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PHP StringUtil::lastIndexOf方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中wcf\util\StringUtil::lastIndexOf方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP StringUtil::lastIndexOf方法的具体用法?PHP StringUtil::lastIndexOf怎么用?PHP StringUtil::lastIndexOf使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在wcf\util\StringUtil的用法示例。


示例1: getFileExtension

	 * Returns the extension of the original file name.
	 * @return	string
	public function getFileExtension() {
		if (($position = StringUtil::lastIndexOf($this->getFilename(), '.')) !== false) {
			return StringUtil::toLowerCase(StringUtil::substring($this->getFilename(), $position + 1));
		return '';

示例2: import

	 * Imports a style.
	 * @param	string		$filename
	 * @param	integer		$packageID
	 * @param	StyleEditor	$style
	 * @return	StyleEditor
	public static function import($filename, $packageID = PACKAGE_ID, StyleEditor $style = null) {
		// open file
		$tar = new Tar($filename);
		// get style data
		$data = self::readStyleData($tar);
		$styleData = array(
			'styleName' => $data['name'],
			'variables' => $data['variables'],
			'styleVersion' => $data['version'],
			'styleDate' => $data['date'],
			'copyright' => $data['copyright'],
			'license' => $data['license'],
			'authorName' => $data['authorName'],
			'authorURL' => $data['authorURL']
		// create template group
		$templateGroupID = 0;
		if (!empty($data['templates'])) {
			$templateGroupName = $originalTemplateGroupName = $data['name'];
			$templateGroupFolderName = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]/i', '', $templateGroupName);
			if (empty($templateGroupFolderName)) $templateGroupFolderName = 'generic'.StringUtil::substring(StringUtil::getRandomID(), 0, 8);
			$originalTemplateGroupFolderName = $templateGroupFolderName;
			// get unique template pack name
			$i = 1;
			while (true) {
				$sql = "SELECT	COUNT(*) AS count
					FROM	wcf".WCF_N."_template_group
					WHERE	templateGroupName = ?";
				$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
				$row = $statement->fetchArray();
				if (!$row['count']) break;
				$templateGroupName = $originalTemplateGroupName . '_' . $i;
			// get unique folder name
			$i = 1;
			while (true) {
				$sql = "SELECT	COUNT(*) AS count
					FROM	wcf".WCF_N."_template_group
					WHERE	templateGroupFolderName = ?
						AND parentTemplatePackID = ?";
				$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
				$row = $statement->fetchArray();
				if (!$row['count']) break;
				$templateGroupFolderName = $originalTemplateGroupFolderName . '_' . $i;
			$templateGroup = TemplateGroupEditor::create(array(
				'templateGroupName' => $templateGroupName,
				'templateGroupFolderName' => FileUtil::addTrailingSlash($templateGroupFolderName)
			$styleData['templateGroupID'] = $templateGroup->templateGroupID;
		// import preview image
		if (!empty($data['image'])) {
			$fileExtension = StringUtil::substring($data['image'], StringUtil::lastIndexOf($data['image'], '.'));
			$index = $tar->getIndexByFilename($data['image']);
			if ($index !== false) {
				$filename = WCF_DIR.'images/stylePreview-'.$style->styleID.'.'.$fileExtension;
				$tar->extract($index, $filename);
				@chmod($filename, 0777);
				if (file_exists($filename)) {
					$styleData['image'] = $filename;
		// import images
		if (!empty($data['images']) && $data['imagesPath'] != 'images/') {
			// create images folder if necessary
			$imagesLocation = self::getFileLocation($data['imagesPath']);
			$styleData['imagePath'] = FileUtil::getRelativePath(WCF_DIR, $imagesLocation);
			$index = $tar->getIndexByFilename($data['images']);
			if ($index !== false) {
				// extract images tar
				$destination = FileUtil::getTemporaryFilename('images_');
				$tar->extract($index, $destination);

示例3: copy

	 * Copies a style.
	 * @return	array<string>
	public function copy() {
		// get unique style name
		$sql = "SELECT	styleName
			FROM	wcf".WCF_N."_style
			WHERE	styleName LIKE ?
				AND styleID <> ?";
		$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
		$numbers = array();
		$regEx = new Regex('\((\d+)\)$');
		while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
			$styleName = $row['styleName'];
			if ($regEx->match($styleName)) {
				$matches = $regEx->getMatches();
				// check if name matches the pattern 'styleName (x)'
				if ($styleName == $this->styleEditor->styleName . ' ('.$matches[1].')') {
					$numbers[] = $matches[1];
		$number = (count($numbers)) ? max($numbers) + 1 : 2;
		$styleName = $this->styleEditor->styleName . ' ('.$number.')';
		// create the new style
		$newStyle = StyleEditor::create(array(
			'packageID' => PACKAGE_ID,
			'styleName' => $styleName,
			'templateGroupID' => $this->styleEditor->templateGroupID,
			'isDisabled' => 1, // newly created styles are disabled by default
			'styleDescription' => $this->styleEditor->styleDescription,
			'styleVersion' => $this->styleEditor->styleVersion,
			'styleDate' => $this->styleEditor->styleDate,
			'copyright' => $this->styleEditor->copyright,
			'license' => $this->styleEditor->license,
			'authorName' => $this->styleEditor->authorName,
			'authorURL' => $this->styleEditor->authorURL,
			'imagePath' => $this->styleEditor->imagePath
		// copy style variables
		$sql = "INSERT INTO	wcf".WCF_N."_style_variable_value
					(styleID, variableID, variableValue)
			SELECT		".$newStyle->styleID." AS styleID, value.variableID, value.variableValue
			FROM		wcf".WCF_N."_style_variable_value value
			WHERE		value.styleID = ?";
		$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
		// copy preview image
		if ($this->styleEditor->image) {
			// get extension
			$fileExtension = StringUtil::substring($this->styleEditor->image, StringUtil::lastIndexOf($this->styleEditor->image, '.'));
			// copy existing preview image
			if (@copy(WCF_DIR.'images/'.$this->styleEditor->image, WCF_DIR.'images/stylePreview-'.$newStyle->styleID.$fileExtension)) {
				// bypass StyleEditor::update() to avoid scaling of already fitting image
				$sql = "UPDATE	wcf".WCF_N."_style
					SET	image = ?
					WHERE	styleID = ?";
				$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
		return array(
			'redirectURL' => LinkHandler::getInstance()->getLink('StyleEdit', array('id' => $newStyle->styleID))
