+1] + bytes[ptr+2]*256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op==EXTENDED_ARG:
                long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op,arg 

示例15: __iter__

# 需要导入模块: import dis [as 别名]
# 或者: from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT [as 别名]
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg) 
