本文整理汇总了PHP中X_Env::startWith方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP X_Env::startWith方法的具体用法?PHP X_Env::startWith怎么用?PHP X_Env::startWith使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类X_Env
示例1: dispatchRequest
protected function dispatchRequest(Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request, X_Page_ItemList_PItem $items, Zend_Controller_Action $controller)
/* @var $view Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer */
$view = $controller->getHelper('viewRenderer');
/* @var $layout Zend_Layout_Controller_Action_Helper_Layout */
$layout = $controller->getHelper('layout');
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
X_Debug::e("Layout or View not enabled: " . $e->getMessage());
$result = array();
$actionName = $request->getActionName();
$controllerName = $request->getControllerName();
$result['controller'] = $controllerName;
$result['action'] = $actionName;
$result['success'] = true;
$result['items'] = array();
/* @var $urlHelper Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url */
$urlHelper = $controller->getHelper('url');
$skipMethod = array('getCustom', 'getLinkParam', 'getLinkAction', 'getLinkController');
foreach ($items->getItems() as $itemId => $item) {
/* @var $item X_Page_Item_PItem */
$aItem = array();
$methods = get_class_methods(get_class($item));
foreach ($methods as $method) {
if (array_search($method, $skipMethod) !== false) {
if ($method == "getIcon") {
$aItem['icon'] = $request->getBaseUrl() . $item->getIcon();
} elseif (X_Env::startWith($method, 'get')) {
$aItem[lcfirst(substr($method, 3))] = $item->{$method}();
} elseif (X_Env::startWith($method, 'is')) {
$aItem[lcfirst(substr($method, 2))] = $item->{$method}();
$result['items'][] = $aItem;
/* @var $jsonHelper Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Json */
$jsonHelper = $controller->getHelper('Json');
$jsonHelper->direct($result, true, false);
示例2: parse
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see X_PageParser_Parser::parse()
public function parse($string)
switch ($this->mode) {
case self::MODE_TITLES:
return $this->parseTitles($string);
case self::MODE_EPISODES:
return $this->parseEpisodes($string);
case self::MODE_LINKS:
return $this->parseLinks($string);
case self::MODE_NEXTPAGE:
return $this->parseNextPage($string);
throw new Exception("Invalid mode: {" . $this->mode . "}");
// dead code
// first, find the thumb url:
$match = array();
$thumb = false;
preg_match(self::PATTERN_THUMBNAIL, $string, $match);
// avoid relative thumbnails
if (count($match) > 0 && X_Env::startWith($match['image'], 'http://')) {
$thumb = $match['image'];
X_Debug::i("Thumbnail found: {$thumb}");
/* @var $hosterHelper X_VlcShares_Plugins_Helper_Hoster */
$hosterHelper = X_VlcShares_Plugins::helpers()->hoster();
$subparser = X_PageParser_Parser_HosterLinks::factory($hosterHelper, X_PageParser_Parser_Preg::factory(self::PATTERN_LINKS, X_PageParser_Parser_Preg::PREG_MATCH_ALL, PREG_SET_ORDER));
$links = $subparser->parse($string);
X_Debug::i("Valid hosters link found: " . count($links));
// clean results and reformat them
$cleanedLinks = array();
foreach ($links as $link) {
$cLink = array();
$cLink['hosterId'] = $link['hoster']->getId();
$cLink['videoId'] = $link['hoster']->getResourceId($link['url']);
$cLink['label'] = strip_tags($link['label']);
$cLink['link'] = "{$cLink['hosterId']}:{$cLink['videoId']}";
$cLink['thumbnail'] = $thumb;
$cleanedLinks[] = $cLink;
return $cleanedLinks;
示例3: getFSTracks
* Search in $dirPath for sub valid for $filename
* @param string $dirPath
* @param string $filename
public function getFSTracks($dirPath, $filename)
$validTracks = explode('|', $this->config('file.extensions', 'mp3|wav|mpa|mp2a|mpga|wma|ogg|aac|ac3'));
X_Debug::i("Check for subs in {$dirPath} for {$filename} (valid: {$this->config('file.extensions', 'mp3|wav|mpa|mp2a|mpga|wma|ogg|aac|ac3')})");
$dir = new DirectoryIterator($dirPath);
$tracksFound = array();
foreach ($dir as $entry) {
if ($entry->isFile()) {
// se e' un file sub valido
if (array_search(pathinfo($entry->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION), $validTracks) !== false) {
// stessa parte iniziale
if (X_Env::startWith($entry->getFilename(), $filename)) {
X_Debug::i("{$entry} is valid");
$trackName = substr($entry->getFilename(), strlen($filename));
