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PHP Finder::sortByName方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder::sortByName方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Finder::sortByName方法的具体用法?PHP Finder::sortByName怎么用?PHP Finder::sortByName使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder的用法示例。


示例1: sortBy

  * @param string|callable $by
  * @return $this
 public function sortBy($by = self::SORT_BY_NAME)
     if (is_callable($by)) {
         return $this;
     switch (strtolower($by)) {
         case self::SORT_BY_NAME:
         case 'name':
         case self::SORT_BY_CHANGED_TIME:
         case 'ctime':
         case self::SORT_BY_ACCESSED_TIME:
         case 'atime':
         case self::SORT_BY_TYPE:
         case 'type':
         case self::SORT_BY_MODIFIED_TIME:
         case 'mtime':
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException($by . ' is not a supported argument for sorting.');
     return $this;

示例2: dirAction

  * @Route("/inbox", defaults={"_format"="json"})
 public function dirAction(Request $request)
     $dir = $request->query->get("dir", "");
     $type = $request->query->get("type", "file");
     $baseDir = realpath($this->container->getParameter('pumukit2.inbox'));
     if(0 !== strpos($dir, $baseDir)) {
         throw $this->createAccessDeniedException();
     $finder = new Finder();
     $res = array();
     if ("file" == $type) {
         $finder->depth('< 1')->followLinks()->in($dir);
         foreach ($finder as $f) {
             $res[] = array('path' => $f->getRealpath(), 'relativepath' => $f->getRelativePathname(), 'is_file' => $f->isFile(), 'hash' => hash('md5', $f->getRealpath()), 'content' => false);
     } else {
         $finder->depth('< 1')->directories()->followLinks()->in($dir);
         foreach ($finder as $f) {
             if (0 !== count(glob("{$f}/*"))) {
                 $contentFinder = new Finder();
                 $res[] = array('path' => $f->getRealpath(), 'relativepath' => $f->getRelativePathname(), 'is_file' => $f->isFile(), 'hash' => hash('md5', $f->getRealpath()), 'content' => $contentFinder->count());
     return new JsonResponse($res);

示例3: gather

  * Gather data from annotations.js and *.md files found in source/_annotations
  * @return {Array}        populates Annotations::$store
 public static function gather()
     // set-up default var
     $annotationsDir = Config::getOption("annotationsDir");
     // set-up the dispatcher
     $dispatcherInstance = Dispatcher::getInstance();
     // dispatch that the data gather has started
     // set-up the comments store
     self::$store["comments"] = array();
     // create the annotations dir if it doesn't exist
     if (!is_dir($annotationsDir)) {
     // find the markdown-based annotations
     $finder = new Finder();
     foreach ($finder as $name => $file) {
         $data = array();
         $data[0] = array();
         $text = file_get_contents($file->getPathname());
         $matches = strpos($text, PHP_EOL . "~*~" . PHP_EOL) !== false ? explode(PHP_EOL . "~*~" . PHP_EOL, $text) : array($text);
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             list($yaml, $markdown) = Documentation::parse($match);
             if (isset($yaml["el"]) || isset($yaml["selector"])) {
                 $data[0]["el"] = isset($yaml["el"]) ? $yaml["el"] : $yaml["selector"];
             } else {
                 $data[0]["el"] = "#someimpossibleselector";
             $data[0]["title"] = isset($yaml["title"]) ? $yaml["title"] : "";
             $data[0]["comment"] = $markdown;
             self::$store["comments"] = array_merge(self::$store["comments"], $data);
     // read in the old style annotations.js, modify the data and generate JSON array to merge
     $data = array();
     $oldStyleAnnotationsPath = $annotationsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "annotations.js";
     if (file_exists($oldStyleAnnotationsPath)) {
         $text = trim(file_get_contents($oldStyleAnnotationsPath));
         $text = str_replace("var comments = ", "", $text);
         if ($text[strlen($text) - 1] == ";") {
             $text = rtrim($text, ";");
         $data = json_decode($text, true);
         if ($jsonErrorMessage = JSON::hasError()) {
             JSON::lastErrorMsg(Console::getHumanReadablePath($oldStyleAnnotationsPath), $jsonErrorMessage, $data);
     // merge in any data from the old file if the json decode was successful
     if (is_array($data) && isset($data["comments"])) {
         self::$store["comments"] = array_merge(self::$store["comments"], $data["comments"]);

