本文整理汇总了PHP中Alchemy\Phrasea\Application::getMediaFromUri方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Application::getMediaFromUri方法的具体用法?PHP Application::getMediaFromUri怎么用?PHP Application::getMediaFromUri使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Alchemy\Phrasea\Application
示例1: buildFromPathfile
* Build the File package object
* @param string $pathfile The path to the file
* @param \collection $collection The destination collection
* @param Application $app An application
* @param string $originalName An optionnal original name (if
* different from the $pathfile filename)
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return File
public static function buildFromPathfile($pathfile, \collection $collection, Application $app, $originalName = null)
try {
$media = $app->getMediaFromUri($pathfile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unable to build media file from non existant %s', $pathfile));
return new File($app, $media, $collection, $originalName);
示例2: createRecord
* Creates a record
* @param \collection $collection The destination collection
* @param string $pathfile The file to archive
* @param string|null $captionFile The Phrasea XML caption file or null if no caption file
* @param integer $grp_rid Add the record to a story
* @param integer $force Force lazaret or record ; use \Alchemy\Phrasea\Border\Manager::FORCE_* constants
* @return \record_adapter
public function createRecord(Application $app, \collection $collection, $pathfile, $captionFile, $grp_rid, $force, $stat0, $stat1)
$status = \databox_status::operation_or($stat0, $stat1);
$media = $app->getMediaFromUri($pathfile);
$databox = $collection->get_databox();
$metadatasStructure = $databox->get_meta_structure();
$metadatas = $this->getIndexByFieldName($metadatasStructure, $media->getMetadatas());
$metaFields = [];
if ($captionFile !== null && true === $app['filesystem']->exists($captionFile)) {
$metaFields = $this->readXMLForDatabox($app, $metadatasStructure, $captionFile);
$captionStatus = $this->parseStatusBit(@simplexml_load_file($captionFile));
if ($captionStatus) {
$status = \databox_status::operation_mask($status, $captionStatus);
$file = new File($app, $media, $collection);
$file->addAttribute(new BorderAttribute\Status($app, $status));
$file->addAttribute(new BorderAttribute\Metadata(new Metadata(new PhraseaTag\TfFilepath(), new MonoValue($media->getFile()->getRealPath()))));
$file->addAttribute(new BorderAttribute\Metadata(new Metadata(new PhraseaTag\TfDirname(), new MonoValue(dirname($media->getFile()->getRealPath())))));
$file->addAttribute(new BorderAttribute\Metadata(new Metadata(new PhraseaTag\TfAtime(), new MonoValue($media->getFile()->getATime()))));
$file->addAttribute(new BorderAttribute\Metadata(new Metadata(new PhraseaTag\TfMtime(), new MonoValue($media->getFile()->getMTime()))));
$file->addAttribute(new BorderAttribute\Metadata(new Metadata(new PhraseaTag\TfCtime(), new MonoValue($media->getFile()->getCTime()))));
foreach ($metadatas as $meta) {
$file->addAttribute(new BorderAttribute\Metadata($meta));
foreach ($metaFields as $metaField) {
if ($grp_rid) {
$file->addAttribute(new BorderAttribute\Story(new \record_adapter($app, $databox->get_sbas_id(), $grp_rid)));
$record = null;
$postProcess = function ($element, $visa, $code) use(&$record) {
$record = $element;
$app['border-manager']->process($this->getLazaretSession($app), $file, $postProcess, $force);
return $record;
示例3: createFromFile
* @param File $file
* @param Application $app
* @return \record_adapter
public static function createFromFile(File $file, Application $app)
$databox = $file->getCollection()->get_databox();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO record
(coll_id, record_id, parent_record_id, moddate, credate
, type, sha256, uuid, originalname, mime)
(:coll_id, null, :parent_record_id, NOW(), NOW()
, :type, :sha256, :uuid
, :originalname, :mime)';
$stmt = $databox->get_connection()->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute([':coll_id' => $file->getCollection()->get_coll_id(), ':parent_record_id' => 0, ':type' => $file->getType() ? $file->getType()->getType() : 'unknown', ':sha256' => $file->getMedia()->getHash('sha256'), ':uuid' => $file->getUUID(true), ':originalname' => $file->getOriginalName(), ':mime' => $file->getFile()->getMimeType()]);
$record_id = $databox->get_connection()->lastInsertId();
$record = new self($app, $databox->get_sbas_id(), $record_id);
try {
$log_id = $app['phraseanet.logger']($databox)->get_id();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO log_docs (id, log_id, date, record_id, action, final, comment)
VALUES (null, :log_id, now(),
:record_id, "add", :coll_id,"")';
$stmt = $databox->get_connection()->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute([':log_id' => $log_id, ':record_id' => $record_id, ':coll_id' => $file->getCollection()->get_coll_id()]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$pathhd = databox::dispatch($app['filesystem'], trim($databox->get_sxml_structure()->path));
