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PHP Database::addTable方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Propel\Generator\Model\Database::addTable方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Database::addTable方法的具体用法?PHP Database::addTable怎么用?PHP Database::addTable使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Propel\Generator\Model\Database的用法示例。


示例1: testValidateReturnsFalseWhenTwoTablesHaveSamePhpName

 public function testValidateReturnsFalseWhenTwoTablesHaveSamePhpName()
     $table1 = new Table('foo');
     $table2 = new Table('bar');
     $database = new Database();
     $appData = new AppData();
     $validator = new SchemaValidator($appData);
     $this->assertContains('Table "bar" declares a phpName already used in another table', $validator->getErrors());

示例2: parse

 public function parse(Database $database)
     $this->addVendorInfo = $this->getGeneratorConfig()->getBuildProperty('addVendorInfo');
     $sql = 'SHOW FULL TABLES';
     if ($schema = $database->getSchema()) {
         $sql .= ' FROM ' . $database->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier($schema);
     $dataFetcher = $this->dbh->query($sql);
     // First load the tables (important that this happen before filling out details of tables)
     $tables = array();
     foreach ($dataFetcher as $row) {
         $name = $row[0];
         $type = $row[1];
         if ($name == $this->getMigrationTable() || $type !== 'BASE TABLE') {
         $table = new Table($name);
         $tables[] = $table;
     // Now populate only columns.
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
     // Now add indices and constraints.
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
     return count($tables);

示例3: parse

 public function parse(Database $database, Task $task = null)
     // First load the tables (important that this happen before filling out details of tables)
     $tables = array();
     foreach ($dataFetcher as $row) {
         $name = $this->cleanDelimitedIdentifiers($row[0]);
         if ($name === $this->getMigrationTable()) {
         $table = new Table($name);
         $tables[] = $table;
     // Now populate only columns.
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
     // Now add indexes and constraints.
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
     return count($tables);

示例4: parse

 public function parse(Database $database)
     $dataFetcher = $this->dbh->query("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' UNION ALL SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name;");
     // First load the tables (important that this happen before filling out details of tables)
     $tables = array();
     foreach ($dataFetcher as $row) {
         $name = $row[0];
         if ($name === $this->getMigrationTable()) {
         $table = new Table($name);
         $tables[] = $table;
     // Now populate only columns.
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
     // Now add indexes and constraints.
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
     return count($tables);

示例5: testTableNamespaceAndDbNamespace

 public function testTableNamespaceAndDbNamespace()
     $d = new Database('fooDb');
     $t = new Table('fooTable');
     $builder = new TestableOMBuilder2($t);
     $this->assertEquals('Baz\\Foo\\Bar', $builder->getNamespace(), 'Builder namespace is composed from the database and table namespaces when both are set');

示例6: parse

  * Parses a database schema.
  * @param Database $database
  * @return integer
 public function parse(Database $database)
     $stmt = null;
     $searchPath = '?';
     $params = [$database->getSchema()];
     if (!$database->getSchema()) {
         $stmt = $this->dbh->query('SHOW search_path');
         $searchPathString = $stmt->fetchColumn();
         $params = [];
         $searchPath = explode(',', $searchPathString);
         foreach ($searchPath as &$path) {
             $params[] = $path;
             $path = '?';
         $searchPath = implode(', ', $searchPath);
     $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT c.oid,\n            c.relname, n.nspname\n            FROM pg_class c join pg_namespace n on (c.relnamespace=n.oid)\n            WHERE c.relkind = 'r'\n            AND n.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema','pg_catalog')\n            AND n.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_temp%'\n            AND n.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_toast%'\n            AND n.nspname IN ({$searchPath})\n            ORDER BY relname");
     $tableWraps = array();
     // First load the tables (important that this happen before filling out details of tables)
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $name = $row['relname'];
         $namespaceName = $row['nspname'];
         if ($name == $this->getMigrationTable()) {
         $oid = $row['oid'];
         $table = new Table($name);
         if ('public' !== $namespaceName) {
         // Create a wrapper to hold these tables and their associated OID
         $wrap = new \stdClass();
         $wrap->table = $table;
         $wrap->oid = $oid;
         $tableWraps[] = $wrap;
     // Now populate only columns.
     foreach ($tableWraps as $wrap) {
         $this->addColumns($wrap->table, $wrap->oid);
     // Now add indexes and constraints.
     foreach ($tableWraps as $wrap) {
         $this->addForeignKeys($wrap->table, $wrap->oid);
         $this->addIndexes($wrap->table, $wrap->oid);
         $this->addPrimaryKey($wrap->table, $wrap->oid);
     return count($tableWraps);

示例7: parse

 public function parse(Database $database, Task $task = null)
     $this->addVendorInfo = $this->getGeneratorConfig()->getBuildProperty('addVendorInfo');
     $stmt = $this->dbh->query("SHOW FULL TABLES");
     // First load the tables (important that this happen before filling out details of tables)
     $tables = array();
     if ($task) {
         $task->log("Reverse Engineering Tables", Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
         $name = $row[0];
         $type = $row[1];
         if ($name == $this->getMigrationTable() || $type != "BASE TABLE") {
         if ($task) {
             $task->log("  Adding table '" . $name . "'", Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
         $table = new Table($name);
         $tables[] = $table;
     // Now populate only columns.
     if ($task) {
         $task->log("Reverse Engineering Columns", Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         if ($task) {
             $task->log("  Adding columns for table '" . $table->getName() . "'", Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
     // Now add indices and constraints.
     if ($task) {
         $task->log("Reverse Engineering Indices And Constraints", Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         if ($task) {
             $task->log("  Adding indices and constraints for table '" . $table->getName() . "'", Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
         if ($this->addVendorInfo) {
     return count($tables);

示例8: parse

 public function parse(Database $database)
     $stmt = $this->dbh->query('SELECT version() as ver');
     $nativeVersion = $stmt->fetchColumn();
     if (!$nativeVersion) {
         throw new EngineException('Failed to get database version');
     $arrVersion = sscanf($nativeVersion, '%*s %d.%d');
     $version = sprintf('%d.%d', $arrVersion[0], $arrVersion[1]);
     // Clean up
     $stmt = null;
     $stmt = $this->dbh->query("SELECT c.oid,\n            c.relname, n.nspname\n            FROM pg_class c join pg_namespace n on (c.relnamespace=n.oid)\n            WHERE c.relkind = 'r'\n            AND n.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema','pg_catalog')\n            AND n.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_temp%'\n            AND n.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_toast%'\n            ORDER BY relname");
     $tableWraps = array();
     // First load the tables (important that this happen before filling out details of tables)
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $name = $row['relname'];
         $namespacename = $row['nspname'];
         if ($name == $this->getMigrationTable()) {
         $oid = $row['oid'];
         $table = new Table($name);
         if ($namespacename != 'public') {
         // Create a wrapper to hold these tables and their associated OID
         $wrap = new \stdClass();
         $wrap->table = $table;
         $wrap->oid = $oid;
         $tableWraps[] = $wrap;
     // Now populate only columns.
     foreach ($tableWraps as $wrap) {
         $this->addColumns($wrap->table, $wrap->oid, $version);
     // Now add indexes and constraints.
     foreach ($tableWraps as $wrap) {
         $this->addForeignKeys($wrap->table, $wrap->oid, $version);
         $this->addIndexes($wrap->table, $wrap->oid, $version);
         $this->addPrimaryKey($wrap->table, $wrap->oid, $version);
     // @TODO - Handle Sequences ...
     return count($tableWraps);

示例9: parse

 public function parse(Database $database)
     $dataFetcher = $this->dbh->query("\n        SELECT name\n        FROM sqlite_master\n        WHERE type='table'\n        UNION ALL\n        SELECT name\n        FROM sqlite_temp_master\n        WHERE type='table'\n        ORDER BY name;");
     // First load the tables (important that this happen before filling out details of tables)
     $tables = array();
     foreach ($dataFetcher as $row) {
         $name = $row[0];
         $commonName = '';
         if ('sqlite_' == substr($name, 0, 7)) {
         if ($database->getSchema()) {
             if (false !== ($pos = strpos($name, '§'))) {
                 if ($database->getSchema()) {
                     if ($database->getSchema() !== substr($name, 0, $pos)) {
                     } else {
                         $commonName = substr($name, $pos + 2);
                         //2 because the delimiter § uses in UTF8 one byte more.
             } else {
         if ($name === $this->getMigrationTable()) {
         $table = new Table($commonName ?: $name);
         $tables[] = $table;
     // Now populate only columns.
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
     // Now add indexes and constraints.
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
     return count($tables);

