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PHP pData::ImportFromCSV方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中pData::ImportFromCSV方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP pData::ImportFromCSV方法的具体用法?PHP pData::ImportFromCSV怎么用?PHP pData::ImportFromCSV使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pData的用法示例。


示例1: make

 public function make($working_path)
     // This will import the file http://my.domain.com/myData.csv using each column as a serie
     if (!$this->plot->valid()) {
         $file = $this->plot->name();
         $error = $this->plot->error();
         $this->log($working_path, "Plot file {$file} is invalid: {$error}");
         return 1;
     $data = new pData();
     $columns = array();
     $all_columns = array();
     $x_column = $this->plot->property('x_column') - 1;
     if ($x_column === NULL) {
         $x_column = 0;
     $data_file = $this->plot->data_property('name');
     $deliminator = $this->plot->data_property('deliminator');
     $has_header = $this->plot->data_property('header') == 'yes';
     foreach ($this->plot->columns() as $column => $name) {
         if ($column != $x_column + 1) {
             $columns[] = $column - 1;
         $all_columns[] = $column - 1;
     $data->ImportFromCSV($working_path . $data_file, $deliminator, $all_columns, $has_header);
     foreach ($columns as $column) {
         $name = $this->plot->column($column + 1);
         $data->AddSerie('Serie' . $column);
         $data->SetSerieName($name, "Serie" . $column);
     $max_col = -1;
     $max_val = NULL;
     foreach ($data->GetData() as $record) {
         foreach ($columns as $column) {
             $point = $record['Serie' . $column];
             if ($max_val === NULL || $point > $max_val) {
                 $max_val = $point;
                 $max_col = $column;
     $x_label = $this->plot->axis_property('x', 'label');
     if ($x_label) {
     } else {
         $data->SetXAxisName($this->plot->column($x_column + 1));
     $x_unit = $this->plot->axis_property('x', 'unit');
     if ($x_unit) {
     $y_label = $this->plot->axis_property('y', 'label');
     if ($y_label) {
     } else {
         $data->SetYAxisName($this->plot->column(current($columns) + 1));
     $y_unit = $this->plot->axis_property('y', 'unit');
     if ($y_unit) {
     $width = $this->plot->property('width');
     if (!$width) {
         $width = 640;
     $height = $this->plot->property('height');
     if (!$height) {
         $height = 480;
     $plot = new pChart($width, $height);
     $font_name = $this->plot->property('font-name');
     if (!$font_name) {
         $font_name = 'tahoma.ttf';
     $font_name = 'lib/plugins/projects/pchart/fonts/' . $font_name;
     $font_size = $this->plot->property('font_size');
     if (!$font_size) {
         $font_size = 12;
     $plot->setFontProperties($font_name, $font_size);
     $h = $font_size + 10;
     $left_margin = 0;
     foreach ($data->GetData() as $record) {
         $position = imageftbbox($font_size, 0, $font_name, $record['Serie' . $max_col]);
         $text_width = $position[2] - $position[0];
         if ($text_width > $left_margin) {
             $left_margin = $text_width;
     $left_margin += 2 * $h;
     $plot->setGraphArea($left_margin, 2 * $h, $width - $h, $height - 2 * $h);
     $background = $this->plot->property('background');
     if (!$background) {
         $background = array('R' => 255, 'G' => 255, 'B' => 255);
     } else {
         $background = html_color_to_RGB($background);
     $plot->drawGraphArea($background['R'], $background['G'], $background['B']);

示例2: pData


    Example1 : A simple line chart
// Standard inclusions
include "src/pData.php";
include "src/pChart.php";
// Dataset definition
$DataSet = new pData();
$DataSet->ImportFromCSV("Sample/bulkdata.csv", ",", array(1, 2, 3), FALSE, 0);
$DataSet->SetSerieName("January", "Serie1");
$DataSet->SetSerieName("February", "Serie2");
$DataSet->SetSerieName("March", "Serie3");
$DataSet->SetYAxisName("Average age");
// Initialise the graph
$Test = new pChart(700, 230);
$Test->setFontProperties("Fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8);
$Test->setGraphArea(70, 30, 680, 200);
$Test->drawFilledRoundedRectangle(7, 7, 693, 223, 5, 240, 240, 240);
$Test->drawRoundedRectangle(5, 5, 695, 225, 5, 230, 230, 230);
$Test->drawGraphArea(255, 255, 255, TRUE);
$Test->drawScale($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), SCALE_NORMAL, 150, 150, 150, TRUE, 0, 2);
$Test->drawGrid(4, TRUE, 230, 230, 230, 50);
// Draw the 0 line
$Test->setFontProperties("Fonts/tahoma.ttf", 6);
$Test->drawTreshold(0, 143, 55, 72, TRUE, TRUE);
// Draw the line graph

示例3: pData


    Example6 : A simple filled line graph
// Standard inclusions
include "src/pData.php";
include "src/pChart.php";
// Dataset definition
$DataSet = new pData();
$DataSet->ImportFromCSV("Sample/datawithtitle.csv", ",", array(1, 2, 3), TRUE, 0);
// Initialise the graph
$Test = new pChart(700, 230);
$Test->setFontProperties("Fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8);
$Test->setGraphArea(60, 30, 680, 200);
$Test->drawFilledRoundedRectangle(7, 7, 693, 223, 5, 240, 240, 240);
$Test->drawRoundedRectangle(5, 5, 695, 225, 5, 230, 230, 230);
$Test->drawGraphArea(255, 255, 255, TRUE);
$Test->drawScale($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), SCALE_NORMAL, 150, 150, 150, TRUE, 0, 2);
$Test->drawGrid(4, TRUE, 230, 230, 230, 50);
// Draw the 0 line
$Test->setFontProperties("Fonts/tahoma.ttf", 6);
$Test->drawTreshold(0, 143, 55, 72, TRUE, TRUE);
// Draw the filled line graph
$Test->drawFilledLineGraph($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 50, TRUE);
// Finish the graph
$Test->setFontProperties("Fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8);
$Test->drawLegend(65, 35, $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 255, 255, 255);
$Test->setFontProperties("Fonts/tahoma.ttf", 10);

示例4: pData


    Example16 : Importing CSV data
// Standard inclusions
include "pChart/pData.class";
include "pChart/pChart.class";
// Dataset definition
$DataSet = new pData();
$DataSet->ImportFromCSV("Sample/CO2.csv", ",", array(1, 2, 3, 4), TRUE, 0);
$DataSet->SetYAxisName("CO2 concentrations");
// Initialise the graph
$Test = new pChart(700, 230);
$Test->setFontProperties("Fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8);
$Test->setGraphArea(60, 30, 680, 180);
$Test->drawFilledRoundedRectangle(7, 7, 693, 223, 5, 240, 240, 240);
$Test->drawRoundedRectangle(5, 5, 695, 225, 5, 230, 230, 230);
$Test->drawGraphArea(255, 255, 255, TRUE);
$Test->drawScale($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), SCALE_NORMAL, 150, 150, 150, TRUE, 90, 2);
$Test->drawGrid(4, TRUE, 230, 230, 230, 50);
// Draw the 0 line
$Test->setFontProperties("Fonts/tahoma.ttf", 6);
$Test->drawTreshold(0, 143, 55, 72, TRUE, TRUE);
// Draw the line graph
$Test->drawLineGraph($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription());
$Test->drawPlotGraph($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 3, 2, 255, 255, 255);
// Finish the graph
