本文整理汇总了PHP中kConf::hasParam方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP kConf::hasParam方法的具体用法?PHP kConf::hasParam怎么用?PHP kConf::hasParam使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类kConf
示例1: generateFilePathArr
* will return a pair of file_root and file_path
* This is the only function that should be extended for building a different path
* @param ISyncableFile $object
* @param int $subType
* @param $version
public function generateFilePathArr(ISyncableFile $object, $subType, $version = null)
// $traces = debug_backtrace(false);
// foreach($traces as $i => $trace)
// {
// $file = $trace['file'];
// $line = $trace['line'];
// $class = $trace['class'];
// $function = $trace['function'];
// KalturaLog::debug("#$i Called from function [$class::$function] file[$file] line[$line]");
// }
list($root, $path) = $object->generateFilePathArr($subType, $version);
$root = str_replace('//', '/', $root);
$path = str_replace('//', '/', $path);
if (!kConf::hasParam('volumes')) {
KalturaLog::debug("Path [{$root}{$path}]");
return array($root, $path);
if (isset(self::$sessionCache[$path])) {
return array($root, self::$sessionCache[$path]);
$volumes = kConf::get('volumes');
$volume = $volumes[rand(0, count($volumes) - 1)];
$newPath = str_replace('/content/', "/content/{$volume}/", $path);
self::$sessionCache[$path] = $newPath;
$path = $newPath;
KalturaLog::debug("Path [{$root}{$path}]");
return array($root, $path);
示例2: init
protected static function init()
if (!kConf::hasParam('monitor_uri')) {
return null;
$uri = kConf::get('monitor_uri');
$pathInfo = parse_url($uri);
if (isset($pathInfo['host']) && $pathInfo['port']) {
$host = $pathInfo['host'];
if (isset($pathInfo['scheme'])) {
$host = $pathInfo['scheme'] . "://{$host}";
$errno = null;
$errstr = null;
self::$stream = fsockopen($host, $pathInfo['port'], $errno, $errstr, 1);
if (self::$stream) {
return true;
if (class_exists('KalturaLog')) {
KalturaLog::err("Open socket failed: {$errstr}");
self::$stream = fopen($uri, 'a');
if (self::$stream) {
return true;
self::$stream = false;
// prevent init from being called again
return false;
示例3: init
protected function init()
if (!parent::init()) {
return false;
// ignore params which may hurt caching such as callback, playSessionId
if (kConf::hasParam('playmanifest_ignore_params')) {
$ignoreParams = kConf::get('playmanifest_ignore_params');
foreach ($ignoreParams as $paramName) {
$this->_playbackContext = isset($this->_params['playbackContext']) ? $this->_params['playbackContext'] : null;
$this->_deliveryCode = isset($this->_params['deliveryCode']) ? $this->_params['deliveryCode'] : null;
// take only the hostname part of the referrer parameter of baseEntry.getContextData
if (isset($this->_params['referrer'])) {
$referrer = base64_decode(str_replace(" ", "+", $this->_params['referrer']));
if (!is_string($referrer)) {
$referrer = "";
} else {
$referrer = self::getHttpReferrer();
$this->_referrers[] = $referrer;
return true;
示例4: execute
public function execute()
$this->result = 0;
if (@$_REQUEST["exit"] == "true") {
$login = NULL;
$password = NULL;
} else {
$login = @$_REQUEST["login"];
$password = @$_REQUEST["pwd"];
//echo "login: $login, password: $password";
$this->login = $login;
$this->sign_in_referer = @$_REQUEST["sign_in_referer"];
if (empty($this->sign_in_referer)) {
$this->sign_in_referer = $this->getFlash("sign_in_referer");
if (empty($login) || empty($password)) {
$this->result = 0;
} else {
if (kConf::hasParam("system_pages_login_password") && sha1($password) == kConf::get("system_pages_login_password")) {
if (empty($this->sign_in_referer)) {
// should go back - the original hit was to this page - no reason to go back or refresh
$this->result = 2;
} else {
$this->result = 1;
} else {
$this->result = -1;
示例5: getCache
* @param int $type
* @return kBaseCacheWrapper or null on error
public static function getCache($type)
if (array_key_exists($type, self::$caches)) {
return self::$caches[$type];
if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$cacheConfigs)) {
return null;
$config = self::$cacheConfigs[$type];
$className = "k{$config[0]}CacheWrapper";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $className . '.php';
$cache = new $className();
// get required kConf params
$config = array_slice($config, 1);
