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Python config.API_VERSION属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中config.API_VERSION属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python config.API_VERSION属性的具体用法?Python config.API_VERSION怎么用?Python config.API_VERSION使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在config的用法示例。


示例1: graphcall

# 需要导入模块: import config [as 别名]
# 或者: from config import API_VERSION [as 别名]
def graphcall():
    """Confirm user authentication by calling Graph and displaying some data."""
    endpoint = config.RESOURCE + config.API_VERSION + '/me'
    headers = {'SdkVersion': 'sample-python-requests-0.1.0',
               'x-client-SKU': 'sample-python-requests',
               'SdkVersion': 'sample-python-requests',
               'client-request-id': str(uuid.uuid4()),
               'return-client-request-id': 'true'}
    graphdata = MSGRAPH.get(endpoint, headers=headers).json()
    return {'graphdata': graphdata, 'endpoint': endpoint, 'sample': 'Requests-OAuthlib'} 

示例2: graphcall

# 需要导入模块: import config [as 别名]
# 或者: from config import API_VERSION [as 别名]
def graphcall():
    """Confirm user authentication by calling Graph and displaying some data."""
    endpoint = 'me'
    headers = {'SdkVersion': 'sample-python-flask',
               'x-client-SKU': 'sample-python-flask',
               'client-request-id': str(uuid.uuid4()),
               'return-client-request-id': 'true'}
    graphdata = MSGRAPH.get(endpoint, headers=headers).data
    return flask.render_template('graphcall.html',
                                 endpoint=config.RESOURCE + config.API_VERSION + '/' + endpoint,

示例3: graphcall

# 需要导入模块: import config [as 别名]
# 或者: from config import API_VERSION [as 别名]
def graphcall():
    """Confirm user authentication by calling Graph and displaying some data."""
    endpoint = config.RESOURCE + config.API_VERSION + '/me'
    http_headers = {'client-request-id': str(uuid.uuid4())}
    graphdata = SESSION.get(endpoint, headers=http_headers, stream=False).json()
    return {'graphdata': graphdata, 'endpoint': endpoint, 'sample': 'ADAL'} 

示例4: graphcall

# 需要导入模块: import config [as 别名]
# 或者: from config import API_VERSION [as 别名]
def graphcall():
    """Confirm user authentication by calling Graph and displaying some data."""
    endpoint = config.RESOURCE + config.API_VERSION + '/me'
    http_headers = {'client-request-id': str(uuid.uuid4())}
    graphdata = SESSION.get(endpoint, headers=http_headers, stream=False).json()
    return flask.render_template('graphcall.html',

示例5: api_endpoint

# 需要导入模块: import config [as 别名]
# 或者: from config import API_VERSION [as 别名]
def api_endpoint(url):
    """Convert a relative path such as /me/photo/$value to a full URI based
    on the current RESOURCE and API_VERSION settings in config.py.
    if urllib.parse.urlparse(url).scheme in ['http', 'https']:
        return url # url is already complete
    return urllib.parse.urljoin(f'{config.RESOURCE}/{config.API_VERSION}/',

示例6: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import config [as 别名]
# 或者: from config import API_VERSION [as 别名]
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialize instance with default values and user-provided overrides.

        The only argument that MUST be specified at runtime is scopes, the list
        of required scopes for this session.

        These settings have default values imported from config.py, but can
        be overridden if desired:
        client_id = client ID (application ID) from app registration portal
        client_secret = client secret (password) from app registration portal
        redirect_uri = must match value specified in app registration portal
        resource = the base URL for calls to Microsoft Graph
        api_version = Graph version ('v1.0' is default, can also use 'beta')
        authority_url = base URL for authorization authority
        auth_endpoint = authentication endpoint (at authority_url)
        token_endpoint = token endpoint (at authority_url)
        cache_state = whether to cache session state in local state.json file
                      If cache_state==True and a valid access token has been
                      cached, the token will be used without any user
                      authentication required ("silent SSO")
        refresh_enable = whether to auto-refresh expired tokens

        self.config = {'client_id': config.CLIENT_ID,
                       'client_secret': config.CLIENT_SECRET,
                       'redirect_uri': config.REDIRECT_URI,
                       'scopes': config.SCOPES,
                       'cache_state': False,
                       'resource': config.RESOURCE,
                       'api_version': config.API_VERSION,
                       'authority_url': config.AUTHORITY_URL,
                       'auth_endpoint': config.AUTHORITY_URL + config.AUTH_ENDPOINT,
                       'token_endpoint': config.AUTHORITY_URL + config.TOKEN_ENDPOINT,
                       'refresh_enable': True}

        # Print warning if any unknown arguments were passed, since those may be
        # errors/typos.
        for key in kwargs:
            if key not in self.config:
                print(f'WARNING: unknown "{key}" argument passed to GraphSession')

        self.config.update(kwargs.items()) # add passed arguments to config


        # used by login() and redirect_uri_handler() to identify current session
        self.authstate = ''

        # route to redirect to after authentication; can be overridden in login()
        self.login_redirect = '/'

        # If refresh tokens are enabled, add the offline_access scope.
        # Note that refresh_enable setting takes precedence over whether
        # the offline_access scope is explicitly requested.
        refresh_scope = 'offline_access'
        if self.config['refresh_enable']:
            if refresh_scope not in self.config['scopes']:
        elif refresh_scope in self.config['scopes']:
