本文整理汇总了PHP中Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP SelectInterface类的具体用法?PHP SelectInterface怎么用?PHP SelectInterface使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: buildJoin
* Builds the SQL for the join this object represents.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface $select_query
* The select query object.
* @param string $table
* The base table to join.
* @param \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\query\QueryPluginBase $view_query
* The source views query.
public function buildJoin($select_query, $table, $view_query)
if (empty($this->configuration['table formula'])) {
$right_table = "{" . $this->table . "}";
} else {
$right_table = $this->configuration['table formula'];
// Add our join condition, using a subquery on the left instead of a field.
$condition = "({$this->left_query}) = {$table['alias']}.{$this->field}";
$arguments = array();
// Tack on the extra.
// This is just copied verbatim from the parent class, which itself has a
// bug: https://www.drupal.org/node/1118100.
if (isset($this->extra)) {
if (is_array($this->extra)) {
$extras = array();
foreach ($this->extra as $info) {
// Figure out the table name. Remember, only use aliases provided
// if at all possible.
$join_table = '';
if (!array_key_exists('table', $info)) {
$join_table = $table['alias'] . '.';
} elseif (isset($info['table'])) {
$join_table = $info['table'] . '.';
$placeholder = ':views_join_condition_' . $select_query->nextPlaceholder();
if (is_array($info['value'])) {
$operator = !empty($info['operator']) ? $info['operator'] : 'IN';
// Transform from IN() notation to = notation if just one value.
if (count($info['value']) == 1) {
$info['value'] = array_shift($info['value']);
$operator = $operator == 'NOT IN' ? '!=' : '=';
} else {
$operator = !empty($info['operator']) ? $info['operator'] : '=';
$extras[] = "{$join_table}{$info['field']} {$operator} {$placeholder}";
$arguments[$placeholder] = $info['value'];
if ($extras) {
if (count($extras) == 1) {
$condition .= ' AND ' . array_shift($extras);
} else {
$condition .= ' AND (' . implode(' ' . $this->extraOperator . ' ', $extras) . ')';
} elseif ($this->extra && is_string($this->extra)) {
$condition .= " AND ({$this->extra})";
$select_query->addJoin($this->type, $right_table, $table['alias'], $condition, $arguments);
示例2: translateCondition
* Translates the string operators to SQL equivalents.
* @param array $condition
* The condition array.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface $sql_query
* Select query instance.
* @param bool|null $case_sensitive
* If the condition should be case sensitive or not, NULL if the field does
* not define it.
* @see \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\ConditionInterface::condition()
public static function translateCondition(&$condition, SelectInterface $sql_query, $case_sensitive)
// There is nothing to do for IN () queries except for PostgreSQL for which
// the condition arguments need to have case lowered to support not case
// sensitive fields.
if (is_array($condition['value'])) {
$entityQueryCondition = Database::getConnection()->getDriverClass('EntityQuery\\Condition');
$entityQueryCondition::translateCondition($condition, $case_sensitive);
// Ensure that the default operator is set to simplify the cases below.
if (empty($condition['operator'])) {
$condition['operator'] = '=';
switch ($condition['operator']) {
case '=':
// If a field explicitly requests that queries should not be case
// sensitive, use the LIKE operator, otherwise keep =.
if ($case_sensitive === FALSE) {
$condition['value'] = $sql_query->escapeLike($condition['value']);
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE';
case '<>':
// If a field explicitly requests that queries should not be case
// sensitive, use the NOT LIKE operator, otherwise keep <>.
if ($case_sensitive === FALSE) {
$condition['value'] = $sql_query->escapeLike($condition['value']);
$condition['operator'] = 'NOT LIKE';
if ($case_sensitive) {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE BINARY';
} else {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE';
$condition['value'] = $sql_query->escapeLike($condition['value']) . '%';
case 'CONTAINS':
if ($case_sensitive) {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE BINARY';
} else {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE';
$condition['value'] = '%' . $sql_query->escapeLike($condition['value']) . '%';
case 'ENDS_WITH':
if ($case_sensitive) {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE BINARY';
} else {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE';
$condition['value'] = '%' . $sql_query->escapeLike($condition['value']);
示例3: translateCondition
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function translateCondition(&$condition, SelectInterface $sql_query, $case_sensitive)
if (is_array($condition['value']) && $case_sensitive === FALSE) {
$condition['where'] = 'LOWER(' . $sql_query->escapeField($condition['real_field']) . ') ' . $condition['operator'] . ' (';
$condition['where_args'] = [];
$n = 1;
// Only use the array values in case an associative array is passed as an
// argument following similar pattern in
// \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::expandArguments().
foreach ($condition['value'] as $value) {
$condition['where'] .= 'LOWER(:value' . $n . '),';
$condition['where_args'][':value' . $n] = $value;
$condition['where'] = trim($condition['where'], ',');
$condition['where'] .= ')';
parent::translateCondition($condition, $sql_query, $case_sensitive);
示例4: translateCondition
* Translates the string operators to SQL equivalents.
