本文整理汇总了PHP中Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP ServiceProvider类的具体用法?PHP ServiceProvider怎么用?PHP ServiceProvider使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: boot
public function boot(Dispatcher $events)
示例2: testItPerformsABootMethod
* @test
public function testItPerformsABootMethod()
$dispatcherMock = Mockery::mock(Dispatcher::class);
示例3: register
* Register the service provider.
* @return void
public function register()
// Configure any bindings that are version dependent
// Let the IoC container be able to make a Symfony event dispatcher
$this->app->bind('Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcherInterface', 'Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher');
// Setup default configurations for the GoogleMoviesClient Client
$this->app->singleton('GoogleMoviesClient\\Client', function () {
$config = $this->provider->config();
$options = $config['options'];
// Use an Event Dispatcher that uses the Laravel event dispatcher
$options['event_dispatcher'] = $this->app->make('GoogleMoviesClient\\Laravel\\Adapters\\EventDispatcherAdapter');
return new Client($options);
示例4: boot
* Boot the provider, adding the "gatekeeper" type to the Auth handling
* @param Router $router Laravel router instance
public function boot(Router $router)
Auth::extend('gatekeeper', function ($app) {
return new UserProvider();
示例5: __construct
* Create a new service provider instance.
* @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app
public function __construct($app)
$this->app->singleton('flare', function ($app) {
return $app->make(\LaravelFlare\Flare\Flare::class, [$app]);
示例6: boot
* Bootstrap the application services.
* @return void
public function boot(Router $router)
$this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/views', 'construct');
$this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/AppController.php' => base_path('app/Http/Controllers/AppController.php'), __DIR__ . '/app.scss' => base_path('resources/assets/sass/app.scss'), __DIR__ . '/ie.scss' => base_path('resources/assets/sass/ie.scss'), __DIR__ . '/admin.js' => base_path('resources/assets/js/admin.js'), __DIR__ . '/svg' => base_path('resources/assets/svg'), __DIR__ . '/_settings.scss' => base_path('resources/assets/sass/_settings.scss'), __DIR__ . '/.gitignore.example' => base_path('.gitignore'), __DIR__ . '/bower.json' => base_path('bower.json'), __DIR__ . '/.bowerrc' => base_path('.bowerrc'), __DIR__ . '/package.json' => base_path('package.json'), __DIR__ . '/gulpfile.js' => base_path('gulpfile.js'), __DIR__ . '/settings.js' => base_path('settings.js'), __DIR__ . '/config/site.php' => config_path('site.php'), __DIR__ . '/config/mail.php' => config_path('mail.php'), __DIR__ . '/config/filesystems.php' => config_path('filesystems.php'), __DIR__ . '/database/migrations' => $this->app->databasePath() . '/migrations']);
include __DIR__ . '/routes.php';
示例7: __construct
* Service provider constructor method.
* @param \Illuminate\Support\Facades\App $app
* @return void
public function __construct($app)
$this->providers = config('locality.providers', []);
$this->aliases = config('locality.aliases', []);
$this->aliasLoader = AliasLoader::getInstance();
示例8: __construct
* Crea a new instance of console
* @param string $basePath
public function __construct($basePath)
parent::__construct(new Application($basePath));
$this->input = new ArgvInput();
$this->output = new ConsoleOutput();
$this->config = $this->getConfiguration($basePath);
示例9: __construct
public function __construct(Application $app, Router $router, View $view)
$this->app = $app;
$this->router = $router;
$this->view = $view;
示例10: boot
* Boot the service provider.
* This method is called after all other service providers have
* been registered, meaning you have access to all other services
* that have been registered by the framework.
* @return void
public function boot(DispatcherContract $events)
// Publish the database migrations
$this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/../database/migrations' => $this->app->databasePath() . '/migrations'], 'migrations');
$this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/../config' => config_path()], 'config');
示例11: boot
* Bootstrap the application events.
* @return void
public function boot()
示例12: __construct
* Create a new service provider instance.
* @param Application $app
* @throws LackOfCoffeeException
public function __construct(Application $app)
if ($this->defer === null) {
throw new LackOfCoffeeException('Please define whether this provider should be deferred or not.');
示例13: boot
* Bootstrap the application services.
* @return void
public function boot(Router $router)
$router->bind('article', function ($id) {
return \App\Article::where('slug', $id)->first();
示例14: boot
* Boot the service provider.
* This method is called after all other service providers have
* been registered, meaning you have access to all other services
* that have been registered by the framework.
* @return void
public function boot(DispatcherContract $events)
// Publish the database migrations
$this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/../database/migrations' => $this->app->databasePath() . '/migrations'], 'migrations');
$this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/../config' => config_path()], 'config');
// Log needs a closure as a listener
Log::listen(function ($level, $message, $context) {
// Throw out debug messages if we are not in debug mode
if ($level == 'debug' && \Config::get('app.debug') != true) {
// Fetch the currently logged in user
$username = ApplogHelper::currentUserName();
// Get the list of client IP addresses
$clientIp = ApplogHelper::getClientIps();
// Split the log message to see how it is formatted.
$logdata = explode(':', $message, 6);
if (count($logdata) == 6) {
list($classname, $traitname, $filename, $linenumber, $functionname, $message) = $logdata;
} else {
list($classname, $traitname, $filename, $linenumber, $functionname, $message) = ['', '', '', '', '', $message];
// Store the log entry.
try {
Applog::create(['type' => $level, 'classname' => $classname, 'traitname' => $traitname, 'filename' => $filename, 'linenumber' => $linenumber, 'functionname' => $functionname, 'message' => $message, 'details' => json_encode($context), 'ipaddr' => $clientIp, 'created_by' => $username, 'updated_by' => $username]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Do nothing
示例15: __construct
* The constructor.
* @param Application $app
* @param string $name
* @param string $path
public function __construct(Application $app, $name, $path)