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PHP CodeBase::hasClassWithFQSEN方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Phan\CodeBase::hasClassWithFQSEN方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP CodeBase::hasClassWithFQSEN方法的具体用法?PHP CodeBase::hasClassWithFQSEN怎么用?PHP CodeBase::hasClassWithFQSEN使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Phan\CodeBase的用法示例。


示例1: testMethodInCodeBase

 public function testMethodInCodeBase()
     $context = $this->contextForCode("\n                namespace A;\n                Class B {\n                    public function c() {\n                        return 42;\n                    }\n                }\n            ");
     $class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromFullyQualifiedString('\\A\\b');
     self::assertTrue($this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen), "Class with FQSEN {$class_fqsen} not found");
     $clazz = $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);
     self::assertTrue($clazz->hasMethodWithName($this->code_base, 'c'), "Method with FQSEN not found");

示例2: analyzeDuplicateClass

  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeDuplicateClass(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz)
     // Determine if its a duplicate by looking to see if
     // the FQSEN is suffixed with an alternate ID.
     if (!$clazz->getFQSEN()->isAlternate()) {
     $original_fqsen = $clazz->getFQSEN()->getCanonicalFQSEN();
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($original_fqsen)) {
         // If there's a missing class we'll catch that
         // elsewhere
     // Get the original class
     $original_class = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($original_fqsen);
     // Check to see if the original definition was from
     // an internal class
     if ($original_class->isInternal()) {
         Issue::emit(Issue::RedefineClassInternal, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $clazz, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $original_class);
         // Otherwise, print the coordinates of the original
         // definition
     } else {
         Issue::emit(Issue::RedefineClass, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $clazz, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $original_class, $original_class->getContext()->getFile(), $original_class->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());

示例3: visitVar

  * @param Node $node
  * A node of the type indicated by the method name that we'd
  * like to figure out the type that it produces.
  * @return string
  * The class name represented by the given call
 public function visitVar(Node $node) : string
     // $$var->method()
     if ($node->children['name'] instanceof Node) {
         return '';
     // $this->method()
     if ($node->children['name'] == 'this') {
         if (!$this->context->isInClassScope()) {
             Log::err(Log::ESTATIC, 'Using $this when not in object context', $this->context->getFile(), $node->lineno);
             return '';
         return (string) $this->context->getClassFQSEN();
     $variable_name = $node->children['name'];
     if (!$this->context->getScope()->hasVariableWithName($variable_name)) {
         // Got lost, couldn't find the variable in the current scope
         // If it really isn't defined, it will be caught by the
         // undefined var error
         return '';
     $variable = $this->context->getScope()->getVariableWithName($variable_name);
     // Hack - loop through the possible types of the var and assume
     // first found class is correct
     foreach ($variable->getUnionType()->nonGenericArrayTypes()->getTypeList() as $type) {
         $child_class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromStringInContext((string) $type, $this->context);
         if ($this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($child_class_fqsen)) {
             return (string) FullyQualifiedClassName::fromStringInContext((string) $type, $this->context);
     // Could not find name
     return '';

示例4: visitProp

  * @param Node $node
  * A node of the type indicated by the method name that we'd
  * like to figure out the type that it produces.
  * @return string
  * The class name represented by the given call
 public function visitProp(Node $node) : string
     if (!($node->children['expr']->kind == \ast\AST_VAR && !$node->children['expr']->children['name'] instanceof Node)) {
         return '';
     // $var->prop->method()
     $var = $node->children['expr'];
     $class = null;
     if ($var->children['name'] == 'this') {
         // If we're not in a class scope, 'this' won't work
         if (!$this->context->isInClassScope()) {
             Log::err(Log::ESTATIC, 'Using $this when not in object context', $this->context->getFile(), $node->lineno);
             return '';
         // $this->$node->method()
         if ($node->children['prop'] instanceof Node) {
             // Too hard. Giving up.
             return '';
         $class = $this->context->getClassInScope($this->code_base);
     } else {
         // Get the list of viable class types for the
         // variable
         $union_type = AST::varUnionType($this->context, $var)->nonNativeTypes()->nonGenericArrayTypes();
         if ($union_type->isEmpty()) {
             return '';
         $class_fqsen = $union_type->head()->asFQSEN();
         if (!$this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
             return '';
         $class = $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);
     $property_name = $node->children['prop'];
     if (!$class->hasPropertyWithName($this->code_base, $property_name)) {
         // If we can't find the property, there's
         // no type. Thie issue should be caught
         // elsewhere.
         return '';
     try {
         $property = $class->getPropertyByNameInContext($this->code_base, $property_name, $this->context);
     } catch (AccessException $exception) {
         Log::err(Log::EACCESS, $exception->getMessage(), $this->context->getFile(), $node->lineno);
         return '';
     $union_type = $property->getUnionType()->nonNativeTypes();
     if ($union_type->isEmpty()) {
         // If we don't have a type on the property we
         // can't figure out the class type.
         return '';
     } else {
         // Return the first type on the property
         // that could be a reference to a class
         return (string) $union_type->head()->asFQSEN();
     // No such property was found, or none were classes
     // that could be found
     return '';