$tracksFound[$validTracks] = array('language' => trim(pathinfo($trackName, PATHINFO_FILENAME), '.'), 'format' => pathinfo($trackName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
return $tracksFound;
示例4: menuProxy
* Call a $menusContainer method following $nodeDefinitions and the current $location provided
* @param X_Page_ItemList_PItem $items
* @param string $location
* @param array $nodesDefinitions
* @param object $menusContainer
* @return X_Page_ItemList_PItem
* @throws Exception
static function menuProxy(X_Page_ItemList_PItem $items, $location = '', $nodesDefinitions = array(), $menusContainer)
if (!is_object($menusContainer)) {
throw new Exception(sprintf("\$menuContainer must be an object, %s given", gettype($menusContainer)));
X_Debug::i("Searching node handler for: {$location}");
foreach ($nodesDefinitions as $nodeSign => $handler) {
@(list($matchType, $matchValue) = @explode(':', $nodeSign, 2));
$validHandler = false;
$method = false;
$params = array($items);
$matches = array();
switch ($matchType) {
case 'exact':
$validHandler = $matchValue == $location;
$method = $handler['function'];
$params = array_merge($params, $handler['params']);
case 'regex':
$validHandler = preg_match($matchValue, $location, $matches) > 0;
$method = $handler['function'];
// optimization: continue only if $validHandler
if ($validHandler) {
foreach ($handler['params'] as $placeholder) {
// if placehoster start with $ char, it's a placehoster from regex
if (X_Env::startWith($placeholder, "\$")) {
// remove the $ char from the beginning of $placehoster
$placeholder = substr($placeholder, 1);
$params[] = array_key_exists($placeholder, $matches) ? $matches[$placeholder] : null;
} else {
$params[] = $placeholder;
// stop loop on first validHandler found
if ($validHandler) {
X_Debug::i(sprintf("Matching NodeSign: %s", $nodeSign));
if (!$validHandler) {
throw new Exception("Provider can't handle this node location: {$location}");
if (!method_exists($menusContainer, $method)) {
throw new Exception(sprintf("Invalid node handler: %s::%s() => %s", get_class($menusContainer), $method, htmlentities($nodeSign)));
$reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($menusContainer, $method);
if (!$reflectionMethod->isPublic()) {
throw new Exception(sprintf("Menu method must be public: ", get_class($menusContainer), $method));
X_Debug::i(sprintf("Calling menu function {%s::%s(%s)}", get_class($menusContainer), $method, print_r($params, true)));
// $items is always the first params item (index 0)
call_user_func_array(array($menusContainer, $method), $params);
return $items;
示例5: getIndexMessages
* Retrieve statistic from plugins
* @param Zend_Controller_Action $this
* @return array The format of the array should be:
* array(
* array(
* 'title' => ITEM TITLE,
* 'label' => ITEM LABEL,
* 'stats' => array(INFO, INFO, INFO),
* 'provider' => array('controller', 'index', array()) // if provider is setted, stats key is ignored
* ), ...
* )
public function getIndexMessages(Zend_Controller_Action $controller)
X_Debug::i('Plugin triggered');
$type = 'warning';
$showError = true;
try {
$backupDir = new DirectoryIterator(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../data/backupper/");
foreach ($backupDir as $entry) {
if ($entry->isFile() && pathinfo($entry->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'xml' && X_Env::startWith($entry->getFilename(), 'backup_')) {
$showError = false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
X_Debug::e("Error while parsing backupper data directory: {$e->getMessage()}");
$showError = $showError && $this->config('alert.enabled', true);
if ($showError) {
$urlHelper = $controller->getHelper('url');
/* @var $urlHelper Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url */
$removeAlertLink = $urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'backupper', 'action' => 'alert', 'status' => 'off'));
$mess = new X_Page_Item_Message($this->getId(), X_Env::_('p_backupper_warningmessage_nobackup') . " <a href=\"{$removeAlertLink}\">" . X_Env::_('p_backupper_warningmessage_nobackupremove') . '</a>');
return new X_Page_ItemList_Message(array($mess));
示例6: restoreAction
function restoreAction()
/* @var $request Zend_Controller_Request_Http */
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