示例4: createFromFiles

  * Create ProcessSet from given files, optionally filtering by given $groups and $excludeGroups
  * @param Finder $files
  * @param array $groups Groups to be run
  * @param array $excludeGroups Groups to be excluded
  * @param string $filter filter test cases by name
  * @return ProcessSet
 public function createFromFiles(Finder $files, array $groups = null, array $excludeGroups = null, $filter = null)
     $processSet = $this->getProcessSet();
     if ($groups || $excludeGroups || $filter) {
         $this->output->writeln('Filtering testcases:');
     if ($groups) {
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf(' - by group(s): %s', implode(', ', $groups)));
     if ($excludeGroups) {
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf(' - excluding group(s): %s', implode(', ', $excludeGroups)));
     if ($filter) {
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf(' - by testcase/test name: %s', $filter));
     $testCasesNum = 0;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $fileName = $file->getRealpath();
         // Parse classes from the testcase file
         $classes = AnnotationsParser::parsePhp(\file_get_contents($fileName));
         // Get annotations for the first class in testcase (one file = one class)
         $annotations = AnnotationsParser::getAll(new \ReflectionClass(key($classes)));
         // Filter out test-cases having any of excluded groups
         if ($excludeGroups && array_key_exists('group', $annotations) && count($excludingGroups = array_intersect($excludeGroups, $annotations['group']))) {
             if ($this->output->isDebug()) {
                 $this->output->writeln(sprintf('Excluding testcase file %s with group %s', $fileName, implode(', ', $excludingGroups)));
         // Filter out test-cases without any matching group
         if ($groups) {
             if (!array_key_exists('group', $annotations) || !count($matchingGroups = array_intersect($groups, $annotations['group']))) {
             if ($this->output->isDebug()) {
                 $this->output->writeln(sprintf('Found testcase file #%d in group %s: %s', ++$testCasesNum, implode(', ', $matchingGroups), $fileName));
         } else {
             if ($this->output->isDebug()) {
                 $this->output->writeln(sprintf('Found testcase file #%d: %s', ++$testCasesNum, $fileName));
         $phpunitArgs = ['--log-junit=logs/' . Strings::webalize(key($classes), null, $lower = false) . '.xml', '--configuration=' . realpath(__DIR__ . '/../phpunit.xml')];
         if ($filter) {
             $phpunitArgs[] = '--filter=' . $filter;
         // If ANSI output is enabled, turn on colors in PHPUnit
         if ($this->output->isDecorated()) {
             $phpunitArgs[] = '--colors=always';
         $processSet->add($this->buildProcess($fileName, $phpunitArgs), key($classes), $delayAfter = !empty($annotations['delayAfter']) ? current($annotations['delayAfter']) : '', $delayMinutes = !empty($annotations['delayMinutes']) ? current($annotations['delayMinutes']) : null);
     return $processSet;

示例5: getListaIframes

 protected function getListaIframes()
     $iframeDir = $this->container->getParameter('iframe_dir');
     $finder = new Finder();
     $iframes = array();
     foreach ($finder as $file) {
         $iframes[] = $file->getRelativePathname();
     return $iframes;

示例6: gather

  * Gather data from annotations.js and *.md files found in source/_annotations
  * @return {Array}        populates Annotations::$store
 public static function gather()
     // set-up default var
     $sourceDir = Config::getOption("sourceDir");
     // set-up the dispatcher
     $dispatcherInstance = Dispatcher::getInstance();
     // dispatch that the data gather has started
     // set-up the comments store
     self::$store["comments"] = array();
     // iterate over all of the files in the annotations dir
     if (!is_dir($sourceDir . "/_annotations")) {
         Console::writeWarning("<path>_annotations/</path><warning> doesn't exist so you won't have annotations...");
         mkdir($sourceDir . "/_annotations");
     // find the markdown-based annotations
     $finder = new Finder();
     $finder->files()->name("*.md")->in($sourceDir . "/_annotations");
     foreach ($finder as $name => $file) {
         $data = array();
         $data[0] = array();
         $text = file_get_contents($file->getPathname());
         $matches = strpos($text, PHP_EOL . "~*~" . PHP_EOL) !== false ? explode(PHP_EOL . "~*~" . PHP_EOL, $text) : array($text);
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             list($yaml, $markdown) = Documentation::parse($match);
             if (isset($yaml["el"]) || isset($yaml["selector"])) {
                 $data[0]["el"] = isset($yaml["el"]) ? $yaml["el"] : $yaml["selector"];
             } else {
                 $data[0]["el"] = "#someimpossibleselector";
             $data[0]["title"] = isset($yaml["title"]) ? $yaml["title"] : "";
             $data[0]["comment"] = $markdown;
             self::$store["comments"] = array_merge(self::$store["comments"], $data);
     // read in the old style annotations.js, modify the data and generate JSON array to merge
     if (file_exists($sourceDir . "/_annotations/annotations.js")) {
         $text = file_get_contents($sourceDir . "/_annotations/annotations.js");
         $text = str_replace("var comments = ", "", $text);
         $text = rtrim($text, ";");
         $data = json_decode($text, true);
         if ($jsonErrorMessage = JSON::hasError()) {
             JSON::lastErrorMsg("_annotations/annotations.js", $jsonErrorMessage, $data);
     // merge in any data from the old file
     self::$store["comments"] = array_merge(self::$store["comments"], $data["comments"]);

