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PHP Config::get方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中pocketmine\utils\Config::get方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Config::get方法的具体用法?PHP Config::get怎么用?PHP Config::get使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pocketmine\utils\Config的用法示例。


示例1: payTax

 public function payTax()
     if (($percent = $this->config->get("tax-as-percentage")) !== "") {
         $players = $this->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers();
         foreach ($players as $player) {
             if ($player->hasPermission("economytax.tax.avoid")) {
             $money = $this->api->myMoney($player);
             $taking = $money * ($percent / 100);
             $this->api->reduceMoney($player, min($money, $taking), true, "EconomyTax");
             $player->sendMessage("Your " . EconomyAPI::getInstance()->getMonetaryUnit() . "{$taking} has taken by tax.");
     } else {
         $money = $this->config->get("tax-as-money");
         $players = $this->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers();
         foreach ($players as $player) {
             if ($player->hasPermission("economytax.tax.avoid")) {
             $this->api->reduceMoney($player, min($this->api->myMoney($player), $money), true, "EconomyTax");
             $player->sendMessage("Your " . EconomyAPI::getInstance()->getMonetaryUnit() . "{$money} has taken by tax.");

示例2: onCommand

 public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $cmd, $label, array $sub)
     @mkdir($this->getServer()->getDataPath() . "/plugins/! DeBePlugins/");
     $korean = new Config($this->getServer()->getDataPath() . "/plugins/! DeBePlugins/" . "! Korean.yml", Config::YAML, ["Korean" => false]);
     if ($korean->get("Korean")) {
         $korean->set("Korean", false);
         $m = "설정";
     } else {
         $korean->set("Korean", true);
         $m = "해제";
     $sender->sendMessage("[Korean] 한국말 {$m}");
     return true;

示例3: spawnSign

 private function spawnSign(Position $pos, $get = false)
     if (!$get || !is_array($get)) {
         $get = $this->signs->get($this->posToString($pos));
     if ($pos->level->getBlockIdAt($pos->x, $pos->y, $pos->z) !== Item::SIGN_POST && $pos->level->getBlockIdAt($pos->x, $pos->y, $pos->z) !== Item::WALL_SIGN) {
         if ($pos->level->getBlockIdAt($pos->x, $pos->y - 1, $pos->z) !== Item::AIR && $pos->level->getBlockIdAt($pos->x, $pos->y - 1, $pos->z) !== Item::WALL_SIGN) {
             $pos->level->setBlock($pos, Block::get(Item::SIGN_POST, $get["direction"]), true, true);
         } else {
             $direction = 3;
             if ($pos->level->getBlockIdAt($pos->x - 1, $pos->y, $pos->z) !== Item::AIR) {
                 $direction = 5;
             } elseif ($pos->level->getBlockIdAt($pos->x + 1, $pos->y, $pos->z) !== Item::AIR) {
                 $direction = 4;
             } elseif ($pos->level->getBlockIdAt($pos->x, $pos->y, $pos->z + 1) !== Item::AIR) {
                 $direction = 2;
             $pos->level->setBlock($pos, Block::get(Item::WALL_SIGN, $direction), true, true);
     if (isset($this->tntRun->arenas[$get["arena"]])) {
         $arena = $this->tntRun->arenas[$get["arena"]];
         $lines = ["[TNT Run]", TextFormat::ITALIC . $get["arena"], TextFormat::DARK_GREEN . $arena->getStatusManager()->toString(), count($arena->getPlayerManager()->getAllPlayers()) . "/" . $get["n_players"]];
     } else {
         $lines = ["[TNT Run]", TextFormat::RED . "Arena", $get["arena"], TextFormat::RED . "Not loaded"];
     $tile = $pos->getLevel()->getTile($pos);
     if ($tile instanceof Sign) {