示例5: analyzeParentConstructorCalled

  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeParentConstructorCalled(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz)
     // Only look at classes configured to require a call
     // to its parent constructor
     if (!in_array($clazz->getName(), Config::get()->parent_constructor_required)) {
     // Don't worry about internal classes
     if ($clazz->isInternal()) {
     // Don't worry if there's no parent class
     if (!$clazz->hasParentClassFQSEN()) {
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($clazz->getParentClassFQSEN())) {
         // This is an error, but its caught elsewhere. We'll
         // just roll through looking for other errors
     $parent_clazz = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($clazz->getParentClassFQSEN());
     if (!$parent_clazz->isAbstract() && !$clazz->getIsParentConstructorCalled()) {
         Issue::emit(Issue::TypeParentConstructorCalled, $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $clazz->getFQSEN(), (string) $parent_clazz->getFQSEN());

示例6: analyzeDuplicateClass

  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeDuplicateClass(CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz)
     // Determine if its a duplicate by looking to see if
     // the FQSEN is suffixed with an alternate ID.
     if (!$clazz->getFQSEN()->isAlternate()) {
     $original_fqsen = $clazz->getFQSEN()->getCanonicalFQSEN();
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($original_fqsen)) {
         // If there's a missing class we'll catch that
         // elsewhere
     // Get the original class
     $original_class = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($original_fqsen);
     // Check to see if the original definition was from
     // an internal class
     if ($original_class->isInternal()) {
         Log::err(Log::EREDEF, "{$clazz} defined at " . "{$clazz->getContext()->getFile()}:{$clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart()} " . "was previously defined as {$original_class} internally", $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());
         // Otherwise, print the coordinates of the original
         // definition
     } else {
         Log::err(Log::EREDEF, "{$clazz} defined at " . "{$clazz->getContext()->getFile()}:{$clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart()} " . "was previously defined as {$original_class} at " . "{$original_class->getContext()->getFile()}:{$original_class->getContext()->getLineNumberStart()}", $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());

示例7: visitMethodCall

  * Visit a node with kind `\ast\AST_METHOD_CALL`
  * @param Node $node
  * A node of the type indicated by the method name that we'd
  * like to figure out the type that it produces.
  * @return UnionType
  * The set of types that are possibly produced by the
  * given node
 public function visitMethodCall(Node $node) : UnionType
     $class_name = AST::classNameFromNode($this->context, $this->code_base, $node);
     if (empty($class_name)) {
         return new UnionType();
     $class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromstringInContext($class_name, $this->context);
     assert($this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen), "Class {$class_fqsen} must exist");
     $clazz = $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);
     $method_name = $node->children['method'];
     // Give up on any complicated nonsense where the
     // method name is a variable such as in
     // `$variable->$function_name()`.
     if ($method_name instanceof Node) {
         return new UnionType();
     // Method names can some times turn up being
     // other method calls.
     assert(is_string($method_name), "Method name must be a string. Something else given.");
     if (!$clazz->hasMethodWithName($this->code_base, $method_name)) {
         Log::err(Log::EUNDEF, "call to undeclared method {$class_fqsen}->{$method_name}()", $this->context->getFile(), $node->lineno);
         return new UnionType();
     $method = $clazz->getMethodByNameInContext($this->code_base, $method_name, $this->context);
     return $method->getUnionType();

示例8: getDefiningClass

  * @return Clazz
  * The class that defined this element
  * @throws CodeBaseException
  * An exception may be thrown if we can't find the
  * class
 public function getDefiningClass(CodeBase $code_base) : Clazz
     $class_fqsen = $this->getDefiningClassFQSEN();
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
         throw new CodeBaseException($class_fqsen, "Defining class {$class_fqsen} for {$this->getFQSEN()} not found");
     return $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);