foreach ($config as $index => $value) {
if (is_string($value) && substr($value, 0, strlen(self::KCONF_PARAM_PREFIX)) == self::KCONF_PARAM_PREFIX) {
$value = substr($value, strlen(self::KCONF_PARAM_PREFIX));
if (!kConf::hasParam($value)) {
self::$caches[$type] = null;
return null;
$config[$index] = kConf::get($value);
// initialize the cache
if (call_user_func_array(array($cache, 'init'), $config) === false) {
$cache = null;
self::$caches[$type] = $cache;
return $cache;
示例6: isRelativeTimeEnabled
public static function isRelativeTimeEnabled()
if (!kConf::hasParam('disable_relative_time_partners')) {
return true;
return !in_array(kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId(), kConf::get('disable_relative_time_partners'));
示例7: getCacheKeyPrefix
private static function getCacheKeyPrefix()
$result = self::GLOBAL_CACHE_KEY_PREFIX;
if (kConf::hasParam('permission_cache_version')) {
$result .= kConf::get('permission_cache_version');
return $result;
示例8: execute
public function execute()
$widgetId = $this->getRequestParameter("wid");
$widget = widgetPeer::retrieveByPK($widgetId);
if (!$widget) {
KalturaLog::err("Widget id [{$widgetId}] not found");
$entry = $widget->getentry();
$entryId = $widget->getEntryId();
if (!$entry) {
KalturaLog::err("Entry id [{$entryId}] not found");
$uiConf = $widget->getuiConf();
$uiConfId = $widget->getUiConfId();
if (!$uiConf) {
KalturaLog::err("UI Conf id [{$uiConfId}] not found");
$this->entry_name = $entry->getName();
$this->entry_description = $entry->getDescription();
$this->entry_thumbnail_url = $entry->getThumbnailUrl();
$this->entry_thumbnail_secure_url = $entry->getThumbnailUrl(null, 'https');
$this->entry_duration = $entry->getDuration();
$flavor_tag = $this->getRequestParameter('flavor_tag', 'iphone');
$flavor_assets = assetPeer::retrieveReadyFlavorsByEntryIdAndTag($entryId, $flavor_tag);
$flavor_asset = reset($flavor_assets);
$flavorId = null;
if ($flavor_asset) {
$flavorId = $flavor_asset->getId();
$embed_host = kConf::hasParam('cdn_api_host') ? kConf::get('cdn_api_host') : kConf::get('www_host');
$embed_host_https = kConf::hasParam('cdn_api_host_https') ? kConf::get('cdn_api_host_https') : kConf::get('www_host');
$https_enabled = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? true : false;
$protocol = $https_enabled ? 'https' : 'http';
$port = $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80" ? ":" . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] : '';
$partnerId = $widget->getPartnerId();
$this->widget = $widget;
$this->entry = $entry;
$this->uiConf = $uiConf;
// Build SWF Path
$swfPath = "/index.php/kwidget/wid/" . $widgetId . "/uiconf_id/" . $uiConfId . "/entry_id/" . $entryId;
// Set SWF URLs
$this->swfUrl = 'http://' . $embed_host . $swfPath;
$this->swfSecureUrl = 'https://' . $embed_host_https . $swfPath;
// set player url
$this->playerUrl = 'https://' . $embed_host_https . '/p/' . $this->partner_id . '/sp/' . $this->partner_id . '00/embedIframeJs/uiconf_id/' . $this->uiconf_id . '/partner_id/' . $this->partner_id . '?iframeembed=true&entry_id=' . $this->entry_id . '&flashvars[streamerType]=auto';
$host = $https_enabled ? $embed_host_https : $embed_host;
$this->html5Url = $protocol . "://" . $host . "/p/" . $partnerId . "/sp/" . $partnerId . "00/embedIframeJs/uiconf_id/" . $uiConfId . "/partner_id/" . $partnerId;
$this->pageURL = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $port . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$this->flavorUrl = null;
if (isset($flavorId)) {
$this->flavorUrl = 'https://' . $embed_host_https . '/p/' . $partnerId . '/sp/' . $partnerId . '00/playManifest/entryId/' . $entryId . '/flavorId/' . $flavorId . '/format/url/protocol/' . $protocol . '/a.mp4';
示例9: __construct
public function __construct($filePath, $ffprobeBin = null)
if (is_null($ffprobeBin)) {
if (kConf::hasParam('bin_path_ffprobeKAMFMediaInfoParser')) {
$this->ffprobeBin = kConf::get('bin_path_ffprobeKAMFMediaInfoParser');
} else {
$this->ffprobeBin = $ffprobeBin;
if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
throw new kApplicativeException(KBaseMediaParser::ERROR_NFS_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST, "File not found at [{$filePath}]");
$this->filePath = $filePath;
示例10: getExclusiveJobs
* will return BatchJob objects.
