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PHP Api\MozuUrl类代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Mozu\Api\MozuUrl的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP MozuUrl类的具体用法?PHP MozuUrl怎么用?PHP MozuUrl使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: updateOrderHandlingFeeUrl

  * Get Resource Url for UpdateOrderHandlingFee
  * @param string $responseFields Use this field to include those fields which are not included by default.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function updateOrderHandlingFeeUrl($responseFields)
     $url = "/api/commerce/settings/shipping/orderhandlingfee?responseFields={responseFields}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "PUT", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("responseFields", $responseFields);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例2: deleteEntityListUrl

  * Get Resource Url for DeleteEntityList
  * @param string $entityListFullName The full name of the EntityList including namespace in name@nameSpace format
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function deleteEntityListUrl($entityListFullName)
     $url = "/api/platform/entitylists/{entityListFullName}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "DELETE", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("entityListFullName", $entityListFullName);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例3: deleteUrl

  * Get Resource Url for Delete
  * @param string $cardId Unique identifier of the card associated with the customer account billing contact.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function deleteUrl($cardId)
     $url = "/payments/commerce/payments/cards/{cardId}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::PCI_POD, "DELETE", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("cardId", $cardId);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例4: deleteInStockNotificationSubscriptionUrl

  * Get Resource Url for DeleteInStockNotificationSubscription
  * @param int $id Unique identifier of the customer segment to retrieve.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function deleteInStockNotificationSubscriptionUrl($id)
     $url = "/api/commerce/instocknotifications/{id}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "DELETE", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("id", $id);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例5: thirdPartyUpdateApplicationUrl

  * Get Resource Url for ThirdPartyUpdateApplication
  * @param string $responseFields Use this field to include those fields which are not included by default.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function thirdPartyUpdateApplicationUrl($responseFields)
     $url = "/api/commerce/settings/applications/?responseFields={responseFields}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "PUT", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("responseFields", $responseFields);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例6: updateSettingsUrl

  * Get Resource Url for UpdateSettings
  * @param string $responseFields A list or array of fields returned for a call. These fields may be customized and may be used for various types of data calls in Mozu. For example, responseFields are returned for retrieving or updating attributes, carts, and messages in Mozu.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function updateSettingsUrl($responseFields)
     $url = "/api/commerce/catalog/admin/search/settings?responseFields={responseFields}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "PUT", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("responseFields", $responseFields);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例7: deleteUserAuthTicketUrl

  * Get Resource Url for DeleteUserAuthTicket
  * @param string $refreshToken Alphanumeric string used for access tokens. This token refreshes access for accounts by generating a new developer or application account authentication ticket after an access token expires.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function deleteUserAuthTicketUrl($refreshToken)
     $url = "/api/platform/adminuser/authtickets/?refreshToken={refreshToken}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::HOME_POD, "DELETE", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("refreshToken", $refreshToken);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例8: deleteAttributeUrl

  * Get Resource Url for DeleteAttribute
  * @param string $attributeFQN The fully qualified name of the attribute, which is a user defined attribute identifier.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function deleteAttributeUrl($attributeFQN)
     $url = "/api/commerce/catalog/admin/attributedefinition/attributes/{attributeFQN}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "DELETE", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("attributeFQN", $attributeFQN);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例9: deleteDocumentListUrl

  * Get Resource Url for DeleteDocumentList
  * @param string $documentListName Name of content documentListName to delete
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function deleteDocumentListUrl($documentListName)
     $url = "/api/content/documentlists/{documentListName}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "DELETE", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("documentListName", $documentListName);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例10: updateGeneralSettingsUrl

  * Get Resource Url for UpdateGeneralSettings
  * @param string $responseFields Use this field to include those fields which are not included by default.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function updateGeneralSettingsUrl($responseFields)
     $url = "/api/commerce/settings/general/?responseFields={responseFields}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "PUT", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("responseFields", $responseFields);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例11: getRatesUrl

  * Get Resource Url for GetRates
  * @param string $responseFields Use this field to include those fields which are not included by default.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function getRatesUrl($responseFields)
     $url = "/api/commerce/catalog/storefront/shipping/request-rates?responseFields={responseFields}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "POST", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("responseFields", $responseFields);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例12: publishDocumentsUrl

  * Get Resource Url for PublishDocuments
  * @param string $documentLists List of document lists that contain documents to delete.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function publishDocumentsUrl($documentLists)
     $url = "/api/content/documentpublishing/active?documentLists={documentLists}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "PUT", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("documentLists", $documentLists);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例13: getCategoryTreeUrl

  * Get Resource Url for GetCategoryTree
  * @param string $responseFields A list or array of fields returned for a call. These fields may be customized and may be used for various types of data calls in Mozu. For example, responseFields are returned for retrieving or updating attributes, carts, and messages in Mozu.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function getCategoryTreeUrl($responseFields)
     $url = "/api/commerce/catalog/storefront/categories/tree?responseFields={responseFields}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "GET", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("responseFields", $responseFields);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例14: removeMessageUrl

  * Get Resource Url for RemoveMessage
  * @param string $messageId Identifier of the message to remove from the cart.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function removeMessageUrl($messageId)
     $url = "/api/commerce/carts/current/messages/{messageId}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "DELETE", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("messageId", $messageId);
     return $mozuUrl;

示例15: validateAddressUrl

  * Get Resource Url for ValidateAddress
  * @param string $responseFields Use this field to include those fields which are not included by default.
  * @return string Resource Url
 public static function validateAddressUrl($responseFields)
     $url = "/api/commerce/customer/addressvalidation/?responseFields={responseFields}";
     $mozuUrl = new MozuUrl($url, UrlLocation::TENANT_POD, "POST", false);
     $url = $mozuUrl->formatUrl("responseFields", $responseFields);
     return $mozuUrl;