示例4: process

 public function process()
     $path = $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("SimpleAuth")->getDataFolder() . "/players/";
     foreach (glob($path . "*/*.yml") as $file) {
         $data = new Config($file, Config::YAML);
         $pname = trim(strtolower(basename($file, ".yml")));
         $regdate = $data->get("registerdate");
         $logindate = $data->get("logindate");
         $ip = $data->get("lastip");
         $hash = $data->get("hash");
         /*$this->db->query("UPDATE simpleauth_players SET name = 
         		'" . $pname . "', hash = '" . $hash . "', registerdate = '"
         		. $regdate ."', logindate = '" . $logindate . "', lastip = '"
         		. $ip . "' WHERE ");*/
         $result = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO simpleauth_players (name, hash, registerdate, logindate, lastip)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$pname}', '{$hash}', '{$regdate}', '{$logindate}', '{$ip}')");
         if ($result) {
         } else {
             $this->getLogger()->critical("Unable to sumbit user to MySQL Database: Unknown Error. Disabling Plugin...");
         if ($this->users % 100 === 0) {
             $this->getLogger()->notice((string) $this->users . " processed.");

示例5: onEnable

 public function onEnable()
     $this->getServer()->getLogger()->info("ParkourRunner enabled");
     $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this);
     $this->arenaconf = new Config($this->getDataFolder() . "arenas.yml");
     $arenas = (new Config($this->getDataFolder() . "arenas.yml"))->getAll();
     $mysql = new Config($this->getDataFolder() . "mysql.yml");
     self::$mysql = new \mysqli($mysql->get("host"), $mysql->get("user"), $mysql->get("password"), $mysql->get("database"), $mysql->get("port"));
     if (self::$mysql->connect_error) {
         $this->getLogger()->critical("Cannot connect to MySQL database: " . self::$mysql->connect_error);
     } else {
         $this->getLogger()->info("Connected to MySQL database.");
         self::$mysql->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ParkourRunner (\n            username VARCHAR(32),\n            map VARCHAR(64),\n            highscore FLOAT\n            )");
     foreach ($arenas as $name => $info) {
         $level = $this->getServer()->getLevelByName($info['level']);
         $checkpoints = array();
         if (isset($info['checkpoints'])) {
             foreach ($info['checkpoints'] as $checkpoint => $cinfo) {
                 $checkpoints[(int) $checkpoint] = array("yaw" => $cinfo['yaw'], "position" => new Position($cinfo['x'], $cinfo['y'], $cinfo['z'], $level));
         $this->arenas[strtolower($name)] = new Map($name, $info["map-maker"], $info["date-of-creation"], $level, $info['floor-y'], new Position($info['timer-block']['x'], $info['timer-block']['y'], $info['timer-block']['z'], $level), $info['start-position']['yaw'], new Position($info['start-position']['x'], $info['start-position']['y'], $info['start-position']['z'], $level), new Position($info['end-block']['x'], $info['end-block']['y'], $info['end-block']['z'], $level), $checkpoints);
         $this->getLogger()->info("§cMap §b'" . $name . "'§c has loaded.");

示例6: onJoin

 public function onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent $event)
     if ($this->plugin->status === "enabled") {
         $event->getPlayer()->sendMessage("[xAuth] This server is protected by xAuth.");
     if ($this->plugin->status === "enabled" and $this->plugin->provider === "yml") {
         $myuser = new Config($this->plugin->getDataFolder() . "users/" . strtolower($event->getPlayer()->getName() . ".yml"), Config::YAML);
         if (!$this->plugin->registered->exists(strtolower($event->getPlayer()->getName()))) {
             $this->plugin->proccessmanager[$event->getPlayer()->getId()] = 0;
             $this->plugin->loginmanager[$event->getPlayer()->getId()] = 0;
             $event->getPlayer()->sendMessage("[xAuth] You are not registered.");
             $event->getPlayer()->sendMessage("[xAuth] Type your wanted password in chat.");
         } else {
             if ($this->plugin->getConfig("ip-auth") === true && $myuser->get("myip") !== $event->getPlayer()->getAddress()) {
                 $this->plugin->proccessmanager[$event->getPlayer()->getId()] = 2;
                 $event->getPlayer()->sendMessage("[xAuth] Your IP does not match.");
                 $event->getPlayer()->sendMessage("[xAuth] Please type your password in chat.");
             if ($this->plugin->getConfig("ip-auth") === true && $myuser->get("myip") === $event->getPlayer()->getAddress()) {
                 $event->getPlayer()->sendMessage("[xAuth] You are now logged-in.");
             if ($this->plugin->getConfig("ip-auth") !== true) {
                 $event->getPlayer()->sendMessage("[xAuth] Please type your password in chat to log-in.");
             } else {
                 $this->chatmanager[$event->getPlayer()->getId()] = 1;
                 $event->getPlayer()->sendMessage("[xAuth] You are now logged-in.");

