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PHP ContainerBuilder::getDefinitions方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder::getDefinitions方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP ContainerBuilder::getDefinitions方法的具体用法?PHP ContainerBuilder::getDefinitions怎么用?PHP ContainerBuilder::getDefinitions使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder的用法示例。


示例1: process

  * Processes the ContainerBuilder to resolve parameter placeholders.
  * @param ContainerBuilder $container
  * @throws ParameterNotFoundException
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
     $parameterBag = $container->getParameterBag();
     foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
         try {
             if ($definition->getFactoryClass(false)) {
             $factory = $definition->getFactory();
             if (is_array($factory) && isset($factory[0])) {
                 $factory[0] = $parameterBag->resolveValue($factory[0]);
             $calls = array();
             foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $name => $arguments) {
                 $calls[$parameterBag->resolveValue($name)] = $parameterBag->resolveValue($arguments);
         } catch (ParameterNotFoundException $e) {
             throw $e;
     $aliases = array();
     foreach ($container->getAliases() as $name => $target) {
         $aliases[$parameterBag->resolveValue($name)] = $parameterBag->resolveValue($target);

示例2: getListenersIds

  * getListenersIds
  * Searches for any number of defined listeners under the tag "*.event_listener"
  * @return array listeners ids
 protected function getListenersIds()
     $listenersIds = array();
     if (!$this->containerBuilder->hasDefinition('event_dispatcher')) {
         return $listenersIds;
     $definition = $this->containerBuilder->getDefinition('event_dispatcher');
     $dfs = $this->containerBuilder->getDefinitions();
     foreach ($dfs as $k => $v) {
         $tags = $v->getTags();
         if (count($tags) <= 0) {
         $keys = array_keys($tags);
         $tag = $keys[0];
         if (preg_match('/.+\\.event_listener/', $tag)) {
             $services = $this->containerBuilder->findTaggedServiceIds($tag);
             foreach ($services as $id => $events) {
                 $this->listeners[$id]['tag'] = $tags[$tag][0];
                 $listenersIds[$id] = $id;
     return $listenersIds;

示例3: process

 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
     $fingersCrossedHandlersId = 'long_running.monolog.clear_fingers_crossed_handlers';
     if ($container->has($fingersCrossedHandlersId)) {
         $fingersCrossedServiceReferences = [];
         foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $serviceId => $definition) {
             if (strpos($serviceId, 'monolog.handler.') === 0) {
                 $class = $container->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($definition->getClass());
                 if (is_a($class, 'Monolog\\Handler\\FingersCrossedHandler', true)) {
                     $fingersCrossedServiceReferences[] = new Reference($serviceId);
         $definition = $container->getDefinition($fingersCrossedHandlersId);
         $definition->replaceArgument(0, $fingersCrossedServiceReferences);
     $bufferHandlersId = 'long_running.monolog.close_buffer_handlers';
     if ($container->has($bufferHandlersId)) {
         $bufferHandlerServiceReferences = [];
         foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $serviceId => $definition) {
             if (strpos($serviceId, 'monolog.handler.') === 0) {
                 $class = $container->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($definition->getClass());
                 if (is_a($class, 'Monolog\\Handler\\BufferHandler', true)) {
                     $bufferHandlerServiceReferences[] = new Reference($serviceId);
         $definition = $container->getDefinition($bufferHandlersId);
         $definition->replaceArgument(0, $bufferHandlerServiceReferences);

示例4: testServicesAreCreated

 public function testServicesAreCreated()
     $this->extension->load($this->config, $this->containerBuilder);
     $definitions = $this->containerBuilder->getDefinitions();
     $this->assertEquals(6, count($definitions));

示例5: getAllRouteCollectionProviders

  * @return RouteCollectionProviderInterface[]
 private function getAllRouteCollectionProviders() : array
     $filters = [];
     foreach ($this->containerBuilder->getDefinitions() as $name => $definition) {
         if (is_subclass_of($definition->getClass(), RouteCollectionProviderInterface::class)) {
             $filters[$name] = $definition;
     return $filters;

示例6: process

  * Processes the ContainerBuilder to resolve parameter placeholders.
  * @param ContainerBuilder $container
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
     $this->parameterBag = $container->getParameterBag();
     foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
         try {
             $calls = array();
             foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $name => $arguments) {
                 $calls[$this->resolveValue($name)] = $this->resolveValue($arguments);
         } catch (ParameterNotFoundException $e) {
             throw $e;
     $aliases = array();
     foreach ($container->getAliases() as $name => $target) {
         $aliases[$this->resolveValue($name)] = $this->resolveValue($target);
     $parameterBag = $container->getParameterBag();
     foreach ($parameterBag->all() as $key => $value) {
         try {
             $parameterBag->set($key, $this->resolveValue($value));
         } catch (ParameterNotFoundException $e) {
             throw $e;