示例10: parse

  * Searches for tables in the database. Maybe we want to search also the views.
  * @param Database $database The Database model class to add tables to.
  * @param Table[]  $additionalTables
 public function parse(Database $database, array $additionalTables = array())
     $tables = array();
     $seqPattern = $this->getGeneratorConfig()->get()['database']['adapters']['oracleAutoincrementSequencePattern'];
     // First load the tables (important that this happen before filling out details of tables)
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         if (false !== strpos($row['OBJECT_NAME'], '$')) {
             // this is an Oracle internal table or materialized view - prune
         if (strtoupper($row['OBJECT_NAME']) === strtoupper($this->getMigrationTable())) {
         $table = new Table($row['OBJECT_NAME']);
         // Add columns, primary keys and indexes.
         $pkColumns = $table->getPrimaryKey();
         if (1 === count($pkColumns) && $seqPattern) {
             $seqName = str_replace('${table}', $table->getName(), $seqPattern);
             $seqName = strtoupper($seqName);
             $stmt2 = $this->dbh->query("SELECT * FROM USER_SEQUENCES WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME = '" . $seqName . "'");
             $hasSeq = $stmt2->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             if ($hasSeq) {
                 $idMethodParameter = new IdMethodParameter();
         $tables[] = $table;
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
     return count($tables);

示例11: parseTables

 protected function parseTables(Database $database, Table $filterTable = null)
     $sql = "\n        SELECT name\n        FROM sqlite_master\n        WHERE type='table'\n        %filter%\n        UNION ALL\n        SELECT name\n        FROM sqlite_temp_master\n        WHERE type='table'\n        %filter%\n        ORDER BY name;";
     $filter = '';
     if ($filterTable) {
         if ($schema = $filterTable->getSchema()) {
             $filter = sprintf(" AND name LIKE '%s§%%'", $schema);
         $filter .= sprintf(" AND (name = '%s' OR name LIKE '%%§%1\$s')", $filterTable->getCommonName());
     } else {
         if ($schema = $database->getSchema()) {
             $filter = sprintf(" AND name LIKE '%s§%%'", $schema);
     $sql = str_replace('%filter%', $filter, $sql);
     $dataFetcher = $this->dbh->query($sql);
     // First load the tables (important that this happen before filling out details of tables)
     foreach ($dataFetcher as $row) {
         $tableName = $row[0];
         $tableSchema = '';
         if ('sqlite_' == substr($tableName, 0, 7)) {
         if (false !== ($pos = strpos($tableName, '§'))) {
             $tableSchema = substr($tableName, 0, $pos);
             $tableName = substr($tableName, $pos + 2);
         $table = new Table($tableName);
         if ($filterTable && $filterTable->getSchema()) {
         } else {
             if (!$database->getSchema() && $tableSchema) {
                 //we have no schema to filter, but this belongs to one, so next
         if ($tableName === $this->getMigrationTable()) {

示例12: testTablePrefix

 public function testTablePrefix()
     $database = new Database();
     $database->loadMapping(array('name' => 'bookstore', 'defaultIdMethod' => 'native', 'defaultPhpNamingMethod' => 'underscore', 'tablePrefix' => 'acme_', 'defaultStringFormat' => 'XML'));
     $table = new Table();
     $table->loadMapping(array('name' => 'books'));
     $this->assertEquals('Books', $table->getPhpName());
     $this->assertEquals('acme_books', $table->getCommonName());

示例13: testExcludedTablesWithRenaming

 public function testExcludedTablesWithRenaming()
     $dc = new DatabaseComparator();
     $this->assertCount(0, $dc->getExcludedTables());
     $this->assertCount(1, $dc->getExcludedTables());
     $d1 = new Database();
     $d2 = new Database();
     $t2 = new Table('Bar');
     $diff = DatabaseComparator::computeDiff($d1, $d2, false, true, true, array('Bar'));
     $diff = DatabaseComparator::computeDiff($d1, $d2, false, true, true, array('Baz'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Propel\\Generator\\Model\\Diff\\DatabaseDiff', $diff);
     $d1 = new Database();
     $t1 = new Table('Foo');
     $d2 = new Database();
     $t2 = new Table('Bar');
     $diff = DatabaseComparator::computeDiff($d1, $d2, false, true, true, array('Bar', 'Foo'));
     $diff = DatabaseComparator::computeDiff($d1, $d2, false, true, true, array('Foo'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Propel\\Generator\\Model\\Diff\\DatabaseDiff', $diff);
     $diff = DatabaseComparator::computeDiff($d1, $d2, false, true, true, array('Bar'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Propel\\Generator\\Model\\Diff\\DatabaseDiff', $diff);
     $d1 = new Database();
     $t1 = new Table('Foo');
     $c1 = new Column('col1');
     $d2 = new Database();
     $t2 = new Table('Foo');
     $diff = DatabaseComparator::computeDiff($d1, $d2, false, true, true, array('Bar', 'Foo'));
     $diff = DatabaseComparator::computeDiff($d1, $d2, false, true, true, array('Bar'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Propel\\Generator\\Model\\Diff\\DatabaseDiff', $diff);

示例14: testCompareSeveralTableDifferences

 public function testCompareSeveralTableDifferences()
     $d1 = new Database();
     $t1 = new Table('Foo_Table');
     $c1 = new Column('Foo');
     $c1->getDomain()->setDefaultValue(new ColumnDefaultValue(123, ColumnDefaultValue::TYPE_VALUE));
     $t2 = new Table('Bar');
     $c2 = new Column('Bar_Column');
     $t11 = new Table('Baz');
     $d2 = new Database();
     $t3 = new Table('Foo_Table');
     $c3 = new Column('Foo1');
     $c3->getDomain()->setDefaultValue(new ColumnDefaultValue(123, ColumnDefaultValue::TYPE_VALUE));
     $t4 = new Table('Bar2');
     $c4 = new Column('Bar_Column');
     $t5 = new Table('Biz');
     $c5 = new Column('Biz_Column');
     // Foo_Table was modified, Bar was renamed, Baz was removed, Biz was added
     $dc = new DatabaseComparator();
     $nbDiffs = $dc->compareTables();
     $databaseDiff = $dc->getDatabaseDiff();
     $this->assertEquals(4, $nbDiffs);
     $this->assertEquals(array('Bar' => 'Bar2'), $databaseDiff->getRenamedTables());
     $this->assertEquals(array('Biz' => $t5), $databaseDiff->getAddedTables());
     $this->assertEquals(array('Baz' => $t11), $databaseDiff->getRemovedTables());
     $tableDiff = TableComparator::computeDiff($t1, $t3);
     $this->assertEquals(array('Foo_Table' => $tableDiff), $databaseDiff->getModifiedTables());

示例15: parseTables

 protected function parseTables(&$tableWraps, Database $database, Table $filterTable = null)
     $stmt = null;
     $params = [];
     $sql = "\n          SELECT c.oid, c.relname, n.nspname\n          FROM pg_class c join pg_namespace n on (c.relnamespace=n.oid)\n          WHERE c.relkind = 'r'\n            AND n.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema','pg_catalog')\n            AND n.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_temp%'\n            AND n.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_toast%'";
     if ($filterTable) {
         if ($schema = $filterTable->getSchema()) {
             $sql .= ' AND n.nspname = ?';
             $params[] = $schema;
         $sql .= ' AND c.relname = ?';
         $params[] = $filterTable->getCommonName();
     } else {
         if (!$database->getSchema()) {
             $stmt = $this->dbh->query('SELECT current_schemas(false)');
             $searchPathString = substr($stmt->fetchColumn(), 1, -1);
             $params = [];
             $searchPath = explode(',', $searchPathString);
             foreach ($searchPath as &$path) {
                 $params[] = $path;
                 $path = '?';
             $searchPath = implode(', ', $searchPath);
             $sql .= "\n            AND n.nspname IN ({$searchPath})";
         } elseif ($database->getSchema()) {
             $sql .= "\n            AND n.nspname = ?";
             $params[] = $database->getSchema();
     $sql .= "\n          ORDER BY relname";
     $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare($sql);
     // First load the tables (important that this happen before filling out details of tables)
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $name = $row['relname'];
         $namespaceName = $row['nspname'];
         if ($name == $this->getMigrationTable()) {
         $oid = $row['oid'];
         $table = new Table($name);
         if ('public' !== $namespaceName) {
         // Create a wrapper to hold these tables and their associated OID
         $wrap = new \stdClass();
         $wrap->table = $table;
         $wrap->oid = $oid;
         $tableWraps[] = $wrap;