* @param array $condition
* The condition array.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface $sql_query
* Select query instance.
* @param bool|null $case_sensitive
* If the condition should be case sensitive or not, NULL if the field does
* not define it.
* @see \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\ConditionInterface::condition()
public static function translateCondition(&$condition, SelectInterface $sql_query, $case_sensitive)
// // There is nothing we can do for IN ().
if (is_array($condition['value'])) {
// Ensure that the default operator is set to simplify the cases below.
if (empty($condition['operator'])) {
$condition['operator'] = '=';
switch ($condition['operator']) {
case '=':
// If a field explicitly requests that queries should not be case
// sensitive, use the LIKE operator, otherwise keep =.
if ($case_sensitive === FALSE) {
$condition['value'] = $sql_query->escapeLike($condition['value']);
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE';
case '<>':
// If a field explicitly requests that queries should not be case
// sensitive, use the NOT LIKE operator, otherwise keep <>.
if ($case_sensitive === FALSE) {
$condition['value'] = $sql_query->escapeLike($condition['value']);
$condition['operator'] = 'NOT LIKE';
if ($case_sensitive) {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE BINARY';
} else {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE';
$condition['value'] = $sql_query->escapeLike($condition['value']) . '%';
case 'CONTAINS':
if ($case_sensitive) {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE BINARY';
} else {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE';
$condition['value'] = '%' . $sql_query->escapeLike($condition['value']) . '%';
case 'ENDS_WITH':
if ($case_sensitive) {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE BINARY';
} else {
$condition['operator'] = 'LIKE';
$condition['value'] = '%' . $sql_query->escapeLike($condition['value']);
示例5: entityQueryAlter
* {@inheritdoc}
public function entityQueryAlter(SelectInterface $query)
if (\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('administer users')) {
// In addition, if the user is administrator, we need to make sure to
// match the anonymous user, that doesn't actually have a name in the
// database.
$conditions =& $query->conditions();
foreach ($conditions as $key => $condition) {
if ($key !== '#conjunction' && is_string($condition['field']) && $condition['field'] === 'users_field_data.name') {
// Remove the condition.
// Re-add the condition and a condition on uid = 0 so that we end up
// with a query in the form:
// WHERE (name LIKE :name) OR (:anonymous_name LIKE :name AND uid = 0)
$or = db_or();
$or->condition($condition['field'], $condition['value'], $condition['operator']);
// Sadly, the Database layer doesn't allow us to build a condition
// in the form ':placeholder = :placeholder2', because the 'field'
// part of a condition is always escaped.
// As a (cheap) workaround, we separately build a condition with no
// field, and concatenate the field and the condition separately.
$value_part = db_and();
$value_part->condition('anonymous_name', $condition['value'], $condition['operator']);
$value_part->compile(Database::getConnection(), $query);
$or->condition(db_and()->where(str_replace('anonymous_name', ':anonymous_name', (string) $value_part), $value_part->arguments() + array(':anonymous_name' => user_format_name(user_load(0))))->condition('base_table.uid', 0));
// Add the filter by role option.
if (!empty($this->fieldDefinition->getSetting('handler_settings')['filter'])) {
$filter_settings = $this->fieldDefinition->getSetting('handler_settings')['filter'];
if ($filter_settings['type'] == 'role') {
$tables = $query->getTables();
$base_table = $tables['base_table']['alias'];
$query->join('users_roles', 'ur', $base_table . '.uid = ur.uid');
$query->condition('ur.rid', $filter_settings['role']);
示例6: entityQueryAlter
* {@inheritdoc}
public function entityQueryAlter(SelectInterface $query)
$tables = $query->getTables();
$data_table = 'comment_field_data';
if (!isset($tables['comment_field_data']['alias'])) {
// If no conditions join against the comment data table, it should be
// joined manually to allow node access processing.
