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Python curses.KEY_BTAB属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中curses.KEY_BTAB属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python curses.KEY_BTAB属性的具体用法?Python curses.KEY_BTAB怎么用?Python curses.KEY_BTAB使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在curses的用法示例。


示例1: set_up_handlers

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import KEY_BTAB [as 别名]
def set_up_handlers(self):
        """This function should be called somewhere during object initialisation (which all library-defined widgets do). You might like to override this in your own definition,
but in most cases the add_handers or add_complex_handlers methods are what you want."""
        #called in __init__
        self.handlers = {
                   curses.ascii.NL:     self.h_exit_down,
                   curses.ascii.CR:     self.h_exit_down,
                   curses.ascii.TAB:    self.h_exit_down,
                   curses.KEY_BTAB:     self.h_exit_up,
                   curses.KEY_DOWN:     self.h_exit_down,
                   curses.KEY_UP:       self.h_exit_up,
                   curses.KEY_LEFT:     self.h_exit_left,
                   curses.KEY_RIGHT:    self.h_exit_right,
                   # "^P":                self.h_exit_up,
                   # "^N":                self.h_exit_down,
                   curses.ascii.ESC:    self.h_exit_escape,
                   curses.KEY_MOUSE:    self.h_exit_mouse,

        self.complex_handlers = [] 

示例2: set_up_handlers

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import KEY_BTAB [as 别名]
def set_up_handlers(self):
        """This function should be called somewhere during object initialisation (which all library-defined widgets do). You might like to override this in your own definition,
but in most cases the add_handers or add_complex_handlers methods are what you want."""
        #called in __init__
        self.handlers = {
                   curses.ascii.NL:     self.h_exit_down,
                   curses.ascii.CR:     self.h_exit_down,
                   curses.ascii.TAB:    self.h_exit_down,
                   curses.KEY_BTAB:     self.h_exit_up,
                   curses.KEY_DOWN:     self.h_exit_down,
                   curses.KEY_UP:       self.h_exit_up,
                   curses.KEY_LEFT:     self.h_exit_left,
                   curses.KEY_RIGHT:    self.h_exit_right,
                   "^P":                self.h_exit_up,
                   "^N":                self.h_exit_down,
                   curses.ascii.ESC:    self.h_exit_escape,
                   curses.KEY_MOUSE:    self.h_exit_mouse,

        self.complex_handlers = [] 

示例3: set_up_handlers

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import KEY_BTAB [as 别名]
def set_up_handlers(self):
        super(SimpleGrid, self).set_up_handlers()
        self.handlers = {
                    curses.KEY_UP:      self.h_move_line_up,
                    curses.KEY_LEFT:    self.h_move_cell_left,
                    curses.KEY_DOWN:    self.h_move_line_down,
                    curses.KEY_RIGHT:   self.h_move_cell_right,
                    "k":                self.h_move_line_up,
                    "h":                self.h_move_cell_left,
                    "j":                self.h_move_line_down,
                    "l":                self.h_move_cell_right,
                    curses.KEY_NPAGE:   self.h_move_page_down,
                    curses.KEY_PPAGE:   self.h_move_page_up,
                    curses.KEY_HOME:    self.h_show_beginning,
                    curses.KEY_END:     self.h_show_end,
                    ord('g'):           self.h_show_beginning,
                    ord('G'):           self.h_show_end,
                    curses.ascii.TAB:   self.h_exit,
                    curses.KEY_BTAB:     self.h_exit_up,
                    '^P':               self.h_exit_up,
                    '^N':               self.h_exit_down,
                    #curses.ascii.NL:    self.h_exit,
                    #curses.ascii.SP:    self.h_exit,
                    #ord('x'):       self.h_exit,
                    ord('q'):       self.h_exit,
                    curses.ascii.ESC:   self.h_exit,
                    curses.KEY_MOUSE:    self.h_exit_mouse,

        self.complex_handlers = [

示例4: get_user_string

# 需要导入模块: import curses [as 别名]
# 或者: from curses import KEY_BTAB [as 别名]
def get_user_string(self, xpos=3, ypos=15, filterfunc=str.isalnum, completer=None):
        # filter allowed characters using filterfunc, alphanumeric by default
        user_string = ""
        user_input = 0
        if completer:
            completer = completer(self)
        while user_input != 10:
            user_input = self.screen.getch()
            if user_input == -1: # Input comes from pipe/file and is closed
                raise IOError
            # osx and unix backspace chars...
            if user_input == 127 or user_input == 263:
                if len(user_string) > 0:
                    user_string = user_string[:-1]
                    if completer:
                    self.screen.addstr(ypos, xpos, " " * (self.maxx-xpos-1))
            elif user_input in [ord('\t'), curses.KEY_BTAB] and completer:
                direction = 1 if user_input == ord('\t') else -1
                user_string = completer.complete(direction)
                self.screen.addstr(ypos, xpos, " " * (self.maxx-xpos-1))
            elif user_input < 256 and user_input != 10:
                if filterfunc(chr(user_input)) or chr(user_input) == '_':
                    user_string += chr(user_input)
                    if completer:
            self.screen.addstr(ypos, xpos, str(user_string))
        return user_string 