* @param kExclusiveLockKey $lockKey
* @param int $max_execution_time
* @param int $number_of_objects
* @param int $jobType
* @param BatchJobFilter $filter
public static function getExclusiveJobs(kExclusiveLockKey $lockKey, $max_execution_time, $number_of_objects, $jobType, BatchJobFilter $filter)
$priority = kBatchManager::getNextJobPriority($jobType);
$c = new Criteria();
// added to support nfs delay
if ($jobType == BatchJobType::EXTRACT_MEDIA || $jobType == BatchJobType::POSTCONVERT || $jobType == BatchJobType::STORAGE_EXPORT) {
$interval = kConf::hasParam('nfs_safety_margin_sec') ? kConf::get('nfs_safety_margin_sec') : 5;
$c->add(BatchJobPeer::CREATED_AT, time() - $interval, Criteria::LESS_THAN);
$c->add(BatchJobPeer::JOB_TYPE, $jobType);
$c->add(BatchJobPeer::PRIORITY, $priority, Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL);
$max_exe_attempts = BatchJobPeer::getMaxExecutionAttempts($jobType);
return self::getExclusive($c, $lockKey, $max_execution_time, $number_of_objects, $max_exe_attempts);
示例11: getInstance
public static function getInstance($partnerId)
$partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId);
if ($partner->getBroadcastUrlManager()) {
$broadcastUrlManager = $partner->getBroadcastUrlManager();
if (class_exists($broadcastUrlManager)) {
return new $broadcastUrlManager($partnerId);
if (kConf::hasParam('broadcast_url_manager')) {
$broadcastUrlManager = kConf::get('broadcast_url_manager');
if (class_exists($broadcastUrlManager)) {
return new $broadcastUrlManager($partnerId);
return new kBroadcastUrlManager($partnerId);
示例12: sendRegistrationInformationForPartner
public function sendRegistrationInformationForPartner($partner, $skip_emails, $existingUser)
// email the client with this info
$adminKuser = kuserPeer::retrieveByPK($partner->getAccountOwnerKuserId());
$this->sendRegistrationInformation($partner, $adminKuser, $existingUser, null, $partner->getType());
if (!$skip_emails && kConf::hasParam("report_partner_registration") && kConf::get("report_partner_registration")) {
// email the wikisupport@kaltura.com with this info
$this->sendRegistrationInformation($partner, $adminKuser, $existingUser, self::KALTURA_SUPPORT);
// if need to hook into SalesForce - this is the place
if (include_once "mySalesForceUtils.class.php") {
// if need to hook into Marketo - this is the place
if (include_once "myMarketoUtils.class.php") {
示例13: internalFulfilled
protected function internalFulfilled(kScope $scope)
$referrer = $scope->getReferrer();
if ($this->getNot() === true && !$this->globalWhitelistDomainsAppended && strpos($referrer, "kwidget") === false && kConf::hasParam("global_whitelisted_domains")) {
$ks = $scope->getKs();
if (!$ks || !in_array($ks->partner_id, kConf::get('global_whitelisted_domains_exclude'))) {
$this->globalWhitelistDomainsAppended = true;
$globalWhitelistedDomains = kConf::get("global_whitelisted_domains");
if (!is_array($globalWhitelistedDomains)) {
$globalWhitelistedDomains = explode(',', $globalWhitelistedDomains);
foreach ($globalWhitelistedDomains as $globalWhitelistedDomain) {
$this->values[] = new kStringValue($globalWhitelistedDomain);
kApiCache::addExtraField(kApiCache::ECF_REFERRER, kApiCache::COND_SITE_MATCH, $this->getStringValues($scope));
return parent::internalFulfilled($scope);
示例14: setCacheExpiry
function setCacheExpiry($entriesCount, $feedId)
$expiryArr = kConf::hasMap("v3cache_getfeed_expiry") ? kConf::getMap("v3cache_getfeed_expiry") : array();
foreach ($expiryArr as $item) {
if ($item["key"] == "partnerId" && $item["value"] == kCurrentContext::$partner_id || $item["key"] == "feedId" && $item["value"] == $feedId) {
$expiry = kConf::get("v3cache_getfeed_default_cache_time_frame", 'local', 86400);
if (kConf::hasParam("v3cache_getfeed_short_limits_array")) {
$shortLimits = kConf::get("v3cache_getfeed_short_limits_array");
} else {
$shortLimits = array(50 => 900, 100 => 1800, 200 => 3600, 400 => 7200);
foreach ($shortLimits as $numOfEntries => $cacheTimeFrame) {
if ($entriesCount <= $numOfEntries) {
$expiry = min($expiry, $cacheTimeFrame);
示例15: deleteOldFileSyncVersions
private function deleteOldFileSyncVersions(FileSync $newFileSync)
KalturaLog::debug('Deleting old file_sync versions for [' . $newFileSync->getId() . ']');
if (kConf::hasParam('num_of_old_file_sync_versions_to_keep')) {
$keepCount = kConf::get('num_of_old_file_sync_versions_to_keep');
if (!is_numeric($newFileSync->getVersion())) {
$intVersion = intval($newFileSync->getVersion());
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(FileSyncPeer::OBJECT_ID, $newFileSync->getObjectId());
$c->add(FileSyncPeer::OBJECT_TYPE, $newFileSync->getObjectType());
$c->add(FileSyncPeer::OBJECT_SUB_TYPE, $newFileSync->getObjectSubType());
$c->add(FileSyncPeer::STATUS, array(FileSync::FILE_SYNC_STATUS_PURGED, FileSync::FILE_SYNC_STATUS_DELETED), Criteria::NOT_IN);
//we limit the number of files to delete in one run so there will be no out of memory issues
$fileSyncs = FileSyncPeer::doSelect($c);
foreach ($fileSyncs as $fileSync) {
if (is_numeric($fileSync->getVersion())) {
$currentIntVersion = intval($fileSync->getVersion());
if ($intVersion - $keepCount > $currentIntVersion) {
$key = kFileSyncUtils::getKeyForFileSync($fileSync);