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PHP SecurityIdentityInterface::equals方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\SecurityIdentityInterface::equals方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP SecurityIdentityInterface::equals方法的具体用法?PHP SecurityIdentityInterface::equals怎么用?PHP SecurityIdentityInterface::equals使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\SecurityIdentityInterface的用法示例。


示例1: revokeMask

  * @param $entity
  * @param $mask
  * @param SecurityIdentityInterface $securityIdentity
  * @return $this
 public function revokeMask($entity, $mask, SecurityIdentityInterface $securityIdentity)
     $acl = $this->getAcl($entity);
     $aces = $acl->getObjectAces();
     foreach ($aces as $index => $ace) {
         if ($securityIdentity->equals($ace->getSecurityIdentity())) {
             $this->removeMask($index, $acl, $ace, $mask);
     return $this;

示例2: getAces

  * Gets all ACEs associated with given ACL and the given security identity
  * @param SID $sid
  * @param AclInterface $acl
  * @param string $type The ACE type. Can be one of AclManager::*_ACE constants
  * @param string|null $field The name of a field.
  *                           Set to null for class-based or object-based ACE
  *                           Set to not null class-field-based or object-field-based ACE
  * @return EntryInterface[]
 protected function getAces(SID $sid, AclInterface $acl, $type, $field)
     return array_filter($this->manager->getAceProvider()->getAces($acl, $type, $field), function ($ace) use(&$sid) {
         /** @var EntryInterface $ace */
         return $sid->equals($ace->getSecurityIdentity());

示例3: doGetAces

  * Gets all ACEs associated with given ACL and the given security identity
  * @param SID $sid
  * @param OID $oid
  * @param string $type The ACE type. Can be one of self::*_ACE constants
  * @param string|null $field The name of a field.
  *                           Set to null for class-based or object-based ACE
  *                           Set to not null class-field-based or object-field-based ACE
  * @return EntryInterface[]
 protected function doGetAces(SID $sid, OID $oid, $type, $field)
     $acl = $this->getAcl($oid);
     if (!$acl) {
         return array();
     return array_filter($this->aceProvider->getAces($acl, $type, $field), function ($ace) use(&$sid) {
         /** @var EntryInterface $ace */
         return $sid->equals($ace->getSecurityIdentity());

示例4: deleteAllPermissions

  * Deletes all ACEs for the given security identity from the given ACL
  * @param ACL $acl
  * @param string $type The ACE type. Can be one of AclManager::*_ACE constants
  * @param string|null $field The name of a field.
  *                           Set to null for class-based or object-based ACE
  *                           Set to not null class-field-based or object-field-based ACE
  * @param SID $sid
  * @return bool True if at least one permission was deleted
 public function deleteAllPermissions(ACL $acl, $type, $field, SID $sid)
     $hasChanges = false;
     $aces = $this->getAces($acl, $type, $field);
     foreach ($aces as $index => $ace) {
         if ($sid->equals($ace->getSecurityIdentity())) {
             $this->deleteAce($acl, $type, $field, $index);
             $hasChanges = true;
     return $hasChanges;

示例5: removeAces

  * Deletes all ACEs the given type and security identity from the list of ACEs associated with this item
  * @param string      $type  The ACE type. Can be one of AclManager::*_ACE constants
  * @param string|null $field The name of a field.
  *                           Set to null for class-based or object-based ACE
  *                           Set to not null class-field-based or object-field-based ACE
  * @param SID $sid
 public function removeAces($type, $field, SID $sid)
     if ($this->aces !== null) {
         $toRemoveKeys = [];
         foreach ($this->aces as $key => $val) {
             if ($sid->equals($val->getSecurityIdentity()) && $type === $val->getType() && $field === $val->getField()) {
                 $toRemoveKeys[] = $key;
         if (!empty($toRemoveKeys)) {
             foreach ($toRemoveKeys as $key) {

示例6: revoke

  * @param ObjectIdentityInterface   $objectIdentity
  * @param SecurityIdentityInterface $securityIdentity
  * @param string|string[]           $permissions
  * @param string                    $type
  * @param null|string               $field
 protected function revoke(ObjectIdentityInterface $objectIdentity, SecurityIdentityInterface $securityIdentity, $permissions, $type, $field = null)
     if (null === ($acl = $this->findAcl($objectIdentity))) {
     $index = false;
     $oldMask = 0;
     /** @var Entry $ace */
     foreach ($acl->{$this->resolveAceMethod('get', $type, $field)}($field) as $k => $ace) {
         if ($securityIdentity->equals($ace->getSecurityIdentity())) {
             $index = $k;
             $oldMask = $ace->getMask();
     if (false !== $index) {
         $maskBuilder = $this->permissionMap->getMaskBuilder();
         foreach ((array) $permissions as $permission) {
         if (null === $field) {
             $acl->{$this->resolveAceMethod('update', $type)}($index, $maskBuilder->get());
         } else {
             $acl->{$this->resolveAceMethod('update', $type, $field)}($index, $field, $maskBuilder->get());
