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PHP Element::child方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Drupal\Core\Render\Element::child方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Element::child方法的具体用法?PHP Element::child怎么用?PHP Element::child使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Drupal\Core\Render\Element的用法示例。


示例1: flattenKeysArray

  * Extracts the positive keywords from a keys array.
  * @param array $keys
  *   A search keys array, as specified by
  *   \Drupal\search_api\Query\QueryInterface::getKeys().
  * @return string[]
  *   An array of all unique positive keywords contained in the keys array.
 protected function flattenKeysArray(array $keys)
     if (!empty($keys['#negation'])) {
         return array();
     $keywords = array();
     foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
         if (!Element::child($i)) {
         if (is_array($key)) {
             $keywords += $this->flattenKeysArray($key);
         } else {
             $keywords[$key] = $key;
     return $keywords;

示例2: createKeysQuery

   * Creates a SELECT query for given search keys.
   * Used as a helper method in createDbQuery() and createFilterCondition().
   * @param string|array $keys
   *   The search keys, formatted like the return value of
   *   \Drupal\search_api\Query\QueryInterface::getKeys(), but preprocessed
   *   according to internal requirements.
   * @param array $fields
   *   The fulltext fields on which to search, with their names as keys mapped
   *   to internal information about them.
   * @param array $all_fields
   *   Internal information about all indexed fields on the index.
   * @param \Drupal\search_api\IndexInterface $index
   *   The index we're searching on.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface
   *   A SELECT query returning item_id and score (or only item_id, if
   *   $keys['#negation'] is set).
  protected function createKeysQuery($keys, array $fields, array $all_fields, IndexInterface $index) {
    if (!is_array($keys)) {
      $keys = array(
        '#conjunction' => 'AND',

    $neg = !empty($keys['#negation']);
    $conj = $keys['#conjunction'];
    $words = array();
    $nested = array();
    $negated = array();
    $db_query = NULL;
    $mul_words = FALSE;
    $neg_nested = $neg && $conj == 'AND';

    foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
      if (!Element::child($i)) {
      if (is_scalar($key)) {
        $words[] = $key;
      elseif (empty($key['#negation'])) {
        if ($neg) {
          // If this query is negated, we also only need item IDs from
          // subqueries.
          $key['#negation'] = TRUE;
        $nested[] = $key;
      else {
        $negated[] = $key;
    $subs = count($words) + count($nested);
    $not_nested = ($subs <= 1 && count($fields) == 1) || ($neg && $conj == 'OR' && !$negated);

    if ($words) {
      // All text fields in the index share a table. Get name from the first.
      $field = reset($fields);
      $db_query = $this->database->select($field['table'], 't');
      $mul_words = count($words) > 1;
      if ($neg_nested) {
        $db_query->fields('t', array('item_id', 'word'));
      elseif ($neg) {
        $db_query->fields('t', array('item_id'));
      elseif ($not_nested) {
        $db_query->fields('t', array('item_id', 'score'));
      else {
        $db_query->fields('t', array('item_id', 'score', 'word'));
      $db_query->condition('word', $words, 'IN');
      $db_query->condition('field_name', array_map(array(__CLASS__, 'getTextFieldName'), array_keys($fields)), 'IN');

    if ($nested) {
      $word = '';
      foreach ($nested as $k) {
        $query = $this->createKeysQuery($k, $fields, $all_fields, $index);
        if (!$neg) {
          $word .= ' ';
          $var = ':word' . strlen($word);
          $query->addExpression($var, 'word', array($var => $word));
        if (!isset($db_query)) {
          $db_query = $query;
        elseif ($not_nested) {
          $db_query->union($query, 'UNION');
        else {
          $db_query->union($query, 'UNION ALL');

示例3: testChild

  * Tests the child() method.
 public function testChild()

示例4: processKeys

  * Preprocesses the search keywords.
  * Calls processKey() for individual strings.
  * @param array|string $keys
  *   Either a parsed keys array, or a single keywords string.
 protected function processKeys(&$keys)
     if (is_array($keys)) {
         foreach ($keys as $key => &$v) {
             if (Element::child($key)) {
                 if ($v === '') {
     } else {

示例5: createKeysQuery

  * Creates a SELECT query for given search keys.
  * Used as a helper method in createDbQuery() and createDbCondition().
  * @param string|array $keys
  *   The search keys, formatted like the return value of
  *   \Drupal\search_api\Query\QueryInterface::getKeys(), but preprocessed
  *   according to internal requirements.
  * @param array $fields
  *   The fulltext fields on which to search, with their names as keys mapped
  *   to internal information about them.
  * @param array $all_fields
  *   Internal information about all indexed fields on the index.
  * @param \Drupal\search_api\IndexInterface $index
  *   The index we're searching on.
  * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface
  *   A SELECT query returning item_id and score (or only item_id, if
  *   $keys['#negation'] is set).
 protected function createKeysQuery($keys, array $fields, array $all_fields, IndexInterface $index)
     if (!is_array($keys)) {
         $keys = array('#conjunction' => 'AND', $keys);
     $neg = !empty($keys['#negation']);
     $conj = $keys['#conjunction'];
     $words = array();
     $nested = array();
     $negated = array();
     $db_query = NULL;
     $mul_words = FALSE;
     $neg_nested = $neg && $conj == 'AND';
     $match_parts = !empty($this->configuration['partial_matches']);
     $keyword_hits = array();
     foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
         if (!Element::child($i)) {
         if (is_scalar($key)) {
             $words[] = $key;
         } elseif (empty($key['#negation'])) {
             if ($neg) {
                 // If this query is negated, we also only need item IDs from
                 // subqueries.
                 $key['#negation'] = TRUE;
             $nested[] = $key;
         } else {
             $negated[] = $key;
     $word_count = count($words);
     $subs = $word_count + count($nested);
     $not_nested = $subs <= 1 && count($fields) == 1 || $neg && $conj == 'OR' && !$negated;
     if ($words) {
         // All text fields in the index share a table. Get name from the first.
         $field = reset($fields);
         $db_query = $this->database->select($field['table'], 't');
         $mul_words = $word_count > 1;
         if ($neg_nested) {
             $db_query->fields('t', array('item_id', 'word'));
         } elseif ($neg) {
             $db_query->fields('t', array('item_id'));
         } elseif ($not_nested) {
             $db_query->fields('t', array('item_id', 'score'));
         } else {
             $db_query->fields('t', array('item_id', 'score', 'word'));
         if (!$match_parts) {
             $db_query->condition('word', $words, 'IN');
         } else {
             $db_or = new Condition('OR');
             // GROUP BY all existing non-grouped, non-aggregated columns – except
             // "word", which we remove since it will be useless to us in this case.
             $columns =& $db_query->getFields();
             foreach (array_keys($columns) as $column) {
             foreach ($words as $i => $word) {
                 $db_or->condition('t.word', '%' . $this->database->escapeLike($word) . '%', 'LIKE');
                 // Add an expression for each keyword that shows whether the indexed
                 // word matches that particular keyword. That way we don't return a
                 // result multiple times if a single indexed word (partially) matches
                 // multiple keywords. We also remember the column name so we can
                 // afterwards verify that each word matched at least once.
                 $alias = 'w' . $i;
                 $alias = $db_query->addExpression("t.word LIKE '%" . $this->database->escapeLike($word) . "%'", $alias);
                 $keyword_hits[] = $alias;
             // Also add expressions for any nested queries.
             for ($i = $word_count; $i < $subs; ++$i) {
                 $alias = 'w' . $i;
                 $alias = $db_query->addExpression('0', $alias);
                 $keyword_hits[] = $alias;