示例7: categoryAction

  * @Route("/catalog/{slug}/{tag}/", name="spb_shop_catalog_category")
 public function categoryAction($slug)
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     $repo = $em->getRepository('SpbShopBundle:Category');
     $entity = $repo->findOneBySlug($slug);
     $parents = $repo->getPath($entity);
     if ($repo->childCount($entity) > 0) {
         $children = $repo->children($entity, true);
         return $this->render('SpbShopBundle:Catalog:category.html.twig', array('entity' => $entity, 'parents' => $parents, 'items' => $children));
     } else {
         $finder = new Finder();
         $finder->files()->in($this->container->getParameter('catalog_img') . $entity->getTag());
         return $this->render('SpbShopBundle:Catalog:product.html.twig', array('entity' => $entity, 'parents' => $parents, 'finder' => $finder));

示例8: findPatchsFiles

  * Find patch files in good order
  * @param string $dir
  * @return array
 protected function findPatchsFiles($dir)
     if (is_dir($dir) === false) {
         return array();
     $finderFiles = new Finder();
     // we want first patch in first, but sortByName sort first patch in last
     $return = array();
     foreach ($finderFiles as $file) {
         $return = array_merge($return, array($file));
     return $return;

示例9: listAllDumps

  * @return void
 protected function listAllDumps()
     $finder = new Finder();
     if ($finder->count() === 0) {
         return $this->line($this->colors->getColoredString("\n" . 'You haven\'t saved any dumps.' . "\n", 'brown'));
     $count = count($finder);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($finder as $dump) {
         $fileName = $dump->getFilename();
         if ($i === $count - 1) {
             $fileName .= "\n";
         $this->line($this->colors->getColoredString($fileName, 'brown'));

示例10: finder

  * Build a Symfony Finder object that scans the given $directory.
  * @param string|array|Finder $directory The directory(s) or filename(s)
  * @param null|string|array $exclude The directory(s) or filename(s) to exclude (as absolute or relative paths)
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public static function finder($directory, $exclude = null)
     if ($directory instanceof Finder) {
         return $directory;
     } else {
         $finder = new Finder();
     if (is_string($directory)) {
         if (is_file($directory)) {
             // Scan a single file?
         } else {
             // Scan a directory
     } elseif (is_array($directory)) {
         foreach ($directory as $path) {
             if (is_file($path)) {
                 // Scan a file?
             } else {
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unexpected $directory value:' . gettype($directory));
     if ($exclude !== null) {
         if (is_string($exclude)) {
             $finder->notPath(Util::getRelativePath($exclude, $directory));
         } elseif (is_array($exclude)) {
             foreach ($exclude as $path) {
                 $finder->notPath(Util::getRelativePath($path, $directory));
         } else {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unexpected $exclude value:' . gettype($exclude));
     return $finder;

示例11: listAllDumps

 protected function listAllDumps()
     $finder = new Finder();
     if ($finder->count() > 0) {
         $this->line($this->colors->getColoredString("\n" . 'Please select one of the following dumps:' . "\n", 'white'));
         $count = count($finder);
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($finder as $dump) {
             if ($i != $count) {
                 $this->line($this->colors->getColoredString($dump->getFilename(), 'brown'));
             } else {
                 $this->line($this->colors->getColoredString($dump->getFilename() . "\n", 'brown'));
     } else {
         $this->line($this->colors->getColoredString("\n" . 'You haven\'t saved any dumps.' . "\n", 'brown'));

示例12: getLastSchemaDefinition

  * Get the most recent schema
  * @param type $configuration
 protected function getLastSchemaDefinition($configuration)
     $migrationDirectoryHelper = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Tools\Console\Helper\MigrationDirectoryHelper($configuration);
     $dir = $migrationDirectoryHelper->getMigrationDirectory() . '/SchemaVersion';
     //create the directory if required
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     //get the files containing the schema
     $finder = new Finder();
     $filesIterator = $finder->getIterator();
     $filesArray = iterator_to_array($filesIterator);
     if (count($filesArray) === 0) {
         $lastSchema = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema();
     } else {
         //get last entry
         $lastSchemaFile = end($filesArray);
         $content = $lastSchemaFile->getContents();
         $lastSchema = unserialize($content);
     return $lastSchema;

示例13: loadTests

  * Load functions for the Twig PatternEngine
  * @param  {Instance}       an instance of the twig engine
  * @return {Instance}       an instance of the twig engine
 public static function loadTests($instance)
     // load defaults
     $testDir = Config::getOption("sourceDir") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "_twig-components/tests";
     $testExt = Config::getOption("twigTestExt");
     $testExt = $testExt ? $testExt : "test.php";
     if (is_dir($testDir)) {
         // loop through the test dir...
         $finder = new Finder();
         $finder->files()->name("*\\." . $testExt)->in($testDir);
         foreach ($finder as $file) {
             // see if the file should be ignored or not
             $baseName = $file->getBasename();
             if ($baseName[0] != "_") {
                 include $file->getPathname();
                 // $test should be defined in the included file
                 if (isset($test)) {
     return $instance;