示例7: process

  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
     $parameters = $container->getParameterBag()->all();
     $definitions = $container->getDefinitions();
     $aliases = $container->getAliases();
     $exprLangProviders = $container->getExpressionLanguageProviders();
     foreach ($container->getExtensions() as $extension) {
         if ($extension instanceof PrependExtensionInterface) {
     foreach ($container->getExtensions() as $name => $extension) {
         if (!($config = $container->getExtensionConfig($name))) {
             // this extension was not called
         $config = $container->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($config);
         $tmpContainer = new ContainerBuilder($container->getParameterBag());
         foreach ($exprLangProviders as $provider) {
         $extension->load($config, $tmpContainer);

示例8: process

 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
     $this->parameterBag = $parameterBag = $container->getParameterBag();
     try {
         $preferredServices = (array) $parameterBag->resolveValue("%autowiring.preferred_services%");
     } catch (ParameterNotFoundException $exception) {
         $preferredServices = [];
     try {
         $fastAnnotationChecksRegex = "/" . implode("|", array_map(function ($s) {
             return preg_quote($s);
         }, (array) $parameterBag->resolveValue("%autowiring.fast_annotation_checks%"))) . "/";
     } catch (ParameterNotFoundException $exception) {
         $fastAnnotationChecksRegex = null;
     foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $serviceId => $definition) {
         if ($this->canDefinitionBeAutowired($serviceId, $definition) === false) {
         try {
             $className = $parameterBag->resolveValue($definition->getClass());
             $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($className);
             $this->autowireClass($className, $reflectionClass, $definition, $fastAnnotationChecksRegex, $preferredServices, $parameterBag);
             // add files to cache
         } catch (AutowiringException $exception) {
             throw new AutowiringException(sprintf("%s (service: %s)", $exception->getMessage(), $serviceId), $exception->getCode(), $exception);

示例9: process

  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
     $throwingAutoloader = function ($class) {
         throw new \ReflectionException(sprintf('Class %s does not exist', $class));
     try {
         $this->container = $container;
         foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
             if ($definition->isAutowired()) {
                 $this->completeDefinition($id, $definition);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     } catch (\Throwable $e) {
     // Free memory and remove circular reference to container
     $this->container = null;
     $this->reflectionClasses = array();
     $this->definedTypes = array();
     $this->types = null;
     $this->ambiguousServiceTypes = array();
     if (isset($e)) {
         throw $e;

示例10: process

  * Processes the ContainerBuilder to validate the Definition.
  * @param ContainerBuilder $container
  * @throws RuntimeException When the Definition is invalid
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
     foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
         // synthetic service is public
         if ($definition->isSynthetic() && !$definition->isPublic()) {
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('A synthetic service ("%s") must be public.', $id));
         // synthetic service has non-prototype scope
         if ($definition->isSynthetic() && ContainerInterface::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE === $definition->getScope(false)) {
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('A synthetic service ("%s") cannot be of scope "prototype".', $id));
         // shared service has non-prototype scope
         if ($definition->isShared() && ContainerInterface::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE === $definition->getScope(false)) {
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('A shared service ("%s") cannot be of scope "prototype".', $id));
         // non-synthetic, non-abstract service has class
         if (!$definition->isAbstract() && !$definition->isSynthetic() && !$definition->getClass()) {
             if ($definition->getFactory()) {
                 throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Please add the class to service "%s" even if it is constructed by a factory since we might need to add method calls based on compile-time checks.', $id));
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('The definition for "%s" has no class. If you intend to inject ' . 'this service dynamically at runtime, please mark it as synthetic=true. ' . 'If this is an abstract definition solely used by child definitions, ' . 'please add abstract=true, otherwise specify a class to get rid of this error.', $id));
         // tag attribute values must be scalars
         foreach ($definition->getTags() as $name => $tags) {
             foreach ($tags as $attributes) {
                 foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) {
                     if (!is_scalar($value) && null !== $value) {
                         throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('A "tags" attribute must be of a scalar-type for service "%s", tag "%s", attribute "%s".', $id, $name, $attribute));

