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PHP Stdlib\ArrayUtils类代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP ArrayUtils类的具体用法?PHP ArrayUtils怎么用?PHP ArrayUtils使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: forwardAction

 public function forwardAction()
     $alias = $this->params('alias');
     $instance = $this->getInstanceManager()->getInstanceFromRequest();
     try {
         $location = $this->aliasManager->findCanonicalAlias($alias, $instance);
         return false;
     } catch (CanonicalUrlNotFoundException $e) {
     try {
         $source = $this->aliasManager->findSourceByAlias($alias);
     } catch (AliasNotFoundException $e) {
         return false;
     $router = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Router');
     $request = new Request();
     $routeMatch = $router->match($request);
     if ($routeMatch === null) {
         return false;
     $params = $routeMatch->getParams();
     $controller = $params['controller'];
     $return = $this->forward()->dispatch($controller, ArrayUtils::merge($params, ['forwarded' => true]));
     return $return;

示例2: factory

  * Create and return a StorageInterface instance
  * @param  string                             $type
  * @param  array|Traversable                  $options
  * @return StorageInterface
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException for unrecognized $type or individual options
 public static function factory($type, $options = array())
     if (!is_string($type)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s expects the $type argument to be a string class name; received "%s"', __METHOD__, is_object($type) ? get_class($type) : gettype($type)));
     if (!class_exists($type)) {
         $class = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $type;
         if (!class_exists($class)) {
             throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s expects the $type argument to be a valid class name; received "%s"', __METHOD__, $type));
         $type = $class;
     if ($options instanceof Traversable) {
         $options = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($options);
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s expects the $options argument to be an array or Traversable; received "%s"', __METHOD__, is_object($options) ? get_class($options) : gettype($options)));
     switch (true) {
         case in_array('Zend\\Session\\Storage\\AbstractSessionArrayStorage', class_parents($type)):
             return static::createSessionArrayStorage($type, $options);
         case $type === 'Zend\\Session\\Storage\\ArrayStorage':
         case in_array('Zend\\Session\\Storage\\ArrayStorage', class_parents($type)):
             return static::createArrayStorage($type, $options);
         case in_array('Zend\\Session\\Storage\\StorageInterface', class_implements($type)):
             return new $type($options);
             throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unrecognized type "%s" provided; expects a class implementing %s\\StorageInterface', $type, __NAMESPACE__));

示例3: init

 public static function init()
     // Load the user-defined test configuration file, if it exists; otherwise, load
     if (is_readable(__DIR__ . '/TestConfig.php')) {
         $testConfig = (include __DIR__ . '/TestConfig.php');
     } else {
         $testConfig = (include __DIR__ . '/TestConfig.php.dist');
     $zf2ModulePaths = array();
     if (isset($testConfig['module_listener_options']['module_paths'])) {
         $modulePaths = $testConfig['module_listener_options']['module_paths'];
         foreach ($modulePaths as $modulePath) {
             if ($path = static::findParentPath($modulePath)) {
                 $zf2ModulePaths[] = $path;
     $zf2ModulePaths = implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $zf2ModulePaths) . PATH_SEPARATOR;
     $zf2ModulePaths .= getenv('ZF2_MODULES_TEST_PATHS') ?: (defined('ZF2_MODULES_TEST_PATHS') ? ZF2_MODULES_TEST_PATHS : '');
     // use ModuleManager to load this module and it's dependencies
     $baseConfig = array('module_listener_options' => array('module_paths' => explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $zf2ModulePaths)));
     $config = ArrayUtils::merge($baseConfig, $testConfig);
     $serviceManager = new ServiceManager(new ServiceManagerConfig());
     $serviceManager->setService('ApplicationConfig', $config);
     static::$serviceManager = $serviceManager;
     static::$config = $config;

示例4: factory

  * Create a captcha adapter instance
  * @param  array|Traversable $options
  * @return AdapterInterface
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException for a non-array, non-Traversable $options
  * @throws Exception\DomainException if class is missing or invalid
 public static function factory($options)
     if ($options instanceof Traversable) {
         $options = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($options);
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s expects an array or Traversable argument; received "%s"', __METHOD__, is_object($options) ? get_class($options) : gettype($options)));
     if (!isset($options['class'])) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects a "class" attribute in the options; none provided', __METHOD__));
     $class = $options['class'];
     if (isset(static::$classMap[strtolower($class)])) {
         $class = static::$classMap[strtolower($class)];
     if (!class_exists($class)) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects the "class" attribute to resolve to an existing class; received "%s"', __METHOD__, $class));
     if (isset($options['options'])) {
         $options = $options['options'];
     $captcha = new $class($options);
     if (!$captcha instanceof AdapterInterface) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects the "class" attribute to resolve to a valid Zend\\Captcha\\AdapterInterface instance; received "%s"', __METHOD__, $class));
     return $captcha;

