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PHP eZCache::clearItem方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中eZCache::clearItem方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP eZCache::clearItem方法的具体用法?PHP eZCache::clearItem怎么用?PHP eZCache::clearItem使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在eZCache的用法示例。


示例1: purgeItems

function purgeItems($cacheEntries, $cli, $name)
    global $purgeSleep, $purgeMax, $purgeExpiry;
    if ($name) {
        $name = $cli->stylize('emphasize', $name);
    $cli->output('Purging ' . $name . ': ', false);
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($cacheEntries as $cacheEntry) {
        if ($i > 0) {
            $cli->output(', ', false);
        $cli->output($cli->stylize('emphasize', $cacheEntry['name']), false);
        eZCache::clearItem($cacheEntry, true, 'reportProgress', $purgeSleep, $purgeMax, $purgeExpiry);

示例2: clearByID

  * Finds all cache item which has ID equal to one of the IDs in $idList.
  * You can also submit a single id to $idList.
  * @param array $idList The cache ID list
  * @param bool|array $cacheList The list of caches, default false
 static function clearByID($idList, $cacheList = false)
     if (!$cacheList) {
         $cacheList = eZCache::fetchList();
     $cacheItems = array();
     if (!is_array($idList)) {
         $idList = array($idList);
     foreach ($cacheList as $cacheItem) {
         if (in_array($cacheItem['id'], $idList)) {
             $cacheItems[] = $cacheItem;
     foreach ($cacheItems as $cacheItem) {
     return true;

示例3: internalClear

 private function internalClear($purge, $cacheEntries, $name, $purgeSleep = null, $purgeMax = null, $purgeExpiry = null)
     $this->cli->output(($purge ? 'Purging ' : 'Clearing ') . $this->cli->stylize('emphasize', $name ? $name : 'All cache') . ': ');
     $warnPaths = array();
     foreach ($cacheEntries as $cacheEntry) {
         $absPath = realpath(eZSys::cacheDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cacheEntry['path']);
         $absPathElementCount = count(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, rtrim($absPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)));
         // Refuse to delete root directory ('/' or 'C:\')
         // 2 => since one path element ('/foo') produces two exploded elements
         if ($absPath && $absPathElementCount < 2) {
             $this->cli->error('Refusing to delete root directory! Please check your cache settings. Path: ' . $absPath);
         // Warn if the cache entry is not function based, and the path is outside ezp root, and the path has less than 2 elements
         if ($absPath && (!$purge || !isset($cacheEntry['purge-function'])) && !isset($cacheEntry['function']) && $absPathElementCount < 3 && strpos(dirname($absPath) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, realpath(eZSys::rootDir()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) {
             $warnPaths[] = $absPath;
     if (!empty($warnPaths)) {
         $this->cli->warning('The following cache paths are outside of the eZ Publish root directory, and have less than 2 path elements. ' . 'Are you sure you want to ' . ($purge ? 'purge' : 'clear') . ' them?');
         foreach ($warnPaths as $warnPath) {
         if (function_exists("getUserInput")) {
             $input = getUserInput(($purge ? 'Purge' : 'Clear') . '? yes/no:', array('yes', 'no'));
         } else {
             $validInput = false;
             $readlineExists = function_exists("readline");
             while (!$validInput) {
                 if ($readlineExists) {
                     $input = readline($query);
                 } else {
                     echo $prompt . ' ';
                     $input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
                 if ($acceptValues === false || in_array($input, $acceptValues)) {
                     $validInput = true;
         if ($input === 'no') {
     $firstItem = true;
     foreach ($cacheEntries as $cacheEntry) {
         if ($firstItem) {
             $firstItem = false;
         } else {
             $this->cli->output(', ', false);
         $this->cli->output($this->cli->stylize('emphasize', $cacheEntry['name']), false);
         if ($purge) {
             eZCache::clearItem($cacheEntry, true, array($this, 'reportProgress'), $purgeSleep, $purgeMax, $purgeExpiry);
         } else {