示例11: process

  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
     if (!$container->hasDefinition('security.access.method_interceptor')) {
     $services = $container->findTaggedServiceIds('security.secure_service');
     $secureNotAll = !$container->getParameter('security.extra.secure_all_services');
     $parameterBag = $container->getParameterBag();
     foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
         if ($secureNotAll && !isset($services[$id])) {
         if (null === ($class = $definition->getClass()) || !class_exists($class)) {
             if ($secureNotAll) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not find class "%s" for "%s".', $class, $id));
         if (null !== $definition->getFactoryMethod() || $definition->isAbstract() || $definition->isSynthetic()) {
             if ($secureNotAll) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('You cannot secure service "%s", because it is either created by a factory, or an abstract/synthetic service.', $id));
         $this->processDefinition($container, $id, $definition);

示例12: isInlinableDefinition

 protected function isInlinableDefinition(ContainerBuilder $container, $id, Definition $definition)
     if (!$definition->isShared()) {
         return true;
     if ($definition->isPublic()) {
         return false;
     $references = count(array_keys($container->getAliases(), $id, true));
     foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $cDefinition) {
         if ($references > 1) {
         if ($this->isReferencedByArgument($id, $cDefinition->getArguments())) {
             $references += 1;
         foreach ($cDefinition->getMethodCalls() as $call) {
             if ($this->isReferencedByArgument($id, $call[1])) {
                 $references += 1;
                 continue 2;
     return $references <= 1;

示例13: process

 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
     $definitions = new \SplPriorityQueue();
     $order = PHP_INT_MAX;
     foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
         if (!($decorated = $definition->getDecoratedService())) {
         $definitions->insert(array($id, $definition), array($decorated[2], --$order));
     foreach ($definitions as list($id, $definition)) {
         list($inner, $renamedId) = $definition->getDecoratedService();
         if (!$renamedId) {
             $renamedId = $id . '.inner';
         // we create a new alias/service for the service we are replacing
         // to be able to reference it in the new one
         if ($container->hasAlias($inner)) {
             $alias = $container->getAlias($inner);
             $public = $alias->isPublic();
             $container->setAlias($renamedId, new Alias((string) $alias, false));
         } else {
             $definition = $container->getDefinition($inner);
             $public = $definition->isPublic();
             $container->setDefinition($renamedId, $definition);
         $container->setAlias($inner, new Alias($id, $public));

示例14: testCrossCheck

  * @dataProvider crossCheckLoadersDumpers
 public function testCrossCheck($fixture, $type)
     $loaderClass = 'Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Loader\\' . ucfirst($type) . 'FileLoader';
     $dumperClass = 'Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Dumper\\' . ucfirst($type) . 'Dumper';
     $tmp = tempnam('sf_service_container', 'sf');
     file_put_contents($tmp, file_get_contents(self::$fixturesPath . '/' . $type . '/' . $fixture));
     $container1 = new ContainerBuilder();
     $loader1 = new $loaderClass($container1, new FileLocator());
     $dumper = new $dumperClass($container1);
     file_put_contents($tmp, $dumper->dump());
     $container2 = new ContainerBuilder();
     $loader2 = new $loaderClass($container2, new FileLocator());
     $this->assertEquals($container2->getAliases(), $container1->getAliases(), 'loading a dump from a previously loaded container returns the same container');
     $this->assertEquals($container2->getDefinitions(), $container1->getDefinitions(), 'loading a dump from a previously loaded container returns the same container');
     $this->assertEquals($container2->getParameterBag()->all(), $container1->getParameterBag()->all(), '->getParameterBag() returns the same value for both containers');
     $this->assertEquals(serialize($container2), serialize($container1), 'loading a dump from a previously loaded container returns the same container');
     $services1 = array();
     foreach ($container1 as $id => $service) {
         $services1[$id] = serialize($service);
     $services2 = array();
     foreach ($container2 as $id => $service) {
         $services2[$id] = serialize($service);
     unset($services1['service_container'], $services2['service_container']);
     $this->assertEquals($services2, $services1, 'Iterator on the containers returns the same services');

示例15: process

 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
     $throwingAutoloader = function ($class) {
         throw new \ReflectionException(sprintf('Class %s does not exist', $class));
     try {
         $this->container = $container;
         foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
             $this->populateAvailableTypes($id, $definition);
         $this->populateAvailableTypes('service_container', new Definition(get_class($container)));
         foreach ($this->types as $type => $services) {
             $this->registerService($type, $services);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     } catch (\Throwable $e) {
     // Free memory and remove circular reference to container
     $this->container = null;
     $this->reflectionClasses = [];
     $this->definedTypes = [];
     $this->types = null;
     if (isset($e)) {
         throw $e;