$file = $request->getPost('file', false);
if ($file === false || !X_Env::startWith(realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../data/backupper/{$file}"), realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../data/backupper/")) || !file_exists(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../data/backupper/{$file}")) {
$this->_helper->flashMessenger(array('text' => X_Env::_('p_backupper_err_invalidrestorefile'), 'type' => 'warning'));
$this->_helper->redirector('index', 'backupper');
try {
/* @var $backuppedData Zend_Config_Xml */
$backuppedData = new Zend_Config_Xml(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../data/backupper/{$file}");
$decryptFunction = $backuppedData->metadata->get('decrypt', false);
if ($decryptFunction !== false) {
if (function_exists($decryptFunction)) {
$arrayBackuppedData = $backuppedData->toArray();
$arrayBackuppedData['plugins'] = array_map($decryptFunction, $arrayBackuppedData['plugins']);
} else {
throw new Exception("Unknown decryption function: {$decryptFunction}");
$backuppedData = new Zend_Config($arrayBackuppedData);
} catch (Exception $e) {
X_Debug::e("Error while restoring: {$e->getMessage()}");
$this->_helper->flashMessenger(array('text' => X_Env::_('p_backupper_err_malformedrestorefile'), 'type' => 'error'));
$this->_helper->redirector('index', 'backupper');
//die('<pre>'.var_export($backuppedData->toArray(), true).'</pre>');
$components = $request->getPost('components', array());
if (count($components)) {
$plugins = X_VlcShares_Plugins::broker()->getPlugins();
$items = array();
foreach ($plugins as $pId => $plugin) {
if (array_key_exists($pId, $components) && (bool) $components[$pId]) {
if ($plugin instanceof X_VlcShares_Plugins_BackuppableInterface) {
//$toBackup[$pId] = $plugin;
try {
$data = $backuppedData->plugins->{$pId};
if (!is_object($data) || !method_exists($data, 'toArray')) {
$data = array();
} else {
$data = $data->toArray();
$returned = $plugin->restoreItems($data);
X_Debug::i("Plugins {$pId} restored");
if ($returned) {
$this->_helper->flashMessenger(array('text' => $returned, 'type' => 'info'));
} else {
$this->_helper->flashMessenger(array('text' => X_Env::_('p_backupper_restore_done_plugin') . ": {$pId}", 'type' => 'info'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
X_Debug::e("Error restoring {$pId}: {$e->getMessage()}");
$this->_helper->flashMessenger(array('text' => X_Env::_('p_backupper_err_pluginnotrestored') . ": {$pId}, {$e->getMessage()}", 'type' => 'error'));
$this->_helper->flashMessenger(array('text' => X_Env::_('p_backupper_restore_done'), 'type' => 'info'));
} else {
$this->_helper->flashMessenger(array('text' => X_Env::_('p_backupper_restore_norestoreactionneeded'), 'type' => 'warning'));
$this->_helper->redirector('index', 'backupper');
示例7: fetch
* Fetch info about location
private function fetch()
// if $this->_location should be fetched
// $this->_fetched === false is true
// else all datas are in $this->_fetched (array)
if ($this->_fetched === false) {
if (!$this->options->enabled || !file_exists($this->options->path)) {
X_Debug::e("Helper disabled ({$this->options->enabled}) or wrong path ({$this->options->path})");
$ffmpegOutput = array();
} else {
$ffmpegOutput = $this->_invoke();
//$dom = new Zend_Dom_Query($xmlString);
$fetched = array('source' => $this->_location, 'videos' => array(), 'audios' => array(), 'subs' => array());
//X_Debug::i(var_export($ffmpegOutput, true));
foreach ($ffmpegOutput as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
if ($line == '') {
// jump away from empty line
// we are looking for line like this:
// Stream #0.0(jpn): Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, PAR 1:1 DAR 16:9, 23.98 tbr, 1k tbn, 47.95 tbc
// Stream #0.1(jpn): Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo, s16
// Stream #0.2(ita): Subtitle: 0x0000
// Stream #0.3: Attachment: 0x0000 <--- MKV Menu
//Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (High) (H264 / 0x34363248), yuv420p, 640x480 [SAR 1:1 DAR 4:3], 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 1k tbn, 47.95 tbc (default)
//Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: vorbis, 48000 Hz, stereo, s16 (default)
//Stream #0:2(jpn): Audio: vorbis, 48000 Hz, mono, s16