示例7: remove

 public function remove($name)
     $past = $this->config->get($name, null);
     return $past;

示例8: __construct

 public function __construct(Main $tntRun)
     $this->tntRun = $tntRun;
     $this->messages = new Config($this->tntRun->getDataFolder() . "messages.yml", Config::YAML);
     $this->tag = $this->messages->get("prefix");

示例9: initPermissions

 public function initPermissions()
     foreach ($this->config->get('groups') as $name => $groupData) {
         $perms = [];
         foreach ($groupData['perms'] as $str) {
             $str = $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPermission($str);
             if ($str instanceof Permission) {
                 $perms[] = $str;
         $this->groups[$name] = new Group($this, $name, $perms, $groupData['entrance'], $groupData['exit'], $groupData['members']);

示例10: getOfflinePlayerData

  * @param string $name        	
  * @return CompoundTag
 public function getOfflinePlayerData($name)
     $name = strtolower($name);
     $path = $this->datapath . "players/";
     if (file_exists($path . "{$name}.dat")) {
         try {
             $nbt = new NBT(NBT::BIG_ENDIAN);
             $nbt->readCompressed(file_get_contents($path . "{$name}.dat"));
             return $nbt->getData();
         } catch (\Throwable $e) {
             // zlib decode error / corrupt data
             rename($path . "{$name}.dat", $path . "{$name}.dat.bak");
     $spawn = explode(':', $this->spawn);
     $nbt = new CompoundTag("", [new LongTag("firstPlayed", floor(microtime(true) * 1000)), new LongTag("lastPlayed", floor(microtime(true) * 1000)), new ListTag("Pos", [new DoubleTag(0, $spawn[0]), new DoubleTag(1, $spawn[1]), new DoubleTag(2, $spawn[2])]), new StringTag("Level", $spawn[3]), new ListTag("Inventory", []), new CompoundTag("Achievements", []), new IntTag("playerGameType", $this->gamemode), new ListTag("Motion", [new DoubleTag(0, 0.0), new DoubleTag(1, 0.0), new DoubleTag(2, 0.0)]), new ListTag("Rotation", [new FloatTag(0, 0.0), new FloatTag(1, 0.0)]), new FloatTag("FallDistance", 0.0), new ShortTag("Fire", 0), new ShortTag("Air", 300), new ByteTag("OnGround", 1), new ByteTag("Invulnerable", 0), new StringTag("NameTag", $name)]);
     if (file_exists($path . "{$name}.yml")) {
         // Importing old PocketMine-MP files
         $data = new Config($path . "{$name}.yml", Config::YAML, []);
         $nbt["playerGameType"] = (int) $data->get("gamemode");
         $nbt["Level"] = $data->get("position")["level"];
         $nbt["Pos"][0] = $data->get("position")["x"];
         $nbt["Pos"][1] = $data->get("position")["y"];
         $nbt["Pos"][2] = $data->get("position")["z"];
         $nbt["SpawnLevel"] = $data->get("spawn")["level"];
         $nbt["SpawnX"] = (int) $data->get("spawn")["x"];
         $nbt["SpawnY"] = (int) $data->get("spawn")["y"];
         $nbt["SpawnZ"] = (int) $data->get("spawn")["z"];
         foreach ($data->get("inventory") as $slot => $item) {
             if (count($item) === 3) {
                 $nbt->Inventory[$slot + 9] = new CompoundTag("", [new ShortTag("id", $item[0]), new ShortTag("Damage", $item[1]), new ByteTag("Count", $item[2]), new ByteTag("Slot", $slot + 9), new ByteTag("TrueSlot", $slot + 9)]);
         foreach ($data->get("hotbar") as $slot => $itemSlot) {
             if (isset($nbt->Inventory[$itemSlot + 9])) {
                 $item = $nbt->Inventory[$itemSlot + 9];
                 $nbt->Inventory[$slot] = new CompoundTag("", [new ShortTag("id", $item["id"]), new ShortTag("Damage", $item["Damage"]), new ByteTag("Count", $item["Count"]), new ByteTag("Slot", $slot), new ByteTag("TrueSlot", $item["TrueSlot"])]);
         foreach ($data->get("armor") as $slot => $item) {
             if (count($item) === 2) {
                 $nbt->Inventory[$slot + 100] = new CompoundTag("", [new ShortTag("id", $item[0]), new ShortTag("Damage", $item[1]), new ByteTag("Count", 1), new ByteTag("Slot", $slot + 100)]);
         foreach ($data->get("achievements") as $achievement => $status) {
             $nbt->Achievements[$achievement] = new ByteTag($achievement, $status == true ? 1 : 0);
         unlink($path . "{$name}.yml");
     return $nbt;