示例14: findFiles

  * Find all files to merge.
  * @param string $directory
  * @param array  $names
  * @param array  $ignoreNames
  * @return Finder
 private function findFiles($directory, array $names, array $ignoreNames)
     $finder = new Finder();
     foreach ($names as $name) {
     foreach ($ignoreNames as $name) {
     return $finder;

示例15: execute

  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return bool|int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     parent::execute($input, $output);
     if ($input->isInteractive()) {
         $this->writeCommandHeader($output, 'Looking for videos...');
         $confPath = $this->getConfigurationHelper()->getConfigurationFilePath();
         $sysPath = $this->getConfigurationHelper()->getSysPathFromConfigurationFile($confPath);
         $dir = $input->getArgument('source');
         //1 if the option was set
         if (substr($dir, 0, 1) != '/') {
             $dir = $sysPath . $dir;
         if (!is_dir($dir)) {
             $output->writeln($dir . ' was not confirmed as a directory (if not starting with /, it is considered as relative to Chamilo\'s root folder)');
         $this->ext = $input->getOption('ext');
         if (empty($this->ext)) {
             $this->ext = 'webm';
         $this->origExt = $input->getOption('orig-ext');
         if (empty($this->origExt)) {
             $this->origExt = 'orig';
         $fps = $input->getOption('fps');
         if (empty($fps)) {
             $fps = '24';
         $bitRate = $input->getOption('bitrate');
         if (empty($bitRate)) {
             $bitRate = '512';
         $vcodec = 'copy';
         if ($this->ext == 'webm') {
             $vcodec = 'libvpx';
         // Find the files we want to treat, using Finder selectors
         $finder = new Finder();
         $filter = function (\SplFileInfo $file, $ext, $orig) {
             $combinedExt = '.' . $orig . '.' . $ext;
             $combinedExtLength = strlen($combinedExt);
             $extLength = strlen('.' . $ext);
             if (substr($file->getRealPath(), -$combinedExtLength) == $combinedExt) {
                 return false;
             if (is_file(substr($file->getRealPath(), 0, -$extLength) . $combinedExt)) {
                 $this->excluded[] = $file;
                 return false;
         $finder->sortByName()->files()->in($dir)->name('*.' . $this->ext)->filter($filter, $this->ext, $this->origExt);
         // Print the list of matching files we found
         if (count($finder) > 0) {
             $output->writeln('Videos found for conversion: ');
             foreach ($finder as $file) {
         } else {
             if (count($this->excluded) > 0) {
                 $output->writeln('The system has detected several videos already converted: ');
                 foreach ($this->excluded as $file) {
                     $output->writeln('- ' . $file->getRealPath());
             $output->writeln('No video left to convert');
         $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');
         if (!$dialog->askConfirmation($output, '<question>All listed videos will be altered and a copy of the original will be taken with a .orig.webm extension. Are you sure you want to proceed? (y/N)</question>', false)) {
         $fs = new Filesystem();
         $time = time();
         $counter = 0;
         $sizeNew = $sizeOrig = 0;
         foreach ($finder as $file) {
             $sizeOrig += $file->getSize();
             $origName = $file->getRealPath();
             $newName = substr($file->getRealPath(), 0, -4) . 'orig.webm';
             $fs->rename($origName, $newName);
             $out = array();
             $newNameCommand = preg_replace('/\\s/', '\\ ', $newName);
             $newNameCommand = preg_replace('/\\(/', '\\(', $newNameCommand);
             $newNameCommand = preg_replace('/\\)/', '\\)', $newNameCommand);
             $origNameCommand = preg_replace('/\\s/', '\\ ', $origName);
             $origNameCommand = preg_replace('/\\(/', '\\(', $origNameCommand);
             $origNameCommand = preg_replace('/\\)/', '\\)', $origNameCommand);
             $output->writeln('ffmpeg -i ' . $newNameCommand . ' -b ' . $bitRate . 'k -f ' . $this->ext . ' -vcodec ' . $vcodec . ' -acodec copy -r ' . $fps . ' ' . $origNameCommand);
             $exec = @system('ffmpeg -i ' . $newNameCommand . ' -b ' . $bitRate . 'k -f ' . $this->ext . ' -vcodec ' . $vcodec . ' -acodec copy -r ' . $fps . ' ' . $origNameCommand, $out);
             $sizeNew += filesize($origName);
     $output->writeln('Done converting all videos from ' . $dir);