//Stream #0:3(eng): Subtitle: ssa (default)
//if ( !X_Env::startWith($line, 'Stream #0') ) continue;
$matches = array();
$pattern = '/Stream #(?P<mainid>\\d+)(.|:)(?P<subid>\\d+)(?P<lang>(\\(\\w+\\))?): (?P<type>\\w+): (?P<codec>[^,\\s]+)(?P<extra>.*)/';
if (!preg_match($pattern, $line, $matches)) {
X_Debug::i("Checking line: {$line}");
$language = @$matches['lang'];
$streamID = $matches['subid'];
$streamType = $matches['type'];
$streamFormat = $matches['codec'];
$streamMore = $matches['extra'];
// it's the line we are looking for
// time to split
//list(, $streamID, $streamType, $streamFormat, $streamMore ) = explode(' ', $line, 5);
X_Debug::i("StreamID (raw): $streamID");
X_Debug::i("StreamType (raw): $streamType");
X_Debug::i("StreamFormat (raw): $streamFormat");
X_Debug::i("StreamMore (raw): $streamMore");
// in 0 -> Stream
// in 1 -> #0.StreamID(language): <--- language is present only in mkv files. For avi, no (language)
// in 2 -> StreamType: <---- Video|Audio|Subtitle|Attachment
// in 3 -> StreamFormat, blablabla <--- for audio and video
// OR
// in 3 -> StreamFormat <---- for subtitle and attachment
switch ($streamType) {
case 'Video':
$streamType = 'videos';
case 'Audio':
$streamType = 'audios';
case 'Subtitle':
$streamType = 'subs';
$streamType = false;
if (!$streamType) {
// check for Annotation or unknown type of stream
// time to get the real streamID
//@list($streamID, $language) = explode('(', trim($streamID, '):'), 2);
// in $streamID there is : #0.1
// discard the first piece
//list( , $streamID) = explode('.', ltrim($streamID,'#'), 2);
$infoStream = array();
if ($streamType == 'subs') {
// i don't need format decoding for subs
$infoStream['format'] = trim($streamFormat);
$infoStream['language'] = $language;
} else {
$infoStream = array('codecType' => X_VlcShares_Plugins_Helper_StreaminfoInterface::AVCODEC_UNKNOWN, 'codecName' => X_VlcShares_Plugins_Helper_StreaminfoInterface::AVCODEC_UNKNOWN);
foreach ($this->formatTests as $key => $test) {
$valid = false;
if ($test[0] == $streamFormat) {
$valid = true;
if (count($test) > 1 && !X_Env::startWith(trim($streamMore), $test[1])) {
$valid = false;
if ($valid) {
示例8: getPlayableInfos
* get an array with standard information about the playable
* @param string $url the hoster page or resource ID
* @param boolean $isId
* @return array format:
* array(
* 'title' => TITLE
* 'description' => DESCRIPTION
* 'length' => LENGTH
* ...
* )
function getPlayableInfos($url, $isId = true)
if (!$isId) {
$url = $this->getResourceId($url);
$client = new Zend_Http_Client(sprintf(self::SOURCE_URL, $url), array('headers' => array('User-Agent' => "vlc-shares/" . X_VlcShares::VERSION . " own3d/" . X_VlcShares_Plugins_Own3d::VERSION)));
$xml = $client->request()->getBody();
$dom = simplexml_load_string($xml);
$thumbnail = trim((string) $dom->player[0]->thumb[0]);
$title = trim((string) $dom->channels[0]->channel[0]['name']);
$description = trim((string) $dom->channels[0]->channel[0]['description']);
$pageUrl = trim((string) $dom->channels[0]->channel[0]['ownerLink']);
$item = null;
$streams = array();
$other_i = 0;
foreach ($dom->channels[0]->channel[0]->clip[0]->item as $item) {
// check base and convert cdn url
$cdnType = X_Env::startWith((string) $item['base'], '${cdn') ? substr((string) $item['base'], 5, 1) : "o_" . $other_i++;
foreach ($item->stream as $stream) {
$label = (string) $stream['label'];
$name = (string) $stream['name'];
// remove the part before the ? if any
if (strpos($name, '?') !== false) {
$name = substr($name, strpos($name, '?') + 1);
$url = $this->getEngineUrl((string) $item['base'], $name, $pageUrl);
$sKey = "{$cdnType}_{$label}";
$streams[$sKey] = $url;
X_Debug::i(print_r($streams, true));
return array('title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'thumbnail' => $thumbnail, 'streams' => $streams, 'length' => 0);
示例9: decodePid
protected function decodePid($pid)
my @keys = @{ read_keys()->{pid} };
my @data = split /~/, $encrypted_pid;
return $encrypted_pid if $data[1] eq '';
$splitted = preg_split('/~/', $pid);
if (count($splitted) == 1) {
if (X_Env::startWith($splitted[0], "NO_MORE_RELEASES_PLEASE_")) {
return substr($splitted[0], strlen("NO_MORE_RELEASES_PLEASE_"));
} else {
return $splitted[0];
my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new(pack("H*", $data[1]));
