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Python curses.KEY_IC属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中curses.KEY_IC属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python curses.KEY_IC属性的具体用法?Python curses.KEY_IC怎么用?Python curses.KEY_IC使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在curses的用法示例。


示例1: modal

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import KEY_IC [as 别名]
def modal(self):
        """run the modal getch-loop for this dialog"""
        if self.win:
            done = False
            while not done:
                key_pressed = self.win.getch()
                if key_pressed in [27, ord("q"), curses.KEY_F10]:
                    done = True
                if key_pressed == curses.KEY_DOWN:
                if key_pressed == curses.KEY_UP:
                if key_pressed in [curses.KEY_IC, ord("=")]:

                for key, func in self.dlg_keys:
                    if key == key_pressed:
                        done = True

        # help the garbage collector clean up circular references
        # to make sure __del__() will be called to close the dialog
        del self.dlg_keys 

示例2: get_keyboard_codes

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import KEY_IC [as 别名]
def get_keyboard_codes():
    """get_keyboard_codes() -> dict

    Returns dictionary of (code, name) pairs for curses keyboard constant
    values and their mnemonic name. Such as key ``260``, with the value of
    its identity, ``KEY_LEFT``.  These are derived from the attributes by the
    same of the curses module, with the following exceptions:

    * ``KEY_DELETE`` in place of ``KEY_DC``
    * ``KEY_INSERT`` in place of ``KEY_IC``
    * ``KEY_PGUP`` in place of ``KEY_PPAGE``
    * ``KEY_PGDOWN`` in place of ``KEY_NPAGE``
    * ``KEY_ESCAPE`` in place of ``KEY_EXIT``
    * ``KEY_SUP`` in place of ``KEY_SR``
    * ``KEY_SDOWN`` in place of ``KEY_SF``
    keycodes = OrderedDict(get_curses_keycodes())

    # invert dictionary (key, values) => (values, key), preferring the
    # last-most inserted value ('KEY_DELETE' over 'KEY_DC').
    return dict(zip(keycodes.values(), keycodes.keys())) 

示例3: get_keyboard_codes

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import KEY_IC [as 别名]
def get_keyboard_codes():
    Return mapping of keycode integer values paired by their curses key-name.

    :rtype: dict

    Returns dictionary of (code, name) pairs for curses keyboard constant
    values and their mnemonic name. Such as key ``260``, with the value of
    its identity, ``u'KEY_LEFT'``.  These are derived from the attributes by
    the same of the curses module, with the following exceptions:

    * ``KEY_DELETE`` in place of ``KEY_DC``
    * ``KEY_INSERT`` in place of ``KEY_IC``
    * ``KEY_PGUP`` in place of ``KEY_PPAGE``
    * ``KEY_PGDOWN`` in place of ``KEY_NPAGE``
    * ``KEY_ESCAPE`` in place of ``KEY_EXIT``
    * ``KEY_SUP`` in place of ``KEY_SR``
    * ``KEY_SDOWN`` in place of ``KEY_SF``

    This function is the inverse of :func:`get_curses_keycodes`.  With the
    given override "mixins" listed above, the keycode for the delete key will
    map to our imaginary ``KEY_DELETE`` mnemonic, effectively erasing the
    phrase ``KEY_DC`` from our code vocabulary for anyone that wishes to use
    the return value to determine the key-name by keycode.
    keycodes = OrderedDict(get_curses_keycodes())

    # invert dictionary (key, values) => (values, key), preferring the
    # last-most inserted value ('KEY_DELETE' over 'KEY_DC').
    return dict(zip(keycodes.values(), keycodes.keys())) 

示例4: define_keys

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import KEY_IC [as 别名]
def define_keys(self):
        self.keys = {'j':   self.down,
                     'k':   self.up,
                     'h':   self.left,
                     'l':   self.right,
                     'J':   self.page_down,
                     'K':   self.page_up,
                     'm':   self.mark,
                     "'":   self.goto_mark,
                     'L':   self.page_right,
                     'H':   self.page_left,
                     'q':   self.quit,
                     'Q':   self.quit,
                     '$':   self.line_end,
                     '^':   self.line_home,
                     '0':   self.line_home,
                     'g':   self.home,
                     'G':   self.goto_row,
                     '|':   self.goto_col,
                     '\n':  self.show_cell,
                     '/':   self.search,
                     'n':   self.search_results,
                     'p':   self.search_results_prev,
                     't':   self.toggle_header,
                     '-':   self.column_gap_down,
                     '+':   self.column_gap_up,
                     '<':   self.column_width_all_down,
                     '>':   self.column_width_all_up,
                     ',':   self.column_width_down,
                     '.':   self.column_width_up,
                     'a':   self.sort_by_column_natural,
                     'A':   self.sort_by_column_natural_reverse,
                     's':   self.sort_by_column,
                     'S':   self.sort_by_column_reverse,
                     'y':   self.yank_cell,
                     'r':   self.reload,
                     'c':   self.toggle_column_width,
                     'C':   self.set_current_column_width,
                     ']':   self.skip_to_row_change,
                     '[':   self.skip_to_row_change_reverse,
                     '}':   self.skip_to_col_change,
                     '{':   self.skip_to_col_change_reverse,
                     '?':   self.help,
                     curses.KEY_F1:     self.help,
                     curses.KEY_UP:     self.up,
                     curses.KEY_DOWN:   self.down,
                     curses.KEY_LEFT:   self.left,
                     curses.KEY_RIGHT:  self.right,
                     curses.KEY_HOME:   self.line_home,
                     curses.KEY_END:    self.line_end,
                     curses.KEY_PPAGE:  self.page_up,
                     curses.KEY_NPAGE:  self.page_down,
                     curses.KEY_IC:     self.mark,
                     curses.KEY_DC:     self.goto_mark,
                     curses.KEY_ENTER:  self.show_cell,
                     KEY_CTRL('a'):  self.line_home,
                     KEY_CTRL('e'):  self.line_end,