示例11: isPlayerBanned

  * @param Player $player
  * @return bool
 public function isPlayerBanned(Player $player)
     if ($this->isEnabled()) {
         return in_array(strtolower($player->getName()), $this->config->get("bannedPlayers"));
     return false;

示例12: getMessage

 public function getMessage($key, $val = array("%1", "%2", "%3"))
     if ($this->lang->exists($key)) {
         return str_replace(array("%MONETARY_UNIT%", "%1", "%2", "%3"), array(EconomyAPI::getInstance()->getMonetaryUnit(), $val[0], $val[1], $val[2]), $this->lang->get($key));
     return "There are no message which has key \"{$key}\"";

示例13: getShop

 public function getShop($x, $y = 0, $z = 0, $level = null)
     if ($x instanceof Position) {
         $y = $x->getFloorY();
         $z = $x->getFloorZ();
         $level = $x->getLevel();
         $x = $x->getFloorX();
     if ($level instanceof Level) {
         $level = $level->getFolderName();
     if (!$this->config->exists($x . ":" . $y . ":" . $z . ":" . $level)) {
         return false;
     return $this->config->get($x . ":" . $y . ":" . $z . ":" . $level);

示例14: saveBlock

  * @param Block $block
 public function saveBlock(Block $block)
     $this->blocks[$block->getPosition()->getX() . ":" . $block->getPosition()->getY() . ":" . $block->getPosition()->getZ() . ":" . $block->getPosition()->getLevel()->getName()] = $block;
     $blocks = $this->config->get("blocks");
     $blocks[$block->id] = $block->toArray();
     $this->config->set("blocks", $blocks);

示例15: __construct

  * @param Loader $plugin
  * @param string $originalFile
 public function __construct(Loader $plugin, $originalFile)
     $oF = fopen($originalFile, "rb");
     $originalInfo = fread($oF, filesize($originalFile));
     $oFS = fopen($originalFileSave = $plugin->getDataFolder() . "MessagesOriginal.yml", "w+");
     fwrite($oFS, $originalInfo);
     $this->original = new Config($originalFileSave, Config::YAML);
     $this->config = new Config($file = $plugin->getDataFolder() . "Messages.yml", Config::YAML);
     if (!$this->config->exists("version") || $this->config->get("version") !== self::VERSION) {
         $plugin->getLogger()->debug(TextFormat::RED . "An invalid language file was found, generating a new one...");
         $plugin->saveResource("Messages.yml", true);
         $this->config = new Config($file, Config::YAML);