my $tmp = $cipher->decrypt(pack("H*", $data[0]));
$tmp = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, @pack("H*", $splitted[1]), pack("H*", $splitted[0]), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
foreach (self::$KEYS_PID as $key) {
my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new(pack("H*", $key));
my $unencrypted_pid = $cipher->decrypt($tmp);
$unencrypted_pid = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, pack("H*", $key), $tmp, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
// if ($unencrypted_pid =~ /[0-9A-Za-z_-]{32}/) {
if (preg_match('/[0-9A-Za-z_-]{32}/', $unencrypted_pid)) {
if (X_Env::startWith($unencrypted_pid, "NO_MORE_RELEASES_PLEASE_")) {
return substr($unencrypted_pid, strlen("NO_MORE_RELEASES_PLEASE_"));
} else {
return $unencrypted_pid;
if (X_Env::startWith($pid, "NO_MORE_RELEASES_PLEASE_")) {
return substr($pid, strlen("NO_MORE_RELEASES_PLEASE_"));
} else {
return $pid;
示例10: gen_afterPageBuild
public function gen_afterPageBuild(X_Page_ItemList_PItem $list, Zend_Controller_Action $controller)
// force Rendering win over everythings
/*if ( !$this->_forceRendering ) {
if ( !((bool) $this->config('forced.enabled', false)) && !$this->helpers()->devices()->isWiimc() ) return;
// new renderer interface
if (!$this->isDefaultRenderer()) {
X_Debug::i("Plugin triggered");
$request = $controller->getRequest();
$enhanced = $this->helpers()->devices()->isWiimcEnhanced() && $this->config('support.enhanced', true);
$plx = new X_Plx(X_Env::_('p_wiimcplxrenderer_plxtitle_' . $request->getControllerName() . '_' . $request->getActionName()), X_Env::_('p_wiimcplxrenderer_plxdescription_' . $request->getControllerName() . '_' . $request->getActionName()));
// wiimc plus custom tags
if ($enhanced) {
// uses the __call api
// uses the __call api
if ($request->getControllerName() == 'index' && $request->getActionName() == 'collections') {
// uses the __call api
// show the current time as custom playlist header tag if the page is controls/control or browse/stream
if ($request->getControllerName() == 'controls' && $request->getActionName() == 'control' || $request->getControllerName() == 'browse' && $request->getActionName() == 'stream') {
$vlc = X_Vlc::getLastInstance();
if ($vlc) {
// check to be sure that vlc is running right now
$currentTime = X_Env::formatTime($vlc->getCurrentTime());
$totalTime = X_Env::formatTime($vlc->getTotalTime());
// uses the __call api
} elseif ($request->getControllerName() == 'browse' && $request->getActionName() == 'selection') {
// uses the __call api
foreach ($list->getItems() as $i => $item) {
/* @var $item X_Page_Item_PItem */
$plxItemName = ($item->isHighlight() ? '-) ' : '') . $item->getLabel();
$plxItemWiimcplusIcon = null;
switch ($item->getType()) {
case X_Page_Item_PItem::TYPE_CONTAINER:
$plxItemType = X_Plx_Item::TYPE_PLAYLIST;
$plxItemWiimcplusIcon = 'folder';
case X_Page_Item_PItem::TYPE_ELEMENT:
$plxItemType = X_Plx_Item::TYPE_PLAYLIST;
if ($request->getControllerName() == 'browse' && $request->getActionName() == 'share') {
$plxItemWiimcplusIcon = 'file';
case X_Page_Item_PItem::TYPE_REQUEST:
$plxItemType = X_Plx_Item::TYPE_SEARCH;
case X_Page_Item_PItem::TYPE_PLAYABLE:
$plxItemType = X_Plx_Item::TYPE_VIDEO;
$plxItemType = $item->getType();
/* @var $urlHelper Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url */
$urlHelper = $controller->getHelper('url');
$plxItemUrl = $item->isUrl() ? $item->getLink() : X_Env::completeUrl($urlHelper->url($item->getLink(), $item->getRoute(), $item->isReset()));
$plxItem = new X_Plx_Item($plxItemName, $plxItemUrl, $plxItemType);
if ($item->getThumbnail() != null) {
if (X_Env::startWith($item->getThumbnail(), 'http') || X_Env::startWith($item->getThumbnail(), 'https')) {
} else {
if ($enhanced) {
if ($plxItemWiimcplusIcon !== null) {
if ($item->getKey() == 'core-separator') {
if ($item->getKey() == 'core-directwatch') {
if ($item->getCustom('subtitle') != null) {
if ($item->getKey() == 'core-play') {
$this->_render($plx, $controller);
示例11: getPlayableInfos
* get an array with standard information about the playable
* @param string $url the hoster page or resource ID
* @param boolean $isId
* @return array format:
* array(
* 'title' => TITLE
* 'description' => DESCRIPTION
* 'length' => LENGTH
* ...
