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PHP Variable::trackVariant方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Zephir\Variable::trackVariant方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Variable::trackVariant方法的具体用法?PHP Variable::trackVariant怎么用?PHP Variable::trackVariant使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Zephir\Variable的用法示例。


示例1: callFromDynamicClassDynamicMethod

  * Calls static methods on using a dynamic variable as class and a dynamic method
  * @param array $expression
  * @param Variable $symbolVariable
  * @param boolean $mustInit
  * @param boolean $isExpecting
  * @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
 protected function callFromDynamicClassDynamicMethod(array $expression, $symbolVariable, $mustInit, $isExpecting, CompilationContext $compilationContext)
     $codePrinter = $compilationContext->codePrinter;
      * Call static methods must grown the stack
     if ($mustInit) {
     $cachePointer = 'NULL';
     if (isset($expression['parameters']) && count($expression['parameters'])) {
         $params = $this->getResolvedParams($expression['parameters'], $compilationContext, $expression);
     } else {
         $params = array();
      * Obtain the class entry from the variable
     $classNameVariable = $compilationContext->symbolTable->getVariableForRead($expression['class'], $compilationContext, $expression);
     if ($classNameVariable->isNotVariableAndString()) {
         throw new CompilerException("Only dynamic/string variables can be used in dynamic classes", $expression);
      * @todo Validate if the variable is really a string!
     $classEntryVariable = $compilationContext->symbolTable->addTemp('zend_class_entry', $compilationContext);
     $codePrinter->output($classEntryVariable->getName() . ' = zend_fetch_class(Z_STRVAL_P(' . $classNameVariable->getName() . '), Z_STRLEN_P(' . $classNameVariable->getName() . '), ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_AUTO TSRMLS_CC);');
     $classEntry = $classEntryVariable->getName();
      * Obtain the method name from the variable
     $methodNameVariable = $compilationContext->symbolTable->getVariableForRead($expression['name'], $compilationContext, $expression);
     if ($methodNameVariable->isNotVariableAndString()) {
         throw new CompilerException("Only dynamic/string variables can be used in dynamic methods", $expression);
      * @todo Validate if the variable is really a string!
     $methodName = 'Z_STRVAL_P(' . $methodNameVariable->getName() . ')';
     if (!count($params)) {
         if ($isExpecting) {
             if ($symbolVariable->getName() == 'return_value') {
                 $codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_CE_STATIC(' . $classEntry . ', ' . $methodName . ', ' . $cachePointer . ');');
             } else {
                 $codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_CALL_CE_STATIC(&' . $symbolVariable->getName() . ', ' . $classEntry . ', ' . $methodName . ', ' . $cachePointer . ');');
         } else {
             $codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_CALL_CE_STATIC(NULL, ' . $classEntry . ', ' . $methodName . ', ' . $cachePointer . ');');
     } else {
         if ($isExpecting) {
             if ($symbolVariable->getName() == 'return_value') {
                 $codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_CE_STATIC(' . $classEntry . ', ' . $methodName . ', ' . $cachePointer . ', ' . join(', ', $params) . ');');
             } else {
                 $codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_CALL_CE_STATIC(&' . $symbolVariable->getName() . ', ' . $classEntry . ', ' . $methodName . ', ' . $cachePointer . ', ' . join(', ', $params) . ');');
         } else {
             $codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_CALL_CE_STATIC(NULL, ' . $classEntry . ', ' . $methodName . ', ' . $cachePointer . ', ' . join(', ', $params) . ');');
      * Temporary variables must be copied if they have more than one reference
     foreach ($this->getMustCheckForCopyVariables() as $checkVariable) {
         $codePrinter->output('zephir_check_temp_parameter(' . $checkVariable . ');');