$newname = $record->get_record_id() . "_document." . pathinfo($file->getOriginalName(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$app['filesystem']->copy($file->getFile()->getRealPath(), $pathhd . $newname, true);
$media = $app->getMediaFromUri($pathhd . $newname);
media_subdef::create($app, $record, 'document', $media);
$record->dispatch(RecordEvents::CREATED, new RecordCreatedEvent($record));
return $record;
示例4: apply
* {@inheritdoc}
public function apply(base $appbox, Application $app)
$conn = $appbox->get_connection();
try {
//get all old lazaret file & transform them to LazaretFile object
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM lazaret';
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$rs = $stmt->fetchAll();
} catch (DBALException $e) {
// table not found
if ($e->getCode() == '42S02') {
//order matters for foreign keys constraints
//truncate all altered tables
$this->truncateTable($app['orm.em'], 'Alchemy\\Phrasea\\Model\\Entities\\LazaretAttribute');
$this->truncateTable($app['orm.em'], 'Alchemy\\Phrasea\\Model\\Entities\\LazaretCheck');
$this->truncateTable($app['orm.em'], 'Alchemy\\Phrasea\\Model\\Entities\\LazaretFile');
$this->truncateTable($app['orm.em'], 'Alchemy\\Phrasea\\Model\\Entities\\LazaretSession');
$i = 0;
foreach ($rs as $row) {
$filePath = $app['tmp.lazaret.path'] . '/' . $row['filepath'];
if (null === ($user = $this->loadUser($app['orm.em'], $row['usr_id']))) {
if (file_exists($filePath)) {
$spec = new ImageSpec();
$spec->setDimensions(375, 275);
$thumbPath = $app['tmp.lazaret.path'] . '/' . sprintf("thumb_%s", $row['filepath']);
try {
$app['media-alchemyst']->turnInto($filePath, $thumbPath, $spec);
} catch (MediaAlchemystException $e) {
$media = $app->getMediaFromUri($filePath);
$collection = \collection::get_from_base_id($app, $row['base_id']);
$borderFile = new \Alchemy\Phrasea\Border\File($app, $media, $collection);
$lazaretSession = new LazaretSession();
$lazaretFile = new LazaretFile();
if (null === $row['uuid']) {
$uuid = $borderFile->getUUID(true);
} else {
if (null === $row['sha256']) {
$sha256 = $media->getHash('sha256');
} else {
$lazaretFile->setThumbFilename(pathinfo($thumbPath), PATHINFO_BASENAME);
$lazaretFile->setCreated(new \DateTime($row['created_on']));
if (0 === ++$i % 100) {
return true;
示例5: stamp
* @param Application $app
* @param \media_subdef $subdef
* @return string The path to the stamped file
public static function stamp(Application $app, \media_subdef $subdef)
static $palette;
if (null === $palette) {
$palette = new RGB();
$xmlToColor = function ($attr, $ret = [255, 255, 255]) use($palette) {
try {
$alpha = 100;
$attr = explode(',', $attr);
if (count($attr) == 4) {
// 0..127 -> 100..0
$alpha = (int) ((127 - (int) array_pop($attr)) / 1.27);
return $palette->color($attr, $alpha);
} catch (ImagineException $e) {
return $palette->color($ret);
$base_id = $subdef->get_record()->get_base_id();
if ($subdef->get_type() !== \media_subdef::TYPE_IMAGE) {
return $subdef->get_pathfile();
if (!$subdef->is_physically_present()) {
return $subdef->get_pathfile();
$rotation = null;
try {
$image = $app->getMediaFromUri($subdef->get_pathfile());
if (MediaInterface::TYPE_IMAGE === $image->getType()) {
$rotation = $image->getOrientation();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// getting orientation failed but we don't care the reason
$domprefs = new DOMDocument();
if (false === $domprefs->loadXML($subdef->get_record()->get_collection()->get_prefs())) {
return $subdef->get_pathfile();
if (false === ($sxxml = simplexml_load_string($app['serializer.caption']->serialize($subdef->get_record()->get_caption(), CaptionSerializer::SERIALIZE_XML)))) {
return $subdef->get_pathfile();
$xpprefs = new DOMXPath($domprefs);
$stampNodes = $xpprefs->query('/baseprefs/stamp');
if ($stampNodes->length == 0) {
return $subdef->get_pathfile();
$pathIn = $subdef->get_path() . $subdef->get_file();
$pathOut = $subdef->get_path() . 'stamp_' . $subdef->get_file();
$vars = $xpprefs->query('/baseprefs/stamp/*/var');
// no way to cache when date changes
for ($i = 0; $i < $vars->length; $i++) {
if (strtoupper($vars->item($i)->getAttribute('name')) == 'DATE') {
// get from cache ?
if (is_file($pathOut)) {
return $pathOut;
// open the document
$image_in = $app['imagine']->open($pathIn);
$image_size = $image_in->getSize();
switch ($rotation) {
case Image::ORIENTATION_90:
$image_width = $image_size->getHeight();
$image_height = $image_size->getWidth();
$rotation = '90';
case Image::ORIENTATION_270:
$image_width = $image_size->getHeight();
$image_height = $image_size->getWidth();
case Image::ORIENTATION_180:
$image_width = $image_size->getWidth();
$image_height = $image_size->getHeight();
$image_width = $image_size->getWidth();
$image_height = $image_size->getHeight();
// open the logo
$logo_phywidth = $logo_phyheight = 0;
// physical size
$logo_file = $app['root.path'] . '/config/stamp/' . $base_id;
try {
$logo_obj = $app['imagine']->open($logo_file);
$logo_size = $logo_obj->getSize();
$logo_phywidth = $logo_size->getWidth();