* )
function getPlayableInfos($url, $isId = true)
if (!$isId) {
$url = $this->getResourceId($url);
// use cached values
if (array_key_exists($url, $this->info_cache)) {
return $this->info_cache[$url];
list($fileId, $fileName) = @explode('/', $url);
if (!$fileId || !$fileName) {
//throw new X_Exception_Hoster_InvalidId("Invalid id {{$id}}"); //TODO 0.5.5+ only
X_Debug::e("Invalid id {{$url}}");
throw new Exception("Invalid id {{$url}}", self::E_ID_INVALID);
// use the api
$http = new Zend_Http_Client(sprintf(self::API_URL_HTTP, 'checkfiles', "files={$fileId}&filenames={$fileName}"));
$text = $http->request()->getBody();
// check for api error response
if (X_Env::startWith($text, 'ERROR:')) {
// error found, get error message
$matches = array();
if (!preg_match('/^ERROR: (?P<error>.*)$/m', $text, $matches)) {
// can't find the error msg. who cares...
X_Debug::e("Invalid id {{$url}}");
throw new Exception("Invalid id {{$url}}", self::E_ID_INVALID);
} else {
X_Debug::e("Invalid id {{$url}}: {$matches['error']}");
throw new Exception("Invalid id {{$url}}: {$matches['error']}", self::E_ID_INVALID);
// normal reponse "fileid,filename,size,serverid,status,shorthost,md5\n"
list(, , $size, , $status, , ) = explode(',', $text, 7);
// md5 + garbage
switch ($status) {
case '1':
// file OK, continue
case '0':
// file not found
X_Debug::e("Invalid id {{$url}}: file not found");
throw new Exception("Invalid id {{$url}}: file not found", self::E_ID_INVALID);
case '3':
// server down
X_Debug::e("Resource unavailable {{$url}}: server is down");
throw new Exception("Resource unavailable {{$url}}: server is down", 101);
// 101 = resource not available in 0.5.5
// 101 = resource not available in 0.5.5
case '4':
// illegal
X_Debug::e("Invalid id {{$url}}: illegal resource");
throw new Exception("Invalid id {{$url}}: illegal resource", 102);
// 101 = resource illegal in 0.5.5
// 101 = resource illegal in 0.5.5
// unknown status code
X_Debug::e("Invalid id {{$url}}: unknown status code {{$status}}");
throw new Exception("Invalid id {{$url}}: unknown status code {{$status}}", 999998);
// 999998 = plugin obsolete in 0.5.5
$infos = array('title' => $fileName, 'size' => $size, 'description' => '', 'length' => 0);
// add in cache
$this->info_cache[$url] = $infos;
return $infos;
示例12: getLinkHosterUrl
private function getLinkHosterUrl($linkId)
try {
/* @var $cacheHelper X_VlcShares_Plugins_Helper_Cache */
$cacheHelper = X_VlcShares_Plugins::helpers()->helper('cache');
$response = $cacheHelper->retrieveItem("raiclick::{$linkId}");
X_Debug::i("Valid cache entry found: {$response}");
return $response;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// no cache plugin or no entry in cache, it's the same
X_Debug::i("Cache disabled or no valid entry found");
// first get the playlist url from the page
$page = X_PageParser_Page::getPage(sprintf(self::URL_PLAYABLE, $linkId), new X_PageParser_Parser_Preg('/videoURL = \\"(?P<url>.*?)\\"/', X_PageParser_Parser_Preg::PREG_MATCH));
$parsed = $page->getParsed();
$url = $parsed['url'];
$hosterLocation = false;
if ($url) {
// check if url schema is mms
if (X_Env::startWith($url, 'mms://')) {
$hosterLocation = $url;
} else {
// the get the video url from the playlist
$page = X_PageParser_Page::getPage($url, new X_PageParser_Parser_Preg('/HREF="(?P<url>.*?)\\"/', X_PageParser_Parser_Preg::PREG_MATCH));
$parsed = $page->getParsed();
$hosterLocation = $parsed['url'];
X_Debug::i("Hoster location resolved: {$hosterLocation}");
try {
/* @var $cacheHelper X_VlcShares_Plugins_Helper_Cache */
$cacheHelper = X_VlcShares_Plugins::helpers()->helper('cache');
$cacheHelper->storeItem("raiclick::{$linkId}", $hosterLocation, 15);
// store for the next 15 min
X_Debug::i("Value stored in cache for 15 min: {key = raiclick::{$linkId}, value = {$hosterLocation}}");
} catch (Exception $e) {
// no cache plugin, next time i have to repeat the request
return $hosterLocation;
示例13: getSelectionItems
* Add megavideo id to jdownloader download queue