示例9: fqsenExistsForClass

  * @return bool
  * True if the FQSEN exists. If not, a log line is emitted
 private static function fqsenExistsForClass(FQSEN $fqsen, CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz, string $message_template) : bool
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
         Log::err(Log::EUNDEF, sprintf($message_template, $fqsen), $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());
         return false;
     return true;

示例10: fqsenExistsForClass

  * @return bool
  * True if the FQSEN exists. If not, a log line is emitted
 private static function fqsenExistsForClass(FQSEN $fqsen, CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz) : bool
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
         Log::err(Log::EUNDEF, "Trying to inherit from unknown class {$fqsen}", $clazz->getContext()->getFile(), $clazz->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());
         return false;
     return true;

示例11: fqsenExistsForClass

  * @return bool
  * True if the FQSEN exists. If not, a log line is emitted
 private static function fqsenExistsForClass(FQSEN $fqsen, CodeBase $code_base, Clazz $clazz, string $issue_type) : bool
     if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
         Issue::maybeEmit($code_base, $clazz->getContext(), $issue_type, $clazz->getFileRef()->getLineNumberStart(), (string) $fqsen);
         return false;
     return true;

示例12: classListFromNode

  * @return Clazz[]
  * A list of classes associated with the given node
  * @throws CodeBaseException
  * An exception is thrown if we can't find a class for
  * the given type
 private function classListFromNode(Node $node)
     // Get the types associated with the node
     $union_type = self::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node);
     // Iterate over each viable class type to see if any
     // have the constant we're looking for
     foreach ($union_type->nonNativeTypes()->getTypeList() as $class_type) {
         // Get the class FQSEN
         $class_fqsen = $class_type->asFQSEN();
         // See if the class exists
         if (!$this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
             throw new CodeBaseException($class_fqsen, "reference to undeclared class {$class_fqsen}");
         (yield $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen));

示例13: classListFromNode

  * @return Clazz[]
  * A list of classes associated with the given node
  * @throws IssueException
  * An exception is thrown if we can't find a class for
  * the given type
 private function classListFromNode(Node $node)
     // Get the types associated with the node
     $union_type = self::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node);
     // Iterate over each viable class type to see if any
     // have the constant we're looking for
     foreach ($union_type->nonNativeTypes()->getTypeSet() as $class_type) {
         // Get the class FQSEN
         $class_fqsen = $class_type->asFQSEN();
         // See if the class exists
         if (!$this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
             throw new IssueException(Issue::fromType(Issue::UndeclaredClassReference)($this->context->getFile(), $node->lineno ?? 0, [(string) $class_fqsen]));
         (yield $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen));

示例14: getClass

  * @param bool $validate_class_name
  * If true, we'll validate that the name of the class
  * is valid.
  * @return Clazz
  * The class being referenced in the given node in
  * the given context
  * @throws NodeException
  * An exception is thrown if we can't understand the node
  * @throws CodeBaseExtension
  * An exception is thrown if we can't find the referenced
  * class
  * @throws TypeException
  * An exception may be thrown if the only viable candidate
  * is a non-class type.
 public function getClass(bool $validate_class_name = true) : Clazz
     // Figure out the name of the class
     $class_name = $this->getClassName($validate_class_name);
     // If we can't figure out the class name (which happens
     // from time to time), then give up
     if (empty($class_name)) {
         throw new NodeException($this->node, 'Could not find class name');
     $class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromStringInContext($class_name, $this->context);
     // Check to see if the class actually exists
     if (!$this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
         throw new CodeBaseException($class_fqsen, "Can't find class {$class_fqsen}");
     $class = $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);
     return $class;

示例15: analyzeParameterTypes

  * Check to see if the given Clazz is a duplicate
  * @return null
 public static function analyzeParameterTypes(CodeBase $code_base, Method $method)
     // Look at each method parameter
     foreach ($method->getParameterList() as $parameter) {
         $union_type = $parameter->getUnionType();
         // Look at each type in the parameter's Union Type
         foreach ($union_type->getTypeList() as $type) {
             // If its a native type or a reference to
             // self, its OK
             if ($type->isNativeType() || $type->isSelfType()) {
             // Otherwise, make sure the class exists
             $type_fqsen = $type->asFQSEN();
             if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($type_fqsen)) {
                 Log::err(Log::EUNDEF, "parameter of undeclared type {$type_fqsen}", $method->getContext()->getFile(), $method->getContext()->getLineNumberStart());