$query->innerJoin($data_table, NULL, "base_table.cid = {$data_table}.cid AND {$data_table}.default_langcode = 1");
// The Comment module doesn't implement any proper comment access,
// and as a consequence doesn't make sure that comments cannot be viewed
// when the user doesn't have access to the node.
$node_alias = $query->innerJoin('node_field_data', 'n', '%alias.nid = ' . $data_table . '.entity_id AND ' . $data_table . ".entity_type = 'node'");
// Pass the query to the node access control.
$this->reAlterQuery($query, 'node_access', $node_alias);
// Passing the query to node_query_node_access_alter() is sadly
// insufficient for nodes.
// @see SelectionEntityTypeNode::entityQueryAlter()
if (!\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('bypass node access') && !count(\Drupal::moduleHandler()->getImplementations('node_grants'))) {
$query->condition($node_alias . '.status', 1);
示例7: entityQueryAlter
* {@inheritdoc}
public function entityQueryAlter(SelectInterface $query)
// Bail out early if we do not need to match the Anonymous user.
$handler_settings = $this->configuration['handler_settings'];
if (isset($handler_settings['include_anonymous']) && !$handler_settings['include_anonymous']) {
if ($this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer users')) {
// In addition, if the user is administrator, we need to make sure to
// match the anonymous user, that doesn't actually have a name in the
// database.
$conditions =& $query->conditions();
foreach ($conditions as $key => $condition) {
if ($key !== '#conjunction' && is_string($condition['field']) && $condition['field'] === 'users_field_data.name') {
// Remove the condition.
// Re-add the condition and a condition on uid = 0 so that we end up
// with a query in the form:
// WHERE (name LIKE :name) OR (:anonymous_name LIKE :name AND uid = 0)
$or = db_or();
$or->condition($condition['field'], $condition['value'], $condition['operator']);
// Sadly, the Database layer doesn't allow us to build a condition
// in the form ':placeholder = :placeholder2', because the 'field'
// part of a condition is always escaped.
// As a (cheap) workaround, we separately build a condition with no
// field, and concatenate the field and the condition separately.
$value_part = db_and();
$value_part->condition('anonymous_name', $condition['value'], $condition['operator']);
$value_part->compile($this->connection, $query);
$or->condition(db_and()->where(str_replace('anonymous_name', ':anonymous_name', (string) $value_part), $value_part->arguments() + array(':anonymous_name' => user_format_name($this->userStorage->load(0))))->condition('base_table.uid', 0));
示例8: keyFromQuery
* Generates a hash from a query object, to be used as part of the cache key.
* This smart caching strategy saves Drupal from querying and rendering to
* HTML when the underlying query is unchanged.
* Expensive queries should use the query builder to create the query and then
* call this function. Executing the query and formatting results should
* happen in a #pre_render callback.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface $query
* A select query object.
* @return string
* A hash of the query arguments.
public static function keyFromQuery(SelectInterface $query)
$keys = array((string) $query, $query->getArguments());
return hash('sha256', serialize($keys));
示例9: compileFields
* Adds fields to the query.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface $query
* The drupal query object.
protected function compileFields($query) {
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
$string = '';
if (!empty($field['table'])) {
$string .= $field['table'] . '.';
$string .= $field['field'];
$fieldname = (!empty($field['alias']) ? $field['alias'] : $string);
if (!empty($field['count'])) {
// Retained for compatibility.
$field['function'] = 'count';
if (!empty($field['function'])) {
$info = $this->getAggregationInfo();
if (!empty($info[$field['function']]['method']) && is_callable(array($this, $info[$field['function']]['method']))) {
$string = $this::{$info[$field['function']]['method']}($field['function'], $string);
$placeholders = !empty($field['placeholders']) ? $field['placeholders'] : array();
$query->addExpression($string, $fieldname, $placeholders);
$this->hasAggregate = TRUE;
// This is a formula, using no tables.
elseif (empty($field['table'])) {
$placeholders = !empty($field['placeholders']) ? $field['placeholders'] : array();
$query->addExpression($string, $fieldname, $placeholders);
elseif ($this->distinct && !in_array($fieldname, $this->groupby)) {
$query->addField(!empty($field['table']) ? $field['table'] : $this->view->storage->get('base_table'), $field['field'], $fieldname);
elseif (empty($field['aggregate'])) {
$query->addField(!empty($field['table']) ? $field['table'] : $this->view->storage->get('base_table'), $field['field'], $fieldname);
if ($this->getCountOptimized) {
// We only want the first field in this case.