示例5: __construct

  * Sets validator options
  * Mimetype to accept
  * - NULL means default PHP usage by using the environment variable 'magic'
  * - FALSE means disabling searching for mimetype, should be used for PHP 5.3
  * - A string is the mimetype file to use
  * @param  string|array|Traversable $options
 public function __construct($options = null)
     if ($options instanceof Traversable) {
         $options = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($options);
     } elseif (is_string($options)) {
         $options = [];
     } elseif (is_array($options)) {
         if (isset($options['magicFile'])) {
         if (isset($options['enableHeaderCheck'])) {
         if (array_key_exists('mimeType', $options)) {
         // Handle cases where mimetypes are interspersed with options, or
         // options are simply an array of mime types
         foreach (array_keys($options) as $key) {
             if (!is_int($key)) {

示例6: setData

 public function setData($data)
     if ($data instanceof Traversable) {
         $data = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($data);
     $isAts = isset($data['atsEnabled']) && $data['atsEnabled'];
     $isUri = isset($data['uriApply']) && !empty($data['uriApply']);
     $email = isset($data['contactEmail']) ? $data['contactEmail'] : '';
     if ($isAts && $isUri) {
         $data['atsMode']['mode'] = 'uri';
         $data['atsMode']['uri'] = $data['uriApply'];
         $uri = new Http($data['uriApply']);
         if ($uri->getHost() == $this->host) {
             $data['atsMode']['mode'] = 'intern';
     } elseif ($isAts && !$isUri) {
         $data['atsMode']['mode'] = 'intern';
     } elseif (!$isAts && !empty($email)) {
         $data['atsMode']['mode'] = 'email';
         $data['atsMode']['email'] = $email;
     } else {
         $data['atsMode']['mode'] = 'none';
     if (!array_key_exists('job', $data)) {
         $data = array('job' => $data);
     return parent::setData($data);

示例7: __construct

  * Sets validator options
  * @param  string|array|\Traversable $options
 public function __construct($options = null)
     if ($options instanceof Traversable) {
         $options = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($options);
     $case = null;
     if (1 < func_num_args()) {
         $case = func_get_arg(1);
     if (is_array($options)) {
         if (isset($options['case'])) {
             $case = $options['case'];
         if (!array_key_exists('extension', $options)) {
             $options = array('extension' => $options);
     } else {
         $options = array('extension' => $options);
     if ($case !== null) {
         $options['case'] = $case;

示例8: __invoke

  * Create and return a NoRecordExists validator.
  * @param ContainerInterface $container
  * @param string $requestedName
  * @param null|array $options
  * @return NoRecordExists
 public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName, array $options = null)
     if (isset($options['adapter'])) {
         return new NoRecordExists(ArrayUtils::merge($options, ['adapter' => $container->get($options['adapter'])]));
     return new NoRecordExists($options);

示例9: createService

  * Create service
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
  * @return AdapterManager
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
     $config = $serviceLocator->get('config');
     $config = $config['bsb_flysystem'];
     $serviceConfig = isset($config['adapter_manager']['config']) ? $config['adapter_manager']['config'] : [];
     $adapterMap = $this->adapterMap;
     if (isset($config['adapter_map'])) {
         $adapterMap = ArrayUtils::merge($this->adapterMap, $config['adapter_map']);
     foreach ($config['adapters'] as $name => $adapterConfig) {
         if (!isset($adapterConfig['type'])) {
             throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf("Missing 'type' key for the adapter '%s' configuration", $name));
         $type = strtolower($adapterConfig['type']);
         foreach (array_keys($adapterMap) as $serviceKind) {
             if (isset($adapterMap[$serviceKind][$type])) {
                 $serviceConfig[$serviceKind][$name] = $adapterMap[$serviceKind][$type];
                 if (isset($adapterConfig['shared'])) {
                     $serviceConfig['shared'][$name] = filter_var($adapterConfig['shared'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
                 continue 2;
         throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf("Unknown adapter type '%s'", $type));
     $serviceConfig = new Config($serviceConfig);
     return new AdapterManager($serviceConfig);

