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Python data.PAD_TOKEN属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中data.PAD_TOKEN属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python data.PAD_TOKEN属性的具体用法?Python data.PAD_TOKEN怎么用?Python data.PAD_TOKEN使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在data的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def __init__(self, example_list, hps, vocab):
        """Turns the example_list into a Batch object.

           example_list: List of Example objects
           hps: hyperparameters
           vocab: Vocabulary object
        self._hps = hps
        self.pad_id = vocab.word2id(
            data.PAD_TOKEN)  # id of the PAD token used to pad sequences
        self.sec_pad_id = vocab.word2id(data.SEC_PAD_TOKEN)
        # initialize the input to the encoder
        self.init_encoder_seq(example_list, hps)
        # initialize the input and targets for the decoder
        self.init_decoder_seq(example_list, hps)
        self.store_orig_strings(example_list)  # store the original strings 

示例2: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def __init__(self, example_list, hps, vocab):
    """Turns the example_list into a Batch object.

       example_list: List of Example objects
       hps: hyperparameters
       vocab: Vocabulary object
    self.pad_id = vocab.word2id(data.PAD_TOKEN) # id of the PAD token used to pad sequences
    if hps.model in ['rewriter', 'end2end']:
      self.init_rewriter_encoder_seq(example_list, hps) # initialize the input to the rewriter encoder
      self.init_rewriter_decoder_seq(example_list, hps) # initialize the input and targets for the rewriter decoder
    if hps.model in ['selector', 'end2end']:
      self.init_selector_encoder_seq(example_list, hps) # initialize the input to the selector encoder
      self.init_selector_target(example_list, hps) # initialize the target to selector
    self.store_orig_strings(example_list) # store the original strings 

示例3: create_batch

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def create_batch(example_list, hps, vocab):
    """Turns the example_list into a Batch object.

       example_list: List of Example objects
       hps: hyperparameters
       vocab: Vocabulary object
    batch = Batch()
    batch.pad_id = vocab.word2id(data.PAD_TOKEN)
    batch.init_encoder_seq(example_list, hps) # initialize the input to the encoder
    batch.init_decoder_seq(example_list, hps) # initialize the input and targets for the decoder
    batch.store_orig_strings(example_list) # store the original strings
    return batch 

示例4: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def __init__(self, example_list, hps, vocab):
    """Turns the example_list into a Batch object.

       example_list: List of Example objects
       hps: hyperparameters
       vocab: Vocabulary object
    self.pad_id = vocab.word2id(data.PAD_TOKEN) # id of the PAD token used to pad sequences
    self.init_encoder_seq(example_list, hps) # initialize the input to the encoder
    self.init_decoder_seq(example_list, hps) # initialize the input and targets for the decoder
    self.store_orig_strings(example_list) # store the original strings 

示例5: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def __init__(self, example_list, hps, vocab):
        """Turns the example_list into a Batch object.

       example_list: List of Example objects
       hps: hyperparameters
       vocab: Vocabulary object
        self.pad_id = vocab.word2id(data.PAD_TOKEN)  # id of the PAD token used to pad sequences
        self.init_encoder_seq(example_list, hps)  # initialize the input to the encoder
        self.init_decoder_seq(example_list, hps)  # initialize the input and targets for the decoder
        self.store_orig_strings(example_list)  # store the original strings 

示例6: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def __init__(self, example_list, vocab, batch_size):
    self.batch_size = batch_size
    self.pad_id = vocab.word2id(data.PAD_TOKEN) # id of the PAD token used to pad sequences
    self.init_encoder_seq(example_list) # initialize the input to the encoder
    self.init_decoder_seq(example_list) # initialize the input and targets for the decoder
    self.store_orig_strings(example_list) # store the original strings 

示例7: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def __init__(self, example_list, hps, vocab):
        """Turns the example_list into a Batch object.

           example_list: List of Example objects
           hps: hyperparameters
           vocab: Vocabulary object
        self.pad_id = vocab.word2id(
            data.PAD_TOKEN)  # id of the PAD token used to pad sequences
        # initialize the input to the encoder
        self.init_encoder_seq(example_list, hps)
        # initialize the input and targets for the decoder
        self.init_decoder_seq(example_list, hps)
        self.store_orig_strings(example_list)  # store the original strings 

