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PHP lesson::get_next_page方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中lesson::get_next_page方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP lesson::get_next_page方法的具体用法?PHP lesson::get_next_page怎么用?PHP lesson::get_next_page使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在lesson的用法示例。


示例1: record_attempt

  * Records an attempt at this page
  * @final
  * @global moodle_database $DB
  * @param stdClass $context
  * @return stdClass Returns the result of the attempt
 public final function record_attempt($context)
     global $DB, $USER, $OUTPUT;
      * This should be overridden by each page type to actually check the response
      * against what ever custom criteria they have defined
     $result = $this->check_answer();
     $result->attemptsremaining = 0;
     $result->maxattemptsreached = false;
     if ($result->noanswer) {
         $result->newpageid = $this->properties->id;
         // display same page again
         $result->feedback = get_string('noanswer', 'lesson');
     } else {
         if (!has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
             $nretakes = $DB->count_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid" => $this->lesson->id, "userid" => $USER->id));
             // record student's attempt
             $attempt = new stdClass();
             $attempt->lessonid = $this->lesson->id;
             $attempt->pageid = $this->properties->id;
             $attempt->userid = $USER->id;
             $attempt->answerid = $result->answerid;
             $attempt->retry = $nretakes;
             $attempt->correct = $result->correctanswer;
             if ($result->userresponse !== null) {
                 $attempt->useranswer = $result->userresponse;
             $attempt->timeseen = time();
             // if allow modattempts, then update the old attempt record, otherwise, insert new answer record
             $userisreviewing = false;
             if (isset($USER->modattempts[$this->lesson->id])) {
                 $attempt->retry = $nretakes - 1;
                 // they are going through on review, $nretakes will be too high
                 $userisreviewing = true;
             // Only insert a record if we are not reviewing the lesson.
             if (!$userisreviewing) {
                 if ($this->lesson->retake || !$this->lesson->retake && $nretakes == 0) {
                     $DB->insert_record("lesson_attempts", $attempt);
             // "number of attempts remaining" message if $this->lesson->maxattempts > 1
             // displaying of message(s) is at the end of page for more ergonomic display
             if (!$result->correctanswer && $result->newpageid == 0) {
                 // wrong answer and student is stuck on this page - check how many attempts
                 // the student has had at this page/question
                 $nattempts = $DB->count_records("lesson_attempts", array("pageid" => $this->properties->id, "userid" => $USER->id, "retry" => $attempt->retry));
                 // retreive the number of attempts left counter for displaying at bottom of feedback page
                 if ($nattempts >= $this->lesson->maxattempts) {
                     if ($this->lesson->maxattempts > 1) {
                         // don't bother with message if only one attempt
                         $result->maxattemptsreached = true;
                     $result->newpageid = LESSON_NEXTPAGE;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->lesson->maxattempts > 1) {
                         // don't bother with message if only one attempt
                         $result->attemptsremaining = $this->lesson->maxattempts - $nattempts;
         // TODO: merge this code with the jump code below.  Convert jumpto page into a proper page id
         if ($result->newpageid == 0) {
             $result->newpageid = $this->properties->id;
         } elseif ($result->newpageid == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) {
             $result->newpageid = $this->lesson->get_next_page($this->properties->nextpageid);
         // Determine default feedback if necessary
         if (empty($result->response)) {
             if (!$this->lesson->feedback && !$result->noanswer && !($this->lesson->review & !$result->correctanswer && !$result->isessayquestion)) {
                 // These conditions have been met:
                 //  1. The lesson manager has not supplied feedback to the student
                 //  2. Not displaying default feedback
                 //  3. The user did provide an answer
                 //  4. We are not reviewing with an incorrect answer (and not reviewing an essay question)
                 $result->nodefaultresponse = true;
                 // This will cause a redirect below
             } else {
                 if ($result->isessayquestion) {
                     $result->response = get_string('defaultessayresponse', 'lesson');
                 } else {
                     if ($result->correctanswer) {
                         $result->response = get_string('thatsthecorrectanswer', 'lesson');
                     } else {
                         $result->response = get_string('thatsthewronganswer', 'lesson');
         if ($result->response) {