示例10: filterQuery
* Extends a query object for URL redirect filters.
* @param $query
* Query object that should be filtered.
* @param $keys
* The filter string to use.
protected function filterQuery(SelectInterface $query, array $fields, $keys = '')
if ($keys && $fields) {
// Replace wildcards with PDO wildcards.
$conditions = db_or();
$wildcard = '%' . trim(preg_replace('!\\*+!', '%', db_like($keys)), '%') . '%';
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$conditions->condition($field, $wildcard, 'LIKE');
示例11: notExists
public function notExists(SelectInterface $select)
return $this;
示例12: safeExecuteSelect
* Executes a select query while making sure the database table exists.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface $query
* The select object to be executed.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Database\StatementInterface|null
* A prepared statement, or NULL if the query is not valid.
* @throws \Exception
* Thrown if the table could not be created or the database connection
* failed.
protected function safeExecuteSelect(SelectInterface $query)
try {
return $query->execute();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// If there was an exception, try to create the table.
if ($this->ensureTableExists()) {
return $query->execute();
// Some other failure that we can not recover from.
throw $e;
示例13: getTemporaryResultsTable
* Creates a temporary table from a select query.
* Will return the name of a table containing the item IDs of all results, or
* FALSE on failure.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface $db_query
* The select query whose results should be stored in the temporary table.
* @return string|false
* The name of the temporary table, or FALSE on failure.
protected function getTemporaryResultsTable(SelectInterface $db_query)
// We only need the id field, not the score.
$fields =& $db_query->getFields();
if (count($fields) != 1 || !isset($fields['item_id'])) {
$this->getLogger()->warning('Error while adding facets: only "item_id" field should be used, used are: @fields.', array('@fields' => implode(', ', array_keys($fields))));
return FALSE;
$expressions =& $db_query->getExpressions();
$expressions = array();
// If there's a GROUP BY for item_id, we leave that, all others need to be
// discarded.
$group_by =& $db_query->getGroupBy();
$group_by = array_intersect_key($group_by, array('t.item_id' => TRUE));
if (!$db_query->preExecute()) {
return FALSE;
$args = $db_query->getArguments();
try {
$result = $this->database->queryTemporary((string) $db_query, $args);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
watchdog_exception('search_api', $e, '%type while trying to create a temporary table: @message in %function (line %line of %file).');
return FALSE;
return $result;
示例14: setUp
* Sets up required mocks and the CommentStatistics service under test.
protected function setUp()
$this->statement = $this->getMockBuilder('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Driver\\sqlite\\Statement')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
$this->statement->expects($this->any())->method('fetchObject')->will($this->returnCallback(array($this, 'fetchObjectCallback')));
$this->select = $this->getMockBuilder('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Query\\Select')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
$this->database = $this->getMockBuilder('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Connection')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
$this->commentStatistics = new CommentStatistics($this->database, $this->getMock('Drupal\\Core\\Session\\AccountInterface'), $this->getMock('Drupal\\Core\\Entity\\EntityManagerInterface'), $this->getMock('Drupal\\Core\\State\\StateInterface'));
示例15: preExecute
* Preprocesses and validates the query.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the validation was successful, FALSE if not.
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\FieldsOverlapException
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\NoFieldsException
protected function preExecute()
// Confirm that the user did not try to specify an identical
// field and default field.
if (array_intersect($this->insertFields, $this->defaultFields)) {
throw new FieldsOverlapException('You may not specify the same field to have a value and a schema-default value.');
if (!empty($this->fromQuery)) {
// We have to assume that the used aliases match the insert fields.
// Regular fields are added to the query before expressions, maintain the
// same order for the insert fields.
// This behavior can be overridden by calling fields() manually as only the
// first call to fields() does have an effect.
$this->fields(array_merge(array_keys($this->fromQuery->getFields()), array_keys($this->fromQuery->getExpressions())));
} else {
// Don't execute query without fields.
if (count($this->insertFields) + count($this->defaultFields) == 0) {
throw new NoFieldsException('There are no fields available to insert with.');
// If no values have been added, silently ignore this query. This can happen
// if values are added conditionally, so we don't want to throw an
// exception.
if (!isset($this->insertValues[0]) && count($this->insertFields) > 0 && empty($this->fromQuery)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;