* @param string $provider
* @param string $location
* @param string $pid
* @param Zend_Controller_Action $controller
* @return X_Page_ItemList_PItem
public function getSelectionItems($provider, $location, $pid, Zend_Controller_Action $controller)
// we want to expose items only if pid is this plugin
if ($this->getId() != $pid) {
X_Debug::i('Plugin triggered');
$action = $controller->getRequest()->getParam("{$this->getId()}:action", '');
/* @var $jdownloader X_VlcShares_Plugins_Helper_JDownloader */
$jdownloader = $this->helpers('jdownloader');
// IF action = 'start, stop or pause'
// execute the action and return confirm, then exit
if ($action != '') {
try {
if ($action == "start") {
$link = new X_Page_Item_PItem($this->getId() . '-started', X_Env::_('p_jdownloader_selection_started'));
$link->setType(X_Page_Item_PItem::TYPE_ELEMENT)->setLink(array('action' => 'share', 'pid' => null, "{$this->getId()}:action" => null), 'default', false);
return new X_Page_ItemList_PItem(array($link));
if ($action == "pause") {
$link = new X_Page_Item_PItem($this->getId() . '-started', X_Env::_('p_jdownloader_selection_paused'));
$link->setType(X_Page_Item_PItem::TYPE_ELEMENT)->setLink(array('action' => 'share', 'pid' => null, "{$this->getId()}:action" => null), 'default', false);
return new X_Page_ItemList_PItem(array($link));
if ($action == "stop") {
$link = new X_Page_Item_PItem($this->getId() . '-started', X_Env::_('p_jdownloader_selection_stopped'));
$link->setType(X_Page_Item_PItem::TYPE_ELEMENT)->setLink(array('action' => 'share', 'pid' => null, "{$this->getId()}:action" => null), 'default', false);
return new X_Page_ItemList_PItem(array($link));
} catch (Exception $e) {
// connection problems or timeout
$link = new X_Page_Item_PItem($this->getId() . '-error', X_Env::_('p_jdownloader_selection_error_network'));
$link->setType(X_Page_Item_PItem::TYPE_ELEMENT)->setLink(array('action' => 'share', 'pid' => null, "{$this->getId()}:action" => null), 'default', false);
return new X_Page_ItemList_PItem(array($link));
} else {
// else only confirm the addict
/* @var $megavideo X_VlcShares_Plugins_Helper_Megavideo */
$megavideo = $this->helpers('megavideo');
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
// not loaded location yet
X_Debug::i("Force location loading");
$providerObj = X_VlcShares_Plugins::broker()->getPlugins($provider);
if ($providerObj instanceof X_VlcShares_Plugins_ResolverInterface) {
$url = null;
try {
$url = "http://www.megavideo.com/?v=" . $megavideo->getId();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// TODO please, rewrite this piece of code
// it's really a shame
// let's try to get the url from the hoster
try {
switch ($provider) {
// special cases
case 'onlinelibrary':
// hoster/id is stored inside db
$exploded = explode('/', $location);
$exploded = array_pop($exploded);
$video = new Application_Model_Video();
Application_Model_VideosMapper::i()->find($exploded, $video);
$hoster = $video->getHoster();
$videoId = $video->getIdVideo();
// we try to get information by location decoding
// many plugins use a /-divided location with last param in the format of HOSTER:VIDEOID
$exploded = explode('/', $location);
$exploded = array_pop($exploded);
$exploded = explode(':', $exploded, 2);
@(list($hoster, $videoId) = $exploded);
// lets search a valid hoster
$url = $this->helpers()->hoster()->getHoster($hoster)->getHosterUrl($videoId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// simply: provider isn't compatible
// trying direct download
$pObj = X_VlcShares_Plugins::broker()->getPlugins($provider);
if ($pObj instanceof X_VlcShares_Plugins_ResolverInterface) {
$url = $pObj->resolveLocation($location);
if (!X_Env::startWith($url, "http://") && !X_Env::startWith($url, "https://")) {
// not valid, revert changes
$url = null;
示例14: _fetchVideos
private function _fetchVideos(X_Page_ItemList_PItem $items, $type, $letter, $thread)
X_Debug::i("Fetching videos for {$type}/{$letter}/{$thread}");
