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PHP rcube_utils::is_absolute_path方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中rcube_utils::is_absolute_path方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP rcube_utils::is_absolute_path方法的具体用法?PHP rcube_utils::is_absolute_path怎么用?PHP rcube_utils::is_absolute_path使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在rcube_utils的用法示例。


示例1: test_is_absolute_path

  * rcube:utils::is_absolute_path()
 function test_is_absolute_path()
     if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') {
         $test = array('' => false, "C:\\" => true, 'some/path' => false);
     } else {
         $test = array('' => false, '/path' => true, 'some/path' => false);
     foreach ($test as $input => $output) {
         $result = rcube_utils::is_absolute_path($input);
         $this->assertSame($output, $result);

示例2: resolve_paths

  * Helper method to resolve absolute paths to the given config file.
  * This also takes the 'env' property into account.
  * @param string  $file    Filename or absolute file path
  * @param boolean $use_env Return -$env file path if exists
  * @return array List of candidates in config dir path(s)
 public function resolve_paths($file, $use_env = true)
     $files = array();
     $abs_path = rcube_utils::is_absolute_path($file);
     foreach ($this->paths as $basepath) {
         $realpath = $abs_path ? $file : realpath($basepath . '/' . $file);
         // check if <file>-env.ini exists
         if ($realpath && $use_env && !empty($this->env)) {
             $envfile = preg_replace('/\\.(inc.php)$/', '-' . $this->env . '.\\1', $realpath);
             if (is_file($envfile)) {
                 $realpath = $envfile;
         if ($realpath) {
             $files[] = $realpath;
             // no need to continue the loop if an absolute file path is given
             if ($abs_path) {
     return $files;

示例3: foreach

            echo html::tag('li', null, html::span('propname', $msg['prop']) . ': ' . $msg['explain']);
        echo '</ul>';

<h3>Check if directories are writable</h3>
<p>Roundcube may need to write/save files into these directories</p>
$dirs[] = $RCI->config['temp_dir'] ? $RCI->config['temp_dir'] : 'temp';
if ($RCI->config['log_driver'] != 'syslog') {
    $dirs[] = $RCI->config['log_dir'] ? $RCI->config['log_dir'] : 'logs';
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
    $dirpath = rcube_utils::is_absolute_path($dir) ? $dir : INSTALL_PATH . $dir;
    if (is_writable(realpath($dirpath))) {
        $pass = true;
    } else {
        $RCI->fail($dir, 'not writeable for the webserver');
    echo '<br />';
if (!$pass) {
    echo '<p class="hint">Use <tt>chmod</tt> or <tt>chown</tt> to grant write privileges to the webserver</p>';

<h3>Check DB config</h3>