示例8: _get_section_words

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def _get_section_words(sec, max_len=None, pad_id=data.PAD_TOKEN, pad=True):
  """ given a section (list of sentences), returns a single list of words in that section """
  words = ' '.join(sec).split()
  if max_len is None:
    max_len = len(words)
  if pad:
    while len(words) < max_len:
      words += [pad_id]
  return words[:max_len] 

示例9: _pad_words

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def _pad_words(words, max_len=None, pad_id=data.PAD_TOKEN):
  """ given a section (list of sentences), returns a single list of words in that section """
  if max_len is None:
    max_len = len(words)
  while len(words) < max_len:
    words += [pad_id]
  return words[:max_len] 

示例10: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def __init__(self, example_list, hps, vocab):
    """Turns the example_list into a Batch object.

       example_list: List of Example objects
       hps: hyperparameters
       vocab: Vocabulary object
    self.pad_id = vocab.word2id(data.PAD_TOKEN) # id of the PAD token used to pad sequences
    self.init_decoder_seq(example_list, hps)  # initialize the input to the encoder 

示例11: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def __init__(self, example_list, hps, vocab):
    """Turns the example_list into a Batch object.

       example_list: List of Example objects
       hps: hyperparameters
       vocab: Vocabulary object
    self.pad_id = vocab.word2id(data.PAD_TOKEN) # id of the PAD token used to pad sequences
    if FLAGS.run_method == 'auto-encoder':
        self.init_encoder_seq(example_list, hps)  # initialize the input to the encoder
    self.init_decoder_seq(example_list, hps) # initialize the input and targets for the decoder
    self.store_orig_strings(example_list) # store the original strings 

示例12: main

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def main(unused_argv):
  vocab = data.Vocab(FLAGS.vocab_path, 1000000)
  # Check for presence of required special tokens.
  assert vocab.CheckVocab(data.PAD_TOKEN) > 0
  assert vocab.CheckVocab(data.UNKNOWN_TOKEN) >= 0
  assert vocab.CheckVocab(data.SENTENCE_START) > 0
  assert vocab.CheckVocab(data.SENTENCE_END) > 0

  batch_size = 4
  if FLAGS.mode == 'decode':
    batch_size = FLAGS.beam_size

  hps = seq2seq_attention_model.HParams(
      mode=FLAGS.mode,  # train, eval, decode
      min_lr=0.01,  # min learning rate.
      lr=0.15,  # learning rate
      min_input_len=2,  # discard articles/summaries < than this
      num_hidden=256,  # for rnn cell
      emb_dim=128,  # If 0, don't use embedding
      num_softmax_samples=4096)  # If 0, no sampled softmax.

  batcher = batch_reader.Batcher(
      FLAGS.data_path, vocab, hps, FLAGS.article_key,
      FLAGS.abstract_key, FLAGS.max_article_sentences,
      FLAGS.max_abstract_sentences, bucketing=FLAGS.use_bucketing,

  if hps.mode == 'train':
    model = seq2seq_attention_model.Seq2SeqAttentionModel(
        hps, vocab, num_gpus=FLAGS.num_gpus)
    _Train(model, batcher)
  elif hps.mode == 'eval':
    model = seq2seq_attention_model.Seq2SeqAttentionModel(
        hps, vocab, num_gpus=FLAGS.num_gpus)
    _Eval(model, batcher, vocab=vocab)
  elif hps.mode == 'decode':
    decode_mdl_hps = hps
    # Only need to restore the 1st step and reuse it since
    # we keep and feed in state for each step's output.
    decode_mdl_hps = hps._replace(dec_timesteps=1)
    model = seq2seq_attention_model.Seq2SeqAttentionModel(
        decode_mdl_hps, vocab, num_gpus=FLAGS.num_gpus)
    decoder = seq2seq_attention_decode.BSDecoder(model, batcher, hps, vocab)

示例13: main

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def main(unused_argv):

  config = importlib.import_module('config.%s' % FLAGS.config)
  for argument in FLAGS.override.split(','):
    if '=' in argument:
      name = argument.split('=')[0]
      value = type(getattr(config, name))(argument.split('=')[1])
      setattr(config, name, value)
  config.input_vocab = data.Vocab(config.input_vocab_file,
                                   config.max_vocab_size)  # Max IDs
  if config.input_vocab.WordToId(data.PAD_TOKEN) <= 0:
    raise ValueError('Invalid PAD_TOKEN id.')
  # id of the UNKNOWN_TOKEN should be "0" for copynet model
  if config.input_vocab.WordToId(data.UNKNOWN_TOKEN) != 0:
    raise ValueError('Invalid UNKOWN_TOKEN id.')
  if config.input_vocab.WordToId(data.SENTENCE_START) <= 0:
    raise ValueError('Invalid SENTENCE_START id.')
  if config.input_vocab.WordToId(data.SENTENCE_END) <= 0:
    raise ValueError('Invalid SENTENCE_END id.')

