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PHP Context::setMode方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中SqlParser\Context::setMode方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Context::setMode方法的具体用法?PHP Context::setMode怎么用?PHP Context::setMode使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在SqlParser\Context的用法示例。


示例1: testEscape

 public function testEscape()
     $this->assertEquals('"test"', Context::escape('test'));
     $this->assertEquals('`test`', Context::escape('test'));
     $this->assertEquals(array('`a`', '`b`'), Context::escape(array('a', 'b')));

示例2: moveCopy

  * Copies or renames table
  * @param string $source_db    source database
  * @param string $source_table source table
  * @param string $target_db    target database
  * @param string $target_table target table
  * @param string $what         what to be moved or copied (data, dataonly)
  * @param bool   $move         whether to move
  * @param string $mode         mode
  * @return bool true if success, false otherwise
 public static function moveCopy($source_db, $source_table, $target_db, $target_table, $what, $move, $mode)
     global $err_url;
     // Try moving the tables directly, using native `RENAME` statement.
     if ($move && $what == 'data') {
         $tbl = new Table($source_table, $source_db);
         if ($tbl->rename($target_table, $target_db)) {
             $GLOBALS['message'] = $tbl->getLastMessage();
             return true;
     // Setting required export settings.
     $GLOBALS['sql_backquotes'] = 1;
     $GLOBALS['asfile'] = 1;
     // Ensuring the target database is valid.
     if (!$GLOBALS['pma']->databases->exists($source_db, $target_db)) {
         if (!$GLOBALS['pma']->databases->exists($source_db)) {
             $GLOBALS['message'] = Message::rawError(sprintf(__('Source database `%s` was not found!'), htmlspecialchars($source_db)));
         if (!$GLOBALS['pma']->databases->exists($target_db)) {
             $GLOBALS['message'] = Message::rawError(sprintf(__('Target database `%s` was not found!'), htmlspecialchars($target_db)));
         return false;
      * The full name of source table, quoted.
      * @var string $source
     $source = Util::backquote($source_db) . '.' . Util::backquote($source_table);
     // If the target database is not specified, the operation is taking
     // place in the same database.
     if (!isset($target_db) || !mb_strlen($target_db)) {
         $target_db = $source_db;
     // Selecting the database could avoid some problems with replicated
     // databases, when moving table from replicated one to not replicated one.
      * The full name of target table, quoted.
      * @var string $target
     $target = Util::backquote($target_db) . '.' . Util::backquote($target_table);
     // No table is created when this is a data-only operation.
     if ($what != 'dataonly') {
         include_once "libraries/plugin_interface.lib.php";
          * Instance used for exporting the current structure of the table.
          * @var \PMA\libraries\plugins\export\ExportSql
         $export_sql_plugin = PMA_getPlugin("export", "sql", 'libraries/plugins/export/', array('export_type' => 'table', 'single_table' => false));
         $no_constraints_comments = true;
         $GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query'] = '';
         // set the value of global sql_auto_increment variable
         if (isset($_POST['sql_auto_increment'])) {
             $GLOBALS['sql_auto_increment'] = $_POST['sql_auto_increment'];
          * The old structure of the table..
          * @var string $sql_structure
         $sql_structure = $export_sql_plugin->getTableDef($source_db, $source_table, "\n", $err_url, false, false);
         // -----------------------------------------------------------------
         // Phase 0: Preparing structures used.
          * The destination where the table is moved or copied to.
          * @var Expression
         $destination = new Expression($target_db, $target_table, '');
         // Find server's SQL mode so the builder can generate correct
         // queries.
         // One of the options that alters the behaviour is `ANSI_QUOTES`.
         Context::setMode($GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue("SELECT @@sql_mode"));
         // -----------------------------------------------------------------
         // Phase 1: Dropping existent element of the same name (if exists
         // and required).
         if (isset($_REQUEST['drop_if_exists']) && $_REQUEST['drop_if_exists'] == 'true') {
              * Drop statement used for building the query.
              * @var DropStatement $statement
             $statement = new DropStatement();
             $tbl = new Table($target_db, $target_table);
             $statement->options = new OptionsArray(array($tbl->isView() ? 'VIEW' : 'TABLE', 'IF EXISTS'));
             $statement->fields = array($destination);
             // Building the query.