if ($type == self::TYPE_SERIES_PERGENRE || $type == self::TYPE_SERIES_PERLETTER) {
return $this->_fetchVideosAPI($items, $type, $letter, $thread);
$baseUrl = $this->config('base.url', self::BASE_URL);
// threads for movies have / -> : conversion
$_thread = str_replace(':', '/', $thread);
$baseUrl .= "{$type}/{$_thread}";
$htmlString = $this->_loadPage($baseUrl, true);
// XPATH doesn't work well. Maybe for kanji inside the page, so i use regex
$cleaned = stristr(strstr($htmlString, 'Episodes:'), '</table>', true);
$regexp = "<a\\s[^>]*href=(\"??)([^\" >]*?)\\1[^>]*>(.*)<\\/a>";
if (preg_match_all("/{$regexp}/siU", $cleaned, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
//X_Debug::i(var_export($matches, true));
foreach ($matches as $match) {
// $match[2] = link address
// $match[3] = link text
$label = $match[3];
if ($label == '') {
$label = X_Env::_('p_animeftw_nonamevideo');
$href = $match[2];
// href format: http://www.animeftw.tv/videos/baccano/ep-3
if (X_Env::startWith($href, $this->config('base.url', self::BASE_URL))) {
$href = substr($href, strlen($this->config('base.url', self::BASE_URL)));
// href format: videos/baccano/ep-3
@(list(, , $epName) = explode('/', trim($href, '/')));
// works even without the $epName
$href = $epName;
//$found = true;
X_Debug::i("Valid link found: {$href}");
$item = new X_Page_Item_PItem($this->getId() . "-{$label}", $label);
$item->setIcon('/images/icons/folder_32.png')->setType(X_Page_Item_PItem::TYPE_ELEMENT)->setCustom(__CLASS__ . ':location', "{$type}/{$letter}/{$thread}/{$href}")->setLink(array('action' => 'mode', 'l' => X_Env::encode("{$type}/{$letter}/{$thread}/{$href}")), 'default', false);
if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development') {
示例15: preGetModeItems
* Add button -watch youtube stream directly-
* @param string $provider
* @param string $location
* @param Zend_Controller_Action $controller
public function preGetModeItems($provider, $location, Zend_Controller_Action $controller)
if ($provider != $this->getId()) {
X_Debug::i("Plugin triggered");
// i have to remove default sub provider
// and install the newer one in getModeItems
$url = $this->resolveLocation($location);
if ($url) {
// i have to check for rtsp videos, wiimc can't handle them
if (X_Env::startWith($url, 'rtsp') && $this->helpers()->devices()->isWiimc()) {
$link = new X_Page_Item_PItem('core-directwatch', X_Env::_('p_youtube_watchdirectly'));
// add tag wiimcplus_subtitle for subtitle in direct watching
if ($this->config('closedcaption.enabled', true)) {
/* @var $request Zend_Controller_Request_Http */
$request = $controller->getRequest();
$sub = false;
$lc = $request->getParam($this->getId() . ':sub', false);
if ($lc !== false) {
@(list(, , , $videoId) = explode('/', $location));
$sub = array('controller' => 'youtube', 'action' => 'convert', 'v' => $videoId, 'l' => $lc, 'f' => 'file.srt');
/* @var $urlHelper Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url */
$urlHelper = $controller->getHelper('url');
if ($sub !== false) {
$link->setCustom('subtitle', X_Env::completeUrl($urlHelper->url($sub, 'default', true)));
X_Debug::i("CC-XML to SRT Url: " . X_Env::completeUrl($urlHelper->url($sub, 'default', true)));
@(list(, , , $videoId) = explode('/', $location));
$link2 = new X_Page_Item_PItem('core-directwatch', "Watch throught WIIMC");
return new X_Page_ItemList_PItem(array($link, $link2));
} else {
// if there is no link, i have to remove start-vlc button
// and replace it with a Warning button
X_Debug::i('Setting priority to filterModeItems');
$this->setPriority('filterModeItems', 99);
$link = new X_Page_Item_PItem('youtube-warning', X_Env::_('p_youtube_invalidyoutube'));
$link->setIcon('/images/msg_error.png')->setType(X_Page_Item_PItem::TYPE_ELEMENT)->setLink(array('controller' => 'browse', 'action' => 'share', 'p' => $this->getId(), 'l' => X_Env::encode($this->getParentLocation($location))), 'default', true);
return new X_Page_ItemList_PItem(array($link));