  if config.output_vocab_file:
    config.output_vocab = data.Vocab(config.output_vocab_file,
                                     config.max_vocab_size)  # Max IDs
    if config.output_vocab.WordToId(data.PAD_TOKEN) <= 0:
      raise ValueError('Invalid PAD_TOKEN id.')
    # id of the UNKNOWN_TOKEN should be "0" for copynet model
    if config.output_vocab.WordToId(data.UNKNOWN_TOKEN) != 0:
      raise ValueError('Invalid UNKOWN_TOKEN id.')
    if config.output_vocab.WordToId(data.SENTENCE_START) <= 0:
      raise ValueError('Invalid SENTENCE_START id.')
    if config.output_vocab.WordToId(data.SENTENCE_END) <= 0:
      raise ValueError('Invalid SENTENCE_END id.')
    config.output_vocab = config.input_vocab

  train_batcher = config.Batcher(config.train_set, config)
  valid_batcher = config.Batcher(config.valid_set, config)

  if FLAGS.mode == 'train':
    model = config.Model(config, 'train', num_gpus=FLAGS.num_gpus)
    _Train(model, config, train_batcher)
  elif FLAGS.mode == 'eval':
    config.dropout_rnn = 1.0
    config.dropout_emb = 1.0
    model = config.Model(config, 'eval', num_gpus=FLAGS.num_gpus)
    _Eval(model, config, valid_batcher)
  elif FLAGS.mode == 'decode':
    config.dropout_rnn = 1.0
    config.dropout_emb = 1.0
    config.batch_size = config.beam_size
    model = config.Model(config, 'decode', num_gpus=FLAGS.num_gpus)
    decoder = decode.BeamSearch(model, valid_batcher, config)

示例14: main

# 需要导入模块: import data [as 别名]
# 或者: from data import PAD_TOKEN [as 别名]
def main(unused_argv):
  vocab = data.Vocab(FLAGS.vocab_path, 1000000)
  # Check for presence of required special tokens.
  assert vocab.WordToId(data.PAD_TOKEN) > 0
  assert vocab.WordToId(data.UNKNOWN_TOKEN) >= 0
  assert vocab.WordToId(data.SENTENCE_START) > 0
  assert vocab.WordToId(data.SENTENCE_END) > 0

  batch_size = 4
  if FLAGS.mode == 'decode':
    batch_size = FLAGS.beam_size

  hps = seq2seq_attention_model.HParams(
      mode=FLAGS.mode,  # train, eval, decode
      min_lr=0.01,  # min learning rate.
      lr=0.15,  # learning rate
      min_input_len=2,  # discard articles/summaries < than this
      num_hidden=256,  # for rnn cell
      emb_dim=128,  # If 0, don't use embedding
      num_softmax_samples=4096)  # If 0, no sampled softmax.

  batcher = batch_reader.Batcher(
      FLAGS.data_path, vocab, hps, FLAGS.article_key,
      FLAGS.abstract_key, FLAGS.max_article_sentences,
      FLAGS.max_abstract_sentences, bucketing=FLAGS.use_bucketing,

  if hps.mode == 'train':
    model = seq2seq_attention_model.Seq2SeqAttentionModel(
        hps, vocab, num_gpus=FLAGS.num_gpus)
    _Train(model, batcher)
  elif hps.mode == 'eval':
    model = seq2seq_attention_model.Seq2SeqAttentionModel(
        hps, vocab, num_gpus=FLAGS.num_gpus)
    _Eval(model, batcher, vocab=vocab)
  elif hps.mode == 'decode':
    decode_mdl_hps = hps
    # Only need to restore the 1st step and reuse it since
    # we keep and feed in state for each step's output.
    decode_mdl_hps = hps._replace(dec_timesteps=1)
    model = seq2seq_attention_model.Seq2SeqAttentionModel(
        decode_mdl_hps, vocab, num_gpus=FLAGS.num_gpus)
    decoder = seq2seq_attention_decode.BSDecoder(model, batcher, hps, vocab)
