本文整理汇总了PHP中table::th方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP table::th方法的具体用法?PHP table::th怎么用?PHP table::th使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类table
示例1: show_preprint
function show_preprint($rowId, $action, $showcancelButton = True)
global $dbClass;
$res = $dbClass->query("SELECT * FROM publications WHERE RowId='" . $rowId . "'");
$row = $dbClass->next_record($res);
$c = "class='align_right'";
$t = new table("cellpadding='2'", "<form action='loader.php?rowId=" . $rowId . "&action=" . $action . "' method='POST'>");
if ($showcancelButton) {
$missing = x("", "?");
} else {
$missing = False;
$field = nl2html($GLOBALS["NOR_fields"][$row["Field"]]);
$authors = nl2html($row["Authors"], $missing);
$title = nl2html($row["Title"], $missing);
$location = nl2html($row["Location"], $missing);
$journal = nl2html($row["PublIn"], $missing);
$t->th($c, "Preprint :");
$t->td("", pp_preprintID($row["Year"], $row["Report"]));
$t->th($c, "Field :");
$t->td("", $field);
$t->th($c, "Authors :");
$t->td("", $authors);
if ($location) {
$t->th($c, "Location :");
$t->td("", $location);
if ($journal) {
$t->th($c, "Published in :");
$t->td("", $journal);
$t->th($c, "Entered by :");
$t->td("", uid2gecos($row["Id"]));
$buttons[] = "<input type='submit' value='continue' name='button'>";
if ($showcancelButton) {
$buttons[] = "<input type='submit' value='cancel' name='button'>" . "<input type='hidden' name='load' value='show_preprints.php'>";
} else {
$buttons[] = "<input type='submit' value='update information for this preprint' name='button'>" . "<input type='hidden' name='load' value='edit_preprints.php'>" . "<input type='hidden' name='nor_pp_mode' value='" . NOR_PP_MODE_EDIT . "'>";
$t->td("", join(" ", $buttons));
if (!$showcancelButton) {
$t->tr("", "colspan='3'", x("i", "<br>When you have published this preprint in a Public Archive<br>" . "(i.e. you know the URL to the abstract)<br>please return and complete the form.<br><br>" . "If you want to publish _only_ at Nordita you can upload your paper now.<br>" . "Note, you can correct eventual typos at any time, and you may also cancel the preprint reservation."));
示例2: table
$t->td("", core_getLink("manage users", "edit_users.php"));
if ($authClass->isAdmin()) {
$t->td("", core_getLink("see access log", "listLog.php"));
if (True) {
$t->td("", core_getLink(PP_RESERVE, "edit_preprints.php?nor_pp_period=" . $nor_pp_period . "&nor_pp_mode=" . NOR_PP_MODE_RESERVE));
} else {
$t->td("", "<div class='only_online'>" . pp_getLink("how to submit preprint", "howto.php", $modal = True) . "</div>");
$t = new table("class='filled' align='center' width='100%'", "<div id='preprints' class='pp_list'>");
$t->th("width='60'", "<span class='only_online'>Serial</span>");
$t->th("", "Title and author(s)");
$t->th("", "Published in");
if ($group != "all") {
$queryG = " AND Field=" . $dbClass->quote($group);
} else {
$queryG = "";
if ($author) {
$queryA = " AND Authors LIKE '" . $dbClass->quote("%" . $author . "%") . "'";
} else {
$queryA = "";
$dbClass->query("SELECT * FROM publications WHERE " . ($selectPP ? "RowId = '" . $selectPP . "'" : "Status='ok' AND Year>='" . $yFirst . "' AND Year<='" . $yLast . "' " . $queryG . " " . $queryA) . " ORDER BY Year,Report DESC");
while ($pr = $dbClass->next_record()) {
示例3: showMailsSent
public static function showMailsSent()
if (!empty(self::$sentMails)) {
$t = new table("cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' bgcolor='yellow' " . core_getConfig("errorWidth", "width=70%"));
$t->th("colspan=3", "Important message");
$many = count(self::$sentMails) > 1;
$t->tr("", "colspan=3", "We have sent the following e-mail" . ($many ? "s" : "") . " (see below) with an important information.<br>" . "Please make sure that " . ($many ? "these e-mails are" : "this e-mail is") . " not considered as spam by the mail filter and that<br>" . ($many ? "they reach" : "it reaches") . " the address you indicated.<br>");
$t->th("", " ");
$t->th("", $t->x("i", "To:"));
$t->th("", $t->x("i", "Subject:"));
foreach (self::$sentMails as $to => $v) {
if (!$v || (int) $to) {
foreach ($v as $k => $subject) {
$t->td("", $to);
$t->td("", $subject);
$to = "";
示例4: startPage
echo "\nnumber {$row['Year']}-{$row['Report']}?</p>\n<form action='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "'>\n <input type='hidden' name='nor_pp_mode' value='{$nor_pp_mode}'>\n <input type='hidden' name='nor_pp_period' value='{$nor_pp_period}'>\n <input type='hidden' name='rowId' value='{$rowId}'>\n <p><input type='submit' name='confirmed' value='yes'>\n <input type='submit' name='confirmed' value='no'></p>\n</form>\n";
nor_pp_require_row_owner($rowId, $AUTH_login);
startPage("Edit Preprints" . ($authClass->isAdmin() ? " (Admin)" : ""));
$res = $dbClass->query("SELECT * FROM publications WHERE RowId={$rowId}");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
$default_field = nl2html($row["Field"]);
$t = new table("class='framed'", "<center>" . "<form action='update_preprint.php' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post'>\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='pp_id' value='" . pp_preprintID($row["Year"], $row["Report"]) . "'>\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='nor_pp_period' value='{$nor_pp_period}'>\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='nor_pp_mode' value='{$nor_pp_mode}'>\n");
$t->th("", "entry owner");
$t->td("", make_user_selection($row["Id"]));
$t->tr("", "", "<input name='button' type='submit' value='continue'> " . "<input name='button' type='submit' value='cancel'>", " ");
nor_pp_require_row_owner($rowId, $AUTH_login);
startPage("Preprint registered in database");
$dbClass->query("UPDATE publications SET Status='registered',Tm='" . time() . "' WHERE RowId='{$rowId}'");
$res = $dbClass->query("SELECT * FROM publications WHERE RowId={$rowId}");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
echo "<p>Your preprint has been registered, and is waiting for acceptance</p>\n";
echo "<p><a href='show_preprints.php'>Return to preprints</a>.</p>";
show_preprint($rowId, "show_preprints.php");