示例10: __construct

  * Constructor
  * @param  array|Traversable $options
 public function __construct($options = array())
     if ($options instanceof Traversable) {
         $options = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($options);
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid options provided');
     if (!isset($options[self::AWS_ACCESS_KEY]) || !isset($options[self::AWS_SECRET_KEY])) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('AWS keys not specified!');
     try {
         $this->_s3 = new AmazonS3($options[self::AWS_ACCESS_KEY], $options[self::AWS_SECRET_KEY]);
     } catch (\ZendService\Amazon\S3\Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Error on create: ' . $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
     if (isset($options[self::HTTP_ADAPTER])) {
     if (isset($options[self::BUCKET_NAME])) {
         $this->_defaultBucketName = $options[self::BUCKET_NAME];
     if (isset($options[self::BUCKET_AS_DOMAIN])) {
         $this->_defaultBucketAsDomain = $options[self::BUCKET_AS_DOMAIN];

示例11: setData

  * Set the data
  * @param array $data [description]
 public function setData(array $data)
     if (ArrayUtils::isHashTable($data)) {
         $data = array($data);
     $this->data = $data;

示例12: create

  * @param array $spec
  * @return TransportInterface
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws Exception\DomainException
 public static function create($spec = array())
     if ($spec instanceof Traversable) {
         $spec = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($spec);
     if (!is_array($spec)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s expects an array or Traversable argument; received "%s"', __METHOD__, is_object($spec) ? get_class($spec) : gettype($spec)));
     $type = isset($spec['type']) ? $spec['type'] : 'sendmail';
     $normalizedType = strtolower($type);
     if (isset(static::$classMap[$normalizedType])) {
         $type = static::$classMap[$normalizedType];
     if (!class_exists($type)) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects the "type" attribute to resolve to an existing class; received "%s"', __METHOD__, $type));
     $transport = new $type();
     if (!$transport instanceof TransportInterface) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects the "type" attribute to resolve to a valid' . ' Zend\\Mail\\Transport\\TransportInterface instance; received "%s"', __METHOD__, $type));
     if ($transport instanceof Smtp && isset($spec['options'])) {
         $transport->setOptions(new SmtpOptions($spec['options']));
     if ($transport instanceof File && isset($spec['options'])) {
         $transport->setOptions(new FileOptions($spec['options']));
     return $transport;

示例13: createModelFromConfigArrays

    public function createModelFromConfigArrays(array $global, array $local)
        $this->configWriter->toFile($this->globalConfigPath, $global);
        $this->configWriter->toFile($this->localConfigPath, $local);
        $mergedConfig = ArrayUtils::merge($global, $local);
        $globalConfig = new ConfigResource($mergedConfig, $this->globalConfigPath, $this->configWriter);
        $localConfig  = new ConfigResource($mergedConfig, $this->localConfigPath, $this->configWriter);

        $moduleEntity = $this->getMockBuilder('ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\ModuleEntity')



        $moduleModel = $this->getMockBuilder('ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\ModuleModel')

                    ->will($this->returnValue(array('Foo' => $moduleEntity)));

        return new AuthenticationModel($globalConfig, $localConfig, $moduleModel);

示例14: init

 public static function init()
     if (is_readable(__DIR__ . '/config.php')) {
         $testConfig = (include __DIR__ . '/config.php');
     } else {
         $testConfig = (include __DIR__ . '/config.php.dist');
     $moduleName = pathinfo(realpath(dirname(__DIR__)), PATHINFO_BASENAME);
     if (defined('MODULE_NAME')) {
         $moduleName = MODULE_NAME;
     $zf2ModulePaths = array(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)));
     if ($path = static::findParentPath('vendor')) {
         $modulePaths[] = $path;
     if (($path = static::findParentPath('module')) !== $modulePaths[0]) {
         $modulePaths[] = $path;
     if (isset($additionalModulePaths)) {
         $zf2ModulePaths = array_merge($modulePaths, $additionalModulePaths);
     } else {
         $zf2ModulePaths = $modulePaths;
     $zf2ModulePaths = implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $zf2ModulePaths) . PATH_SEPARATOR;
     $baseConfig = ['module_listener_options' => ['module_paths' => explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $zf2ModulePaths)], 'modules' => [$moduleName]];
     $config = ArrayUtils::merge($baseConfig, $testConfig);
     $serviceManager = new ServiceManager(new ServiceManagerConfig());
     $serviceManager->setService('ApplicationConfig', $config);
     static::$serviceManager = $serviceManager;

示例15: __construct

  * Class constructor
  * @param string|array|Traversable $options (Optional) Options to set, if null mcrypt is used
 public function __construct($options = null)
     if ($options instanceof Traversable) {
         $options = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($options);
